
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-18 13:27:07 UTC in vault item: Utopium Comment #15822
Amazing. This map rivals some of the Halo maps for architecture, realism, and surrealism. I like the way you used func_pushes for elevators, but I would suggest that you make it more obvious that they are elevators, for example: put in a non-solid func_conveyor with a good scrolling texture. One thing I REALLY want to know is: what did you make the push speed for the func_pushes? I've tried making this kind of 'elevator', but I always have to make two: one that pushes you fast enough to go up (push speed 1000), and one that is just slow enough to allow you to get down safely from any height (push speed 500). Also, the top of the elevator tubes should be rounded, so the player gets pushed out of the tube, instead of hitting the top and falling back down. Another thing that's been irritating me is that room at the top of the tower, that has a circular door on either side. How do you get to that room? I've tried jumping from the platform with the rocket launcher, I've tried air control, rocket jumping, and cheats (which, unfortunately, don't work in multiplayer mode), and I can't get to it.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-18 11:36:40 UTC in vault item: Ren_Test1 Comment #15816
Cool, Portal maps are starting to show up.

Looks like this map uses a lot of long jumps.

Hammer still doesn't support Portal with manually extracting the GCF, correct?
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-18 08:56:10 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #15815
lawl Code it so it displays the actual time.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-18 00:18:45 UTC in vault item: Ren_Test1 Comment #15814
Apparently so, according to his site... along with various other well known games.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-17 13:24:26 UTC in vault item: Xen Cryo - Compo 15 Comment #15809
The Xen landscape was extremely impressive. I liked the 'dried-out swamp' near the beginning where you have to run through the canyon, and come to a depression full of xen_hairs. The first time you jump into a cocoon was also amazing. It looked like the start of a very impressive transportation system, that would definitely not be something you would find on earth. The way you have to enter the cocoon would work very well in a low-gravity environment like Xen...except that you didn't lower the gravity in this map. One other thing I noticed was about the transportation system itself: the room near the end looked too much like a warehouse, and the other cocoons and the crane to carry them only strengthened this impression. In the original Half-Life Xen levels, there are always plenty of alien slaves running around. A good Xen transportation system should be able to carry lots of aliens around. It should also be non-linear. You did a pretty good job on this, with all the hallways branching off of the one your cocoon started in. However, the cocoons can only carry one individual, and you can't really see out of them without jumping. It had too much of a "Residue Processing" feel, where you find yourself stuck in a gigantic mechanism with no ability to control it.
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Commented 16 years ago2007-10-17 09:21:37 UTC in vault item: Ren_Test1 Comment #15807
wait, dude.. you're actually working on Fallout 3? Like.. as part of the official Dev team??
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Commented 16 years ago2007-10-16 12:21:00 UTC in vault item: ex_RCcar Comment #15799
heh, thanks Cow ^^
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-16 05:44:35 UTC in vault item: dm_contrast Comment #15798
HLDM = Half-Life multiplayer. If you have CS - you'll have HLDM and HL.

I really like the contrast and wireframe look in the screenie. Will check it out once I'm home.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-16 00:08:59 UTC in vault item: Ren_Test1 Comment #15797
This was a fun map.... should make it a little more complicated....maybe more jumps to get to the door...and when you beat it you should be able to do it a warp to the begining....
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-15 14:08:13 UTC in vault item: ex_RCcar Comment #15796
No not really. What I do know is Madcow can't make a thirdperson camera + control combination.
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Commented 16 years ago2007-10-15 11:31:20 UTC in vault item: ex_RCcar Comment #15794
Very good example which can become usefull in many situations.
I believe habboi of all will have good use for this.

So habboi, what did I tell you, hm? Game_ui.
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Commented 16 years ago2007-10-15 06:20:34 UTC in vault item: dm_contrast Comment #15789
Well I don't have HL-DM, but a look fro the screen shot, it reminds me of an Addams Family house. Good job mapping, keep going ;)
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-14 22:00:36 UTC in vault item: dm_contrast Comment #15788
I really liked it, it's a great style in my opinion, very different from the average dm map. Weapon placement wasn't too bad, I liked the rpg table. What I said about finding the weapons still applies but overall quite an effective map.

4 stars...
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-14 21:51:57 UTC in vault item: de_vine Comment #15787
your map is good...but have you play whit bot??? 4 terrorist die when round started. That could be inf_player_deadmatch place to cloose each other. repair that boy
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Commented 16 years ago2007-10-14 09:16:49 UTC in vault item: fy_catalyst_V1 Comment #15775
+ Gameplay layout is half decent (for an FY map)

+ Decent concept

- Architecture is basic and blocky

- Custom textures are gaudy and make the eyes bleed. They might fit the theme, and you've done a decent job of 'tiling' them, but they are still horrible.

- The lights are boring, and they come from nowhere.

- The ceiling uses a horrible dev texture

A good idea, but poorly executed.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-14 06:00:17 UTC in vault item: TipOver Comment #15774
and I thought I was bad.....
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-14 04:43:27 UTC in vault item: Dodge Viper Comment #15773
Freak'n hell. The detail's amazing, though it's obiviously way too wide.
Though it still deserves 5*, just for the effort. :>
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-13 18:04:34 UTC in vault item: Threating skies: tsao1 Comment #15770
Pretty nice, but I preferred the old intro :) You can't really see where you're going in this, and I didn't know where the door opening/closing sounds were coming from. Maybe add windows on the far doors?

Nice though!
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-13 15:03:08 UTC in vault item: Horror 1 - The Murderer Comment #15769
Haha no, I laughed at you for using env_lightglow instead of env_sun.
Sun is so much sexier.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-13 14:01:32 UTC in vault item: Horror 1 - The Murderer Comment #15768
And you laughed at me for using glow entities...>_<
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-13 07:05:09 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15766
The map is nice,I've seen worse,like fy_trapped,and this is definetly better than fy_reflective,tough the arhitecture and the gameplay on this map are good,there are some problems with texture aligments,such as the plank from up that you can get on by the rope,
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-12 20:36:09 UTC in vault item: Spiral Ramp Comment #15765
Now that spiral ramp, is sexy.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-12 13:20:43 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15764
Better, better... thats all i can say for now.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-12 07:24:45 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15763
oh i forgot, i made the map in 3 days every day 4 hours( I'm a student i don't have much time) because I didn't only work on the map,I read tutorials ,how to strip the weapons etc.....................................................................
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-12 07:18:42 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15762
Ok thanks Masta Killa. I find very much help in the word you wrote.Yes I am a beginner.I descovered the tool(hammer) 6 months ago but i only had the guts to make a map 2 months ago.I know ,I know about the crazyness of good texturing and atmosphere .

I know I'm talking on a site dedicated to mapping so here I should be more careful to the quality of my maps.But on sites were you only upload a map and Aurevoir ,you could upload even stupid maps. I,personally ,like those maps.I like to see what other people created.But there are some maps played wich are extremely simple.For example: 1HP , aim_bycastor and so.And they are well-played .And I realy don't see on servers the mega-maps( I call them like this :) ) only the original ones from cstrike(cs_assault,de_thunder,de_inferno,de_dust etc...) and after them some modified ones,and these maps I told you about : awp ,ka ,aim,fy .....

K i finished with this crap. Thanks for the advises.Have a nice day!(play!)
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-12 03:17:40 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15761
What MK said ^^

Commented 16 years ago2007-10-11 20:16:33 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15760
Wrote at 2:16 AM, sorry for grammatical failures
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-11 20:14:59 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15759
Ok, since the map vault is flooded with fy maps (mostly coming from you - no offense, actually this shows, that you have motivation to map, which is a good thing) I've decided to point out a few basic flaws in this map, in order to help you with your future maps.

First of all: Do NOT surround your map with a simple single-textrued box. I know, that this is a knife map, and that realism doesn't play the main role here, but it sure adds a lot to your map, if you have something more realistic to surround your map. Maybe some streets, high-rise buildings or even some surreal flowing thingys for all I care, but at least have SOMETHING to have the illusion, that you're are somewhere, not just flowing around in a mindless blank void.

Secondly: The lights. They are just too bright. If you're adding some environment lights to your map, you should pay attention not to make it too bright. Or even if you do so, you should have some more map elements on the top of your map, to cast some neat shadows on the ground. Play with different angles and brightness levels, to have the best effect. Those wooden planks were a nice touch, and made nice shadows, but there was just not enogh detail in the whole map to be all in all aesthetical.

Usual fy-cs stuff: Try to think of other places to take cover besides the damn wooden crates. Try to come up with a theme for a map (in case of cs: helicopter crash, demolished city, or something like that) and add objects to the map, which can logically be there. (Like: pieces of the helicopter, rocks, dirty, damaged walls, etc.)

Textures: Align!! The stairs just looked awful with the same pattern on them. When you're making stairs, make sure you dont have the same pattern on them, especially if you work with textures, which are not maint to be used for stairs in the first place. The wooden plank on the very top had also aligning problems. It's nice, that you aligned the top of the plank, but the players can also see the bottom! So, you should align everything, what the player can see.

By the way, you should also experiment, which textures look good together. These don't. Or, you could add some thin brushes on the sides (with the same tetxture), to have them come together somehow.

And last but not least: Put more effort and more time into your maps, before you upload them. I always work at least like 20-25 hours on a map, before I load it up, and even then, they don't look perfect at all. Again, I know this is CS and FY and KNIFE and stuff like that, which are often just for the lulz, but you should really take more time, and fuck around more with your maps. Add some nice detalis, some ambience, some mood. Do not submit some put-together-in-three-hours maps at TWHL please. :)

You're a beginner, getting better, and having motivation, as said earlier. Please try to follow some of these advices plz, before you submit a map.

Thanks for reading, and good night.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-11 15:52:39 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15756
k just tell me what can i do to optimize the quality to see what i've done wrong.Please :D
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-11 15:41:21 UTC in vault item: ka_project Comment #15755
This is better than your previous maps.

The shadows on the water look nice, I'll give you that.

And the brushwork is the best I've seen you do so far.

But you still have a lot to learn. There are many things about this map that still scream "beginner!"

I'll give this 3 stars to encourage you. Mainly because of those water shadows. I liked those!

But you're a million miles away from 4 stars ;)

Keep practicing. You are getting better.
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-11 12:46:59 UTC in vault item: Crazy Crabs Comment #15754
its not crazy crabs. its MadCrabs 2. so gay
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-11 09:57:05 UTC in vault item: Maze Madness Comment #15753
Mephs, that's what I thought when I saw it. lawl
Commented 16 years ago2007-10-11 09:41:09 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #15752
I haven't even downloaded it yet and I already like the floor. Just polished.
Commented 17 years ago2007-10-10 12:39:36 UTC in vault item: fy_trapped Comment #15751
Looks light you compiled the map with no vis or rad!