
Captain Terror13 years ago2011-02-03 22:37:45 UTC 17 comments
1. Slammed Double-shot of absinthe. Check.
2. Berrs have been opened. Check.
3. No food at all today. Check.

Good luck everybody!
Saribous13 years ago2011-02-03 07:49:35 UTC 10 comments
I've just ordered an Intel Core i5 760, to replace my i3 530. I'm hoping I'll see some improvements in Bad Company 2, it being a very cpu-heavy game.

Next up on the upgrade list is a new gpu! Perhaps next month
RabidMonkey13 years ago2011-02-02 10:58:45 UTC 8 comments
-26*c here in Denver today. Wishing for warmer temperatures...
Striker13 years ago2011-01-31 21:56:08 UTC 7 comments
My closings are eyeling. I am tiredly terrible.
I should bed to go.

Night good to all you.
DiscoStu13 years ago2011-01-31 19:07:31 UTC 14 comments
After an extense period of observation, I have concluded that women only equal problems. They:

a) complain that we don't understand them, BUT
b) don't WANT to be understood.

Contradictory as it is, it makes perfect sense. All they want is to confuse, stress and depress us. They can be very beautiful, so they can be looked at from a distance. But any interaction with them is sure to cause mayhem and unwanted stress in our psyche. Look at them only from afar, as socially interacting with them in any way will reveal the inescapable horrors that lie underneath.

Therefore, to lead a happy, stress-free life, don't include women in it.
Notewell13 years ago2011-01-31 14:53:33 UTC 3 comments
No, I'm not dead. The computer is just still giving us problems. When we got the new RAM, that fixed it, for a while. But now the damn thing is freezing and failing to boot again. We just got it back from my cousin, who used to fix computers for a living. He gave it a clean bill of health; booted it, ran dskchk, ran the computer for hours without any ill effects. But as soon as it gets back here, it stops working.

So, I am still alive. I'm not going to stop coming to TWHL. I just can't access the internet on a regular basis until we get this sorted out.

Which really sucks.
Striker13 years ago2011-01-30 07:02:14 UTC 4 comments
So I was just wondering, when is Cat-Life actually going to appear?
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-01-29 23:40:55 UTC 2 comments
Anyone know any good HL2 mods? I question because I've started a series on youtube "Half-Life 2 Cool Mods", some of you may know Supercapo999's HL1 Cool Mods series and I asked him if he was going to HL2 mods, he said no, one thing led to another and now I'm doing them. Suggestions?

Oh and to stay on topic, I have had many cats though my life. I live in a cat lover family.

EDIT: I prefer SP mods, that way I don't ever show people footage of me dying again and again if I suck at the mod :)
Striker13 years ago2011-01-29 12:58:40 UTC 4 comments
I was browsing my collection of photos when I stumbled on this...
User posted image
This is one of my 2 cats, and it died a week ago. We don't know why. It came back home after disappearing from the yard, and it didn't felt very good(I think it did eat something poisonous from somewhere). We gave her milk and put her in a warm place, but by morning it was dead.

The sad thing is that it was the one who always loved to sit on my shoulder, to stay near me, it always followed us and it was so cute and had that "innocent cat" face any time...

RIP cute kitty :(.
Striker13 years ago2011-01-27 20:56:00 UTC 1 comment
All this poetry stuff reminded me that a year ago I made a poetry generator in C++. It was nothing fancy really, and the poems made no sense( as in context, the words were arranged to express some kind of actions or something).
Its vocabulary had 4 separate "categories": one for a substantive, one for an adjective, one for a verb and another for an adverb. Adding more words would mean a more diversified poem. But out of lazyness I only threw in 200 words(50 per category).

The program could randomly pick a word from each category, making a 4 words per line, with 4 lines in total per... well I don't know the word in english and google translator gives me funny translations.

At this point in time I don't quite remember how I did it, but the program could check if the letters from the words that should rhyme match, else it should generate a random word again until they match(randomly).

Some generated lines were, oddly, funny. Most of it is shit though. Let me translate a group of 4 lines for you(the translation, of course, will not rhyme):

The gloomy laptop occupies proudly
Abandoned prune likes beautiful
The gloomy magazine opens with talent
The thin nose sleeps beautifully.

For some reason, if I input a too high number for the poem generation, it would crash.

Well, why did I write this? Maybe for inspiring others to do something better. Or because I like les cr?pes.

Also, odd things happen here at TWHL. For about a week there was no new journal post. Suddenly, journal spam.
Unbreakable13 years ago2011-01-27 18:43:38 UTC 6 comments
Feckin' New Hobby!

I am going to start collecting figurines from

Heres The top 3 I want;
(Under the picture on the right, go to gallery)
First, There is Tank from Left for dead!

Then There is a Half-life 2 Zombie!

Then the third is from 'Hitman' because he just looks damn cool.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-01-27 04:20:59 UTC 1 comment
I played Buddhist Wars, that one random mod that epitomizes a half-assed effort without even trying to hide its own laziness.

This is the excellent story the team (calling themselves "Adrenaline Bawls") came up with: You join the war of a bunch of Buddhists against a Nazi garrison in a mayan ziggurat in the middle of nowhere.

The first map with action is, as I said, a mayan ziggurat in the middle of the Americas I presume. You arrive in a glitchy drop pod and witness a lag so atrocious that you have to look away. It is basically a large yard with a giant ziggurat in the center, and monsters dotted all around the map. Barneys fight nazi soldiers fight houndeyes, zombies, and headcrabs. Expect framerates to go rock bottom.

Your objective, which isn't given to you, is to climb to the top of the ziggurat, which has a hidden elevator for you to ride in. But Nazis have taken positions all around the temple and making your climb only a bit harder. It's easy. Why? Because the author(s) decided to make the mp5 deadly accurate. If you are looking to shoot with a kickass mp5, then this is your mod.

So, once you ride down the ziggurat's elevator, you arrive at an underground base infested with greenskins. Immediately 3 slaves prepare to zap you as soon as you arrive. Act fast or you will be reaching enlightenment faster than you can say "Siddhartha".

The greenskins are all grouped together in clumps at a time, which I don't think is the best way to design gameplay. Usually you will run into zombies backed by slaves, but the way they are placed lines up perfectly, meaning snap-to-grid placement and unfortunately for them, the slaves will friendly fire-kill the zombies. Good for me.

You arrive at a red Nazi Apache Helicopter (if that even exists) which magically teleports you to a "Nazi hangar" with a mass of black headcrabs (because there's no lighting.) Reminiscent of a mod called "Alien Blast", except in the hangar, r_speeds are as atrocious as the mayan ziggurat and you will lag. Do not fight the headcrabs. Just open the door and run the the next room

Filled with zombies. Oh, well, more exercise is healthy, right?

So you arrive at this badly-designed lift, which will get you stuck and then proceed to crush you to death. Slowly and painfully. Unless you jump right before the lift stops. If you can.

However even if you ragequit there, you won't miss anything except the ending. Where you stand aghast before a legion of Hitlers. Map loads, you fall thru black space, credits appear. Then you will know the true meaning of Enlightenment.
Tetsu013 years ago2011-01-27 02:13:54 UTC 6 comments
Custom models are a pain in the ass.
I spent 2 hours tonight going through DonPunch's XSI modeling tutorial and everything worked, save for the textures.

Come to find out .png's don't work. (yeah im an idiot) So i booted up vtf edit and all those and i tried making a texture from a targa and putting it in my proper folder and making the .qc file and making the vtf, vmf, all those.. included $vertexlitgeneric, blah blah blah.

well I went through about 40+ iterations of different combinations/ file locations across the span of 4 hours... Then I gave up. Model materials have defeated me. [HELP!]


In the process, i learned how to make custom textures for use in source, NOT ON A MODEL, and i also scored a free plugin for that makes it SUPER easy to create bumpmaps from any picture..

I made a nice grungy rusted metal texture and bumpmapped it myself:
User posted image
I'm so proud of myself.

But i still cant get the freaking model texture to show up. The model is there, but its all checkered and junk. :(
User posted image
Also that texture is just a random picture my g/f took and left on my desktop. It was just pure laziness that it was right next to the VTF edit shortcut so i could just click+drag over and it automatically trimmed/re sized it.

Yeah. so anyone know how to make model textures? I'm baffled.
Rimrook13 years ago2011-01-25 18:36:08 UTC 10 comments
User posted image