
Commented 8 months ago2023-09-05 23:36:12 UTC in vault item: Contact Established Comment #105529
A very nice little map pack. Short, sweet and channelling the feeling of the early map packs of the 2000s. I love the little details dotted throughout, though there are spots where things look a little bare. The cafeteria for example, with only a single table and no seating.

Combat encounters throughout are pretty nice and we fight quite a large selection of enemies from Half-Life's roster, including the alien grunts in the later sections.

It would be nice to see some more verticality as you have already said yourself, but it was nice to see some sections where you could catch the enemies by surprise, or the occasional spot where areas were repopulated with enemies for return trips. I will say that playing on medium, I didn't find it particularly challenging. I was practically tripping over health kits that I didn't need and I had plenty of suit power meaning if I ever did get hit the damage was negligible. Giving some enemies like the HECU more room to manoeuvrer and to get around the player and flank them, or perhaps just increasing the enemy count in some places would do wonders to upscale the difficulty a little.
Commented 8 months ago2023-09-05 10:28:21 UTC in vault item: Contact Established Comment #105528
Thanks for the kind words both of you.

The ending is abrupt indeed, for my next project I'll try to make a longer experience, my workflow at the moment is very slow and I honestly just wanted to be done with it hah.

Other things I'd like to improve are: more verticality in the level design, varying depth/details on the walls and ceiling and better npc encounters since I feel the HL enemies really shine when there's more opportunities for them to ambush and flank you while as of now the arenas don't have any obstacles or things like pillars and they are just kind of standing still in open places.

On ModDB: for now I'd rather this to only remain hosted in TWHL.
Commented 8 months ago2023-09-05 08:40:00 UTC in vault item: Contact Established Comment #105527
It's finally up, nice job. Like I said before, this is a pretty sweet and nicely polished mappack. It can pass as an early 2000s release and I say that as a big compliment :D

Be sure to upload it to ModDB also to get more publicity.
Commented 8 months ago2023-09-05 01:20:11 UTC in vault item: Contact Established Comment #105526
This is an actually very good mappack, it definitely has the look and feel of old school TWHL. My only complain is that the ending was a bit abrupt.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 months ago2023-09-04 16:56:49 UTC in journal: So... that crazy Half-Life 3 estimate I made Comment #105524
if we get a new half life it'll problaby be called or aftermath or just half life 4, maybe hl3 but who knows
Commented 8 months ago2023-09-04 16:41:42 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Non-coding workarounds for your mod Comment #105523
Here to clarify what "loading screen" means. It's the moment after the game entered fullscreen and before the main menu shows. It's actually not the time when the maps are loading (I tested) so you're actually only seeing it for a fraction of a second tops. No wonder nobody bothers making a custom one.
Commented 9 months ago2023-09-01 01:46:57 UTC in vault item: Half Life Deep Space Demo Comment #105522
It's alright. Some good ideas and fine enemy encounters, i agree with AfroApe on that one crate stack, took me a good few minutes to find that. The architecture of each room is very bland but you do have some pretty okay brushwork on the props in the room.

Keep up the mapping, you will only get better with time and experience.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-31 12:11:09 UTC in vault item: Lab Hunt Comment #105521
Not a bad little map this one. It starts with you meeting Barney in a side room and then you have to lead him through the labs. You'll find yourself navigating vents and leaping over lasers in order to help him get through. The map even reloads if you get him killed and ends when you reach your goal. Something I'm used to not seeing in early mapping attempts.

If I had to criticise anything I would say the looks are a little bland and the layout makes little sense in-universe. The player starts in a dead end hallway with no form of entrance behind them. A tank busts through a wall, having been seemingly parked in an otherwise inaccessible room. Also, there are some spots like Barney's room where there is no node graph, so you have to carefully guide him through the doorway.

Appearance wise, I'd put more effort into giving the rooms an in-universe purpose, as well as experimenting with some height variation for combat/exploration, and some different lighting in places. Definite improvement here though. Nice work.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-29 22:43:31 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105520
Nobody can take away your free will. People are always who they want to be :)
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-29 13:32:39 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105519
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-29 12:54:54 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105518
I think the whole idea of "loving" a job is not right in the first place. How can you love a dead thing? You can love people, and people can love you back.
It depends on how you define a job. To some people, a job is merely a contract. To me, a job is some paid activity + people relevant to that activity. So indeed if I love that job, I love the people, and I love performing the activity partly because of passion and partly because of the people.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-29 09:30:33 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105517
I guess the only thing 100% certain , and unchangeable , is death. Everything else can, will and must change regarding of the situation it is in. I studied , and finished schooling, for a computer programmer, yet my expertise is servicing electronical components , most of the time Hi-Fi , for a living. - It matters not what one does, but the way one does things.

I had to accept and change regarding my situation, and as life will show so must everyone else, unless one wants to needlessly suffer for all the wrong reasons. Harsh truth is - It is always your fault if you cant find a job that matches your academic direction. Either you are not expert enough, or not determined enough. No matter where the expert is, the employer will come to them.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-29 08:10:05 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105516
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-29 06:33:00 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105515
I think the whole idea of "loving" a job is not right in the first place. How can you love a dead thing? You can love people, and people can love you back.
A job is a job, only one way to do it if you want to do it right. Nobody likes responsibility especially if it has to cover someone else, and that can cause a lot of stress, so the best thing to do it is to simply take it for what it is - a timely process that has to be done precisely in order to get payed - or in short - a job :)
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-28 13:21:17 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105514
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-28 13:05:40 UTC in journal: 闲记杂谈Blah Comment #105513
Translation: "It's hard to find a job..."

It is kind of easy, I'd say. The hard thing is to find a job that you love.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-28 09:33:59 UTC in vault item: Half Life Deep Space Demo Comment #105512
Pretty good. I liked scripted sequence at the beginning. Nicely detailed crates, but put some clue that there is a path behind that one crate stack. Also they have too much life, somone might think that there is no point in bashing them.

In overall solid start, you can always try to tinker with rooms so they look less squere - "props" won't do the whole job :D

Short but fun, gargantua escape at the end was nice touch
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-26 18:12:22 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105510
I would prefer a community that is nice to talk to.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-26 17:54:27 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105509
I would prefer a community where nobody says thanks over a community where anyone is forced to say thanks.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-26 10:26:46 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105508
I see Bruce would prefer a community where nobody says thanks
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-24 21:59:18 UTC in vault item: Lunchtime Comment #105507
Funny ending! I had to noclip around the scientist in the vent because I get an "ed_aloc: no free" error when he gibs.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-24 13:51:57 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #105506
The transparent texture for the holes on the shotgun looks a bit bad, I would rather see some low poly holes but I think there should not be a problem with more polygons. Half-Life originally doesn't have models with transparent textures too, since transparent textures for models were added to the engine with a certain patch.

The field of view trick was probably more useful back in the day when monitors were very small, since if you used a natural field of view on a small monitor, as in the game looking like the real world, you would end up with a tiny field of view and see very little of the world. Nowadays when many people have big monitors, setting the field of view to a realistic one should get rid of things looking small. Not for me though, I'm stuck with a 17 inch one right now.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-24 11:24:28 UTC in vault item: Flow Control Comment #105505
@Bruce I changed it of my own free will. It's a creative decision.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-24 08:37:22 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #105504
A lot of these are great but the glock and the MP5 look a little off in game. They're missing the trick Valve used to counter the fisheye lens effect in Half-Life, making the barrel end of the model larger. As it stands the barrel of the MP5 and Glock in this pack look a little small in game. The 357 and Shotgun are perfect examples of what I mean. They look great.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-22 20:26:28 UTC in vault item: Flow Control Comment #105503
This was not a request from TWHL staff. The user reposted their link on the Discord server stating:
I made it sfw. It is now milk.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-22 17:19:08 UTC in vault item: Flow Control Comment #105502
Wow, what's with this renaming? The old name was witty and funny, now it's disgusting. The old name by the way was "Hunt Down the Semen". And there's nothing wrong with it, first graders should be taught what semen is.

I really hope this was not a request from the staff.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-22 16:23:31 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #105501
that spas is absolutely adorable, nice work!
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-22 05:32:10 UTC in vault item: Flow Control Comment #105500
I broke it too by pressing the elevator button before taking the suit.

You wasted a lot of hard drive space by including those .wad files, you should learn to use wadinclude compile option, then unused textures will be stripped.

I found it amusing. It's not that bad. There's voice acting, teleporting monsters, backtracking, scripted sequences.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-22 01:17:05 UTC in vault item: Flow Control Comment #105499
@UrbaNebula Bold of you to write a real review for a level called "Hunt Down the Semen"
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-21 21:17:04 UTC in vault item: Flow Control Comment #105498
Incredibly basic in every regard. Levels are blocky and lack any detailing, lighting almost appears fullbright in certain spots for some reason. Combat throughout is unchallenging, I took zero damage during my playthrough. The mod essentially boils down to running down empty hallways to push a button, then running all the way back to push another button. I figured it was going to be a comedy themed mod but... there's nothing of any value here, unless words like "fuck" and "semen" make you laugh.

Couple of things to note:
1. Don't include your config.cfg with your mod release. Your control and video settings are not my control and video settings.
2. It is also possible to softlock the entire thing if you pick up the HEV and don't immediately run for the elevator in map1.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-21 20:17:24 UTC in journal: So... that crazy Half-Life 3 estimate I made Comment #105497
You're a Valve's own Nostradamus haha!

Unfortunately, I did have the curiosity to scroll and see if I left a comment. I did. The image is not available anymore but I know exactly the photo which prompted a short expedition through dusty folders on a dusty backup drive where I had an imageshack backup (that service is long gone I think).

The image was this:

[EDIT] Well on a sober 2nd thought, maybe not.

I have no idea....
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-21 15:10:14 UTC in journal: Bringing a 20 year old map back to life Comment #105495
Necromancy! That's what it is!
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-20 02:23:43 UTC in vault item: Teh best Half Life mod of all!!!!!!! Comment #105494
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-20 00:50:53 UTC in vault item: Teh best Half Life mod of all!!!!!!! Comment #105493
The mod did looked promising, but its actually dissapointing. First off, this is a joke mod and clearly very little effort was put into this. There are too many enemies in some parts of the map, and while the map gives you a lot of ammo and health it can be very difficult to progress without the help of cheats, even on Easy mode. Some parts were excellent, like the NFT parkour and some miserably sucked, like the maze with all of the ichthyosaurs. Some, if not all of the maps textures were just random HL textures and memes, wich made locating stuff like doors and ladders very frustating. In some other parts, it wasn´t very clear on where to go (at least for me).

But again, this is a joke mod, so its very low effort and poorly done in some parts. Id recommend you to check out Crack-Life, another joke mod that is actually very well done.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-19 20:26:43 UTC in journal: So... that crazy Half-Life 3 estimate I made Comment #105492
I wasn't ready to realise it's already almost 16 years since Ep2, gosh.

As you say, at least we've gotten a new HL game already, even if it wasn't HL3. 😄
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-19 18:48:30 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #105491
Thanks for the feedback! :) I have a new shotgun reload animation in the works; it'll be much closer to the original view model reload. I'll also provide an optional version without the rack. My intent is to edit the player & world models so that everything matches, but, that's low priority at the moment.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-19 15:50:50 UTC in vault item: sv_prefab Comment #105490
time saver.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-18 08:47:40 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105489
You seem to think that merely discussing behaviour means establishing new rules, which it inherently isn't. A proposal for a rule may be brought up during a discussion, but that's not what has happened here. If you're worried a community is going to establish excessive or unnecessary rules, the best thing to do in that case is to discuss it and address the cause for why those rules were proposed in the first place.

The rules already in place on the site (and the discord you keep bringing up for whatever reason) are few and non-intrusive. As the context here is this community, are these the rules you view as "completely useless, dictatorial and rude"?

And no, I'm not here to educate anyone on social behaviour. I'm simply just airing my thoughts about a specific part of how we behave in this community, since I'm a part of it.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-18 06:19:18 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105488
I answer mapping questions for decades and I don't mind if they never thank. Someone else might ten or twenty years later. But only if you use the forum, not that disposable abomination. Evil is both. Too many rules are creeping upon people these days. Rules that are completely useless, dictatorial and rude. If you want to educate people on social behavior then become a kid's teacher in the primary school.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-18 06:16:41 UTC in journal: Bringing a 20 year old map back to life Comment #105487
I actually played that func_vehicle invade-the-building one! It had some unique gameplay combined with the jankiness of the goldsrc physics which made it a very fun map 😄
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-18 04:28:37 UTC in vault item: Lunchtime Comment #105486
Not that bad, it feels like a map someone would make to try to learn how scripted sequences work and such.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-18 04:04:24 UTC in journal: Bringing a 20 year old map back to life Comment #105485
Gosh it's a little hard to remember what maps I made that actually saw release. I feel like back in those days a 'release' consisted of a forum post and a link to the map on a file sharing website (I think fileplanet was one?). It was difficult to get people to play new maps. Servers weren't interested in running them because downloads from the game server were excruciatingly slow, especially on 56k with maps having a lot of custom assets, so most people would drop out once a new map started loading. This is before in-game systems for voting on the next map or anything like that.

Anyhow, I think the most popular map I released in terms of hours played was actually a re-texture and re-model of cs_militia. The author of that map released the .rmf file at some point, so a lot of people made their own versions of it. I made new textures for it, re-did all the rocks, and added some other niceties here and there. It was called cs_militia_qe and I think it made it onto some servers for a while.
I also did a de_dust retexture, as was the style at the time. The .wad for de_dust was unbelievably popular in those days. This is because they were some of the best textures available, and aesthetically quite apart from the industrial/lab stuff that most people had access to. As I mentioned, this is also probably because the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were very central in the public consciousness. A lot of movies, games, and popular media spoke to this as well, and our maps inevitably reflect the spirit of their times. Anyhow, a good way to get your name out there as a texture artist was to make alternate versions of the de_dust.wad, because mappers who've already made their map using that wad can plug in yours instead, and instantly have a more distinctive product.
de_dust re-texturede_dust re-texture
Another map I remember getting some play was a super rough experiment I made when drivable vehicles were first introduced into Counter-Strike (I think maybe Beta 7?) I made a giant track that was pretty close to the limits of the engine, and a drivable two-storey 'building'. One team had control of the drivable building, the other team only had a little cart to chase them. The object was to invade the building as it was driving. The physics were really bizarre but I remember it somewhat working and being a lot of fun. I think the map was called raceomatic, or something like that. It is out there somewhere but I've lost track of a playable version.
I forgot what this one was calledI forgot what this one was called
Finally, I think I released a dustbowl-style map called snowbowl for TFC. I don't have the source material any more and I can't seem to find it online, so very little information remains.
Just going through my files and trying to dredge up memories, it seems like I spent more of my time trying to make maps and textures for Counter-Strike. But I spent more of my gaming time playing TFC. This is probably why there are more CS maps here.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-17 22:26:20 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105484
If someone takes the time to help you, the least you can do is express appreciation for their time and effort by thanking them. It makes them happy and shows that you care. If you can't be bothered to do that, the person who helped you will remember and be unwilling to help you again.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-17 21:01:16 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105483
Oh, you were actually being serious. Reverse Poe's Law, I guess.

Well then. First of all, I haven't told anyone how to behave in my post (the closest to it is stating that it's rude to not thank someone for the help, because that's what it is). My final paragraph is directly addressing this.

Secondly, when you call "this" evil, are you referring to my post or to the act of telling someone to behave?
Either way, taking into consideration that we as people are social animals, and that this is a community, having discussions about norms, culture and behaviour is the healthy and good thing to do. In other words, it's beneficial to the majority in this context, i.e. it's what's morally good (for the community) here.
Not having this type of discussion will cause harmful and anti-social behaviour to go unaddressed and unchallenged, in turn harming the community and hurting its members. As this leads to a negative outcome for the majority, it can't be anything but morally evil (towards the community) in this context.

Of course, morals are relative. Perhaps your morals are based on what's good and un-impeding to yourself, and screw everyone else?
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-17 19:46:57 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105482
I'm directly telling you your behaviour is wrong and I don't care the slightest bit if you change.

If there is one thing that is harming TWHL, it's the use of that disposable pile of crap called Discord.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-17 07:20:37 UTC in journal: Bringing a 20 year old map back to life Comment #105481
Welcome to TWHL! Always great to see more TFC content and returning veterans 😄 I already took a quick look at the map and it looks great!
(By the way, the Vault has a listing for Team Fortress Classic for the Game category, since I noticed you used HL) ;)
Edit: Just read the description in the vault entry 😅 There are still some people left still playing TFC (myself included!) so please don't feel discouraged from finishing it

Out of curiosity, since you said you released a few maps, which ones? I've played a lot of TFC through the years, perhaps I've already tried some of them?
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-16 21:52:23 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105480
By using moralist language, you're indirectly telling me my behaviour is wrong and should be changed, doing exactly that which you are condemning 😏
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-16 18:15:22 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105479
It's bad to tell other people how to behave. This is evil.
Commented 9 months ago2023-08-16 12:36:57 UTC in journal: My thoughts on the thanking discussion Comment #105478
Yeah, I was under the same assumption too that thanking people for their help was the normal and expected thing to do.

Feedback is indeed very important, and I see it as the bare minimum someone should do in response to any help/answer.