Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2009-01-26 23:42:44 UTC
in Escorting Barney Post #262013
Sorry for the delay.

Darkie - Yes, like that. I want the character to keep moving and not respond to the player's use button, but still die at the right time.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-31 00:17:48 UTC
in The Standard "Zombie Eating" S Post #260812
aiscripted_sequence only has an "Action Animation" field. His eatbody animation is an "Idle Animation" and when I use it in an aiscripted, obviously, it'll only play once.

I could make that sequence repeat, but I never mastered that and it's just more entity work than is probably needed.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-30 22:48:38 UTC
in Escorting Barney Post #260801
More scripted_sequence troubles. Ugh.

I have a segment in my map where Barney walks down a hallway to open a door for you (you don't lead him). Along the way, headcrabs teleport in (triggered by multi_managers set off as he passes certain scripted_sequence entities).

Now, I have a problem. I do NOT want Barney fighting the headcrabs. Solely because after he is done, he always goes back to his normal AI and forgets about his sequence. However, if I DISABLE his AI, then he will die after completing the sequence, like Valve characters always do in "non-interruptable" sequences.

I either need to manage a way for Barney to keep his AI intact (so he can die along the way) but resume his path when done, or a way to disable his AI but allow him to die normally and not at the end of the sequence.

I'm almost certain Valve had done something like this during HL1. Any ideas?

I have tried both scripted and aiscripted sequences, played with both "Non Interruptable" and "Override AI" flags, but can't get a winning combination.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-30 14:18:52 UTC
in The Standard "Zombie Eating" S Post #260772
"No interruptions" causes the sequence not to occur at all.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-29 21:42:55 UTC
in The Standard "Zombie Eating" S Post #260742
Yeah. To be honest I have never used a looping scripted sequence before, so I'm having trouble with this. I have your standard zombie eating, who will stand up when the player hits him.

The scripted_sequence to make him eat has:

Idle Animation: eatbody

That's it. Everything else is at default, and the Override AI flag is on.
This was the scripted_sequence to make him stand:

Action Animation: eatbodystand

No flags.
It works, except when I hit the zombie, he will turn to face me and THEN do his "standing up" animation. I cannot get him to retain his original direction when he stands up. I've looked at the TWHL tutorial and Valve's maps, but don't get what I'm doing wrong. I also tried with "Override AI" on the second sequence. It should theoretically make him avoid turning to react to the player, but it doesn't. I even tried setting the yaw of the second sequence to match the first, but he still turns to face me.

What's up?
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-28 23:11:36 UTC
in Your Career Post #259169
One thing I've been looking into is what kinds of careers level designers and modders seem to go into. There seems to be some loose correlation with writers, at least from people I know.

What kind of career fields are you guys going into (or currently in)?

I have an interest in engineering, as I have and always will have a passion for creation. My dream job would be to work for Valve though, of course. ^_^
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 17:32:46 UTC
in Hammer 3.x => Hammer 3.5 Post #254901
I have tons of nitpicks with Source Hammer as well...

1) In Goldsrc Hammer you hold down shift to rotate in 15 degree increments. In Source they already go in those increments and shift (or is it alt, I don't remember much about the horrible program) is for "free" rotation. Just an inversion of my preference but still.

2) ESC in the 3D view doesn't orient you north anymore.

3) Ugly compile logs. Valve's to blame, then again the original HL compilers weren't that tidy either.

4) Is there a way to turn off tenths-of-units? At least so that I can clip and drag brushes easily without having to resort to the grid?

5) Ugly new logo. Good job Valve.

6) SOURCE SDK TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD! "Hi, I'm going to assume you're an idiot so instead of letting you make your own game configs I'm going to spend 3 minutes trying to detect your crap. PPPPRRROOOOOOCCCCEEEEESSSSSIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG."

All that aside, 3D preview window for Twister would be neat, but I wouldn't ever kill you over one.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-31 16:27:42 UTC
in Where Do You Even GET Prefabs Anymore? Post #254815
I make my own prefabs, but I was wondering because I often seek out prefabs that are, in essence, decompiled from HL. Examples are the tanks and vehicles, you can find on SnarkPit.

I'm too lazy to WinBSPC stuff sometimes, so yeah. :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-31 13:57:43 UTC
in Where Do You Even GET Prefabs Anymore? Post #254802
I was talking with some mappers we ended up on the discussion - where do you even get prefabs anymore?

Aside from SnarkPit, I know of no working sites. GameDesign always gives me database errors now. Anybody know?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 19:43:41 UTC
in Cogs? Post #252833
In Goldsrc didn't we make the teeth separate brushes intersecting through the cog? Messy though.

If you can, use a prop to save time. I think HL2 has cog props, or at least Ep2.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 19:39:46 UTC
in SoHL Noob Question... Post #252832
The site is down regrettably. It has been for weeks - the entire VERC Collective. Anyone have ideas when it'll be back?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 19:36:23 UTC
in How can I make scientists sit? Post #252829
If you put monster_sitting_scientist in a chair, I think he'll just fall through. There was a tutorial on some site on how to do it. I THINK you have to put an origin brush on the center of the "seat" of the chair, and make sure the chair and its origin brush are assigned to a func_wall - a named one.

Then I think you put the monster_sitting_scientist on the chair and set his target field to the name of the chair. It's something like that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-07 17:35:26 UTC
in NPC's shooting to a target. Post #249691
I could have sworn if you set an NPC's "Target" field to the name of a monster or func_breakable entity, they'd really shoot at it, but that would be a bit messy and lack much control.

Just do what Muzzle says.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-02 23:45:59 UTC
in My Mod: Titles.txt Not Working! Post #242361
For a few months, I've been working on a Half-Life singleplayer mod. In it I use env_message to display messages, naturally, using a modified titles.txt which I keep in the mod's directory.

For some reason, recently I got a new computer and ported over EVERYTHING from the mod. For some reason now, when I play the mod, instead of displaying the message, it says the name - this is what normally happens when the game thinks there is no message with that name - but there is! I doublechecked the names in titles.txt and everything.

I didn't edit that file or the env_messages since I got the new computer, either. What could be going on?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-22 01:28:48 UTC
in HUD Color Generator Post #238986
Thanks! I'll try this tool.

My client.dll project came corrupt when I dl'd the SDK 2.3. At least, it has all these errors about GameStudioRender and whatnot when I try to build it. I just want to change the HUD, other than that I have no use for client.dll, so thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-21 20:34:45 UTC
in Well hidden leak, curse you. Post #238970
You can attempt to do the block trick. Basically cover a fair amount of your map with a giant solid brush. Then JUST run CSG and BSP. If it still notifies you of the leak, move the brush somewhere else until it says otherwise.

Once the compiler says there is no leak, make that brush smaller, and repeat the method above - move it around the general area it was in before. Keep making the brush smaller and searching the area until you narrow down the location of the leak.

If you just have one leak, it's easier. This method, for me, has always only been able to find one leak at a time - so if you have several leaks, it may take a while.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-19 20:42:27 UTC
in new temple falls map in the making Post #238834
Wadfather egyptian textures? I love those...

I don't know what t osay. Did you use standard VIS optimizing methods like func_walling the pillars?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-19 20:37:36 UTC
in Coding Weapons: Events in Weapon Files Post #238833
I based it off of CBaseWeapon. Do you think I can utilize shotgun functions if I base my weapon off of the shotgun?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-18 22:30:22 UTC
in Coding Weapons: Events in Weapon Files Post #238776
That doesn't help...I don't get it too as all the other m_fl commands work fine.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-18 20:48:00 UTC
in Coding Weapons: Events in Weapon Files Post #238765
I've been coding this weapon for HL, the boomstick. It is based off of the shotgun's .cpp file (though I have already defined all new things such as the class name, weight, ammo, etc).

It only has the primary fire mode, so I just chopped out the secondary fire information and disabled secondary fire.

However, now I'm close to compiling hl.dll but have error C2065: 'm_flNextReload' : undeclared identifier going. This is in the shotgun's coding, for reloading (yay, that rhymes). Yet it does not work properly here. I heard that these events are weapon-specific, and I would need to redefine them for usage in other weapons.

How would I go about doing that? Help would be appreciated.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-17 18:50:19 UTC
in 1st Mod: Compiling Custom Content? Post #238719
Welp, I took a break from working with client_dll to work on hl.dll, which I was able to compile with no errors whatsoever, aside from a few syntax ones made by myself which I was able to fix with ease.

It's not a new weapon based off of a pre-existing one, but rather a pre-existing one but with different sounds, damage, etc. Still, it's a start.

Caboose, I'll check your links and see if they are of any help to me.

Also, is the server project hl.dsp? As stated above, I changed a weapon there, tried a map in my mod, it worked perfectly. Client_dll has nothing to do with weapons anyways, if I look in there that's all the VGUI/HUD stuff.

P.S. My mod is single player, if that has any dramatic effect on how these projects should be worked.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-17 13:00:44 UTC
in 1st Mod: Compiling Custom Content? Post #238701
I have had no experience with C++, though it seems very similar (apperance-wise and in syntax) to ActionScript, which I have worked with.

I do not intend to do any major coding, merely weapon/monsters that are primarily just standard HL ones, with minor changes such as sounds and models. For all these things, I have found the single player source files to pretty much be sufficient for that.

Also, I heard MSVC 6.0 works better for HL, due to it being the version HL was coded in. I've gotten ahold of a download of that, which should hopefully make building less painful.
UPDATE - I keep getting "unresolved external symbol" errors when I attempt to build my client_dll file, and even when I try to build the default one that the SDK installs! For example:
ammo.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __ftol2_sse
I cannot figure out what is causing this. I even made a full copy of the SDK for my mod to ensure there were no directories I left behind - still get these errors! Why?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-17 00:25:21 UTC
in 1st Mod: Compiling Custom Content? Post #238671
Hiya, I'm working on my first HL1 mod ('tis a single player campaign). I've already gotten the game to appear in the games list, have tweaked the menu, added a background, and the works.

I've been working in Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express on making new weapons.

I'm trying to make an electrified crowbar.

I've made a copy of the crowbar.cpp file and changed various animations and sounds, but I still have some questions:

1) How do I add the actual content to the mod? I heard you are supposed to compile the project file into client.dll or something.

2) I can set weapon damage in the skill file. However, the skill.cfg file has names for weapons like "sk_plr_crowbar1". I searched through the .cpp files, but can't find a thing. How can I tie names like this to the events of attacking with a weapon?

3) A bit of a silly question. The .cpp file shows how you add sounds and whatnot to a weapon, but how do you add a muzzleflash? I cannot find anything in the MP5 cpp file. Is it model based?

Thanks for your help.

Also, finally, anybody know of any good HL1 modding sites? I can't find many. Most resources on modding nowadays are for HL2...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 22:35:17 UTC
in Sven Co-Op vs Natural Selection Post #234936
Yeah Dave, that they did. Although in TFC you can "heal" the air. In Sven Co-Op, the medkit will only move if a teammate is in front of it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:36:33 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234929
Yes, I feel like reviving this. It's Monday night and I'm still not over the fact it's Monday. I feel like causing misery and woe.


That's another problem. Look at TFC. That game was incredibly flexible, all in its entities and stuff in the map editor Valve implemented. Now in FF they are too uncreative and don't care about making mapping easy for their fanbase, and as such they make it LUA based when they could just use entities.

Extremely flexible entities are cooler than having to write in LUA just to make up for everything Valve's games had that FF lacked.

...oh, and the HWGuy sucks. He's not fat (old TFC model) or muscular (new TFC model). He's just a guy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:33:33 UTC
in Sven Co-Op vs Natural Selection Post #234928
It feels (speedwise) like frickin' Doom! :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:29:12 UTC
in Sven Co-Op vs Natural Selection Post #234926
Maybe the FPS console command is tweaked in NS or something. Feels like a bazillion million FPS. Or at least, for 60 (capped) FPS, it doesn't feel as 60 FPS-ish as other HL1 games.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:28:12 UTC
in Advice on looking after your PC Post #234925
I got a tip for you all:

If you have pet kittens or any other animal who is still a novice in the fine art of going to the bathroom, protect your computer with your life.

One of my new cats (rest in peace, old cat of mine whom we never really named and just called "cat" most of the time) pissed on the surge protector for my TV and whatnot.

Burning smell, big mess, and a lot of hard work.

You don't want it to happen.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:25:27 UTC
in Sven Co-Op vs Natural Selection Post #234923
IMO, in ways Sven Co-Op is just HLDM (in fact they couldn't figure out how to ally players, which is why they bleed when hit by a teammate), but with the nice blue interface and they STOLE TFC's command menu. :P

But that's just me...

...personally in NS you die as quickly as you do in CS, and in first person as a Skulk, your view is too close to the ground to be truly effective.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:19:53 UTC
in Sven Co-Op vs Natural Selection Post #234921
Which do you prefer? I can't decide, really.

Sven Co-Op:
-Fairly fun maps

-Most of the Sven Co-Op mapping community sucks, many of the maps are just generic c1a0-textured places that load part 2 three minutes into the game
-Not as many players

Natural Selection:
-More players
-Awesome graphics and sound

-Harder to get into
-Aliens going "Lifeform's under attack" gets annoying as hell
-You die incredibly quickly

What do you guys think?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 13:18:10 UTC
in My 13337th Post #234184
Hello whoever you are!

Your avatar (and Luke's, well, face thing) suggest everybody loved you. I shall do so as well!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 13:14:22 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234183
Valve worked SO HARD on TF2. Read any press release and you will see they put a ton of planning into every last detail - character development, level design, etc.

To take some wannabe mod and say it's better, and tossing Valve's, what, 8 years of work in the dust...well... should burn in hell for that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 23:56:40 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234139
Again, realism in a TF game = BIG MISTAKE.

Also, sure TF2 is removing grenades, but hey, in some ways that's a good thing - no more engies leaving EMPs in their ammo bags after you kill them, no more grenade spamming spawn, etc.

Conc jumping will be missed, but the scout is now capable of getting around without the need for it.

Basically things balance out.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 23:52:16 UTC
in TFC Entity Reference Post #234138
Firstly, YES, TFC mapping is quite flexible and YES, lots of people still map for TFC.

I noticed TWHL's side bar has a "HL Entity Guide" and a "CS Entity Guide", but no "TFC Entity Guide".

If you look up any TFC entity (such as info_tfgoal) in the "Find: BLANK in "Forums/Entities/etc" it does indeed display them, and clicking the "TFC" before the entity name takes you to an index of them.

So just for the sake of consistency, why not add TFC to the navbar (and while you're at it, more entity specificness)?

I'm sorry, but CS seemed like a step DOWN from TFC in terms of how flexible entities can be, yet it gets more notability.

Come on. Just be convenient. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 23:46:45 UTC
in Why sniper rifle makes people explode? Post #234137
Ever play Team Fortress Classic (if not, DO SO NOW!)? Enemies gib when sniped there, though I understand HL1 opts for more realism than a game where you can rocket jump and spread AIDs by a simple bop of a medkit.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 22:17:07 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #233787

Most people who like FF more only like it because it's coming out before TF2.

The remainder are in favor of FF because they're like "lol wtf wuz valve thinking wit da cartoon grafix in TF2 dey f*cking idiots".

Anyone who thinks the cartooniness in TF2 sucks is the REAL "f*cking idiots".

FF is aiming for realism. Realism in TF series = bad.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-04 16:35:21 UTC
in Half-life 1 sounds Post #233482
Again, I just look through my extracted copy of Half-Life's gcf.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-04 09:08:01 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233463
I fixed hull 2 some time ago using the big block method. I tried that last night for hull 0 and it didn't pick up anything, though I may have missed a small segment or something.

If I am unable to find that nasty little bugger today, I'll upload my map into the Map Vault.

Don't download the old version I have, as I have done some leak fixes, among other things, since then. I'll post here when (and if) I put the up-to-date, leak-filled version.

It appears that the big block method can only find one leak at a time, as when I fixed hull 2 that way, it never found anything. Now it has found hull 1's problem. Perhaps that is the real reason they say the big block method is not for multiple leaks - not due to the immense amount of time needed, but somehow BSP and CSG work in ways that only one leak at a time can be found that way.

I have all day, I'll try to single out each leak until it finds hull 0's problem.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-03 18:58:54 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233438
I've been doing some leak maintenance and have one problem:

How do I go about fixing hull 0? The process of elimination "put a block around a segment of your map and gradually make it smaller" technique doesn't seem to be capable of containing leaks in hull 0, and my pointfile, when I trace it (I trace it in-editor BTW), the red end of the line stops in mid-air, not flowing out of any wall or anything!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-03 10:01:48 UTC
in Half-life 1 sounds Post #233400
Nice list, though I'm one of the people who DOES have the contents of the gcf on his computer.

What you should do someday is match the numbers of the Half-Life music tracks with the file names.

For example, HalfLife6.mp3 does not equal "Track 6" on entities used for playing CD tracks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-03 10:00:36 UTC
in No footsteps?! Post #233398
Is this a new, custom texture? If so you may have to edit some file on the materials of the textures or something.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 19:47:31 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233365
Somehow the pointfile is working now and I've already fixed a couple of leaks.

I have put more VIS optimization in newer areas than older. You may have noticed that classic "welded walls by means of the clipping tool" or more func_wall'd props in later areas (if you follow the map, the oldest areas are the above ground ones, and the newer ones are that second tram station, the tram tunnel itself, etc).

How can an entity seal off a leak, aside from, say, putting a func_breakable in front of one? :P

I have func_wall'd some props, though not any walls to the best of my knowledge, so the only other possibility for an entity sealing a leak would be like that.

GASP! Come to think of it, some lighting fixtures are func_walls and may be causing that. I must return to Hammer immediately! rushes to escape pod
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 17:06:59 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233350
That is a correct version, though I do not note things such as missing helicopter brushes.

Note: One segment of the helicopter is breakable, complete with incorrect material and gib fields. This is just to get out of the chopper without having to wait for the monologue.

Killer-Duck: I know how to load a pointfile, but no line appears. Also, who doesn't use Hammer 3.5? Well, besides everyone who maps for Source?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 14:13:47 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233340
That worked, though now I need to put up with those @#()#$*$# leaks.

My map's pointfile never works (I load it in Hammer).
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 13:01:44 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233336
Yes I did. No improvement.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-02 10:50:16 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233330
I used to use a lot of WADs, if I recall, I used:
...and about three custom WAD files I made (though only one applied to this map).

I removed liquids.wad, the WADs I weren't using for this map, opfor.wad (it was only using one texture in the map anyway). Something like that.

VIS goes byebye after calculating:

3188 portalleafs
11358 numportals

Did I exceed the limit for one of these values, maybe?

I uploaded the map to the Map Vault.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 23:59:23 UTC
in HLVIS.exe Needs to Close Post #233318
For a while, restraining my wad usage to 8 wads worked fine.

Sadly however, I'm getting the error again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 22:57:33 UTC
in VIS Blockers in Multiplayer Post #233315
Thanks a lot.

I have a ton of optimization to do...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 22:52:07 UTC
in VIS Blockers in Multiplayer Post #233313
However, the way I know it (personally I still find hint brushes a bit baffling) the area beyond the brush does not render until you near it.

If the engine is "shared" in a multiplayer server, wouldn't that mean like as one person passes the brush, that area would render for everyone, even people who needn't have said area rendered at the time?

Or does each player essentially have their own copy of the engine running, so a hint brush would basically trigger for them and not the entire server?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-01 22:42:53 UTC
in VIS Blockers in Multiplayer Post #233310
Okay, there is something I've never found a clear answer about. Can I utilize hint brushes in multiplayer maps in any way?

I have done various things such as func_walling entities and lifting things one unit off the ground, though some segments of my map still lag, and I figured out why!

By using gl_wireframe 2 (or whatever the command was), I noticed that VIS renders some things from miles away. A good example is how my multiplayer map (it's an escape map BTW) begins above ground and you slowly proceed underground. I noticed that, when above ground, VIS renders everything under the ground - that's no good! Vice versa when I'm underground as well.

Now, I heard everything is rendered at once for multiplayer, but can I use a hint brush to, say, make it so that VIS does not render the underground portions from above ground?

If hint brushes can't be used in multiplayer, anybody got any other good r_speed optimization tips?