
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-20 13:20:35 UTC in journal: #5893 Comment #35193
If they removed guns entirely and just gave everyone a lot of conc grenades, I think TFC players would be happy.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-20 04:25:41 UTC in journal: #5891 Comment #51886
Who the fuck are you?
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Commented 15 years ago2009-06-19 17:33:23 UTC in journal: #5888 Comment #42614
Sorry to hear this :(
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-18 00:28:23 UTC in vault item: Fy_Silverdamn Comment #17599
Default sky?
I'll download and give this a minireview when I get back to my house on the 19th.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-15 20:16:31 UTC in vault item: Blue Paradise Comment #10947
Probably because it's an incomplete file.
Try downloading it in a different browser.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-13 23:35:41 UTC in vault item: Blue Paradise Comment #17587
Eek, I meant to clip off some of that so you couldn't pass it.
I'll fix it when I get back :)
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-13 22:40:29 UTC in vault item: Blue Paradise Comment #17585
There's no way around that. Teleport destinations have to specify the player's orientation.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-06-13 15:15:02 UTC in vault item: bdaw_shockstorage Comment #17581
Everything seemed great except for those damn vents. More than once, I accidentally fell down into a vent and was forced to crawl for what seemed like miles until I reached one of the two exits.
There needs to be a ladder or something to prevent that sort of thing.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-13 15:04:06 UTC in journal: #5876 Comment #56456
Very nice! What is that strange branch in the second photo?
By the way, I don't play Gmod, but I added you under "Soup Miner".
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-13 15:02:59 UTC in journal: #5875 Comment #59358
Acting more mature isn't just something that you just decide to do, regardless of how much you want to. And it isn't something that you should apologize for not doing.

"Acting mature" doesn't mean taking everything srs bizness, either. So don't get dull on us.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-13 13:55:16 UTC in vault item: Blue Paradise Comment #17580
Huntey: The longjump is is on the opposite side of the hornet gun. The "secret" door on that side will also take you to a different area.
If you didn't find the rpg, either, there's two behind the the two edge towers. You can pick them up by jumping around the trims. You don't need the gauss to get anywhere special except the extra ammo stash at the very top of the map.

I'm not sure how I could place any more ARs and shotguns without getting spammy, though. The grassy floor has 2 shotguns, the level above it has 2 ARs and 2 357s, the level above that has 2 ARs, and the top level has 2 ARs and 1 shotgun. Unless you spawn on the side platforms, there's always either a shotgun or an AR fairly close by.
(seriously, tell me how I could. I can make some minor changes like that before the release on FPSB)
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Commented 15 years ago2009-06-13 00:49:17 UTC in journal: #5873 Comment #41031
Oh I'm sorry I didn't meana hit ya. No wait, yeah I did.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-10 16:15:51 UTC in journal: #5865 Comment #59455
So Whiplash is a borg now, instead of a gimp?
Sounds like fun.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-06-09 17:52:08 UTC in journal: #5861 Comment #58829
Mario missed all the fun journals.

Anyway, all chocolate, huh? How do you form everything?
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-08 14:08:24 UTC in journal: #5856 Comment #47546
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-08 05:12:26 UTC in vault item: cs_sarajevo beta 0.86 Comment #17555
Jesus, talk about an atmospheric map. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. You've got something incredible in the making here.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-08 04:52:34 UTC in vault item: The Labyrinth Comment #17554
I got lost D:
I must be out of the loop, because I've never played a hedgemaze map before. This map would be mad fun to play with friends.

I liked the secret lookout of death-- I can just imagine other players yelling "How did you get there!" :)

Anyway, as fun as it is, it's not much for the eyes. texturing and brushwork were both far from amazing. If your goal was simply "map something wacky/fun" then you've succeded. Well done.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-08 04:33:00 UTC in vault item: de_afrika Comment #17553
The total lack of sound or env_sounds REALLY killed this map for me.

+Nice brushwork overall. I especially liked the plants at the CT spawn and the rock faces embedded in the walls. I just wish you hadn't func_walled that oasis near the T spawn. It made for some inconsistent lighting.
+Nice use of custom textures.
+Great layout that isn't too confusing. There's plenty of ways to get from one point to another, and I like the windows overlooking the oasis. Also, LOTS of cover is a big plus for a CS map.

-Bombsite B is way too close to the T spawn. The Ts can easily reach it before the CTs.
---No sound! No wind, no birds, so nothing. If I had someone to play with

While it's a good looking map, there's nothing that really makes it exceptional. Other than the sound, there isn't much to complain about, but there isn't much to praise either.
You've built a fine map. keep going.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-07 20:00:08 UTC in journal: #5848 Comment #54246
I just read "with my dad, in the show", really. Like, a theater.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-07 16:53:03 UTC in journal: #5850 Comment #56449
Over 200? Before the TF2 milestone patch, I idled almost every free second, and I barely got ~150.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-07 16:45:38 UTC in journal: #5848 Comment #54245
Try again. The preview shows 31 characters, spaces included.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-06-06 23:34:45 UTC in journal: #5846 Comment #58995
Fucking brilliant.

Anyway, I still prefer the PSP if only for the sheer modability.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-05 16:32:26 UTC in journal: #5841 Comment #61428
It's your fault that you tried posting a journal entry with it.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-06-01 04:17:13 UTC in journal: #5834 Comment #53284
Could soon be the happy seller of a Wii?
If not, just buy Warioware is kill your brain.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-05-28 03:53:30 UTC in journal: #5828 Comment #51860
Public schools also offer free after-school driving courses. It's not always learned by parents.
I don't know if you have something like this in Holland, but in the US, you have to get a "learner's permit" a year before you get your liscence(at least, before you're 18). The learner's permit allows you to drive under a curfew with someone who already has their liscence. During this year is when people drive with their parents, to hone in on what they've already learned.

Edit: beaten by Strider.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-28 02:41:30 UTC in journal: #5828 Comment #51859
Forgive me, but do you ever practice driving with your parents?
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-27 15:37:17 UTC in journal: #5825 Comment #50342
"You know the Fonze? Yeah, it's daubeh."

A mod MUST change his status to "The Fonze" now.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-27 01:15:03 UTC in journal: #5824 Comment #41025
The hunter is Altair. Valve is the thief.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 18:00:06 UTC in journal: #5822 Comment #52505
Wouldn't do anything. It's based on a counter in the game. Every however many minutes, someone has a random chance of getting a random item.

Unfortunately, there's no way to circumvent the this system to increase your chances.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 16:34:05 UTC in journal: #5822 Comment #52504
Idling is fun. I've got 79 hours of TF2 racked up now because of it.
Two thumbs up.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-05-25 16:47:55 UTC in journal: #5818 Comment #60308
Skeletons have to be different for each model because the mesh and skeleton both have to be lined up by the modeller. Vertices don't snap to bones, and vice versa under Goldsrc.

If every human used a common skeleton, they would all have to be the same size. You can turn one NPC into another by importing it's mesh onto the skeleton of another and reassign all of the vertices, though. It's pretty commonly done.
What is it that you're trying to do, anyway?
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-24 03:58:39 UTC in journal: #5813 Comment #61414
That's not how the rest of the world sees it. America means the US to 90% of the world.

Have fun with TF2, Yodalman.
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Commented 15 years ago2009-05-18 17:28:27 UTC in journal: #5803 Comment #39964
Slappy Birthday.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-13 21:16:16 UTC in journal: #5792 Comment #61403
How exactly did you find this computer?
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-12 21:47:11 UTC in vault item: Agm_Orbit Comment #17500
Was this originally supposed to be an Adrenaline Gamer map?

+ Good layout for a deathmatch, especially without relying on symmetry. The arena looks wide open, but there's plenty of cover at any given point so killbox-style gameplay is kept to a minimum.
+ Great skybox blend. I felt like I was hovering in a planet's orbit.
+ Ambience was pretty good, though some pitch shifts and a lower volume would have really helped the repetitive nature of the main sound.
+ Item placement was great. More powerful weapons were harder to reach than others, and ammo was sparse. Props to requiring the longjump to reach the RPG.
+ Texture alignment was awesome.

- A lot of the map forced me to hurt myself by fall damage, especially with getting down from the gauss area. I see that you probably meant for the player to use the gauss to reduce fall damage, but it KILLS the flow when two people go up and one person has to wait for the gauss to respawn.
- I fell 2 inches before dying after falling off the structure. I hate it when maps do this. There's supposed to be a lot of space between me and my deathbed below, and there's plenty of things you could have done to make me feel like I'm falling toward the planet.
- The jump pads to the gauss pushed me forward before I was in the air. This made the jump unnecessarily difficult, and very prone to resulting in fall damage.

Other notes:
  • The light_environment was 90 degrees out of alignment with the sun.
  • Medkits shouldn't be used to compensate for inevitable fall damage.
  • I really wish this map defaulted with low gravity. It would improve the feel as well as fix most of the fall damage issues.
It's still a very good looking map, though. And it should be very fun to play.
4 stars for this one, and I hope it wins MOTM for April.