
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 22:53:38 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49695
I have realised that, right now:
  • I am well acquainted with the engine and how to use it,
  • I know enough about Architecture to know I know how to make it look natural, yet
  • I have few ideas and even less time.
Such are the perils of being a grown up, I guess.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 20:43:57 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49697
Yeah, I've thrown in the towel when it comes to mapping, too. Moving on to greener pastures, I suppose.

The reason I don't map anymore is just because Source is so damn old nowadays, and the community around mapping for Half-Life specifically has been way past its prime. But also I, too, have generally lost my interest in it. Maybe I'll return to it someday, but as of now there are many more things to be doing in life.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 20:17:45 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49696
i get the impression that your life has 'improved', so to speak, so that you no longer need to get mapping to feel better about yourself. Just a guessing that you have found something that you're good at and maybe useful at large or something. That's great!

I get the impression that not just you, but maybe rimrook and loads of other people at some point have gone thru this as well, which might be why almost nobody makes new maps except kids like dimbark or someone. I don't actually see this as that bad, because if your life got improved to be able to do something well and useful irl then that's probably really good for you. However I suggest to everyone to still keep their old maps and stuff because occasionally you might still have some collab or something like twhl tower and it's always fun times to still be able to contribute. All good.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 17:53:41 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49704
Wait what? I didn't understand it perfectly i think but, something is over right? PLS NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 14:02:53 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68050
Let me try to do something: your text here

EDIT: So the [s] is strike-through, interesting...
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 12:32:54 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49700
To be honest, believe it or not, it's sort of the same for me - I've lost interest in R/C flying as well as those scale kits... I mean, I have them, I have the interest for a burst of 5 minutes and then after that I'm like fuck this, I don't just feel it... I've got 4 ARF kits to assemble and 7 scale kits, but something just feels off about starting it now.. I've been absorbed into modding IL-2 1946 now instead and spending time driving around and playing the guitar, but I think my point is, things change and I guess it was only about a matter of time before it happened. I mean I too was once OBSESSED with mapping, but those days are long gone. Long gone. I look back at some of the work I did when I was in the 8th Grade/standard (5-6 years ago) and I'm honestly impressed and amazed at some of the functions and all those programmings I had done on maps, be it R/C aircrafts flying around, jukeboxes, animated VTF and TV's, interactive hidden doors, keypads, and all that jazz. Whenever I try to open old maps and understand what I did, I'm just left going:
'What the fuck and how did I do that..?'
But I digress. Back to you, good to see you that you're at least hanging around and such. There's going to be a time where everyone will post something like this on every one of their most active forums, but hey, it happens, people change, etc, and most of all, it's life. ^^
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 10:50:29 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49703
So TWHL World is dead? ;(
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 09:22:51 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49689
I'll likely recycle my TWHL-WORLD assets. (A lot of them were recycled anyway)
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 09:19:21 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49691
I think many of us can agree that you don't have to make maps to post here :P

Do what you enjoy. Sometimes what you enjoy changes. Don't look back!
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 08:44:54 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49693
The best with your future and hope to see you sometimes around.

As for TWHL World, do we consider the project dead or someone has the ownership ?
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 06:49:39 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49688
I'm so sorry to hear that, but at the same time I'm happy you've had this revelation.

For me personally, I love telling stories and mapping kind of slips into that quite neatly. I've always been a gamer and doubt I'll ever stop, but who knows what the future holds.

Either way, I wish you all the best with everything you pursue in future, and hope to still see you around from time to time.

Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 06:40:17 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68039
Pengy is just jelly hes not a link [link]master[/link] like us.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 06:38:25 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49699
One does not simply stop mapping
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 06:38:00 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42414
Good will :)
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 05:23:33 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49694
I... uh...

I haven't mapped in forever but I still come around. I don't know how or why. But I still do.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-21 04:42:40 UTC in journal: #8713 Comment #49698
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-20 17:00:52 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42413
"There will never be a kickstarter since I'm funding the project myself and releasing it as a Free-to-play."
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-20 12:18:54 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42416
I would do a kick starter if I were you. At least a small one like 1000 euros. Still money in the pocket.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-20 11:07:19 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42407
That was a while ago. All of the kittens lived but there were some scary parts where they almost died. In the end they were healthy and adopted out to some local bachelors.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-20 09:52:31 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42409
Oooh... sounds good.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-20 07:44:10 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Dimensions Comment #100563
Just leaving this here for my own future reference: Eye level is actually 64 units.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-20 06:58:13 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42415
Welcome back! Glad to see you again and hope life will keep getting better and better. Last i remember hearing from the Rimrook guru was quite a while back when you were sheltering a bunch of kittens. :)
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-19 18:52:40 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42406
Urby I made a comment on that indie page. I'll repost it here for ya.

"Been working hard to stabilize my life stuff. So far it's been good, and I have great news. By the end of this year, I will be in a really good position to continue some development on this project. I've been planning things on paper and I've come up with some very outside-the-box concepts I hope people will like. I will need to do a third rewrite of some code but it should be a very quick process. Strong stable code is good, but I'm a big fan of versatility.

I'll give you a hint to something nice: since the first day of mouse and keyboard controls, I've aimed for enemies to be able to fight back adaptively and equally as fierce as the player."

Commented 8 years ago2016-06-19 18:11:10 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42412
I WAS wondering where you were. I'm not particularly eloquent but Urby's succint comment says everything I wanted to say, so I'll shamelessly steal it:

Good to see an update from you Rimmeh. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a rough time of it, but I'm glad your life is heading in the right direction and you're all in good health. :)

Now for reals, I'm glad you're doing well.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-19 17:57:25 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42408
Good to see an update from you Rimmeh. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a rough time of it, but I'm glad your life is heading in the right direction and you're all in good health. :)

I always keep my eyes open for SMJ updates on IndieDB and hope to play more of it whenever I possibly can. :D
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-19 14:51:11 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42405
Yeah I've always been able to support my lifestyle from home. Doing various art and game things for people. It's an amazing market.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-19 14:48:27 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42411
Condolences, though I'm glad to see that you're personally okay - you were gone so long I started to get worried!
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-19 11:45:44 UTC in journal: #8712 Comment #42410
Condolences to your wife.

Getting a house must be quite cool. It's also a rare thing to hear these days as not many people afford to buy a place to live anymore... at least not in urban locations. Most pay rent, which is absurdly high for lower-end salaries.

You work from home in game dev?( freelancer websites?)
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-18 14:18:43 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68049
Now, the only problem left is my brother...

Well, unbelievably I have convinced him that he will go to jail if he ever "steals" my new computer.
I also told him that, as soon as I get the new PC, we will play PAYDAY together, and I'll let him play GTA V.

I think that the only thing left is to find, either the parts, or a used PC.

P.S. We fell into trouble in the ShoutBOX.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-18 10:04:17 UTC in journal: #8709 Comment #40537

You made a mistake, it's:
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-17 09:16:44 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68038
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-17 08:21:56 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68048
Finally, thank God. I realized what you're talking about.

So, if some (more expensive) parts/computers over here can be bought for less (used, of course), and I show to my parents how much of an advantage that is, they will agree, and I'll also get a good gaming rig. (if all goes according to plan)

I think that I have hit a rock with my head a couple of times, mentally.

So, a €300 used PC with parts similar to what you mentioned up there, would be much more cost-effective (bang for the buck) than my planned PC build with an R7 240. I see what you mean.

And, off-topic, 20 comments, yay! 20 is wealthy (it rhymes)!

EDIT: My brother, though, cannot be teached boundaries...
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-17 05:42:42 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68037
So instead of doing some research and presenting your parrents an well thought of option that will both cost less and provide more you decide to get less?
Dumb logic, very.

Your parrents are not irrational (at least I asume as thats usually the case), if they see that you have decided to conserve both their founds, time and show that you are capable of doing a complex task such as that they will definitely agree and even praise you for your work.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-16 12:40:18 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68047
I'm not going to eat the orange tomorrow. Because I am a retro gamer. Perhaps the only reason for eating the orange tomorrow will be when Half-Life 3 comes out, or Crashday 2.

But I'm not looking for a decent computer, I'm not a true gamer. Gamers, real PC gamers spend more than $900 on their computers.

There, according to my current hardware, I'm not a gamer at all. Even with a $300 PC, I still wouldn't be a PC gamer.

But there's one thing we didn't think about at all:
  • My parents
I mentioned their yearly income, if you remember.
They would never spend more than €500 on a PC like that. NEVER. It has always depended on my parents: can I have this? Can I have that?
It always depended on them, if they are OK to open their wallets, so I could have proper gaming hardware.

My parents also have a strict policy on buying things:
  • If I pass with an A, I can get things which I want, but it's limited
  • If I pass with a B, well, I can't get anything
  • If I behave well, I can also be bought something, but again, it's limited
  • If I don't behave well, they'll take everything I have
So, even if I do things very well (always get As, and behave well), my parents still won't buy the things which I want (e.g. a proper gaming PC).

"I found the following for €150"

If that's used, then my dad wouldn't agree to buy it. Sure, the price is attractive, but it's used. He always thinks that used things are broken, not working, need to be fixed etc.

Yeah, not everything is my parents' problem. When I was 9, I didn't know anything about CPUs and GPUs, so I didn't want a new PC, even if it lagged.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-16 09:57:22 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68036
Because you will want to eat oranges again tomorrow.
R7 250 passmark is still only 1404(average).

For the amount of money that you want to buy a computer a barely decent one can be bought. A real, true quality, computer would cost anywhere from €1500 to €5000.

I am only telling you this because I would like you to realize how important it is to properly analyze something before buying, or doing, anything.

Especially in Balkan countries where you can get cheap german/euro shit every day only if you look a little.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-16 09:02:10 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68046
OK, let's say that I bought a PC with that GPU, but why would I need it? Fine, maybe I'd play GTA IV (and V) and Crysis 2 & 3, but certainly not other titles: Witcher 3, Fallout 4, especially not Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 etc. Simply because I would play them for a few days and just uninstall them.

My need of low-end GPUs is perhaps the effect of my modesty, because I don't buy 3 oranges if I eat 2, why would I need the extra orange?

Since the R7 240 really is a bit underpowered, I'm going for an R7 250. It used to be my choice, but the price grew, and then I stopped making part lists for some reason.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-16 05:43:28 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68035
R7 240 barely surpasses GT630 if we were to base our analasys on Passmark benchmark Average G3D Mark, and those values are:

R7 240 : 962
GT630 : 794

While an R9 270 has an Average G3D Mark score of 4252.

If it werent for testing and experience in computer service over the years I would not have been so sure as to say that in todays games a graphics card is all that matters.
Nina has an E6850 Core 2 Duo (Average CPU mark 1969) and an R9 270X she can run any game on mid/high settings today.

You are confusing smart invesment with spending your budget at once. Smart invesment is getting parts overtime so best deals would appear with high chance of getting quality items.
I would rather wait a few months to build an pc than buy some 3rd grade crap right off the bat (right away).
Just as I bought an e5-2670 CPU and am waiting for a nice cheaper X79 motherboard to appear (As they are currently only found new for insane ammounts of money but can be found used or even new from 3rd party sellers for 100 to 200 euro).

Dont jump into her bed just because she took off her gloves, have some self respect.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-15 20:00:45 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68045
But, think about it that 1€ = 1.95 KM, so it would cost around 230 KM to get one. Too freaking expensive...

Dude, I live in a village, not everyone's income is more than $80 000 per year. My parents' combined income is only around $20 000 per year. I mean, the most expensive thing we ever bought was a €600 car...

Therefore, if I'm asked, I choose the MSI's version of R7 240. Period.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-15 19:20:02 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68034
R9 270X costs ~€120 used with existing warrenty.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-15 18:24:11 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68044
But the R9 270X costs more than my budget PC build...

Ah well, it's at least a good GPU. But, I will not need such a powerful GPU. I only do easy things, like:
-Playing Far Cry, Half-Life 2 etc.
-Making maps for Far Cry, CS 1.6, and more...
-Video editing in Sony Vegas Pro 11 (and I have Corel VS Pro X7)
-Music production with FL Studio 11
-And, of course, things related to mapping: coding, texturing, sound, etc.

I'm very, very sure that an R7 240 or a GT740 is perfectly enough for all of that. And an R7 270X is something that should be used in, for example, Unreal Engine 4, or the latest CryEngine, it's just too powerful for those older games.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-14 20:02:41 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68033
Retro gamer? Such a pc with an slight cpu upgrade and for example an R9 270x could play any game that is currently on the market in mid/high settings.

Every PCI Express card is compatible with every PCI Express slot, only the speeds differ.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-14 20:01:26 UTC in vault item: dm_stoned Comment #19114
You mean: "Vehicles used in construction.", right? I'm not sure if a bulldozer or a crane could go in-pair with a castle... but I can try it.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-14 19:58:04 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68043
It could go well. But the problem is the GPU. An R7 240 is slightly better. But, because of Nvidia Shadowplay I'd upgrade the GPU to a GT740.

So, that PC + a GT740 (if compatible with the motherboard) would result in a good retro gamer's PC. And for less than 500 KM (a.k.a BAM).
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-14 19:44:52 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68032
I found the following for €150:

GA-41T LGA 775 motherboard with DDR3
4GB of RAM
Quad Core 8200 (Easily sold for €20, E5450 costs around €30)
GT630 1GB
400W quality PSU
And a cool case + DVD burner + Installed Windows operating system

Much cheaper than anything a laptop can offer in that class.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-14 19:09:14 UTC in vault item: dm_stoned Comment #19113
Some vehicules of construction
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-14 13:23:39 UTC in journal: #8710 Comment #68042
I'm not sure, Stojke, but I am sure in this:

My previous (dead) computer had a price of 700 BAM. And that was the price of my first laptop!

Telling by the parts, the laptop is worth pretty much the same as my PC. However, the laptop has a worse GPU, but twice more RAM, and twice the HDD space.

The charger, and the battery are probably part of the price, regarding the laptop.

But, yeah, even if I do buy a laptop, I will make a choice between:
  • Dell Inspiron 15-5545 (AMD A10-7300 APU with an R7 M265 on it)
  • HP ProBook 650 G1 (Intel Core i5-4310M with Intel HD 4600)
  • Dell Inspiron 17 5000 Non Touch (Intel Core i3-5015U with Intel HD 5500)
I'd rather get the first one, because of that sweet APU. And, it's perfectly enough for me, because I play older games, and not that Witcher 3 crap, which would make my X3100 beg me to shut it down. Witcher 3 isn't crap, it's a seemingly good game, no offense.

EDIT: In fact, I'm more likely to buy a desktop PC :D
I mean, who would say "no" to a dedicated, discrete GPU in that good-looking case which has fans blowing air? Oh dear, I've realized how much I miss desktop PCs. *grasp
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-14 08:16:00 UTC in vault item: saddam_village Comment #19112
Dont overcomplicate the roofs, just make em simple :)
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-13 17:48:27 UTC in vault item: dm_balance Comment #19111
What about one and three-fourths?
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-13 17:15:43 UTC in vault item: saddam_village Comment #19116
Love the palm trees. You should add roof to the buildings as it is only plain bricks now. Also you can climb onto some roofs easily via hostage or two players ontop of eachother.
Commented 8 years ago2016-06-13 12:19:24 UTC in vault item: saddam_village Comment #19118
Good and playable area.
Colts and ak47s all the roads :D
Good texturing.
Fresh area.
Saddam's everywhere :D
Good tanks at all.
Palmtrees and planty textures are cool too.

♦ If there's a hollow hideable inside mosque at center, that should be better. This is a arabic theme right?
♦ If tanks' gun barrels controllable, that should be funner (in my opinnion)
♦ There's a just one hollowed house i saw. If there's 2-4 hollowed houses, that should be %10 better (in my opinnion again.)

Yep. Good map. 5 stars given :)