
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 12:57:56 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33158
So atom was just testing if journals were actually working.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 12:42:42 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62694
Yeah, I believe it'll be nuget-based so you can "Install-Package" in PowerShell to get your apt-get equivalent.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 12:21:47 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62701
Is Windows 10 going to have a package manager? So I've heard at some point. Like apt-get or yum, that kind of stuff.

That would greatly simplify having software up-to-date.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 12:19:24 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62686
I'm gonna be that guy and say "...stuff that OS X has had for years!"
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 12:15:43 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62693
Windows 8 also added proper multi-monitor taskbars (don't need DisplayFusion anymore!) and native ISO mounting (don't need MagicISO anymore!), I'm sure there's more improvements as well. Of course, both those features are limited enough that you still need those programs for certain tasks, but it's a step forward anyway.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 11:59:02 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62687
I really, really try to be open to new and alternative things, but I simply can't fathom how anyone could consider 8.1 to be remotely superior. The single advantage was faster boot times; literally everything else was quantifiably worse, particularly for work.

I'll check out 10 when it's released, but I'm making damn sure I have my W7 installer on a pen drive ready to reinstall at a moment's notice. I'm cautiously optimistic, though. Windows versions seem to alternate between good and woeful, and it's the turn of good!
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 11:18:21 UTC in vault item: [Solved Sorta?] Round-reset flooding Comment #20909
Liquid Trains: Who knew?
Nice find!
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-04 05:29:16 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62697
I'm excited to try it, but probably won't upgrayyedd until I have to.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 12:39:19 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62700
I've been using Windows 8.1 for almost 2 years now, I think.

Never had a problem, it works flawlessly with every developer tool I used. I expect Windows 10 to be even better.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 10:23:00 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62703
User posted image
Click Type Enter best thing M$ did in a long time.
Doesn't cover up the screen, quick to access and use.

It drives me mad when i have to use a Windows Server 2012 machine, its just not intuitive and slows down productivity.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 07:09:46 UTC in vault item: [Solved Sorta?] Round-reset flooding Comment #20908
Nice find!

Very nice to know you can do that! Thanks for sharing your solution and yeah, i would definitely upload an example map :P
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 06:28:54 UTC in vault item: [Solved Sorta?] Round-reset flooding Comment #20907
Just solved this riddle... You'll notice vehicles always respawn to their origin point in cs 1.6. Maps like he_offroad and de_wallmart have them and they are always in the same spot at the start of the round. It has to do with the func_train entity. So set the water to func_train and make 2 path corners entities. Simply trigger the func_train with an invisible trigger_multi at the start of the round. You are essentially making an elevator. Oddly enough, the func_train entity has a option you can select in the contents box called: if non solid swimmable water. Make sure you've checked the not-solid flag off instead of selecting the non-solid option. It won't work otherwise. The only downside is you get no waves, but I'll take that any day. Note, editing the worldspawn wave height has no effect either. I can post the new version you can test it for yourself. It's pretty neat I think. I could probably post it in the example maps if anyone cares to use this.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 04:59:35 UTC in vault item: Round-reset flooding Comment #20906
Maybe it doesn't work on water. Too bad, it would have been better (or less bad) to have n copies of 1 entity than having n copies of every single entity in the map. So I suppose your way wins :P
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 04:54:40 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62709
While I support Metro as an good application luncher, I still agree it should have been more configurable. It should have been obvious to Microsoft that people would complain if you replace something that's been used for decades.

With all its flaws it still is not something that is breaking functionality so much that the system is unusable (as many people have claimed).
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 04:24:02 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62685
Agree with Pebs. The Windows 8 start menu has a couple of things going for it, but it mostly fails as an user interface by not only trying to be all things to all people, but also by cramming in a huge amount of functionality under obscure actions and menus and not telegraphing it particularly well to users. Put someone in front of the Windows 8 start menu and ask them to shut down the computer. See how long it actually takes for them to do it, if they've never used the interface before. Let's not also forget that Microsoft stuck a more traditional desktop environment underneath that menu, with its own set of UI rules and conventions, as well as a horrific blend of metro style design elements with the glassy, Aero look of Windows 7.

Microsoft finally cottoned onto the fact that the tablet and the PC are two vastly different paradigms. You cannot possibly expect the same interface to excel in both environments: either one of those environments has an advantage over the other, or they both suffer.

I'm all for updating UI (I am a designer, after all), but Windows 8 was truly a step in the wrong direction. I'm glad that Windows 10 is properly segmenting the interfaces, and will definitely be stepping up from Windows 7 - it'll be great to finally get the advantages of Windows 8 without having to tolerate a truly terrible PC UI.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 03:08:58 UTC in vault item: [Solved Sorta?] Round-reset flooding Comment #20905
Oh no worries I enjoy trying to figure out things like this, and VERY cool-looking map from the screenie! :P

If I can find a better way to do it I'll let you know, might play with it some more later tonight..
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 02:58:52 UTC in vault item: Round-reset flooding Comment #20904
Yeah i tried the 'kill' feature on the water entites, but it didn't seem to have any effect, not that I guess it would help much as you stated =P
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 02:50:57 UTC in vault item: [Solved Sorta?] Round-reset flooding Comment #20903
I uploaded a picture if the actual map to the page. It's still not finished , but you can see what it looks like. Edit: oh and ignore the insane amount of info_player_start entities ;)
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 02:44:03 UTC in vault item: [Solved Sorta?] Round-reset flooding Comment #20902
Thanks for your help. I've have been trying to fix this problem for years so this map has been uncompleted for quite some time. It's a very fun rush type map. I had thought about a copy and paste level type solution, but I don't think it will work. I apologize in advanced because the map I uploaded is much simpler version of the map I was working on. There are quite a few more entities in it and it's quite a bit bigger. I'm fairly sure this solution wouldn't work so well, keeping that in mind. I'll keep working on a solution and if you discover anything just post it up and I'll take a look at it. Thanks again.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 01:41:03 UTC in vault item: Round-reset flooding Comment #20901
Well trigger_relays can remove entities from the map, so you could in theory have water1 on the first round, then remove it and changetarget to use the until-now inactive water2 for the second round, and so on.

The problem is that you can't create entities in-game, so water1, water2, etc. will have to be previously crafted in. And the problem with that is that since you don't know how many rounds the server will have for this map, theoretically you might need to create infinite entities that will be removed one by one each round or risk having a number of rounds without water at all after the predefined ones ran out.

This plays against the entity limit but at least you wouldn't have to make a copy of the whole map for each round (this also counts for n times the total number of entities which is worse, and n times fixing bugs and errors), instead just copies of the one brush.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-03 01:29:48 UTC in vault item: Round-reset flooding Comment #20900
Yeah this is not really a feasible solution ;p

Originally tried to use trigger_relays to reset the flooding water brush, but I couldn't make them work. If it was a fixed round time, it would be easy to sync the water to match..

Stu, do you know of anyway to kill or reset them properly with a trigger_relay or something else?
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 23:41:27 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62692
@Stojke: I've had to deal with Windows 8 (Server 2012) at work and I find it difficult and obscure to use. Don't pretend your opinions are fact, there's two sides to every coin. My desktop is not a tablet PC, covering my entire desktop with the application launcher doesn't improve usability for my use case. Especially when you have multiple monitors.

Nobody's suggesting that Windows 8 doesn't have performance improvements, but the usability changes it brings with it are not worth the performance upgrade. It's not an improvement for most people, it's just Microsoft trying to shove a tablet interface down the throat of desktop users. Windows 10 is looking a lot better in that regard.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 22:58:12 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62689
Stojke, i'm sure you're right, but it was definitely too much too soon.
If anything, the default view for Win8 should have been the original with the option to go metro
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 22:29:51 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62708
That will happen to you if you have 0 patience and do things over a dick.
Windows 8.1 has excellent performance and metro start is a huge upgrade over classical menu. It is an application to aid you in starting applications not to be an fashion detail in the corner of your screen because for some reason you absolutely need to see the active applications at all time in order to start a new one.

Have some respect to improvement of existing UI technologies. Don't turn into an old demented grandpa that needs to tape over all new buttons on a remote or else he wont be able to use it.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 22:26:40 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62691
Windows 10 is looking pretty solid; barring Windows 8 levels of failure, I'll probably move to it a few months after it comes out.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 22:17:58 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62704
Only the Internet will tell if 10 is any good, Stojke. I don't want this to happen to me.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 20:38:15 UTC in vault item: Round-reset flooding Comment #20899
Also known as how to make five maps to stand in for the same map within the same map.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 13:54:22 UTC in vault item: [Solved Sorta?] Round-reset flooding Comment #20898
Here's one way to reset the flooding each round.

I first tried using trigger_relays, but water seems to not be affected by them. (unless I was using them wrong)

Hope this helps, it was a fun map to make regardless :P
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 12:15:53 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62688
I'll probably make the jump.
I need to grab myself an external hard drive for backup reasons first.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 08:28:15 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62707
So much biased opinion on Windows 8 and Windows 10 its saddening.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 08:14:57 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62699
I got it too.
As I have Win 8.1 Pro I don't have to worry, but notice that if you have a "Home" edition, updates on Windows 10 will be forced. On the Pro or Enterprise you can turned them off, if you have low bandwidth.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 08:13:20 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62684
Everyone running Windows 7 will get it for free.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-02 07:16:21 UTC in journal: #8555 Comment #62702
Even W7 gets it ?

Im probably gonna go for it on my desktop, but im going to start converting to Linux at some point.
Commented 9 years ago2015-06-01 01:36:51 UTC in vault item: Bosconian_Beta_002 Comment #20893
Also Brett, REALLY NICE job scripting this! Would it be possible/practical to make a MP version, where say you have 5x5, both teams with their own motherships and fighters? =D
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-30 18:59:11 UTC in vault item: Basetown (Payload) Comment #20897
so how do i play this online? wheres is the TWHL tf2 event? It's only been CS so far
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-30 16:41:42 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Water Comment #100658
I have a question. I'm trying to make a map that floods from the start of each CS 1.6 round to the end. When the round restarts I want the process to restart. I can get it to slowly flood at the beginning of the round however, it will only go down slowly during the second round and so on. Is there a way to reset this entity to a point of origin every round? Or maybe use a different entity or something? Any ideas are appreciated.
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-29 15:46:26 UTC in journal: #8260 Comment #65859
Happy birthday to me!
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-28 22:12:35 UTC in vault item: Then and Now Comment #20896
Nice work Urby this was some fascinating experience a true time travel.. :)

Didn't realize you've been mapping for hl for that long outstanding!
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-28 12:05:27 UTC in vault item: TWHL Dedication Project Comment #20895
Tis broken :(
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-26 19:48:55 UTC in journal: #8554 Comment #62681
I did and it displays all sectors as OK, no sectors are marked as damaged. So it seems not to be a hardware problem.

[edit] And then I thought of running Spacesniffer with administrator rights. I no longer have 105GB of "unaccessible space", and now I have 109GB of System Volume Information. So system restore points suddenly decided to take up 100GB. The setting was to allow a max disk usage of 25% of its total capacity, I brought it down to 12% and now my free space is at 96GB. I'd say it's a bit better.
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-26 12:22:36 UTC in vault item: Basetown (Payload) Comment #20894
Those are simply enough minor grahpical flaws. I don't think anyone would notice that when playing the map. The "glitches" in 2 and 3 isn't really anything I can do about, becuase it's made by the compile tools. The one in 4 is becuase of the model probably wasn't intended to be used the way I used it. The glitch in picture 1 is only visible with Pyrovision. If you load up a map with proper pyrovision support (doomsday, 2fort etc) you will see that the ropes are white there too. Tf2 doesn't have support for pyrovision textures for custom maps.
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-26 02:32:32 UTC in journal: #8554 Comment #62676
Haven't you used HD Tune in the mean time? You're just making us curious :P.
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-25 23:29:02 UTC in journal: #8554 Comment #62673
SKYNET is taking over! :o

TBH I've never had a problem like this, but it sounds scary. I would clone the drive to an external, format your HDD, and restore with the clone image.

Maybe also start shopping for HDDs just in case =)
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-25 23:22:45 UTC in vault item: Bosconian_Beta_002 Comment #20892
copy/paste from thread
Just played the original Bosconian on MAME, and I must say it's a really fun game! The game is pretty fast-paced and plays well my only wish there was a secondary-fire weapon like a torpedo smile - :)

Your Ep2 is very faithful to how the original game plays, well done! You did a really good job with the lasers, they remind me of a star destroyer repelling enemy fighters with multiple laser batteries.

I had to play with the sound disabled because people were sleeping, but I'll play it again tomorrow to check out the groovy sound effects =)

My only complaint with the game is I wish the fire button was a little more responsive, other than that you've really done a fine job! Nice work on the radar faithful to the original as well, and the mother ship energy core thingies grin - :D

Diaganonal movement doesn't work for me at all. (In MAME, you can make the ship go diagonal by combining W or A with S or D)
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-25 20:33:09 UTC in journal: #8554 Comment #62680
I assume something like that would give me some sort of message telling me that, otherwise it wouldn't be called "ransomware". And I haven't had any such messages. Besides, it's supposed to be free space, and targeting free space is probably not as lucrative. Fortunately I have my important files backed up in a network drive. I'm still inclined towards hard drive corruption/failure.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-25 19:08:23 UTC in vault item: Basetown (Payload) Comment #20891
Glitches i was talking about:
User posted image

User posted image
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-25 13:21:20 UTC in vault item: dm_ob_nightmare_church_rc4 (2015) Horror Map Comment #20890
(HL2DM) dm_ob_nightmare_church_rc4 [Backup Map Download Links]
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-25 13:18:12 UTC in journal: #8554 Comment #62683
Disconnects PC from the Internet
Commented 9 years ago2015-05-25 11:20:23 UTC in journal: #8554 Comment #62675
Also, be careful. The internet has just been hit by some new ransomware and nobody really knows where it comes from and who are the authors.
It encrypts your files with RSA 2048, which basically means you're fucked if you have important files and don't get the decryption key, or have a quantum computer.