
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 18:47:40 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51721
Im with Satch, although i have the newest generation, it feels very natural, no frustration because of the mouse anymore, although the mx510 i had already did a great job.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 18:34:12 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51725
I have the first generation G5, and I love it.

I actually prefer the original coloring, which is a steel-rusty kind of color. It just looks more cool.

I found the weight adjustment option useful. I experimented with various combination of weights in the first week, but after settling for the weight that I like, I have not changed the weight for the past three years.

The tracking and precision is unparalleled to all the mice I have ever used before. It works well on all surfaces. I have no mouse pad, and my clean desktop surface works great with it.

The middle mouse button was extremely resistant to pressing for the first year or so. After pressing on it for more than a year, it loosened up. After more than three years of usage, the pressure necessary to activate the middle wheel button is just right now.

The bottom line is that I love this mouse, and I will never trade it for any other mice.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 17:46:32 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51723
Kinda funny how I was looking at various mice, as mine is failing.

Thanks for the review.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 17:12:50 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51728
Very helpful, thanks for the info :]
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 15:35:48 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51731
I actually looked at this not too long ago. I've been using an optical for who knows how long now. Finally decided to pick up a G3 for a solid $20 new and I'm quite liking it.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 14:12:18 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51736 are sure dedicated :o
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 11:46:12 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51737
I had a cordless logitech mouse once... It died and no other batteries seemed to work in it...
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 11:19:24 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47147
Good job, satchmo!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 09:12:22 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49905
We wub u 2. :>
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 09:09:33 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51720
I have this same mouse and love it, i have no problems hitting the middle mouse button, i think you need to get used to it a little more, not do i have trouble switching DPI on the fly.

One thing is, i have no rattling noise when i shake the mouse, just a slight tick, so are you sure the mouse is functioning right?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 08:56:53 UTC in vault item: cooproom_hlife_hotdog Comment #14449
The screenshot struck me as bioshockish.

Looks like the tunnels in bioshock.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 08:49:51 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51734
Well! I think I know which mouse I will be getting.

I'm currently using some cheap Logitech mouse, some generic thing.

The right mouse button recently degraded and is no longer functioning, which is very frustrating in Left 4 Dead! ;>
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 08:47:00 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51724
Very informative review.
I was considering picking one up to replace my much-loved G3 laser mouse, but i don't think i'll bother.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 08:40:02 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49902
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 08:38:28 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51727
The thing i liked the most about that mouse of yours, is the cord. Looks awesome. Oh and i hate scroll wheels that can be pressed in a few different ways too. I feel very annoyed when i have to aim to press one.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 08:07:20 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47124
"he can identify the computer, but can he identify the porn?"
I'm sure daddy wouldn't want the little tyke surfing through his porn folders and reporting them to mommy. ;D

And congrats, Satch.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 07:40:37 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47125
Meh, I know what most parts serve for but that's about it i'm afraid. If you told me to point out every part i'd be lost. But heh, nobody ever teached me about that stuff and the matter is I don't feel it is all that much important for me; I don't follow a study where it is needed to know and if I'm getting another computer I wouldn't home-make it anyways.

..and about the child problem; Africa & Asia. That's all i'm sayin'.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 06:49:49 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49911
I actualy like Penguinboy and his way of saying "no" at everything. Why he said he's a jerk ?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 06:24:55 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51730
woah. a 1000 word review on a mouse? thats dedication man. i usually just pick 'basical laser mouse' but man, you opend my eyes to the world of mouses.... mice.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 06:09:31 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51735
Looks great. I don't really understand the weights thing but it must make a difference. (you can make it heaveier and lighter and adjust the center of gravity i guess?)

I've used smaller mobile mice for so long, most all regular-sized mice seem huge to me as a result. I dug up my old microsoft laser mouse when my regular mouse broke(the first laser mouse too i think?), it felt so huge in my hand it felt completely awkward.

This one looks comparatively smaller, and since i've been dying to own a mouse with more than 3 buttons i might just check it out = )
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 03:57:59 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49908
An apology from Pneguinboy? A pig flew to hell which sparked a subsequent ice-age.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 02:42:46 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47113
he can identify the computer, but can he identify the porn?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 02:38:49 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47123
I wish I was taught about computer hardware and programming at a young age. I had to teach myself from when I was about 12. Ten years of wasted programming time, sigh.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 01:51:11 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47111
Christ, I just read this and had half a mind to give The_(c)Striker another warning, but satchmo doesn't seem to have taken offence so I'll just leave it. Everyone else has pretty much said what needed to be said and I hope in time he realises what an idiot he's been.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 00:25:49 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47131
Well then, we know what the says about Striker.

I personally don't want kids, or at least not more than one. Something about training a baby doesn't really float my boat. I'll be contributing to the reason why Hispanics are starting to become the major race here in the USA. I guess white and a lot of black people don't have enough kids, and all the mexicans have 100 each, so they're starting to take over.

Other problem with numerous children? Funds. Why do you think so many Hispanics are poor? Their number of children.
Do note please, I'm not being racist in any way, I'm just stating facts.

But on a lighter note, sounds like your kid is doing good Satch, hope he grows to be as smart as you, and I'm sure you'd like him to exceed that.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 00:17:39 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47128
Well hell, kids are usually bright enough to learn that on their own.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 00:12:17 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47119
I feel bad for Striker's parents.

Apparently, they did not teach him the proper place and time to use sarcasm.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 23:53:23 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47127
Glad your kid's developing well, Satchmo. It's good that you're proud of your child and all, just don't get TOO proud or it might start to sound like bragging.

And yeah Striker, I so lol'd at your way of thinking! No that's not a lol. That was a bad mistake. I don't think you could have screwed up any better. Maybe you need to learn some English speech patterns before attempting your so-called sarcasm, or even typing another poorly formed sentence. Way to go.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 23:39:34 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47126
Ahahahaha, I loved seeing Striker going nuts, then suddenly claiming it's all sarcasm. How pathetic.

Of course, Striker is the undisputed authority on raising kids. If you don't follow his guidelines, then your obviously a bad parent! How dare you try to raise your child!

Oh, and that was sarcasm.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 22:35:34 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47145
What I meant was that everyone should take their responsibility to create a better world for the next generations themselves, not that it should be forced upon them.
And yes, I definitely think you are right about about everyone wanting to spread their genes.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 22:26:27 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47118
Unfortunately, considering half the world's population agree that the meaning of life is as simple as continuing one's family genes, i doubt many want to step down from that task.
It wouldn't be fair to decide which families deserve children and which don't. (Although Striker makes it easier to decide.)

"At least I'm not drunk almost all the time like you are."
I lol'd =]

"I want his first words to be "Hello, world!""
I want mine to say "WELCOME TO THE WOOOORLD OF TOMORROW!" to the other babies in the hospital.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 22:01:14 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47144
My honest opinion is that people should do the world a favour and don't have children, or at least not more than two. Earth isn't big enough for everyone.
This doesn't mean I dislike children, it means I think it's better if the children live good lives when they grow up than if they live worse lives because there are too many of them.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 21:37:22 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47122
uh huh.

If I have a kid, I want his first words to be "Hello, world!".
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 21:03:37 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47143
Thank you Captain Obvious for letting us know!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 21:02:40 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47132
lol striker made a fool of himself
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 20:33:05 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47120
Hehe, cool Satchmo.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:53:18 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47139
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:51:06 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47130
No no, something that goes on your penis before sex.

Oh btw strike, my last sentence was full of sarcasm. >_>
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:45:10 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47138
Du beh?ver inte s?ga ...
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:42:15 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49907
"Pants" isn't that great of an insult. "Wanker", "Nicompoop" and "Bloody Tart" are my favorites. But thats just me.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:42:07 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47142
Conundrum? A mountain unicycle
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:41:21 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47112
You never have used sarcasm in your life, and frankly I'm surprised you know what it means.

You said it was sarcasm just to play off how wrong you were, and just because of how everyone responded.

GTFO the internet, Striker.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:36:07 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47109
The post where you said the other posts where full of sarcasm is full of sarcasm? A conundrum, p? min ?ra!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:31:54 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47137
My last post was full of sarcasm ...
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:31:21 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47133
Wow striker, what crawled up your butt and died?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:24:32 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47116
Sarcasm? Trying to run this off?

I didn't know sarcasm could be extended into a "My doctor didn't give me an antibiotic" story.

Even if it really is sarcasm, that's some pretty detailed stuff -_-

Also.. I wouldn't extend "serious" reading sarcasm beyond a single post, which is why I dont believe you.

note: the "?! ?! ?!"'s dont help
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:18:47 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49910
Luke is underpants !
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:16:08 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47136
?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! I can't believe you. I thought you know what's sarcasm.

Dude my baby, when he's going to get born, will scream " I want an intel nehalem platform for a cheap start daddy !".

And by the age of 10 he'll be able to make different programs.

[EDIT] You can notice my posts were kinda harsh .
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:10:12 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47115
"At least I'm not drunk almost all the time like you are."

Under what premise can you say that?

"And what do the children do at a kindergarden ? Learning computer parts and then programming ? Lol I so lol'd at your way of thinking !"

When did programming come into this? Also.. What's wrong with learning what computer parts are in the first place. I wish my dad taught me when I was younger. Today ill gladly say he's an ass. Also, in a lot of ways its like shape recognition. Kids have to do it anyway.

CPU = Circle
Ram = long thin rectangles
GPU = 'normal' rectangle

Its not that hard :x

"Oh raver, because he's a doctor you think he's right all the time?"

Sure they're smart, but they cant make mistakes either? Boo.

And from earlier-
"Don't force the child to learn from that age. And I thought you're a doctor."

He's an "Asian" doctor. And we wonder why that Asian thread exists. Let him teach how he will, and watch his kid be 'smarter' than yours. Besides, what part of learning from a young age is harmful? They're curious anyway.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-03 19:08:10 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47108
Striker, dude, c'mon. What's the difference with learning your child what the name of a computer part is/what sound a cow makes/identifying different animals?
  • The cow says?
  • Moo
  • Good, the CPU does?
  • The fundamental operation of most CPUs, regardless of the physical form they take, is to execute a sequence of stored instructions called a program. The program is represented by a series of numbers that are kept in some kind of computer memory. There are four steps that nearly all CPUs use in their operation: fetch, decode, execute, and writeback.
  • Very good, son, very good.
No but seriously, when you step in and tell a parent what to/what not to do with his kid, especially when he's a pediatrian and you're a kid yourself, you're on quite shallow ground...

Also, about the antibiotics - it's a good thing that he's a bit restrictive with prescribing anitbiotics. Docotors that prescribe antibiotics to everyone even without evidence of a bacterial infection is bad, since that increases the amount of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics.