
Striker15 years ago2009-06-23 14:59:40 UTC 9 comments
Mx518 !! That's the mouse I bought today ! Read here, on my blog ( also lots of shots with it)

I think this is interesting enough for you to watch :

[EDIT] I think the member journals area needs 2\3 more slots.
pepper15 years ago2009-06-23 13:12:30 UTC 14 comments
Even more modelling!

Still working on the train animation, which got a little messy after being required to down scale, when render times went through the roof and already having downscaled to a lower quality...

So, i decided i could use something fun and usefull. Therefore a 3D model for a game would be nice, i had just seen the Generals at War documentary at NGC, and really like the T-34 tank.

So, here's a start:
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I'm aiming for a BF 1942/HL2 model quality. Suggestions and critics welcome!
Notewell15 years ago2009-06-23 08:36:53 UTC 9 comments
I'm in the process of making a model using Ambient.Impact's scientist source files. I'm removing the pen and pencil, the nametags, and adding new textures, but I'm not sure whether I want the tie or not. It's beautifully animated, but it probably won't fit so well in a 'town urban' setting.
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Which looks better to you considering the setting?
Also, I've made a barney model for the same setting. Say hello to police officer barney;
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He also has an alternate 357 model for spirit usage.
Tetsu015 years ago2009-06-23 06:24:46 UTC 18 comments
Just ordered myself a new mouse:

Logitech G9

For today only it's $20 after the mail-in, $30 Rebate

Not sure if they ship out of country (Apologies to 90% of the members)
But it's a great deal for a great mouse!
satchmo15 years ago2009-06-22 12:41:48 UTC 37 comments
I believe I have the H1N1 flu (the "swine" flu).

I am staying home today. If I go to work, I will expose many babies to this virus.
Striker15 years ago2009-06-22 10:58:27 UTC 5 comments
2muchvideogames15 years ago2009-06-21 22:30:25 UTC 4 comments

Goldsource, the old thing.

I am done with half the map that I am making now, and I found that there is a limit on how many textures can be used in a single map (up to 3.4 MB or something). At this point I've only got half the map. Now, fellow mappers, you know prolly how this goes. I am thinking that it would seem that I must sacrifice texture variety in order to finish the map. Anybody out here have a feasible alternative to sacrificing texture variety?

Oh boy, this map is getting big. And I'm still a crapmapper.

OH BUT HEY! While your still hanging around (ok fine, "You're" still hanging around,) Why not go play another one of my top-listed mods?
Let's see... here!


Mod Origin: France

Mod Overview: Want to play Blizzard's DIABLO (one not two) in Half-life? NOW YOU CAN! YEAH! BUT WAIT IT'S in ALPHA DEVELOPMENT

You start out in the town Tristram, it's really well done exempting the fact that there are nobody around, and it seems to be nighttime (meaning you can't see where you're going) You wander into a teleport and end up in front of the church that you remember from playing Diablo One. So far so good, the architecture really reminds you of the actual game.

You pick up a hand axe and venture into the dungeon, fighting skeletons. And then some skeletons. More skeletons... ok here comes more skeletons, um.. anything else? I like how they display the skeletons' stats at the bottom of the screen just like in the actual game! But aside from that you will be fighting skeletons, and only skeletons. Have fun.

Oh I mentioned it's in alpha development... this is the entire game, no joke. But it's based off Diablo! That alone should get you to see this mod if not only for the novelty of this novel idea. Now go learn french so you can figure out what the in-game text says. Good luck, hero.
Tetsu015 years ago2009-06-21 20:42:18 UTC 3 comments
Project Source Development: Week 2

Week 2 got off to a stronger start than week one.
I actually had time to work on the map! yay.
Anyway! I have the map laid out the way i want it.
I have half the story (beginning / ending) scribbled out on paper (plot to come soon)

I have the intro camera sequence about halfway done. I'm having troubles with some scripted sequences, but those can wait until i have everything else done.

First: priorities:

As i have the map mapped, I picked the hardest area to do first: Thus i am becoming extremely frustrated, and half the times i start up hammer, i close it because i just don't feel the want to get into it anymore. I'll have to wait until i have motivation.

Anyway, i've been mapping out the cave section of my map. It basically consists of 90% displacement.
The other 10% is water.
I've become quite adept at displacements now. Learning the proper use of subdivison and all that.
I'm quite pleased with my progress this week. Just the sheer amount of displacement editing im going to have to do is mind-boggling, but i like to say i made a good dent in it over the week.

So when im bored in work i guess i'll have to sketch out ideas for the other portions of the map, as well as the storyline and plot events that take place.

Trying to make a logical storyline fit a cookie-cutter map layout is tough. Expecially when you're in a new engine, and only have a month.

I just need more inspiration.. maybe i should fire up episode 2 again...
Notewell15 years ago2009-06-21 09:34:38 UTC 6 comments
This is a list of some things I've learned since I registered here. Most things are from TWHL, but a few are from other sites.
1. Basic, intermediate, and 'advanced' mapping.
2. Basic modeling.
3. Gabe Newell and World Crafter share a hobby.
4. People who save lives as a job may spend every free second shooting anything that moves.
5. Trilby wearing geeks make good voice actors.
6. Luke thinks I should STFU.
7. If he can't ask politely, he should STFU.
8. Just because you've been banned from a forum 102393257358746 1/2 times, doesn't mean you have to stop going there.
9. Never pet a burning dog.
10. People with MP5s pwn people with M4s. (Actually, that's from The Rock, I suggest you watch it if you haven't)
11. Gearbox had some really bad ideas for the HD pack. Terrible ideas.
12. Kirby is a peashooter....?
13. Black Mesa will be done when it's done. AKA, 2 days before the resonance cascade. The maps will be 100% accurate.
14. Just because it seems like a good example map, doesn't mean it IS a good example map.
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16. There's nothing like a good MOTM review.
17. You can even recycle RMF and VMF files. Many, many times.
18. Lupus is a good diagnosis for anything.
19. If it won't do it's scripted sequence, kill it!
20. HL can have up to 16 levelchanges in a single map. This can make a FPS RPG possible for goldsource.
There's a lot more I've learned, but this is just off the top of my head.
Penguinboy15 years ago2009-06-21 09:24:00 UTC 10 comments
Side project showcase!

I'm almost finished the first semester of uni for this year (1 more week, 3 exams), so I'm ready to start on my big project again. I just thought I might show off some of my random side projects that I started during the semester. (I didn't want to do any big project until my break, which is a month long, starting next week.)

Project the first: Pixel city clone
Goal: Make this.
(Read more about it here.)

Seeing this kinda inspired me to make it myself (in my own code) so I can learn more. So I did. Sort of.

How far I got:
See for yourself:
Randomly generated window texture:
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Randomly generated roadmap:
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Random roadmap filled with random buildings:
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And there I stopped. Don't know enough about texturing and the maths behind texturing yet.

Project status:
On hold. It's not dead, and I still want to finish it. But it's on the backburner until I get motivated to learn texturing and actually code it up.

Can you have it?
Sure (needs .NET installed).

Controls: WASD + right click to move and look
Y recreates the whole map
U toggles wireframe outlines (it's different to the screenshot wireframe)

PS: Big project will start development again next week, hopefully you'll all hear more about it soon! It's currently 23372 lines of code.
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2009-06-21 03:54:21 UTC 1 comment
First post using my new computer! :D I can finally start mapping using The Orange Box SDK without a window telling me my CPU usage is too high.
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-06-20 23:07:20 UTC 4 comments
So, today i got caught wacking some moles with my wack-a-mole, which was my birthday present, so my parents weren't too happy about me unwrapping my present before my birthday.

pepper15 years ago2009-06-20 09:12:17 UTC 10 comments
Fortress Forever, Team Fortress Classic for Source. As a old school TFC player i love it. There is usually a decent server around. And i managed to already have a few good matches. Engineer and spy classes are done very well(my 2 fav classes) with invisibilty, and hacking of enemy sentry's.

Anyway, go play now:
The Mad Carrot15 years ago2009-06-20 09:09:35 UTC 7 comments
My "laser weapon" arrived today:
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It's a replica model of the Visitor's sidearm laser weapon from the television series "V"

Here you see V actor David Packer holding one:
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I have another replica model coming soon...
srry15 years ago2009-06-20 03:58:51 UTC 8 comments
I'm back, I know everybody was missing me.