
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-23 11:34:02 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13535
Thank you :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-20 11:05:31 UTC in vault item: Minimod Template Comment #13488
This should be in Example maps.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-20 10:38:28 UTC in vault item: Texas Rangers (Compo 22) Comment #13487
Who doesn't know Chuck Norris?
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 16:28:17 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13445
"Low detail settings cause lag when the map demands higher settings."


Ill check this map out later.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-29 22:35:45 UTC in vault item: Super Gordon Bros. Comment #13381
Ha that was awesome! I love Mario. One thing I didn't like is you didn't zip the materials or sounds into the bsp. You should get PakRat so people don't have to put each file in each foler.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-26 15:16:46 UTC in vault item: LLOD_stalingrad_vs Comment #13345
Awesome map! Looked really good. Nothing much else I could say considering I could not find anything wrong with it. Nice job!
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 12:55:08 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13287
Ohh man!! Awesome!! It was JUST like HL! I loved it. I haven't gave A map 5 stars in like...ever. Or at least a LONG time. But this is definitely worth it!
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 11:37:05 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13286
I didn't play it yet but I saw my brother Xyos play it, I would like to ask, HOW did you get the voices for Kliener and barney! I don't remember any of those voice clips from HL.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 11:33:45 UTC in vault item: dms_pacmanhl (HLDM: Source) Comment #13285
Someone made a map like this awhile ago for CSS.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-20 01:50:19 UTC in vault item: Mana Home Comment #13218
Hey pretty cool map!
+ TONS of custom textures!
+ Animated textures!
+ Good recreation!!

-The invisable ledge where where the SMG grenades are gets in the way when you are walking around the level. Why aren't they just on the side?

That's about it. Small map, small review. I love the look of this map and it looks quite fun. Small maps are always hectic. All in all 3.5 stars rounded to 4.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-20 01:28:11 UTC in vault item: dod_spires_v1 Comment #13217
DO you want me to lie? I want his next map to be better.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-19 15:18:32 UTC in vault item: Two Comment #13211
"and keep up the good work"
What are you on!? The whole concept ofr reviewing a persons map is to be completely honest and try to help them to make their next map better. This map is far from "good work."

"this could be made much better with a bit of work.
Pretty good for your first map!"

He never said it was his first map. He said it was a test map. Which means it is no where near worth 3 Stars. Also it would take more than a bit of work.

Definitely Bias in here.

Just downloaded it.


Full Bright
Horrible Texturing
Horrible Layout
NO Detail
Bad FPS (How do you get Bad FPS on this map?)
NOTE: I do not in anyway want to bash your map. I am simply more direct in my reviewing. I say it like it is and don't make it sound like something awesome. And I would hope all of you do the same for my maps as well, because useless information and critisizm isn't worth having.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-19 08:39:37 UTC in vault item: Two Comment #13205
Looking at the screenshot I already know that map isn't worth 3 stars. There is definitely some Bias here. But I'll check it out later.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-16 13:19:09 UTC in vault item: fun_rushing2_2 Comment #13182
Do I really need to explain what is wrong with this map? NO thought at all in the mapping. Plus it gets old fast.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-16 13:14:51 UTC in vault item: 1337_street Comment #13181
Buildings seem to have good proportion.

Repetative texturing
Buildings has absolutely no archetecture. Just blocks.
Why did you have teleporters and trigger_pushes? It that some sort of lazy way to get to the top floor of the building without actually mapping a way up? It makes no sense.
The Road on ALL sides just cuts off. The map looks like a few buidlings floating in the middle of no where. Put some scenery.
The decals on the road were HUGE. Definitely out of proportion.
But I will say, It does look really fun to play. I love Gauss jumping.

All in all 2 Stars :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-13 17:08:26 UTC in vault item: bg_gym (for Battle Grounds) Comment #13173
If I knew what battle grounds was and if I had it I would Download this.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-12 08:59:03 UTC in vault item: 1337_street Comment #13161
As soon as I get home I'll check it out!
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-11 22:12:42 UTC in vault item: dod_towering_night_v1 Comment #13159

Big grass blocks? Use displacements at least!

What is with the breen core prop at the top of the building?

No detail at all. Use some detail! Decals, displacements! Props! Cmon!

Map is boxed in! Use displacement! Or think of a way to close it up that makes sense!

All in all 2 stars. Use these tips to further improve on your other maps. :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-11 22:00:34 UTC in vault item: dod_intersection_v1 Comment #13158
This map actually made an attempt at detail.
You used props this time.
3D skybox is always good..


Once again your name in big letters = noobish.

Although you made a 3D skybox, the buildings did not match the actualy level. The buildings in the map itself were more like bunkers and buildings.

A hedge hog in the city? They are for stopping ships at the beach. ( No not the animal, the cross shaped prop.)

All in all 3 stars. (2.5 rounded up to 3) Better..... Use these tips to further improve on your next map! :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-11 21:49:41 UTC in vault item: dod_toxic_tower_vs1 Comment #13157
Loved the random teleportation!

Name in big print is tacky.

Texturing is horrible, you used the same blant textures through out the whole map. Also you misaligned alot of them.

Layout is horrible. The spawns are so easy to get to, one could easily set up a MG and blow them down.

The random platforms on the walls are a bad layout idea too. Considering you can only get on them by teleporting, you can't get off them without damaging or killing yourself.

Does not match the DOD theme at ALL, but one could argue that it doesn't have to. So that isn't really a con.

NO props! Or any amout of detail!

All in all 2 stars. Use these tips to further improve your next map! :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-11 21:37:41 UTC in vault item: dod_spires_v1 Comment #13156
"The map well is made and detailed"

What the hell are you ON!? Did you even download the map?



Texturing is....bad. Like Xyos said, there is like three textures throughout the whole map.

There are NO PROPS. Each room is so bland and repetative.

No displacements at all.

No ambient sounds.

Map inside a huge cylinder.

No detail whatsoever.

Again with your name in the huge print. That is "noob" written all over it. Tacky!

Make your maps, make sense. It is unlikely there will ever be a perfectly even cylinder which inside there is a bridge that leads nowhere.

All in all 2 stars. Use these tips to further improve your next map. :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-11 21:22:39 UTC in vault item: dod_bunker_warfare_v1 Comment #13155
Pros: Mortar blasts were cool.....


Like Xyos said the displacements should be sewn together, not doing this causes an ugly and very appart shading issue, on one displacement it is dark and on the other is is bright, there is no gradient from one to the other.

Distinct lack of detail, inside the bunkers there was nothing. No decals or overlays, no props.

For some reason the battle field is littered with Hedgehogs. (No not the animal those cross shaped props are called hedgehogs) They make no sense in this map considering there is no ocean. Headge hogs are used for stopping ships from coming onto the beach.

Putting your name up in big letters?! What the hell! I can understand wanting people to know it is yours, but like Xyos said put it in a secret box out of the map.

The map is boxed in. Use displacements! Or make houses that surround the area. hundreds of better ways you could have done this.

All in all, 2 Stars. Use these comments to further improve on your next map. :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-09 12:58:32 UTC in vault item: sc_Gosu Comment #13134
If I had Sven Coop I would definitely download it. I try to look at every new map that comes in the map vault. Sorry. :(
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-09 12:57:33 UTC in vault item: Abandoned Locomotive Warehouse Comment #13133
It certainly is an awesome recreation. I only found one problem. One of the pipes on the roof just kinda stops. It is hard to explain. Otherwise GOOD JOB!

I am not quite sure how to judge this map, on one hand if I give it like 4 stars people would be thinking, "It is only one building! Why give it four!?" On the other hand if I give it like 2 stars people would think, "You were supposed to ONLY judge the house! R TARD" So I will just not rate it. :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-09 12:53:55 UTC in vault item: de_bedroom Comment #13131
Also I don't think he could add any props considering they would have to be HUGE to match the maps theme. There is basically no props he can use to make it match.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-09 10:54:56 UTC in vault item: de_bedroom Comment #13130
Prop_physics_multiplayer are basically useless in CSS. They are only for fixing problems with collisions with other players. Basically only for Half-Life 2 Death match because you can throw physics objects at players. In CSS they are just annoying, because you bounce off them.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-08 09:02:33 UTC in vault item: Xen Cryo - Compo 15 Comment #13120
Awesome map!!
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-08 07:42:37 UTC in vault item: Apocta Comment #13119
Awesome map!! I can't find any faults in it. It seems like it would be really fun to play in!
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-08 07:33:38 UTC in vault item: de_bedroom Comment #13118
Well some textures were good, but the wall texture was just plain, you could of normal mapped it to add a little bit if detail. :P
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-07 15:51:13 UTC in vault item: de_bedroom Comment #13109
Fun map to walk around in.
TONS of custom textures.
FPS is bad in some spots. (27!?)
It looks like Half-Life 1 mapping. Nothing in this map makes it looks like Half-Life 2 except for maybe the displacement of the bed. Whitch raises the question how you get 27 FPS in this simplistic map.
The spots where you can blow holes in the wall are protruding out of the wall for some reason.
On the desk, where the drawer is, it is intersecting the brush of the desk. And you can see it.
Hard to figure out what you can climb.
Some textures had no detail at all.
Was there HDR in this map? If no there is no need for it.
I think there is more but all in all three stars.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-07 11:19:48 UTC in vault item: de_disneyland Comment #13103
Well there were alot of problems. For one, the main entrance just kinda stops. There is no scenery on the outside of the map showing that it really is an entrance. I saw that in some other places too. The bar was WAAAY to big! I had to jump ontop of the stools and they were HUGE! Some brushes didn't line up. Also There was this one spot where you only contructed the building on two sides. leaving...well this.

Also I can clip through some props. Put some player clips around them so you can't walk through them. Also THe side walks were to far elevated. If you are going to do that, put player clips infront of them in kinda a slant form, so it is like walking up a ramp. It is annoying to have to jump onto the sidewalk.

I think there is more but I don't feel like loading the map up again. All in all three stars. (2.4.... but because of custom content like 2.7 rounded to 3. Because you most likely didn't model those trees, and if you did, then your awesome!)
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-25 20:06:49 UTC in vault item: Train Yards Comment #13035
Exactly. What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you even consider stealing other people's work? One star based soley on the fact that you copied and pasted.
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-25 14:46:06 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13032
"I just loaded the map to look around it (I like trains), perhaps you could add a signal light color change (red/green) to match the train frequency, and just raise all the train wheels, they are sitting in the rails instead of on them."

Those two little things make is worth a 3 star?

Can I get the ip for that server? I have it on my server too. My servers IP is...
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-24 07:17:35 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #13028
Hey thanks!! :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-23 15:29:08 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13024
Thanks! If you want to play it, you can join my server if you want. The ip is...

It is in the map cycle.
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-23 11:29:35 UTC in vault item: fun_hkkcr Comment #13022
it's a good map
What the hell??? Good maps are flawless REALLY good looking maps. If it is not flawless it isn't a good map.
+ Good gameplay
+ Nice choice of textures
Are you blind!? The textures were So stretched in some areas! And alot of them were so bland and had no detail at all.

Also if it takes me like 3 minutes to try to get out of the river it has some gameplay problems.

Commented 17 years ago2006-09-23 11:26:55 UTC in vault item: fun_hkkcr Comment #13021
-Texturing is horrible, some textures looks so stretched out that you can't even really figure out what material it is.

-SOO many problems, I can not believe you could not see them for yourself, also how no one has mentioned them!

-I can see the side of the water, it isn't going up the big ramp thing and if it is, I can not see it. I even walked all the way up it and was constantly going in and out of water, even though there was no water there. It left me saying "What the hell?"

-Gameplay problems, when you are in the water/river it is EXTREAMLY hard to get out of. At one point I was thinking about noclipping but I finally got it.

-I saw like pieces of walls coming through the floor.

-Some textures were bland and had no detail.

-There is absolutely no scenery outside of the map. The water in the ocean just cuts off after like 3 feet. At the top of the ramp there is nothing, so even if there was water there, it would be coming out of nothing.

There is more but I have to be going. My suggestion is THINK and actually analyze your map before posting it.

"Does it make sense?"
"Do the textures look good?"
"Are their ANY problems?"

Ask yourself these questions and any more you can think of. Some of these problems are so obvious that I am awed you could not notice them.

I am not in anyway bashing your map, I am simply telling you what is wrong. This will help you in the future. So don't be like "Ohh your an ass!"

ALTHOUGH the custom stuff was good. ANYTHING custom is good in my book. I would give it a 2 for the custom stuff, but this map just has way to many problems and mapping flaws. Sorry man. 1.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-13 22:41:40 UTC in vault item: Large Turrets Comment #12991
I can't get it to fire. I get in it and press left click and it doesn't fire.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-12 22:24:00 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12989
I mapper should never have to give obvious hints. That is why it is called a puzzle. You have to figure out what to do. I purposely made it so if would take some brain power and observation. Like with the fans. A bar was stopping the fan from moving. You could VISUALLY see this. Therefore it is a hint. Hints shouldn't ambiguous, they should be vauge so the player has to use his brain. Simply saying , "I couldn't figure it out" isn't a con it is a pro. It is a sign of a good puzzle. Thusly it isn't fair to take off because you has trouble figuring it out. Half-Life 2 does puzzles with NO hints ALL the time. The point is the player must figure it out for himself by observation.

As for your other comments. I agree. I will take that into consideration with my next Half-Life 2 Single player map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-09 20:52:37 UTC in vault item: fun_hkkcr Comment #12975
Ha, ohh my mistake I thought it says CSS.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-09 20:52:07 UTC in vault item: dm_ravenholm Comment #12974
It isn't annoying it sounds like the Soundscape.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-09 14:11:06 UTC in vault item: dm_ravenholm Comment #12968
Whoops I forgot to set the "included" to "BSP"
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-09 14:10:07 UTC in vault item: fun_hkkcr Comment #12967
I can't find a "gfx" folder in my CSS folder. So it wont let me load the map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-08 19:21:41 UTC in vault item: puppycademy_awp_e-tractor Comment #12965
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-08 16:13:24 UTC in vault item: fy_evilpyramid Comment #12964
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-29 12:54:03 UTC in vault item: puppycademy_awp_normal-tractor Comment #12923

Rediculus. My Number 1 pet peave about mappers is when they name their maps something like "puppycademy_awp_normal-tractor" WAY TO LONG. How about like "awp_NTractor"? To make it look less noobish.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-29 10:16:29 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12919
What is with the Quad posting Kramer?

Quad posting Kramer is no more! - Your friendly neighbourhood moderator
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-29 10:15:07 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12918
I think saying lack of detail is a little unfair. Some spots have Insane detail and some don't. Just look at the warehouse roof, and the city.

But, it is my first real attempt at a single player map. So I think I did alright.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-28 22:53:16 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #12913
The download is REALLY fast. And I mean fast. So try to look past the stupid confirmation screen for the download. I couldn't get a direct link.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-28 22:42:46 UTC in vault item: puppycademy_awp_e-tractor Comment #12912
OMG I hate when mappers make their map name so long!!
"puppycademy_awp_easy-tractor" What the hell is that!? How about like "awp_tractor" or "awp_Etractor" to make it look less noobish.