
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-02 18:42:09 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101601
Your birthday is on Halloween? lucky!
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-02 17:46:57 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101600
I thought you're supposed to do division after subtraction/addition/multiplication when it's written with a colon? Maybe it varies by country.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-02 12:27:31 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101599
In my experience, dots for multiplication is common, colons for division is not. Colons are used for ratios which represent relative proportions, rather than an operation with a single answer.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-02 12:02:48 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101598
Potatis: In your third>fourth segment, you do subtraction/addition before division. 9+(126:3-(22)+18):2 = 9+(126:- 1):2 should be 9+(126:3-(22)+18):2 = 9+(42-22+18):2

I got 28 in my brain after a little while. I'll note that this is the first time I've seen dots and colons used for multiplication and division. Is that common?
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-01 20:57:37 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101597
You can thank my calculator.
User posted image
Its screen cracked a lil' bit when I fell on the concrete floor, after I finished the school physics competition. It's been with me for years, lol.
Commented 5 years ago2018-11-01 14:43:02 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101596
If I’m going to get funding for anything, it’d be for my projects. Though, it really does feel like a fine for a stupid genetic condition. I could choose a fun number of petty crimes that would incur less in fees and fines, and that would be my choice, but I didn’t choose any of this. I have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s sick that that was never an issue. What gets me is simply seeing how decrepit the system is and how it’s messed up everything. A colleague and phenomenal artist had passed from a medical complication before she could get her degree. She couldn’t afford what she needed, and that shit stole her from making the world a brighter place, and that shit scares me. The system failed her, and the world lost a promising artist. I can’t fail nor be failed upon either, I’ve got shit to get done.

Ugh. Steroids rant.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 23:26:48 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101595
Thanks everybody! :D

Is Admer the only one that didn't cheat like Pengy and got the right one? :P

You lazy Pengy...
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 21:52:13 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101594
How did you get it to 28?
9+((120–21·3+10-4)·2:3-(6·9-(80–18·4)·4)+18):2 = 9+((63)*2:3-(54-(8)*4)+18):2 = 9+(126:3-(22)+18):2 = 9+(126:-1):2 = 9+(-126):2 = -117:2 = -58.5 ???
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 19:29:00 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101593
Thank god for Wolfram Alpha. Happy 28th birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 18:47:50 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101592
Happy spooky birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 12:44:38 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101591
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 12:40:03 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101590
Happy <correct number here> Birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 11:58:44 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101589
Happy Birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 11:47:33 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101588
Happy 28th birthday?
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 03:35:54 UTC in journal: Sp00ky math... Comment #101587
Happy -58.5th birthday?
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-31 01:57:39 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101586
May I suggest you creating a GoFundMe site for your treatment cost?
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-27 10:47:00 UTC in journal: Sitting on this one for years Comment #101584
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-27 02:58:29 UTC in journal: Sitting on this one for years Comment #101583
Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-27 00:35:05 UTC in journal: Sitting on this one for years Comment #101582
Thanks guys!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 20:59:53 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101581
Holy crap Rim. Glad to hear you're home but that is a hefty bill... :(
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 19:51:49 UTC in journal: Sitting on this one for years Comment #101580
Happy birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 14:46:00 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101579
I’m home now but I got some serious challenges. First of all, the medication I have to take for the rest of my life is fucking $4,800! Even the doc was apologizing about the price before he even named it.

And yes I did do work on my phone for things. I never stop.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 13:40:30 UTC in journal: Sitting on this one for years Comment #101578
Happy Birthday. How old are you though?
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 10:16:50 UTC in journal: Memories Comment #101577

As we grow, we change. And that's not always a bad thing.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 07:42:32 UTC in journal: Memories Comment #101576
Satch, I say this with love, I cannot wait for you to retire so I can get my hands on your fiction! :D

When I moved to London for work in June 2017, I wasn't able to get my computer down with me.
A year and a half later, I've finally had it couriered down now that I've moved to a flat big enough for a desk (London rent prices are amongst the worst in the world), and although I was excited with the idea in theory, in practice the computer has remained un-powered in the corner of my room.

Dunno, I just don't have that itch anymore.

Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 07:39:28 UTC in journal: Sitting on this one for years Comment #101575
Haha. Happy bday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-26 07:38:28 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101574
Fuck, dude.

Hope you're okay, mate.
Better bring a laptop to the hospital so you can polish SMJ from a ward.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-25 13:13:12 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101573
Sorry to hear about the medical stuff :(
Also happy Belated Birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-25 13:10:56 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101572
Sorry to hear the bad news man, I hope you can pull through this! You're one of the smartest guys I know and I hope you make it to 30 + 70!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-25 12:12:52 UTC in journal: I’m really bad about these things... Comment #101571
I am so sorry to hear that. As if life isn't hard enough, but when it rains, it pours.

Coming from a medical perspective, I'll say that the cause of ulcerative colitis is mostly genetic, but with environmental triggers. I wouldn't blame yourself for your diet, and there's nothing you can do about your genes.

I have friends who live with ulcerative colitis for decades. I have friends on the spectrum. We all make it work somehow--it doesn't mean it's easy. There are very effective treatment for UC, but you'll need to deal with side effects.

In fact, one of my pediatric colleagues became a pediatric gastroenterologist because of her personal struggle with ulceratis colitis. Maybe you'll end up in medical school.

Hang in there. We are here if you need to vent.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-25 12:05:44 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101570
It's a binary number! I love binary numbers.

Happy belated.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-25 12:04:17 UTC in journal: Memories Comment #101569
Time really flies. I remember being a kid, and all of a sudden, I am contemplating retirement.

Our finances allow us to retire in our fifties, and we plan to have an active retirement. I will still work part-time, but we will travel the world and continue do crazy stuff.

P.S. I was playing Minecraft by myself last night while my son was at soccer practice. :P
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-21 16:13:58 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101568
Happy birthday to you sir!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-21 09:28:36 UTC in news: Official TWHL Discord Server Comment #101567
Good idea ! I join it
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-20 16:35:53 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101566
Happy birthday big guy

Here's hoping you can make it to last year, pretty sure that'd be setting some records in terms of age
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-18 23:23:58 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101565
Happy Birthday!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-18 16:03:17 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101564
Happy Birthday! You have as many years as a Playstation CPU has bits!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-18 11:40:51 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101563
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-18 11:31:46 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101562
Welcome to 32!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-18 10:48:20 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101561
Happy birthday :)
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-18 08:03:45 UTC in journal: One of THOSE journals... Comment #101560
Happy 32nd birthday. ^^
Oh wow, it's also a power of 2. 32-unit grid. :o
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-17 13:48:38 UTC in journal: Memories Comment #101559
Glad to see you're still popping in from time to time, Satch. I have to admit now that I have kids and a load of more mature friends, I am starting to seek my entertainment elsewhere. I love gaming and mapping and the TWHL community, but as my kids get older I will be looking to do more and more with them, out of the house.

Of course I will simply stop making maps one day in the future, but not just yet, and it is highly unlikely that I will ever stop gaming full stop.

Retirement seems so very far away at the moment that I couldn't even imagine how I'd spend that time, but I guess I'll have a better idea closer to the time... (38 years to go yet...)
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-17 05:05:31 UTC in journal: Museum... Comment #101558
i spilled coffee with sugar to my 3 years old laptop. I washed the mainboard and keyboard. but keyboard refused to work properly.

So i decided to rip of my keyboard so my laptop can breath much more free air.

Now my laptop never overheats, even in hottest days.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-16 20:20:49 UTC in journal: Museum... Comment #101557
Oh no no, I'd never get rid of it. I always want to utilise it somehow.
For now, it'll be useful for performance evaluation in maps etc.

I've also got a 2005 HP Compaq which I'm planning to use as a small home server. :3
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-16 09:12:28 UTC in journal: Museum... Comment #101556
yes I still have my windows 95! (not a joke, i really do)
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-15 21:57:18 UTC in journal: Museum... Comment #101555
old machines are great. Dont get rid of it. Theres little to go wrong in it besides the hdd, in such a case put a ssd in it and itll serve u forever
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-15 12:57:42 UTC in journal: I maked a thing Comment #101553
You're making stuff for Microsoft? That's the real shit man!

It's great to see everyone branching to his destiny.
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-11 02:11:40 UTC in journal: Just turned thirty Comment #101552
Thanks All!!
Commented 5 years ago2018-10-10 21:21:48 UTC in journal: Just turned thirty Comment #101551
Late Happy Birthday!