
Commented 6 years ago2019-01-23 11:28:38 UTC in journal: Minor Sadness (Just saying) Comment #101780
Do it instead. Nolens volens, willy-nilly, make yourself do it, really. Don't just try. And whatever you decide to do, good luck. :)

Also, keep doing one project, and no matter how bad it may come out, just finish it. Getting stuff done is one of the best life skills you can have, and develop. Make a draft with placeholders there and there. Then improve it later, maybe. Start out with a plan, too. The big picture. Write down exactly what you'll do, and do that, no more, no less.
Commented 6 years ago2019-01-19 19:35:14 UTC in journal: Yay Comment #101773

WOAH, that sounds good. Actually, that made me realise, I completed Half-Life twice without ever listening to its soundtrack. D:
Commented 6 years ago2019-01-16 22:12:14 UTC in journal: Yay Comment #101764
Lol, I play Half-Life on a PS/2 keyboard. :P

But yeah, games tend to feel a bit better on the PS2 than they do on the PC, like GTA: San Andreas.
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Commented 6 years ago2019-01-15 13:57:47 UTC in journal: Magento 2 Certified! Comment #101756
I wasn't even making a joke though. :P
Just pointing out we've reached over 9000 journals.
Commented 6 years ago2019-01-13 16:16:31 UTC in journal: Magento 2 Certified! Comment #101742
But the 9000th journal itself is the special one. It allows the others to be OVER 9000. :3
Commented 6 years ago2019-01-13 01:40:33 UTC in journal: Magento 2 Certified! Comment #101740
Congratulations, Urby!

Also, journal number.
"IT'S OVER 9000"
Commented 6 years ago2019-01-08 00:53:01 UTC in journal: It's 2019! Get those Christmas hats outta here Comment #101715
The Rebellion has started!
Commented 6 years ago2019-01-04 22:05:38 UTC in journal: It's 2019! Get those Christmas hats outta here Comment #101710
Done. Happy New Year. :D
Wrote this lil' program just for the occasion :3
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-08 10:18:31 UTC in journal: Nice for a change Comment #101674
It is. Every day in my high school is like this.
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-08 10:18:31 UTC in journal: Nice for a change Comment #101675
It is. Every day in my high school is like this.
Edit: double posts, they're back. :0
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-06 14:39:34 UTC in journal: Nice for a change Comment #101671
That is what essentially happened to me yesterday, and it's the point of the journal. I'd normally just stand on one place and wait for the bus for an hour or two, but I came back instead. :3
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-05 05:20:50 UTC in journal: Christmas Avatars (Chrivatars) Comment #101665
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-02 20:48:03 UTC in journal: Christmas Avatars (Chrivatars) Comment #101657
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-01 21:31:24 UTC in journal: i can read letters in russian server Comment #101651
Exactly. In my country, we say the same thing: fajl.
Commented 6 years ago2018-12-01 17:37:17 UTC in journal: i can read letters in russian server Comment #101649
I learned the Cyrillic script in 4th grade, and thanks to that, I can easily read a good part of the Greek alphabet. :D
Commented 6 years ago2018-11-30 23:31:55 UTC in journal: Video editing software Comment #101647
I use HitFilm.
The Express version is free, and it's got the basic stuff that you need (and from what I see, plenty of tutorials). It seems simple on the surface, and it is simple if you use it for basic stuff. (can be advanced only if you wish)

The only thing I'm not fond of is its way of doing text. You make a composite shot, add a text layer, edit it with the Text Tool, find the Text tab, edit the parameters, and then place the composite shot in the video.
Sony Vegas does text in a much much more straightforward way in comparison.
Commented 6 years ago2018-11-20 10:10:59 UTC in journal: Why I am here, where else you can find me. Comment #101627
If you're interested in pre-displacement-era terrain (which is not just fake displacements), take a look at my Advanced Terrain Creation tutorial, precisely the last few sections under "Toward Gearbox-style terrain".


It should serve as an introduction to these old (but gold) terrain-making methods. I covered only a few terrain types that you can make with each technique, but I am planning to write a part 2 for tne tutorial.
Commented 6 years ago2018-11-05 09:09:26 UTC in journal: Birthgay Comment #101609
Happy belated birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2018-11-03 09:20:17 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101603
In my country, we use dots for multiplication and colons for subdivision.
Nobody uses × or ÷ here.
Though in my country, we just prefer using fractions instead of colons (starting from 6th grade or so), so we don't run into colons that often anyway.
Commented 6 years ago2018-11-01 20:57:37 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101597
You can thank my calculator.
User posted image
Its screen cracked a lil' bit when I fell on the concrete floor, after I finished the school physics competition. It's been with me for years, lol.
Commented 6 years ago2018-10-31 11:47:33 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101588
Happy 28th birthday?
Commented 6 years ago2018-10-18 08:03:45 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101560
Happy 32nd birthday. ^^
Oh wow, it's also a power of 2. 32-unit grid. :o
Commented 6 years ago2018-10-16 20:20:49 UTC in journal: Museum... Comment #101557
Oh no no, I'd never get rid of it. I always want to utilise it somehow.
For now, it'll be useful for performance evaluation in maps etc.

I've also got a 2005 HP Compaq which I'm planning to use as a small home server. :3
Commented 6 years ago2018-09-26 18:15:28 UTC in journal: Just turned thirty Comment #101534
Happy birthday! :D
Commented 6 years ago2018-09-24 07:54:51 UTC in journal: 8 months without modding not even playing Comment #101525
Don't worry, man. I'm going to an electrical engineering school, and I've got to get to the bus every morning and travel 40km to get there, and 40km back.

At first, I thought it would be impossible for someone like me, but fortunately, I was wrong. I got used to it. I'm no longer nervous because I know I'm on a good path. ^^

Good luck to you. I'm sure you'll make it. Just take care of yourself and study well.
Commented 6 years ago2018-09-18 14:37:40 UTC in journal: WOW! detail textures. Comment #101524
They really are cool, and useful for things like savin on lightmaps. :3
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Commented 6 years ago2018-08-28 22:19:30 UTC in journal: Maths time! Comment #101482

Happy 23rd birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2018-08-20 21:05:49 UTC in vault item: us_artic_base Comment #101465
You mean... arctic? :v
Commented 6 years ago2018-08-13 08:15:56 UTC in journal: Mapping while napping Comment #101450
mapping while fapping
I knew someone would say it. Damn it. :/
Now you made me think of mapping as a fetish.
Commented 6 years ago2018-08-13 08:13:16 UTC in journal: Rendering a video on my new PC Comment #101449
VBS scripts still do work, my brother has made some and I tested them on Windows 10 (he wrote them in malicious intentions, but it works).

The problem back then was, I knew no theory whatsoever. And I mean the basics (apart from what compiling is and some stuff). It was basically a head-first dive without breathing in any air. :P
I was just copy-pasting from coding tutorials and then trying to fix the compiling errors one by one. I'm kinda surprised that it all even worked.
But yeah, now I'll do it the right way. It took me 3 years to consider it though. Let's just hope that my actions match up to what I say, as I often get too buried in my own projects. <-<
Commented 6 years ago2018-08-11 23:12:40 UTC in journal: Rendering a video on my new PC Comment #101446
IMO the neat part was the concept and focus on the lore. I am indeed planning to return to it one day. It wouldn't hurt anybody.

What I will remember forever about this mod, is that it spawned a new set of branches on my skill tree. So far it was mapping and video editing, but that mod made me start learning texturing, modelling, coding and music production. I definitely appreciate what it did to me.

I was on a 6-month vacation from GameBanana, basically. If we compare 'Crater 2015' to dm_5nights, you can see how much I improved my mapping skills in terms of entity work, and brushwork in the meantime.

As for coding, that's the only area where I'm lacking a major component. I can only do so little right now. But to be fair, back then I was compiling in VC 6.0 on version 2.3 of the HL SDK and I had no idea where to learn.
Programming is something I'll study anyway, and I don't think it's too late to start actively learning it now.
Commented 6 years ago2018-08-08 10:00:45 UTC in journal: Mapping while napping Comment #101436
I think it's time to go outside, buddy
I hope you're joking. I go outside at least once a day. :P

You know what a super feature would be?
Compiling on HLRAD with a graphics card. Now that's a dream.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 6 years ago2018-07-17 16:48:43 UTC in journal: Another big step Comment #101384
That's awesome! Best of luck with your plans. :)

Have fun sightseeing, too.
Commented 6 years ago2018-07-14 19:59:35 UTC in journal: The new PC Comment #101371
Thank you. And yes, I do sleep on it. It's comfy. :3

Definitely, the floor is really nice. I should photograph it and make a texture out of it. xD
Commented 6 years ago2018-07-14 19:59:31 UTC in journal: The new PC Comment #101370
Thank you. And yes, I do sleep on it. It's comfy. :3

Definitely, the floor is really nice. I should photograph it and make a texture out of it. xD
Commented 6 years ago2018-07-13 20:46:53 UTC in journal: The new PC Comment #101366
Now you have a brand new pc to play old games on!
Best comment ever. XD

First expect a comparison between it and the laptop. And then expect me to finish some things I've started. :P
And when I finish those, I'll move on to modern engines.
Commented 6 years ago2018-07-12 08:58:51 UTC in vault item: Fallout Vault Door Comment #101359
When I saw the screenshot, I almost thought it was Quake II, until I recognised Half-Life textures and the skybox. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-07-11 11:56:04 UTC in journal: No Title Comment #101351
Oh, so it's a birthday journal. Happy birthday. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-23 10:51:40 UTC in journal: A crazy dream Comment #101298
That's truly a dream. Oddly enough, last night I had a dream that I was playing handball, basketball, football and boxing against a team of 30 black people. It was weird, the physics were "Totally Accurate Battle-"style, but I won. Weird.

If Planetside made game dev tools, that would be so cool, but the game would run at 30 frames per hour. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-16 21:48:57 UTC in journal: Teh Epik Master Plan Part III + I've Survived Comment #101265
And, here's an update:

User posted image

Well, I'm thinking either AC or BC, 16GB. What do you think?
I initially went for a Samsung 850 EVO (250GB) but it's a bit too expensive.

The MS PSU is a placeholder until I can find the price of an EVGA 450 B1 in my country. MS Industrial's PSUs are plain unreliable, and they're like a disease which roams nothing but the lands of former Yugoslavia (at least as far as I can tell). Their cases seem to be fine though.
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-16 11:07:53 UTC in journal: Teh Epik Master Plan Part III + I've Survived Comment #101263
One another advice: IIRC you're about 16, read the heck out of every book that you find interesting.

Speaking of that, I got a book about what Bosnia and Herzegovina was like in 1896 (as part of the reward on the IT competition). I'll definitely read it.

About the PC, I think it's good luck in disguise. I mean, 5 years ago I really wanted an AMD A4-6300, AMD Radeon HD 6450 and 2 or 4 GB of DDR3 RAM. I was pretty much just going for the cheapest things I could find on PcPartPicker, not caring at all about the motherboard, PSU and the case.
2 years after that, I went for something similar: AMD A4-6300, AMD R7 250, 4GB of RAM. In 2015, I wanted an AMD X4-860K, nVidia GTX 750 Ti, and 4GB of RAM. In 2017, I finally decided to choose something more relevant: AMD Ryzen 5 1500X, RX 460 or GTX 1050, 8GB of RAM etc.

And this year, I think some of the parts will be the following:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Memory: 8, 12 or 16 GB (200KM, 300KM vs. 400KM, we'll see)
GPU: GTX 1050 or 1050 Ti (330KM vs. 470KM, we'll see)
Storage: 1TB HDD and a 250GB SSD

As for the motherboard, PSU and case, I've talked to my seller about it. Cases are one of the most repetitive things in this country. In every shop, it's either 3 or 4 unique cases. <-<
And good PSUs are rare, as most shops only have ones from an unknown brand, and are mostly 300W. Motherboards aren't as rare, but there are usually no quality ones unless you really invest into them.

Luckily we managed to find an Asus Prime B350-Plus, which to me seems good. It even has a PS/2 port which I find surprising, but that's good as well. I won't have to buy a new keyboard. ;)

Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind.
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-10 21:30:10 UTC in journal: Father of blender Comment #101240
So satisfying to look at the wireframe. :]
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Commented 6 years ago2018-05-18 19:27:29 UTC in journal: Father of 3DS Max Comment #68540
I think it only took them less than a week, so not that much. :D

Apparently this program used to cost nearly $3000. Combined with the price of all that new equipment and a SVGA that is supported by the Vibrant driver, a total of $12k. Wow. Yet people complain that 3ds Max is costly. :P
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