
monster_urby15 years ago2009-09-10 20:34:30 UTC 12 comments
This is how I cope with modern day stupids.

JustUrby on YouTube!
satchmo15 years ago2009-09-10 14:13:08 UTC 11 comments
This week, I talked about health care reform in America.

Apparently, there are many wealthy and privileged Americans who believe that not every American citizen deserves to have access to health care.

I happen to disagree.
Unbreakable15 years ago2009-09-08 14:39:53 UTC 16 comments
Almost done of my pc guys, I just need a Hardrive, Core i7-920 chip, and a powersupply, It's about freakin' time!
WIP Pic:
satchmo15 years ago2009-09-07 17:53:13 UTC 11 comments
My son should have been casted as Anakin Skywalker, for he is much more menacing than the other kid actor in the prequel.
Daubster15 years ago2009-09-06 05:53:05 UTC 16 comments
I'm leaving for Dundee, Scotland tomorrow to begin my BSc Computer Game Technology studies in Abertay Dundee university. Sure, it's not DigiPen, but I'm pretty happy to have been accepted there, as it's one of the best unis for that subject in the UK (PC Gamer UK said so ;o )

For the occasion, I have acquired a used laptop. It's nothing too spectacular, but it was cheap (1400 Lt/~580$), in great standing and powerful enough to run every app I use daily.

Asus X55SR
2.2 GHz Intel 2 Core Duo
Radeon HD3470, 256Mb
250Gb HDD
15" screen (1280x800)
Numpad on keyboard, etc.

Pretty happy with that as well.
satchmo15 years ago2009-09-06 00:30:26 UTC 15 comments
My son told me: "I want to be Darth Vader for Halloween."

And I am going to be Luke Skywalker.

See the irony?
satchmo15 years ago2009-09-05 01:05:41 UTC 2 comments
Two years ago, I started my struggle with a perforated appendicitis.

It was a humbling experience, since I've always taken my good health for granted.
38_9815 years ago2009-09-04 00:23:33 UTC 12 comments
Been a while since I've updated, so I've got alot to say. Summer has been filled with all sorts of little joys.

Going on from my previous entry, once I arrived in England, the whole family had a big get together, as many of us would be disappearing for quite a long time (me heading back to Canada, my brother going to Japan, and my cousin going off to Germany as part of foreign languages thing). Since my brother is going off to Japan, and can only take so much stuff with him, he decided to give me his PS3, with all his games and Blu-rays. Score!

Unfortunately, it seems my current TV isn't actually compatible with it, which makes it about as valuable to me as a paperweight.

Also, I bought Fallout 3, and fell in love with it. I also bought Broken Steel and The Pitt for it, which I've found to both be very enjoyable. I've also had tremendous fun with G.E.C.K, the editor for the game, to which I've been getting better at, although I have yet to fully master scripting.

Also, my brother pointed my attention to >this< a few days ago. I used to play WoW from about the start of 2008 till about April this year, when I just got too bored of it and left. Theres only so much you can squeeze out of the old content, and the end game content showed how lazy Blizzard is getting (though I do like Wintergrasp, they're seige PvP area). However, it looks like they're finally doing something about the old, obsolete story from way back when the game went live and putting in a new story. I have to say, I'm looking forward to this. I imagine a fair number of people here will curse me for saying that :P

Can't think of anything else for now, so thats it.
Striker15 years ago2009-09-03 07:24:12 UTC 3 comments
[EDIT] Also, watch my superfast USBLED Glow Stick Tutorial (30 seconds) for the Teach me Fast Instructables Contest :
Mod review !

I haven't posted to my Half-Life Universe blog for a while ( a month I think), so I thought about making a review. 2 weeks ago I found an interesting mod, it's called Research and Development.

My reviewing abilities are far from excellent, but I'm trying hard to increase my skills.

Here's the link :
Leave a comment or something :).
Have a great time.
Penguinboy15 years ago2009-09-03 05:53:56 UTC 10 comments
To go with Muzz's last journal, here's something a little different, but still addictive as hell. Try and beat my score of 12922!

Large version for bigger monitors:
The Mad Carrot15 years ago2009-08-31 13:17:38 UTC 41 comments

How far can you toss the turtle?

My furthest distance is 186507.7 FT!
Livewire15 years ago2009-08-31 08:10:39 UTC 11 comments
My parents left at 5am today to go to America for a week, so I'm home alone which is the equivalent to a good holiday for me! I get to relax with friends and alcohol all week, and a potential girlfriend.

I'm starting college a week today too, so I've been diving back in Logic Pro 8 to get back into the swing of things since no doubt the next two years will be a lot tougher. :( Making music and sound effects for a mod I'm working on called Pipe Dream will be fun and helpful.

My parents think I've been acting differently for the past month or so, so they confronted me about it two days ago, long story short they think I'm depressed and have bad ideas and that they don't really wanna go on holiday because they would be worried about me. It then took me two days to convince them that I'm fine and that they should go.

Apart from all that, I have a spot on my ass and I can't sit down properly.
Striker15 years ago2009-08-31 06:08:43 UTC 6 comments
Starcraft 2 has been delayed to 2010

It's just a short video made for fun. I had the ideea and I just couldn't stand making this :D. 33 seconds of overreacting.
Archie15 years ago2009-08-31 04:17:04 UTC 23 comments
Original post:
I have been diagnosed with Acute Bacterial Tonsillitus. Definitely the least fun of all the ituses I've had so far.
Due to my unconfirmed inability to take Penicillin, I've been given the anti-biotic Cefalexin and have been taking the advised 500mg dosage 3 times a day at regular intervals for 6 days now, and have had virtually no relief what-so-ever.
I have also been on Paracetamol to deal with the excrutiating headaches.
My tonsils are still inflamed, and there are still masses of pus lining the back of my throat.
I suppose this goes out to Satchmo - since most cases of tonsillitus are completely symptom free (aside from some swelling) by the end of 1 week of treatment, why do I still feel so crap?

To everyone else, yes it really is as disgusting as it sounds.

Complications edit!
My anti-biotic regiment is now over. I have had little to no improvement. There are now large black spots covering a large part of my left tonsil. There is also some light red spotting on the roof of my mouth.
I think i need to see a new doctor.

Status update edit!
Huntey is being taken to the emergency room at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. The black masses in my throat are abscesses.

Post-hospital trip edit!
That was somewhat anti-climactic. I have merely been given more powerful anti-biotics, and have had a swab taken. The hospital doctor was unimpressed at my GP's decision to give me Cefalexin, which he wasn't surprised didn't help. There is no evidence that I am allergic to Penicillin, they just don't seem to want to take the chance because my dad's allergic to it.
He also suggested that the reason it's taking so long to clear up is due to it actually being fungal rather than bacterial. Not entirely sure where I could have picked that up from.
raver15 years ago2009-08-29 09:28:48 UTC 8 comments
Slap your problems away with a slap chop