
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-09 15:22:20 UTC in vault item: Fan Light Trick Comment #3229
sweet, that's all I can say
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-09 08:49:01 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3228
..Actually your right, she does have the face of a deranged musk ox. But still, y'know what I mean?! (lol)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-09 06:41:58 UTC in vault item: Knives Only Comment #3226
woah! I love the knife model! Where? Where? Where? and You got call money symbols and stuff! Where? Where? Where?
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-09 01:56:40 UTC in vault item: Starshiptroopers Comment #3225
This is not what I call nice work, In fact i would say that a minium amount of effort went into this map. The models didn't even work and the scientist wasn't even sitting in his seat. Also, there were alot of miss-aligned textures. Also there no H.E.V. suit and the dead soldier kept falling through the ground and then came back down though the sky and repeated over and over. This map needs to be taken out of the completed section and put in the unfinished, and then actually finished. 1 star.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-09 01:34:09 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3224
This is kind of a gift to everyone, since everyone can download it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 19:58:49 UTC in vault item: DM_X Comment #3223
+Good item placement
+Seems like it'd be fun (i didn't play it online)
-Some of the rocks are too thin
-The rocks are like walls
-Not enough detail

3/5, Sorry, but it doen't look like you'll be mapping for the jedi mod.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 18:33:11 UTC in vault item: fy_GanjaFarm Comment #3222
or it could be stop bob marley from stealing all the ganja? :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 16:16:15 UTC in vault item: Sandyfalls Comment #3221
what the hell is up wit my maps, screw this, as of tomorrow I'm re-compiling my maps and putting them back up WITHOUT using the CSTRIKE wad in Hammer!!!!! argh! FOOK!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 14:02:41 UTC in vault item: de_whiteboy Comment #3220
what kind of name is whiteboy.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 12:01:58 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3219
**And your *gift is ... the attached file :)***
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 11:59:08 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3218
Aha u got it Silent! And your is...
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 08:22:01 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3217
q[...Jeeezus, if your gonna add a woman to it atleast make it Anna Kournikova! Man what's the matter with you!?]q

You would'nt understand. Anna Kournikove! Teehee, yer crazy?
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-08 07:31:33 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3215
...Jeeezus, if your gonna add a woman to it atleast make it Anna Kournikova! Man what's the matter with you!?
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 15:56:22 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3214
Apple IPod
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 15:52:31 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3213
Is it an Ipod?
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 15:49:38 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3212
hmm... what about...

-A pocket organizer
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 15:44:11 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3211
er.... remote!, controller!, floppy disk!, phone?, calculator?, <<are any of those right?<<
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 14:02:07 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3210
Right... :/
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 13:25:17 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3209
i guess not.. that "If ur thinking..." was my post.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 13:24:12 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3208
woah did this get so long that all new posts are going to muzzleflashes post???:Davideo59
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 13:22:44 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3207
(Silent gunz is right on what it is, just come up with the name.)
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 13:20:50 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3206
OMG what item stands out?!?!?! Its on the table with the birthday presents....
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 12:32:48 UTC in vault item: Underground Facility Comment #3205
Quite nice.
The pillars look stupid though, remove the basements.
These are no greek style pillars. :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 10:25:01 UTC in vault item: Scientist factory Comment #3204
very funny but there should have been more ways to quality control ur scientsist ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 09:11:40 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3203
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-07 09:00:51 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3202
"If your thinking of making a rat's map out of this then you need to add more passage ways (like the ones that rats crawl through) and u gotta gets some guns and stuff."

Well, DUH! What do you think im doing these days?

Yay for floater. :)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 20:22:32 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3199
YEAH, IT'S WORKING NOW. oops, i had caps-lock on.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 20:01:48 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3198
err... i know!! you got a nice wooden door!! or a couch!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 19:37:36 UTC in vault item: Abandoned Comment #3197
i like your map in my opinion and i really like the lighting even though its kinda dark
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 17:31:33 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3196
Or a dead guy... jk.

Did you get that weird little disk/video tape/white thing that is next to the presents?
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 17:19:32 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3195
i know what you got!!!

a dunce hat!
or a bunch of presents with nothing in them!
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 15:43:49 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3194
lol the dead guy was on the couch
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 14:39:31 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3193
Einstein came to your party??? Wow, you're lucky... I always wanted a dead guy at my party!
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 13:51:28 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3192
If your thinking of making a rat's map out of this then you need to add more passage ways (like the ones that rats crawl through) and u gotta gets some guns and stuff.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 13:43:02 UTC in vault item: lift_WAR Comment #3191
they all got origins?
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 12:59:16 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3190
"Thats the Japanese import version of "J'en ai Marre". Pretty cool. Ow, and its "Mes Courant Electriqeus"! :)"

hehe yeah my french isn't so great :o And i couldn't find my "Mes Courant Electriqeus" cd case so i winged it. :) thanks for the info! btw, when did "J'en ai Marre" come out? ...don't get much Alizee news dans etats unis.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 12:06:53 UTC in vault item: Birth Day Party Comment #3189
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 09:57:10 UTC in vault item: Scientist factory Comment #3188
wtf how'd this not get a place in the trophys....the 2nd and 3rd place maps looked nooby and had big bugs (like not all buttons had to be pressed on one). This one should of at least got a medal...this is an injustice :S
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 09:08:30 UTC in vault item: Dream1 Comment #3187
this is the map for that dream thing :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 09:05:35 UTC in vault item: Camp Aign Comment #3186
when i get to chapter 2 there is 2 zombies and then nothing else is that al or is there more?
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 08:39:07 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3185
It should work now.
whats that cd next to contres courants?
Thats the Japanese import version of "J'en ai Marre". Pretty cool. Ow, and its "Mes Courant Electriqeus"! :)

The Download must work now.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 08:33:22 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3184
Hmmm, floater, i scaled the map by 8, thats big enough.

For those of you who have trouble downloading the file, ill rename .zip to... err... .lol. So you can download it, and then re-renamce .lol to .zip again.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 07:31:49 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3183
"It'll be the best damn room map ever."

Know that you're up against Dutch mappers... ;)
Good luck anyway!
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 06:42:11 UTC in vault item: Sandyfalls Comment #3182
AHH I wanted to play it but when it trys to load it says, "cant find CSTRIKE.WAD", AHHHH!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 06:32:22 UTC in vault item: Code Red! Comment #3181
Quite fun, but doesn't look very convincing.
Commented 19 years ago2004-08-06 06:24:25 UTC in vault item: My Room Comment #3180
Nice map, awful hosting. Get better hosting from

I'm gunna make my room too. It'll be the best damn room map ever.

Oh, and I put the URL in the description for you.
