
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 16:26:42 UTC in vault item: SwirusMap (call it "Dream") Comment #2773
You also need to make getting the antidote easier.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 15:11:07 UTC in vault item: de_sandmonkey Comment #2772
i dunno.. :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 12:48:10 UTC in vault item: cs_2fort Comment #2771
If you don't want to play capture the flag all the time, just take away all the ctf stuff for other maps.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 11:56:02 UTC in vault item: SwirusMap (call it "Dream") Comment #2770
btw i'm almost done with texturing, still need to download only 1 wad more to download and i'll be done.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 11:54:42 UTC in vault item: SwirusMap (call it "Dream") Comment #2769
So? Any1 already know why those boxes in water room don't float properly?
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Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 06:38:01 UTC in vault item: Boat in water (func_traintrack) Comment #2767
did you look under the water?
i've never tried to make a boat on water, because i've been told it's impossible as the moving entity cannot rest on top of the water entity, it's simply not possible. what i would advise you to try, is to use an animated texture for the water ( simply clip the sides of the boat so the player can't leave until he get's to the "shore"
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 06:34:58 UTC in vault item: Bowling Problems Comment #2766
hahahah, this looks promising, i like this map already =)
try using a clip brush to stop the player walking onto the lane.
and strip the player of his guns, so he can't shoot the pins.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 06:32:51 UTC in vault item: Overhead door Comment #2765
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 06:32:29 UTC in vault item: Overhead door Comment #2764
you want the door to go up? then down, tied to a button?
have you thought of using a func_door? tick the reletive flags and create a button that targets the door.
this really isn't that hard.
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Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 04:17:00 UTC in vault item: Hacking Comment #2762
nice level, and the grunts are fun too
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-18 03:01:38 UTC in vault item: SwirusMap (call it "Dream") Comment #2761
Turn the rating feature off if you don't want ratings.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 23:37:46 UTC in vault item: de_dust_tjk_beta_1 Comment #2760
Why is teh screen of an error message? It helps to post an in-game shot so I know it actually works and I dont waste 5 minutes of my life on a non-working map.
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Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 17:49:51 UTC in vault item: Pharaohs Comment #2757
Great map with good textures to reflect the theme. Only problem is that there are a few places where a player is prone to getting stuck.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 16:38:30 UTC in vault item: Pharaohs Comment #2756
Good map, the only thing is the hallways could do with being arched.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 16:22:46 UTC in vault item: fy_GanjaFarm Comment #2755
dam i like your maps but where can i get the WADs for 'em or maybe you could send them to me i could use as many WADs as i can . < mail> >>>> <<<<
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 11:53:47 UTC in vault item: 1 day and i know nothing about mapping Comment #2754
My suggestion is to delete this map from here. Then read some tutorials on this site for tips and suggestions. Start with the 'In the beginning' series of tutorials. It will show you much of what you have done wrong.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 11:21:36 UTC in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty) Comment #2753
It wouldn't compile for me, but here's a screenshot of the map in hammer. My advice is to delete this mapvault entry, fix the problems and re-submit it.
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Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 07:07:06 UTC in vault item: SwirusMap (call it "Dream") Comment #2751
lol when i've taken antidote it stopped taking damage after 4 secs, thats not finished map to play actualy. I've need to texture it, add better lighting fix boxes and scientcist AND add a text msg so that you know what to do (something like: A button. But how can i acctivate it?) i'll add another sectiosn of that map or just make onother (continuations). I'll repeat THATS NOT version for map for ratings. Thats a PROBLEM map. Wait ti'll i'm done, textures are crap i'm still looking for some cool ones on net (and don't rate, you can actually tell me what to fix. )
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 06:59:11 UTC in vault item: Heads Up Comment #2750
good active map with good lay out etc.
but you have only used like 5 textures for it all, try to use a few more textures
but other wise good map
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 06:50:18 UTC in vault item: Defcon 1 Comment #2749
you should change the cyclinder from white to another colour though cos it look s as if you just forgot to texture them
and notihng in the real world is that white really, for long neway
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 02:39:03 UTC in vault item: Hostile Takeover Comment #2748
Upon further consideration, I believe this map deserves 2.5 stars instead of 1.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-17 00:23:54 UTC in vault item: Defcon 1 Comment #2747
You know, I never thought of putting some tunnels in there. That's a pretty good idea. I was considering getting rid of the whole train idea but I didn't want it to just have a wall going all the way around. As far as the white cylinders, they're fuel containers like the ones you see in the fuel room. Just simulating how the rockets get fuel delivered to them. Anyways, thanks for the tunnel tip. If I get enough feedback i'd definitely consider putting that in.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 23:53:05 UTC in vault item: SwirusMap (call it "Dream") Comment #2746
That map is crap. It took me about an hour to figure out how to get into the water room. And whats up with the constant damage? I picked up the antidote, but I was still being damaged. This map really sucks! I would give it 0/5, but 1/5 is the min.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 19:44:37 UTC in vault item: Defcon 1 Comment #2745
i think this is a very good map for a first attempt
it has good texturin (mostly)
active environment
but the train area, there are white cylinders there , why? it doesnt fit the rest of the map, and the train track goes to nowhere, if u put a tunnel at each end but just make it a wall lookin like a tunnel with maybe no light it could look better
but still a good first map
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 17:32:51 UTC in vault item: Defcon 1 Comment #2744
Wadinclude egypt.wad.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 17:03:05 UTC in vault item: Hostile Takeover Comment #2743
Someone suggested I get more involved with TWHL. Ok, I will. Well where should I begin? How about the beginning. The fade ins take way to long, just let me play, especially since the map is so short. Who wants to spend a fifth of the time it takes to complete this tiny map in complete darkness. The computers and the entire room for that matter look like crap. Just a big block with identical computers cycling through the identical animating textures at the same exact time.
Theres no detail anywhere in the map that I could see. Just basic blocks with poorly alligned textures on them (like on that sign by the sparking door and many other places.) The slanting texture on the walls of the ramp looks rediculous. Learn to apply textures.

Those cylinders with the gray glass that do nothing look awful. I dont even know where to start with them. So I'll just say the look terrible. That whole room looks way too repetitive and boring. The whole map was boring for that matter. What is there to do in it? You walk down 2 hallways and a through a room, see some stupid looking puff of smoke, and shoot a few sollys and one monster. Big deal.
Since the whole map looks like it took you 10 minutes to make, I suggest starting over, AFTER you read the beginning tuts here and learning how to make something other than boxes and a cylender.

Very poor attempt at a hl map. I'd give zero stars, but the lowest I'm allowed to give is 1.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 15:32:15 UTC in vault item: Hostile Takeover Comment #2742
Sort out the lighting!
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 15:19:10 UTC in vault item: Hostile Takeover Comment #2741
why the hell has this been voted down from the last version?
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:52:31 UTC in vault item: fun_fallwar Comment #2740
description? screenshot? no1 will download this without them.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:52:01 UTC in vault item: de_dust_tjk_beta_1 Comment #2739
dont double post maps
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:42:59 UTC in vault item: Monstermakers Comment #2738
nice idea
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:42:04 UTC in vault item: 1 day and i know nothing about mapping Comment #2737
of u dont KNOW you dont POST. never release your first map intul yuor experienced enough so you can post it for a laugh.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:31:57 UTC in vault item: Hostile Takeover Comment #2736
2 stars? it had 3 before i updated.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:27:36 UTC in vault item: 1 day and i know nothing about mapping Comment #2735
oh ffs. completed maps? please read tutorials and check out the forums
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Commented 20 years ago2004-07-16 06:55:28 UTC in vault item: Water Flood Comment #2732
lol I thought that will be MUCH harder :o i'm now going to use that trick with my maps.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 18:40:37 UTC in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty) Comment #2729
from the .map i see the following:

deathmatch map. al arge tube with a mouth at the bottom. players start on platforms around the mouth. some players start directly over the mouth. you fall into the mouth and land in acid which kill you. uneccasery null texturing on faces you dont see, a skybox around the map with (for some reason) null texturing on inside faces. very messy brushwork. for osme reason you used a trigger multiple to target the gibshooters rather than just a trigger_ato. you seem to have complied it with the honda_1.wad which i think is a hlrally wad. i dont relaly know what to say...
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 18:33:09 UTC in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty) Comment #2728
well it appears you either used wads and didnt includ them, or you compiled with wads you didnt need in the configuration of hammer. recompile please.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 18:27:54 UTC in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty) Comment #2727
lol, its got a bsp and map.

btw, dont give out the .map unless you want other people to be able to edit it! you only need the bsp! ill rate it in a minute
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 15:06:48 UTC in vault item: The Discombobulator Comment #2726
Curse their stupidity. I shoulda set it to kill the player as soon as one of them dies... oh well.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 14:22:23 UTC in vault item: My first map Comment #2725
If this is your first map then i must say i'm impressed. It looks a lot better than my first..heh
Keep up the good work! :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 12:27:39 UTC in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty) Comment #2724
its 188kb of nothing no rmf, no bsp, no map. nothing!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 10:09:33 UTC in vault item: The Discombobulator Comment #2723
p.s. i took a screen if you dont believe me :P