Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 18:40:37 UTC
in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty)Comment #2729
from the .map i see the following:
deathmatch map. al arge tube with a mouth at the bottom. players start on platforms around the mouth. some players start directly over the mouth. you fall into the mouth and land in acid which kill you. uneccasery null texturing on faces you dont see, a skybox around the map with (for some reason) null texturing on inside faces. very messy brushwork. for osme reason you used a trigger multiple to target the gibshooters rather than just a trigger_ato. you seem to have complied it with the honda_1.wad which i think is a hlrally wad. i dont relaly know what to say...
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-30 14:33:40 UTC
in vault item: High HighComment #2537
well for a first map thats pretty good. things to consider are as follows:
make all brushes not a part of the main structure (i.e pillars and stairs) into func_walls. this will reduce r_speeds for mp and sp games. just type gl_wireframe 2 in the console with developer mode activated and look at how much those stairs split up the walls. cut down on ammo and weapons! 1 part of mp games are grabbing a weapon before someone else does. you will start with a pistol anyway, so theres no need for so many guns. have some texture variation. more textures is easier on the eyes. another point is that the map was pretty much empty. give the map some juice, lasers, elevators, fire, sparks and explosions! im going a little over the top but you get the idea.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-25 16:29:52 UTC
in vault item: underground_1Comment #2485
...very odd. im surprised theres no invalid solid structures. 1 thing i noticed was that you used more brushes than necassery. for example the back wall had about 10 brushes where it couldve had 1 which covered the whole back wall instead of splitting it to make it match the shape of the wall. remember yuo dont need multiple brushes for a solid that bulges outwards like the cylinder.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-23 14:13:55 UTC
in vault item: PeepholeComment #2457
texlighting is better. it is lazier cos u dont hav 2 mak a light ent with all ur light brushes, and texlights have the colour settings built in so you dont ahve to change them on every neww ent. trust me, its better.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-21 16:03:12 UTC
in vault item: PeepholeComment #2427
its a good idea which could lead to some great things. just one thing off topic i noticed is that you dont use texlights. theres probably a tut somewhere. still, nice concept.alot like that thing in cz...
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-21 18:29:08 UTC
in vault item: SabotageComment #1967
i need more variation on the ship textures. to open the door destroy the restraints on the cargo bit of the lil ship. for the turret i put a crack decal at the turret u destroy. as i asid its in a state of being finished but still has areas to work on. the idea was u enter the big ship and do something which is being put into a later map. i consider a good comment something liek "the *** was good" or "good points ***** bad points *******"
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-20 11:46:57 UTC
in vault item: SabotageComment #1950
the wind is to indicate its high up. as for movement i was thinking of a scrolling texture. any ideas? the texture, ill have to ask pts for some more texture work. im getting to work on making the shpis look more realistic now.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-19 11:12:30 UTC
in vault item: SabotageComment #1940
i really shouldve put this in the unfinished maps, since it needed a lot of updating. all feedback taken into account. about the texture: it was originally a metal texture from the hl wad, but i had pts make me a new one. a little more info on how to improve the texture would b welcoming.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-29 12:16:11 UTC
in vault item: ArmouryComment #1743
i really hate people who play things like that in cs even though it says hl. it just really annoys me. HAX THIS IS A HALF LIFE EDITING SITE THAT SUPPORTS CS NOT A CS EDITING SITE THAT SUPPORTS HALF LIFE!
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-29 11:31:23 UTC
in vault item: WizardComment #1742
i dont hate halo! i only voted it down cos u voted it 5 stars! the ratings dont change what other people say about the map, they just tell you if people liked it but didnt want to leave a comment!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
NEVER, EVER be ashamed of ur 1st map. i aint downloaded it but it looks better than my 1st map. think of it this way. u started mapping AFTER u found twhl.
Commented 20 years ago2004-02-23 14:06:47 UTC
in vault item: Vassy CompoComment #1089
the whole point is copy the map and change the textures and monsters, fool. base map, means they provide the map and you make it more mappish, fool. didnt u even read the rules on his site?
Commented 20 years ago2004-02-22 17:10:03 UTC
in vault item: Camera PuzzleComment #1077
thing is, its not unfinished, and the reason the puzzles were a little primitve was cos the camera syle thing hadnt been attempted here (as far as i know) so it was more of a "look what i can do with half life" map.
deathmatch map. al arge tube with a mouth at the bottom. players start on platforms around the mouth. some players start directly over the mouth. you fall into the mouth and land in acid which kill you. uneccasery null texturing on faces you dont see, a skybox around the map with (for some reason) null texturing on inside faces. very messy brushwork. for osme reason you used a trigger multiple to target the gibshooters rather than just a trigger_ato. you seem to have complied it with the honda_1.wad which i think is a hlrally wad. i dont relaly know what to say...
btw, dont give out the .map unless you want other people to be able to edit it! you only need the bsp! ill rate it in a minute
btw, are the r_speeds on that map ok?
2. no
3. spirit
make all brushes not a part of the main structure (i.e pillars and stairs) into func_walls. this will reduce r_speeds for mp and sp games. just type gl_wireframe 2 in the console with developer mode activated and look at how much those stairs split up the walls.
cut down on ammo and weapons! 1 part of mp games are grabbing a weapon before someone else does. you will start with a pistol anyway, so theres no need for so many guns.
have some texture variation. more textures is easier on the eyes.
another point is that the map was pretty much empty. give the map some juice, lasers, elevators, fire, sparks and explosions! im going a little over the top but you get the idea.
read the tuts, and keep mapping!
btw, snap to grid