
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 23:39:52 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52462
Too bad games like Grand Theft Auto play for shit on PC compared to Xbox huh? Oh and most games that don't involve aiming. But I guess it doesn't matter because everyone has a PC that plays every game and shit. Right?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 22:48:42 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47129
He'd probably grow up thinking they're real creatures, like Santa, etc.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 22:46:32 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52458
elololol cawnsol suck

playstashun is suck fail

exzboks360 suckz

Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 22:39:46 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52460
Teh pc is teh best!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 22:29:37 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52453
And PC is far superior to any of them. Now shut up about your console opinions, nobody cares. All it does is start arguments and pointless flames.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 22:20:27 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52461
Lucky Hunteh. Not to mention they're cheaper, and have a bigger HDD. >_>

And lol360 kicks the living shit out of the fail-s3 and the Wiiner.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 21:39:24 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52465
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 20:56:25 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52449
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 20:26:02 UTC in journal: #5547 Comment #52451
i got one of the newer generation which are supposedly immune to the standard cause of the red ring. So far so good.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 17:58:54 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51722
Hmm, yeah it indeed does, although it also seems to pickup dust from the mouse pad, although i had to put on some protector tabs which could also help this effect.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 17:51:47 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17204
Wow, the detail is insane. A bit small, and I didn't like getting clipped out of areas, but nonetheless, a really great job.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 14:07:44 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17203
Raver: I use steam. But i don't have steam HL.

Oh and pretty much what everyone said.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 13:52:51 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17202
wow that looks sexy... cum
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 13:38:46 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17201
Why do you even use won ... thats so retarded ... you are living in 2009 man c'mon! Use steam, get used to it!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 13:28:34 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17200
Yeah, it's WON. I think these are the dlls that allow transparency- be sure to back up your old dlls before trying them of course:

It doesn't look like you are using any default textures, so you could just use -nowadtextures to include all used textures in the .bsp (less work than -wadinclude)

It looks amazing, but it has issues as a map in general. For goldsource, wpoly of 2500 and epoly of 40,000 is ridiculous. It's easy to make a pretty HL1 map when you build it like it's made for HL2! But regardless, the architecture, texturing, lighting, sound ambience, etc. are wonderful. It's clear that those polies went to good use, and aren't just the result of sloppy mapping.

In terms of gameplay, the way so much of the map is clipped off is frustrating. I've had to do those a couple times myself, but when you feel like there's an invisible barrier all around the map it's just irritating.

It feels like a pretty setpiece, but not something that's really meant to be played.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 13:25:04 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47121
"computer--CPU, PSU, graphics card, etc."

You know those are kind of hard words for an eighteen months old to spell.

Good job!

After that, instead of teaching animals like cow, bull, lion. (old school!) Try Vortigaunt, gargantua, houndeye etc instead. Stuff he would encounter if we ever open a dimensional portal to Xen.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 13:22:29 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17199
WON HL doesn't have model transparency support.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 13:19:45 UTC in news: Welcome to 2009! Comment #98932
god is never spelled with a capital G. Even if its at the beginning of a sentence!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 12:35:49 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17198
Hey, because of you, i can't edit my post now.
Anyways, why do all the models that have transparent textures look like they have no transparency but instead, a black background. Is it because of WON hl?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 12:32:45 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17197
Steam friends!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 12:32:05 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17196
That girl's face looks weird.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:55:41 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17195
40+ hours doesn't pay off like it used to. :(

Raver: Add friends to what?
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:50:54 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #15645
Why dont u use wadinclude rimrook? Then you dont need to include the wad files. And btw, rename rimroom.wad to dev.wad = win

edit2: rimook I added you to friends .. you still didnt accepted :(:(

Really amazing, but .. I dont like the fact that you suddenly get blocked because your not supposed to go there. Like with the waterfall, you can remove the clipping. And only clip around the rocks. That looks much better.

Also you can add fades to the end of both side of the map. Then when you fade is almost 100% you restart the round. Then it looks much more natural then just a transparant wall there.

The rest, custom textures/model are superb. Maby the lights are a bit to much. But it gives a good feeling :)

Also, when you spawn and you walk to the pool. Look at your left .. there is a black palm model. It looks ugly :) Move it a bit and it looks way better.

I give 4½ stars. But because that doesnt excist .. ill give 5 !
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:40:52 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #15630
dammit... will fix it immediately.

Habboi: Cuz much better looking stuff is everywhere... like in Ep2.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:38:18 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #15629
Yeah, there's no dev.wad
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:34:32 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #15479
What the hell? The picture looks amazing and yet there aren't any "OMG" comments. :S
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:32:59 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #11056
Couldt oven dev.wad ...
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:21:32 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #11057
It's all there. I joked. I think I'll use the water texture in some wad some day cuz it's nice. Can I apply it to a func_water brush ?

[EDIT] Oh and the moving-leaves palm is just perfect for an outdoor map.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:18:05 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #11078
probably wasn't done uploading when you downloaded it. Who knows whats wrong with it. Also, fountain.wad wasn't included. All should be good now... unless I forgot something, there is a ton of crap in this map.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 11:16:19 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #11077
I'll download this. For the rmf x)
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 10:22:50 UTC in vault item: de_parkout Comment #11076
wow me downloads this !
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 10:17:05 UTC in vault item: The Discombobulator Comment #11075
Ah what a legendary map. I can never forget entering the machine and then being killed(?) or arrested.

And why did I say: "How sad...To replace a picture...." :S What a nub I was.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 09:18:21 UTC in vault item: de_parkout Comment #11081
I'm having some trouble in finding how to add more screenshots...
so I'm sending this external link for more screenshots.

have fun =D
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 06:22:41 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49914
Be silenced, you infantile pillock.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-06 05:40:09 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Basic Voice Acting Comment #100790
Sorry about the example file. I sent it to the admins of this site a few days after writing the tutorial but they never bothered to update it.

I don't hang around here anymore for various reasons, but I've progressed a lot on this subject so if anyone has any questions they are free to ask me.

I probably wont' reply to messages sent on this site, but if you've downloaded any of my work - then you have my email address.

Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 22:30:43 UTC in vault item: de_adrenaline Comment #11086
Okay, so this is my impression:

+Good texturing
+Good brushwork
+Good lighting

-Layout is a bit too complex (too many corridors)
-Feels a lot like de_nuke

Overall, four stars.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 22:10:17 UTC in vault item: cooproom_hlife_hotdog Comment #11087
That's a point, i never really noticed before but i do now!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 18:47:56 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49909
Yeah, I couldn't help cringing after reading some of my old posts recently.. /me was quite the asshole. 'pologies as well to anyone I may have offended back then, cough*Habboi*cough.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 18:30:55 UTC in vault item: Asian Courtyard Comment #11091
Truly impressive.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 18:19:21 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51732
Like you? Yeah yeah, we've seen your desk.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 05:28:50 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49904
None of those are pants. I don't want British, I want pants :P
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 05:07:45 UTC in journal: #5543 Comment #49913
"Pants" ?

No. You are doing it wrong.

For British effect, try something like:

Odious little wanker.
Detestable twat.
Insufferable oaf.

etc etc.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 05:03:41 UTC in journal: #5544 Comment #47146
"..and about the child problem; Africa & Asia. That's all i'm sayin'."

Ever been to Africa, FresheD?
The last time I visited Europe, I remember wondering how everyone lives in such overcrowded conditions...and I'm from Africa.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 01:56:32 UTC in vault item: cooproom_hlife_hotdog Comment #11090
It is Bioshocky.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-05 01:42:40 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51726
I forgot to mention that the braided cord tends to attract and trap dust bunnies on the desktop after a while.

. . . unless you keep your desk impeccably clean.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 22:55:04 UTC in journal: #5545 Comment #51729
Captain Terror: Yeah, as I said, the weights seem like a real gimmick to me. I guess really "hardcore" gamers (or people who game at all?) would notice the difference, but I wouldn't. Without any weights, it's just the same as the mx518 which was perfect for me. As for the size of the mouse, it's the same standard frame Logitech gaming mice have used for a while. It's not massive like that Mx Revolution, but it's not small either.

pepper: I agree, I think by the third day of use I'm already breaking in/getting used to the center scroll button. The rattling I commented on wasn't severe, and I'm certain the mechanism is functioning correctly, I just like my computer equipment to be simple and stout. I don't think it would actually fall apart under normal use, but I have been known to get rough in times of frustration. ;)

Satchmo: The tracking really is fantastic, I've just never been confronted with a situation where I have to use my desktop mouse on an undesireable surface. I think it'd be more useful on a cordless mouse, where you could literally go and sit on the couch with it or something. As it is, even my crummy Logitech Premium Optical Mouse tracks as good as the G5 does on my desk, so I can't reasonably compare.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 22:51:36 UTC in vault item: de_adrenaline Comment #11095
there's no HDR for the reason that i cannot compile it atm (unsure of why atm) but if i compile it and simply leave it by itself my computer freaks out and the compilers crash, once i do find a way to fix this issue I will upload this map with HDR
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 22:50:13 UTC in journal: #5546 Comment #52339
yay for columbia! How much illegal drugs did you smuggle back home? = )
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 22:39:17 UTC in vault item: de_adrenaline Comment #11123
Why no HDR? It's really easy to implement. Just check the box in the RAD compile options.

Since clients can disable HDR, it won't affect those with low-end machines, but would provide some eye candy for those with more powerful machines.
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 21:24:15 UTC in vault item: Asian Courtyard Comment #15023
Stunningly beautiful.

Sprites could be set to glow, but its minor versus the rest of the map. Everything is cleanly done, well lit, and finessed with great textures.

Rating Deserved.