
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-10 23:49:29 UTC in vault item: cs_club_axia Comment #17216
You don't have WinRar? What is this, your first week on the internet?
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-08 16:02:07 UTC in news: Bored? Comment #98933
You can play them both in versus already. I did Death Toll, it was a blast, and as far as I could tell completely 'done' and set up properly for versus. You need your own server to set it up, though, I'm sure you can google the instructions.

afaik Valve just hasn't made them available yet.
Commented 16 years ago2009-01-06 13:28:34 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #17200
Yeah, it's WON. I think these are the dlls that allow transparency- be sure to back up your old dlls before trying them of course:

It doesn't look like you are using any default textures, so you could just use -nowadtextures to include all used textures in the .bsp (less work than -wadinclude)

It looks amazing, but it has issues as a map in general. For goldsource, wpoly of 2500 and epoly of 40,000 is ridiculous. It's easy to make a pretty HL1 map when you build it like it's made for HL2! But regardless, the architecture, texturing, lighting, sound ambience, etc. are wonderful. It's clear that those polies went to good use, and aren't just the result of sloppy mapping.

In terms of gameplay, the way so much of the map is clipped off is frustrating. I've had to do those a couple times myself, but when you feel like there's an invisible barrier all around the map it's just irritating.

It feels like a pretty setpiece, but not something that's really meant to be played.
Commented 16 years ago2008-12-30 15:07:24 UTC in vault item: FL_c1 v1.1 (for Flat-Life) Comment #6252
I read that as "FLCL" lol
Commented 16 years ago2008-12-10 21:16:33 UTC in journal: #5498 Comment #52338
Please tell me that site is some sort of joke.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-18 17:04:04 UTC in news: Time 4 Left 4 Dead 4 Everyone 4 Ever! Comment #98837
So can you use the Source/Hammer to make custom maps yet? Or does Valve still need to release some files?

And yes, it's a blast. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night x_x
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-17 14:44:48 UTC in news: Left 4 Dead Demo Released Comment #98830
breaks down and buys it See you all online at midnight tonight lol

It sounds like a lot of the tweak stuff (rendering commands) are locked out in the demo. I hope this is changed in the full version of the game- being able to tweak the graphic settings is important to those of us running older systems.

I almost want to do some Source mapping just for this game.
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-12 02:31:21 UTC in news: Left 4 Dead Demo Released Comment #98824
Huh, my post earlier didn't show up.

Got it working, it runs reasonably well on my older system (P4 3.5ghz, 6800GT, 3GB ram) with the shaders turned down a bit. Good fun, reminds me of the old 4-player co-op arcade games.
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-11 23:57:37 UTC in vault item: Museum Comment #17173
Thanks! The types of art are mixed, but the areas are themed- the two smaller galleries have my friend Carey's art, and some Action HL related stuff. The long central room is all stock art from Max Payne. The lower part of the big room is my friend Kira's photos, and the upper odd pieces are my sisters. Then there's some fun pop culture stuff in the oddball places, like Colbert's portrait :)

Feel free to use it for VRML if you want, just let me know.
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-11 12:12:19 UTC in news: Left 4 Dead Demo Released Comment #98821
I can't get it to add in Steam- I click on the button and it just flashes and nothing happens :( :(
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-10 07:07:15 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Detailed Textures in Half-Life Comment #100917
It's nice that someone bother to bring this up. Let me make a few comments on them, as I've used these on three maps so far:

1) They can cause increased lag. watch the "ms" reading under rspeeds, and you'll see it go up 2-3ms when they are enabled. Your mileage may vary, though, and the number of them used might effect it as well.

2) These don't replace using properly sized regular textures- most of the default HL textures are blurry because their dimensions are not strictly 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and they get sampled down. It just seemed funny to see you applying detail textures to textures that look twice as blurry as they should to begin with.

3) The two numbers after the dt name in the detail textures file are its scale. This is inverse, though- the larger the number, the more times it repeats and the smaller it is compared to the regular texture. For the purpose of adding fine detail, I scale these up to 8 or ever 14 sometimes. Putting it on at a 1 to 1 ratio seems sort of pointless... why not just merge the two textures in photoshop and use that? The scale of the plating dt looks way off, btw, it's huge.

4) Don't bother going nuts with this. Adding them to the primary wall and floor textures makes sense, but beyond that nobody will probably notice.

5) For an actual example of how these look in-game, check out my Temple map. And you are free to use the detail textures included with it or Art Museum in your own maps, just credit me.

Hope that added something. I have some further info & textures to use here:
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-18 02:01:38 UTC in vault item: Temple Comment #16877
It was a little inspired by the old Goldeneye temple map, but obviously diverged a lot from that. For some reason I have this weird desire to make pretty, pristine, temple-ish maps. (where people fight to the death in a total bloodbath...) Even my Museum/Gallery map has some grand architecture in the ceiling work. Did I mention that I have a bit of a "ceiling fetish"? ;x

The textures are mostly from Blazeeer, who I think is no longer around in the HL mapping community. I am thinking about hosting them, and those of a couple other mia mappers, when I clean up my website.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-13 10:37:31 UTC in vault item: Battleschool Comment #16850
I'm not sure how it will work with bots- the central room and some other areas would be hard to program/navigate for them I would think. You can load it 1-player, though, to play vs monsters and grunts/assassins.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-30 09:49:18 UTC in vault item: Temple Comment #16801
lol thank you :D
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-30 01:43:04 UTC in vault item: Texture_Towers Comment #16057
lol humble HL1 engine. It's all what you do with what you have. I have seen a lot of Source maps that looked like bad HL1 maps, and HL1 maps that looked gorgeous. It's more the mapper than the game.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-27 23:28:23 UTC in vault item: Temple rush Comment #15828
hmmm are you sure this map isn't for DOOM 3?
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-13 10:44:10 UTC in vault item: Meatpit Comment #16038
lol "Meatspin" or "Meatspit" would fit the map, too ;x

It's really more a novelty map than anything. Kind of wish I had given players more space to move around, it isn't as playable as I had hoped. Maybe that can be a project to do on Source.