
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 21:34:49 UTC in journal: #7794 Comment #45600
Really cool Archie how are you doing that?

I really dig the lighting in the second sequence.. looks too good to be gs ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 21:11:28 UTC in journal: #7794 Comment #45599
Looking good.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 21:10:44 UTC in journal: #7794 Comment #45604
I like.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 20:32:48 UTC in journal: #7794 Comment #45602
A really nice way to show off changes in development, love to see more :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 17:27:07 UTC in vault item: sp_backtrack Comment #19973
A puzzle that is confusing is not a good thing.

A good puzzle should be challenging, but never confusing.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 03:50:59 UTC in journal: #7787 Comment #43540
Certainly, cats are deceitful creatures.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 03:47:26 UTC in journal: #7788 Comment #60931
Is it me?


Don't panic, Jeff. You're not left behind. But I know how you feel. I wish I could say more to make you feel better, but I can't think of anything right now.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 23:37:17 UTC in journal: #7791 Comment #58003
Wait. This isn't a dream! You tricked me!
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 19:04:35 UTC in vault item: sp_backtrack Comment #19972
Heh, I'm just trolling you.

You can press the download button a thousand times and them shut down your browser when done.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 18:22:16 UTC in vault item: sp_backtrack Comment #19971
Where is this posted that it's getting so much traffic?
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 18:05:24 UTC in journal: #7791 Comment #58002
You'll find that it's easier than it seems. In the end you won't find it any harder than solving one with real roots.

How are you taught to solve quadratic equations? Seems different countries teaches it differently
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 16:27:59 UTC in journal: #7791 Comment #58004
what?! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 16:25:33 UTC in vault item: Trigger each round Comment #19970
This is pretty cool i could have used this like 6 years agao ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 12:23:31 UTC in journal: #7787 Comment #43537
I am allergic to long haired cats.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 11:23:06 UTC in journal: #7788 Comment #60930
Interesting. I'm finishing high school soon too, and exams await me. I'm a bit scared of course, and it's curious that I haven't had nightmares yet.
I am crushed, though, by the thoughts and nostalgia that are being brought up to me when I look at younger colleagues and friends.
They look like birds in the sky to me, they don't feel the burden of life. My way of calming me down is to think that they too will pass through these years, as others have, and I was too a child once... it's just my turn now. So cheer up! :)

Urby, it's interesting that I met one of my best friends online too, here on TWHL :).
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 11:17:27 UTC in journal: #7787 Comment #43539
I think it's because you're allergic. I know you are to hay, but perhaps to fur too?
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 11:16:08 UTC in journal: #7786 Comment #62379
Interesting. Never had a dream involving being in a time frame from before I was born.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 11:09:26 UTC in journal: #7788 Comment #60928
When I went to college, I only kept in touch with 2, maybe 3 people from high school, none of them were among my "best friends."

Then once I finished college, I'd lost touch with them completely, made new friends. Since then of course, I have now lost touch with them too, save one who until recently I worked with, and have made more new friends at work.

The thing is, going from education to working life, you will lose touch with most people you have met, it's all just part of growing up. When you get into a serious relation ship you have even less time for friends.

The only person I have really maintained contact with over the years is Archie, who I met online!

This could just be me of course. The way I see it, life is all about moving forward, and leaving certain people behind is an unfortunate part of that. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Just enjoy it while it lasts.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 10:02:03 UTC in journal: #7788 Comment #60929
Cheer up, this will probably only be temporary. And you can use the time to work on hobbies and stuff, it's not all bad.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 10:00:54 UTC in journal: #7787 Comment #43538
Seeing all the dream journals made me want to post my own from last night, but I can't remember what it was. Reading yours rings a bell though, I think it may have been about harming cats in some way. D:

And I think you'll have to put your cat under observation, without letting it realise.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 23:37:18 UTC in vault item: Opfor room for beginners Comment #19969
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 22:37:52 UTC in journal: #6798 Comment #62057
Error: LEAK in map!
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 21:53:47 UTC in journal: #7786 Comment #62380
Should have thought of that before. I'm back already.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 21:35:00 UTC in journal: #7786 Comment #62378
Say hi to Marty McFly while you're there.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 21:10:58 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66435
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 17:34:10 UTC in vault item: deathrun_bandicoot1_rmk Comment #19968
Technically russians aren't people. But nice map Skals, can't beat it though cuz noob at cs :D
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 13:31:04 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66436
I once had a weird-ass dream about TWHL.

It was where I found a very old version of the community, back before I had joined or something, and the old community members were all talking and stuff, and I'm telling them I'm from the future.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 12:22:46 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66433
Well that sounds like a good time to wake up tjb, i mean before the raping ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 11:40:12 UTC in vault item: sp_backtrack Comment #19967
If it's designed with the in-game Portal 2 editor, then it's not your first REAL map...
[EDIT] 60 downloads? I'm surprised no one left a comment...
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 09:43:39 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66432
I had a dream last night that I went to prison. I was in the prison van with some guy who was saying it's not true in the movies when you know what prison you're going to before you get there. As we pulled around the corner I recognised the big purple building next to the prison, and I realised I had been there before. Last time there was a group of guys that hated me, but this time I was put in a different section where there was an arcade for the prisoners, and I was tasked with operating one of the machines. I also had a cookie.

There was also something about how local thugs had started carrying cricket bats to use when they gang up on someone and beat them up. That dream ended with me being beaten up by a gang of cricket bat wielding thugs. :/
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 08:27:48 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66437
Lol. Dreaming of TWHL?
Are the admins subliminally programming us with various things :o

Any way, speaking of dreams, ive dreamed of a friend of mine, who is always cocky and such, falling into mud with his face forward with a tricycle he stole from a little kid. I laughed my ass off in the dream.
Whats interesting, ive heard from him for the first time yesterday after around 6 months.
The entire dream was filled with parties and dark woods with ghosts and what not, who i was not afraid at all, but an other friend of mine was scared as hell. I remember going all "Hell yeah ghosts \m/" in the dream.
If only i could see the forest scene again. It was like, from one part where the houses are to other there is this dark forest with lots of spooky shit.

Strange how we all got into some dream state.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 05:46:46 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66434
The truth is that I have dreamed about TWHL, or at least meeting TWHL members in the past. I can't remember the dream though, and I didn't note it down :(.
Interesting Inception-like dream though. Keep dreamin'.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 03:28:07 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66431
The first person to make an Inception joke wins the "Totally Didn't See That Coming" award.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 21:19:57 UTC in journal: #7779 Comment #43533
I like your dream better.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 20:31:53 UTC in vault item: ridge_high Comment #19966
Agrees with stokje i LOVE the inspiration that went into this map and almost everybody maps their high school early on in their mapping career.

Lots of neat things about this map but there are also lots of fundamental problems.

Not problems really, but just a phase that every mapper goes through in the beginning. I'll try to give some tips, not going into too much detail because many of the things i'm gonna say, probably won't really make sense until you have had more experience with hammer.

-scale. your scale is way too big in most of the map. if you need to, use some cyclers of a scientist or some other model, to use as a general reference for the proper height/witdth/breadth of things.

-textures. your texture choices are pretty generic. try to stay away from the default half-life ones because they are mostly pretty bad. Also, pay attnetion that your texture scaling is not too big as to look cartoonish(like the brick texture that dominates most of the school).

-detail. for a map this big you will require A LOT of detail to finish it off. Examples would be more furniture and accoutrements in the classrooms, hallways, to make the spaces more believable or "lived in".

-layout. i love that you included working doors to all the rooms but keep in mind from a gameplay perspective it might not be the smartest thing. and you might want to block off some areas so the layout is less repetative or copypasta. (if you DO decide to keep all the rooms accessible, try to vary them with distinct details to be less boring, and to act as landmarks so they are easily distingushable from one room to the next.

-lighting. like everything else, try to keep it more varied with different brightnesses for differnt areas of the map. Explore texture lights as soon as you can if you plan on being a goldsource mapper ;)

Sorry for the TL:DR, and good luck with your mapping! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 18:05:09 UTC in journal: #7782 Comment #50837
I remember you having HDD trouble before, it could also be a faulty motherboard / power supply unit.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 17:29:59 UTC in journal: #7782 Comment #50836
Did you use HDTune or something like that to check for your HDD health?
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 17:28:25 UTC in journal: #7783 Comment #42047
Nah you didn't find it. It was on facebook these days :)).
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 16:43:27 UTC in journal: #7780 Comment #67231
Hello thar.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 16:43:03 UTC in journal: #7783 Comment #42046
Interesting how when you hover over the speaker symbol it says 'Beatbox' rather than 'Listen', even when you modify it a bit.
Clever Google.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 16:38:47 UTC in journal: #7779 Comment #43530
It seems interesting that when a lot of people tell me about their dreams, they all seem to be centered in the real world somewhat. The details tend to be somewhat surreal, but they generally have a real world setting, and feature people they know. As well as this events tend to follow each other in a relatively sensible manner. However, I notice some people, myself included, have much less realistic dreams, and these people tend to be those who have an interest in 'unrealistic' things, such as aliens or government conspiracies. In other cases they tend to have more creatively focused hobbies.

For example, I've heard a few people mention they dreamed something along the lines of 'I went to the shop to buy a loaf of bread, and on the way I met Mr Richardson who told me my mother had died', and these peoples' dreams are always along these lines.
An example of the other type would be a dream I had the other night, most of which I remember vividly. I started out on the end of an aircraft carrier. There was a hangar (of the type normally seen at airports) sitting there, facing out to sea. I opened it and inside was a jet seemingly made out of lego. I had a sense of a female presence, but there was nobody there. I had trouble getting into the jet at first, as if it were a videogame and I didn't know the controls. After I got in, I took off, and turned around to fly towards the mainland. I radioed the female, mentioning I was going to see the base and the bridge the other people had built. As I went over the coastline I pulled up to pass over a small mountain. As I went over it, I was momentarily aware of a large lake or an ocean on the other side, with a bridge leading away from the shore, before the sun blinded me, and my plane went down into the water. The next thing I knew I was back on the aircraft carrier adding covers to the plane canopy so there would only be small holes to look out of, before the dream changed, and I was crawling under a bus belonging to Simon and Lewis from the Yogscast. It had become grounded in the earth, and I was crawling under it to retrieve my shoes. As I looked up I noticed the underside of the bus was see-through, as if it were textured with null. The person inside the bus (I don't know who, but apparently a friend of mine) told me it looked normal from his side.

A bit of a lengthy description but it shows what I mean by 'not grounded in reality'

Also, that made me laugh PB.

[Edit] Seeing the actual post made me realise just how lengthy a description it was. Sorry about that.