Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 17:05:34 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #42875
Yea tat straightened stuff out, but hows it going and who has it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 16:58:38 UTC
in auto regen enegy on a wepon? Post #42874
Its called the Hornet gun, jesus you people call yourself Half-Lifers!!! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 09:40:30 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #42274
Ok so are we just passing on the whole RMF file with all of the work from people above us in the list or do we just pass on the one map and then the next person builds on from that? + What can we use in the maps, Weapons, enemies etc.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 09:34:51 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #42271
WEll if you finished working on that mod just go to the website (stated above), have a look around and send me a mail, or just post in here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 11:36:32 UTC
in Half-Life 2, Graphics revamped? Post #41933
I heard that VALVe has already given the green light to HL3 but i dont know if this is true or not. I too wish to see what happens to Calhoun and Adrian. But most of all, I WANT HL2!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:46:09 UTC
in Recreating First Maps Post #41905
Yea my first map recreation attempt is so boring after the firth run through.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 09:43:40 UTC
in Rough Plot Post #41903
f- that, all you need is a microphone.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 18:28:23 UTC
in Rough Plot Post #41711
OMG My friend Jon came up with the exact same story line years ago, he even had alpha team missing and your part of beta being sent into BM!!! Weird.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 18:25:17 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #41707
ahhh i see, nice idea, good work :) Like the other screens 2
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 14:14:28 UTC
in Joke's Post #41627
An Engliosh man, an Arab and Scotsman are traveling through the forest when they come across what appears to be a burial ground. They each take a step onto the ground when suddenly - Whoosh. The tribe whos graveyard there treading on jump out of the bushes around them.

They all begin screaming and shouting at the Englishman, The Scott and the Arab and shaking there spears in the air. The tribes leader steps foward and says they have difiled there holy ground and must kiss the ground infront of the graveyard and then recive fourty lashes for each step they took on the holy soil.

The tribe leader goes on to say that they will be lashed on this blood stained podium but that they can have anything of there choice on there back to help with the pain.

The scotts man is first, he kneels down by the graveyard and kiss's the soil, then he steps up onto a podium to be lashed.

"Ah I dont need nothing on my back, gimme the lashin!"

So they do, fourty lashes, lash lash lash. The scots man steps down from the podium his back bleeding badly.

The Arab is next in line, He kneels down and kisses the soil infront of the gravyard and then he steps up to the podium.

"Can I please have my back coated in oil to help with the pain?"

So, the tribe people oil his back up and give him fourty lash's. Lash lash lash. He stepps down from the podium his back bleeding badly.

Now its the Englishmans turn, the tribe leader motions him to kiss the ground. Instead the Englishman jumps onto the holy ground and beginss stamping his feet as fast as he can. The tribesmen reach in and pull him away and drag him before the tribe leader. The tribe leader says;

"Now you shall be lashed fourty times for every step you took on the holy ground aswell as the first fourty"

The Englishman says;

"Thats ok I want the Arab strapped to my back!"

Hahaha, very long winded version of a joke I heard in the pub, I think its class.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 13:56:59 UTC
in Joke's Post #41620
Ok, when somone comes up with a joke that makes people laugh (i did chuckle at the first one i must admit) Thats when you start a joke thread.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 13:51:53 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #41618
Its called a 'Remote Complie System', has one. It aint worth looking into this, the compilers are dodgey and rarely even sstart.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 11:14:15 UTC
in Gman or Nihilanth? Post #41569
The Gamn and Nihallith have there good points, Gman was bulletproof because you wernt ever supposed to get near him (thu if you run at him and dodge all of the action just beofre you meet the first grunt you can reach him b4 he dissapears I found :badass: ) Nihhlith is cool just purley becuase ...It can open a gatewway to another dimention. He rocks although if you play HL too much like YOU and I do then ovcourse its easy, i remember it took me nearly half an hour to figure out how to beat him the first time.

I say the Gman is cool but hes a mere human, Nihhlith is the last of his kind and rules a dimention. Dont mess with the nihallith!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 10:50:49 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #41560
I like what I can see (some pics refused to load), I like the lighting and the pipe that holds the door open. However you wont need the surface area of the base, that come at the end. I like the half built labs, Remember though some labs are operational with computers, tests, machines and such all up and running in them, its about a third of the base that isnt complete. But carry on at your descretion. This stuff looks good.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 10:44:32 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #41557
duel 80 gig hard drives, AMD Athlon XP 1600+, 512 DD RAM, ISDN @ 10 Meg's.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 18:16:59 UTC
in REAL horror Post #41395
me either lol
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 18:10:10 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #41392
Very nice with al the pics of the airbase and such but where r the screenies?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 12:32:30 UTC
in Oh No! It Couldn't be!? Not another. Post #41318
1. How many white squares are there on a surfboard?

The answer is equal to the number of sharks that have bitten the board.

2. Which famous Englishman discovered red paint?

I did.

3. How many airports are there on a desert island?

As many as the US government can fit on and say its a tourist resort.

4. Which famous astronaut discovered cocaine?

Rokkopov Volinskinov He was a Russian Cosmonaught that crashed into a columbian feild.

5. Which of the following are you likely to find in a castle?

Me ordering the gaurds to exacute you for trespassing.

6. In Antarctican law, it is illegal to carry out which of the following?

It is illegal to breath without steam breath, the penalty is death.

7. How many turtles are there in one mile?

Raphiel, Michle angelo and Donnatello, Leonardo had to catch up.

8. According to Pythagoras, chocolate is equal to which other numeric value?


9. How many candlesticks would normally migrate south each year?

As many as my invincible army of cyborg ants can carry south!

10. The US Army is famous for which style of music?

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 09:22:01 UTC
in REAL horror Post #41281
niiiiice sounds, you SHOULD use that in your horror map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 08:57:00 UTC
in Recreating First Maps Post #41278
LOL I can recreate my first map easyily. It was a massive steel box divided by loads of steel doors. The player is in a steel room behind unbreakable glass, theres ten buttons to press, each one opens a door.

You open the first door and thirty grunts meet thirty barney, the next door opens above and alien slaves fall in, and so on and so on until eventually all the doors are open bar the last lower one.

You open that and whatever is left falls into Itchy infested water. I had such a laugh looking at all the chaos. I was really surprise that about three barney survived until the bigmomma door opened lol.

I shall re create it now :D.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 06:53:34 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #41256
Great, remember this place is being built in an old missile launch facility. So silo's and such are ok.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 19:44:57 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #41127
Ok, so its the old texture based light that you got when using the worldcraft on the original HL disk. man that sucks and its lazy, use damn light entities lol. Nah its ok, I wont be doing it thu.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 19:42:47 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #41126
Ok. Screen shots from the final version (minus level transition triggers and generator which will be added in final version) of the main reactor map of Missile Logic are on my site, enjoy.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 15:22:42 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #41088
Ok, lets put it this way, whats the lights.rad and why do we need to pass it on? Surley if you just keep passing the RMF and doing a full compile it isnt needed. + if you want me to i'll pass it on i was just wondering why you wanted it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 13:53:05 UTC
in How old are you? Post #41052
18, rolling on 19, HL1 came out in 1998, i know this because thats when I bought it and started mapping. I'm afraid we dont have a choice when it comes to staying with HL1, HL1 is being converted into HL2 engine (I think its a great idea).

Learning to map for HL2 is going to be a great experiance, 50 enemies, loads new toys and stuff arg, i cant name all the good points, I think when HL2 comes out it will be time to let HL one step down from the podium and take up a spot in my cuboard next to Blue Shift and Opposing Force, HL1 has had a good run, but its waaay dated now.

I look foward to HL2 comming out, it means a whole new genere of mapping will spawn, people will have to learn how to map for HL2 effectily, so we may have to wait a while for some REALLY good mods to come out.

HL1 is still a classic, its always gonna be a part of me, but its time to let it die, its lived far more than any game should of. HL2 will be its child, there to take over the throne and supply all generation new and old with a bigger better experiance.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 13:39:01 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #41042
Ok so we dont have to include anything but the map, my bad lol.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 11:06:23 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #40994
I want to join in :) Just explain to me why we have to send the lighting.rad, if you cant compile 10 rooms then you shouldnt be mapping :P.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 18:53:43 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40807
OK for this map consider; when you first walk through its pre disaster (the part your making) and then later you will come back to it when its all gone to hell so make it peaceful with a few scientists (not too many) and a barney ot two milling around but make it so that it can be... "forged" into a good combat or puzzel based map later on.

Have some high tech and neat looking stuff to show off your skill, the player starts in an elevator, get out and makes his way to a Level 7 security clearance point (check the sign textures in the HL wad). The level 7 checkpoint should be at the end of the map, have it so that there are clearance levels 5-3 checkpoints allong the way.

At the end of the map the player reaches a big door (one of the double edged metal ones) This will be like an airlock chamber for level transition. You should include about 4 points where the player has to wait 10 seconds for clearance (use the 3-5 checkpoints), this is where the credits will show up so you can have some interesting stuff happening around the area to keep the player occupied. And there you go...

Heh, if that don't give you the basis for a map I don't know what does. :cool: Thanks for doing this too guys.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 18:22:47 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40788
Ok, The story goes that this base has been put together very hurridly and is still under construction, hence why the security checkpoint is basically a prefab shed. Its the style of the base that things have been put together at the last minuet.

If your going to make an example map make an underground lab area that has mainly concrete walls and flooring and very sloppy security and equiptment setup (make it look like a lab that was rushed in the making).

Possible a few areas where the bedrock that the base was built on is showing, like a place where a room has been carved out of the rock to make more space or a guardhouse or somthing. Use your imagination, the labs could be working on Xen crystals, that would fit with the story.

I'll post some more screenies when the map is totally finished will full detail :).
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 13:05:41 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40685
sweet :) nice one. There are new improved screen shots avalible in the media section of my site. I put a lot more detail in, there is still more to come though (need decals :) ) And dont worry, I wont be posting new SS's everytime I add a gaurdpost with a barney in :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 08:13:02 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40641
Thanks, the map was fully detailed with additional areas and such but my comp currupted the file and so i had to start from the basic box with another box in it layout.

I'm designing this map so that it will make a challenge once you come back to it later in the game when its all blown to hell :). Like I said if your interested in mapping bits of this mod send an example map to my email address (which u can get off my site) and post in my site forum.

Thanks again for the criticism.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 17:35:28 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40483
First Screen shots on one of the main maps from Missile Logic are avalible on the website. The map is WAY not finished yet and lots of detail is still missing after two thirds of my map got corrupted, but i've re constructed most of the main room and some other parts. Take a look and tell me what ya think.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 16:59:35 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40479
Thanks, I apreciate the advice. websiting just isnt my feild though, I could use Front Page but I dont really have the motervation, when the mod takes off I'll no doubt use it when the mod gets going. As for now this is just a temporary "prefab" site as u put it :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 09:43:26 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40422
I could host it somewhere else but I aint gonna coz MSN is the only place i know how to make a webpage lol, I cant HTML code or ne thing. I'm not trying to make some super mod here, just a cool mappack with a few extras. Nothing fancy and so i figured the webpage would be good, nothing fancy, just what you need to know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 08:04:05 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40400
yea I've got a news page and its getting bigger :) + I'll let you guys know how its going.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 07:40:43 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40391
In reply to Kol, the storys done, there is a website which has pics but i'll get some scrreinies as soon as this first map is done and I am posting in this forum :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 07:37:59 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40388
At last progress. I appreciate you guys wanting to chip in, the mod should come to aprox. 17 maps give or take 4, there will be a few custom sentences and perhaps a few custom textures if I can get my hands on a texture artist.

If you like i can give you a few maps to make, if your interested go to the website. - don't laugh i know its piss poor for a website and looks like it was slapped together in five mins (which is was).

So yea just go to the website, sing up and start posting on the forum.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 20:26:09 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40321
Yes, VM, entities setup, basically all the skill required to make the original half life in mapping. Sorry to say but I need a co mapper not somone who will make the intro (i'm making it ;)).
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 16:24:15 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40266

The website is under construction, come take a look around, it aint much but it will serve its perpose.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 11:32:52 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40202
NOTE, All that is stated in the above post was done way before i started posting around looking for a co mapper. I didnt just come up with a story and such on the spot. The reason I am looking for a mapper fast is because the person I was going to make it with backed out at the last minuet and now I need a replacement.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 11:31:26 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40201
Ok, I have the story, I have begun the mapping, Its a single player Half-Life based mod with minimal (but good) changes. The mod is planned already. All I need is one or two people who want to jump on the wagon and make it with me. Its not a HUGE project, its not going to be totally radical and has no coding or AI changes. Its just a nice, well made group of single player maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 09:17:41 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40172
Hi, I'm Tycell and I've got a good deal of mapping experiance under my belt, recently I've decided its time I put it to some use. I'm looking for a fellow mapper with good skill to make a short mod with me. Anyone want to volenteer?

Must know: R_Speeds, Zoner tools, advanced mapping tech's.
Will need: 1 example map.

If your interested or you want further information contact me @

or post a reply. Thanks.