
saw183313 years ago2011-02-15 19:52:01 UTC 15 comments
Birthday? Who's having a birthday? Me? What? Oh, yeah, that's right.
Alabastor_Twob13 years ago2011-02-15 18:50:30 UTC 8 comments
I've been rather depressed recently, so I haven't really payed attention to TWHL in the last three months. I'm feeling better than I have for a while though, might end up non depressed soon. Or at least I hope so.
On a lighter note I got laid in December. Now I have a girlfriend. Hooray!
monster_urby13 years ago2011-02-14 14:26:46 UTC 4 comments
brendanmint13 years ago2011-02-13 07:48:58 UTC 7 comments
SUP PEOPLES! Been awhile since I did one of these journals. I come around every now and then, dropping awkward messages into the chat, I'm on steam 24/7 if you ever wanna say hi. Minton96 is my xbox live account if anyone has one. I don't map much anymore, been to focused on school and life, mainly trying to show people I'm not as big of an asshole as they think I am. You guys were great and some of you were helpful back when I mapped, even though I was shit at it. See you guys around.
Tetsu013 years ago2011-02-13 02:02:39 UTC 5 comments
Saw this about 5 minutes ago.

Idk how long it's been around, but it's pure genius.
Striker13 years ago2011-02-12 19:30:45 UTC 2 comments
Dear TWHLers,

Have you heard about Qwiki?

It's basically Google+Wikipedia+Speech Engine. Remember how the people from Wall-E read info on their computers?
Qwiki is almost the same.

On another note, I just ordered an Arduino Starter Kit, with the new Arduino UNO. At last, I was waiting to buy one for over a year. I am very enthusiastic about it and I just can't wait!
Maybe one day I'll be able to construct one of these: 8x8x8 Led cube
Of course, until then I will be happy if I succeed with a 3x3x3 one as an 8x8x8 needs 512 leds...

World of programmable microchips, here I come !! :D
Captain Terror13 years ago2011-02-12 08:00:06 UTC 9 comments
User posted image
Nissin Chinese Noodles, The new bane of my existence...
These "ramen" style meals offer a triple threat:

1. They are delicious(especially if you add some real chicken, green tabasco, and soy sauce)
2. They are dirt cheap, about $1 per package, plus even less if they're on sale.
3. Each serving proviedes roughly 1 million carbs.

If i keep buying/consuming these noodles, i'll be fatter than Jabba the Hutt by month's end.
I guess it doesn't really matter, since every type of food i like is high in carbs, but these are so cheap and good, it makes it really hard to not eat about 20 boxes a day...


Habboi13 years ago2011-02-09 10:43:03 UTC 13 comments
So anyone else excited about Skyrim?

I must admit it makes me want to play Oblivion again but I've played the shit out of it and know that I'll just get bored after an hour.

So by pure accident I came across this new "German" mod that is meant to be a total conversion.

They have an english version but me thinks it's still German voices but with english subtitles. Either way I'm gonna try it, maybe you should too.
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-02-08 20:24:30 UTC 2 comments
Is there any way I can port the original Half-Life, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift GUI's into the Steam versions? I personally liked the old ones a lot more than their Steam counterparts.
ninja defuse13 years ago2011-02-08 14:31:33 UTC 6 comments
UDK is better than suicide...
this is probably the biggest kick but my ass has experienced since hammer source
in order to resize a brush the shit opens a window called geometry mode where i cant resize like in hammer all i have to do is select a vertex one by one then resize =_= besides the geometry window is completely uncomfortable i have to move it away each time i want to resize a cube
creating a simple primitive run my brain out of order i must click PPM on an icon then input values (x, y, z, wall thickness.....)
furthermore i cant move a cube.... i was taught that i have to click cubes countour then drag somewhere my selected cube but it doesnt work =_= i click a cube in 2d windows (yes i cant select in 3d UDKzorororo) then move my mouse over an icon named "Translation Mode" and click sucker unfortunately it works randomly

today i enjoy the sun
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-02-07 23:48:37 UTC 4 comments
So one day (today) I noticed that TWHL actually has secret spam threads for the amusement of its members. I think I'll post in it too.

This week we have a mod that is based on one of those spaced-themed shows that's all the rage these days. The mod is Stargate TC, a pretty professional looking mod that handily defeats Stargate SG-2, a competing mod along the same lines that features a tripmine which zooms your screen and turns it red for some reason.

The better one, Stargate TC, features a good bag of new weapons and challenging enemies for you to make friends with. Though I never watched stargate TV shows, I can still like this mod for all the features that abound. Here are some screenies of the mod that you can drool over before you rush for the download buttons. Pretty nice looking, aren't they?

If only this mod were finished.

Sorry to burst your anticipation, but the site seems dead since 2006. However, do try their demo, since it is still pretty decent. I would talk more about this but honestly I don't know anything about the Stargate franchise. I just hope that your RPG-7 skills are up to par (because laser-guides are for noobs.)

You may also consider playing the out-competed mod, Stargate SG-2. However, this mod is in the alpha stage and it is highly recommended that you NOT play it, theoretical statistics have shown that your mapping skills will exponentially plummet as a result of playing this mod.

(This piece discusses a comparison between two mods. Skipping to the bottom of journal and drawing conclusions from the final sentence is NOT recommended.)
Striker13 years ago2011-02-07 16:46:45 UTC 2 comments
Well, I am testing the livestream too.

Watch me mapping and whatnot here! :D.
hlife_hotdog13 years ago2011-02-06 23:01:22 UTC 10 comments
So I've been playing Dead Space 2 and was thoughly enjoying it. Some of the scenes were pretty intense but equally awesome while some other places are a bit weak, as with all games, until now.

I've hit a game-breaking bug that seems alot of people have encountered. During a sequence, I get attacked by this guy who's gone mad and is trying to stab my eyes out with a screwdriver. I have to button mash the use button (E) as with all grab sequences, scripted or not (ie, a monster grapples you and tries to tear you apart if you let them get too close). Anyway, for some reason, this sequence in particular has an error where it doesn't register keyboard input. I've mashed E and ENTER even changed the button to three others just in case I'd broken my keyboard, with no avail.

Apparently, this problem is common amoungst players but not total. It's been going on for a while and apparently EA don't care. There has been no acknowlegment of this error as such with other errors and they haven't even bothered to release a patch for over 2 weeks since release. I think EA are really beginning to take their position of power a little to lightly. Their general lack of support for games and the diminishing quality of their games is becoming a serious issue. Anyone agree?

monster_urby13 years ago2011-02-06 06:08:27 UTC 13 comments
So, I ordered something on the 2nd of Jan and got pretty anxious when it hadn't arrived on the 29th...

Click here to see the delivery day :)

Skip to 9:18 if you don't want to see all the talking business and want to get to the details. ;)
Habboi13 years ago2011-02-05 21:23:12 UTC 12 comments
So looking for jobs didn't go so well. Most of the studios didn't reply and the ones that did said they were only interested in professionals and not graduates.

Fair enough but this industry will not grow if that attitude keeps up. Personally I blame the market and the demand for high tech games which take a lot of manpower. It means the demand is moving faster than our tools can let us. Why sculpting a single prop can take days.

So what now? Well I'm gonna look for a couple of agencies and see what I get. Other than that it's back to working on my Iphone game with my programming partner, carry on working on my latest UDK scene and seek out another job in the meantime.

Speaking of my UDK scene, here's a new one I'm working on:

My next project. My aim with this one is to learn some Z Brush and so far all the textures and normals are made using Z brush. Well, the diffuse consists of ref pictures from cgtextures but the normal, height and spec are not.
User posted image
Progress Thread: