Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2012-01-06 16:47:21 UTC
in [hl1] Spawning unlimited ammo in SP Post #302489
You can use a monstermaker for that. Not only can it spawn monsters/npc's but other items as well such as weapons and ammo.

Simply type the name of ammo item in the Monster Type property and set Number of monsters to -1 which means it'll spawn infinitely each time your trigger the monstermaker.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-06 15:07:55 UTC
in Wrong texture applied after compiling Post #302484
It's the - symbol (dash) that indicates a random tiling texture.
You can use Wally to make a duplicate then remove the dash from the texture name.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-04 16:31:09 UTC
in [hl1] Save game not working Post #302421
It says it can't find gsg9.mdl. Make sure it exists at models/players/gsg9. This has nothing to do with saving.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-03 16:50:58 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #302385
Yes, Source Hammer is much worse when it comes to keeping floating points of vertices on the exact same spot.

If you map a complex object using VM and scaling, then work on a different object in the same map, then come back to your initial complex object you'll notice cracks and seams in its structure. If you zoom all the way in, you'll notice that the vertices are slightly spread out.

And the reason why i hope that vluzacn's HammerFloatingPointEnabler tool is better than HLfix is because we can be sure it'll work fine alongside VHLT. I know that HLfix has a couple of issues with the latest SHLT (3.9) and that HLfix is no longer being developed, so im hoping that vluzacn's HammerFloatingPointEnabler will be the perect replacement for HLfix.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-02 23:15:37 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #302368
Looking forward to your findings, Skals. :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-02 17:53:41 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #302357
Had anyone tried this tool:

According to vluzacn, it's like HLFix, except better.
Captain Terror, you seem to be the perfect candidate to try it. If this tool does a better job than HLFix, i'll add it support for it to the Compilator, next to HLfix.

Oh wait, it's not an actual compile tool like csg, bsp vis or rad, it's a standalone executable that patches your Hammer exe.

Do you still want to give it a try, CT, or anyone else?
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-02 13:49:33 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #302356
Not sure if he realised that rockets can be "stolen" by other players laser sights
I did actually, i thought it was a nice gimmick to add to the overall gameplay.

"You hijacked my rocket! :o"
Yeah the RPG map was unplayable for me.
I know.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-01 16:10:50 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #302334
Sorry, dude. :(
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-01 14:14:46 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #302332
I already got a PM from Stojke asking me to add support for additional tool parameters. It will be added.

The Command Line box on the Profile Manager is not for lunch, but for game launch parameters such as -console, -dev, and all that good stuff.
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-31 12:01:53 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #302292
So basically they have to be a square, or a rectangle where one side is double the size of the other?
Yeah. Don't tell me you didn't know that? It's been like that for ages. :nuts:
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-29 22:03:52 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #302225
I'd say those are some epic tools then. :)
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-26 00:32:14 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #302009
You're right about that. I'll make it public as soon as i've added the new features.
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-25 21:34:24 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #302001
Vulcan's Half-Life Tools, if i'm not mistaken.
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-25 21:11:05 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301998
Then I guess it's time to say goodbye to good ol' ZHLT/SHLT and welcome VHLT. I haven't tried it yet but i will as soon as i have something to map again.

I'll update my Compilator to benefit from the new features it offers. :)
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-25 14:58:38 UTC
in Minecraft Post #301803
Check this out:

Programmable computers in Minecraft!
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-15 20:24:16 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301604
well, the person I was supposed to map for dropped, and I have yet to start mine, so yeah, I'm dropping too. Sorry.
Maybe i shouldn't say this, but i have a hunch you had me as your Secret Santa.

Sorry man. :(
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-15 18:19:03 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #301597
@The Mighty Atom: The download for RPG Arena is still broken.
Huh, it reverted back to the old broken link. Weird. Fixed now.
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-12 18:05:26 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301515
Ok, i have to drop out, can't get anything mapped this month, too busy with other project. Sorry. :(
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-09 16:01:31 UTC
in Minecraft Post #301413
Working on the wool store, but without donations it's going to be a lot of waiting on sheep to get out of love mode.
In the latest 1.0.0 weekly snapshot release, sheep now eat grass and regain their wool. I don't think Daub is gonna update the server though because it's not an officiate update.

But anyway, here are the server and client:

Posted 12 years ago2011-12-08 16:15:24 UTC
in Minecraft Post #301393
I thought you said you were done with Minecraft.
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-07 19:56:34 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301378
Unless you're really making one...
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-07 19:38:20 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301376

Best joke ever. :sarcastic:
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-07 19:10:26 UTC
in Minecraft Post #301373
You, need Faithful32.
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-07 17:14:51 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301368
Yeah but you never run out of inspiration it seems. I have no idea what to make. Must think.
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-07 16:23:11 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301366
Crap, i totally forgot about this, now i have only 10 days left. Shiiiite!
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-02 23:35:47 UTC
in Minecraft Post #301248
I wasn't there, but if Dimbark threw your enchanted pick in lava, then i find that a good enough reason to ban him from the server. What were you thinking, Dimbark?
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-02 18:19:42 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #301232
Well, im not going through all the hassle of fixing that. :)
Posted 12 years ago2011-12-02 17:57:18 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #301230
I've fixed the link for RPG Arena:

I doubt anyone will enjoy playing it though. :nuts:
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-25 13:32:26 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #301043
Couldn't finish mine in time due to my CPU running a little too hot during compilation. Hopefully that will be fixed today.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-22 18:07:10 UTC
in Minecraft Post #300977
There are mods / There's a mod - out there that add an economy/currency system to Minecraft. Maybe we could get that installed on Daubeh's server? One will have to look it up because i don't know the name of such mod(s).
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-21 23:48:27 UTC
in Minecraft Post #300956
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-20 18:10:23 UTC
in Minecraft Post #300925
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-20 16:20:44 UTC
in Minecraft Post #300922
Not really, but do you plan to add Bukkit?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-18 23:05:16 UTC
in Minecraft Post #300880
Let's raise your picks up!
Minecraft has been released!
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-17 17:37:58 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #300852
Alright, I'll reupload it though i may have to compile it again because i don't have the bsp anymore. And there's also that stupid CPU heat problem whenever i compile.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-17 00:49:54 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #300832
Oh right. Put on RPG Arena then. :)
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-17 00:25:17 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #300830
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-16 20:31:29 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #300828
I don't think i have any 'good' DM maps...
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-15 23:18:54 UTC
in New Mod: Half-Life: History Post #300796
You had Uplink in mind, didn't you?

Looks like you know the basics of mapping but you need to work on your skills a little more as most of those screenshots are... not really that impressive. Why are you posting screenshots with misaligned textures clearly visible?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-15 22:58:03 UTC
in New Mod: Half-Life: History Post #300794
There's an Edit button (or link, rather) for a reason. Use it next time.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-13 19:32:15 UTC
in Minecraft Post #300740
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-13 19:09:46 UTC
in New Mod: Half-Life: History Post #300739
(Thread cleanup)

gian20, would'nt it be easier to upload some of your best screenshots to imgur or imageshack and directly link to them here without having to go through manually downloading that exe, extracting it and installing a PDF viewer?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-12 00:31:02 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #300681
Nah, i don't think it'll make much of difference, just looked and it's not really that dusty compared to when i added the new layer of cooling paste, it was a lot more dustier.

But i'm gonna do it anyway.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-11 22:12:51 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #300679
Well, maybe there's another cause for the sudden reboot, don't know what though. Faulty RAM perhaps? I will test that.

My CPU idles at 30°C and as soon as i start compiling, it skyrockets to 50°C within second. Is that even normal?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-11 21:33:22 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #300675
Ever since i got myself this computer, which was built in 2009, as well as Windows 7 64 bits, i've been using the 64 bits version of ZHLT. It was NEVER EVER a problem, I've compiled tons of stuff with it.

My CPU has been overclocked a couple of month after i got this computer in 2009 and i could compile anything without things getting too hot.
This is no longer the case.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-11 18:00:27 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #300671
For some unknown reasons, my CPU (an AMD Phenom II X4 955) doesn't like ZHLT anymore. Whenever i compile a pretty good sized map OR a smaller map with high level of detail, my CPU temperature skyrockets up to 50°C and according to SIW (System Information Tool), the maximum temperature of my CPU is 50°C so that's cutting it kinda close. What the fuck? I already experienced multiple instant reboots during map compilation, probably due to the temperature going over 50°C. It was never a problem before so why is it now?

I recently cleaned my CPU and added a new layer of cooling paste, the old layer was completely dried up. Maybe it's was not enough?

Only if i disable the three other cores (using the affinity settings) and leave the main one on, the temperature is acceptable but the compilation process takes a lot longer to complete.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-09 17:27:59 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #300638
I think an example map at least would be appropriate.
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-08 23:58:18 UTC
in kHED - Free model editor Post #300615
What about the interface?
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-08 23:08:46 UTC
in kHED - Free model editor Post #300613

Exporting and Importing:
Wavefront Object (*.OBJ)
3D Studio Model (*.3DS)
MilkShape 3D Binary (*.MS3D)
[b]Half-Life SMD (*.SMD)
Half-Life Model (*.MDL)[/b]
Haven't tried it yet but it's free software and it supports the Half-Life SMD's!
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-07 15:22:22 UTC
in Question about making safety rails Post #300552
Yeah i remember now, i was confused with a similar glitch involving NULL/BEVEL.