
Notewell15 years ago2009-03-05 17:47:11 UTC 45 comments
Well, since I've already found what normal people respond like to this, I may as see how mappers respond:
You are in a hallway. It goes on forever, and gets larger as it goes along. There is no curvature like the earth. What do you see?

On a more journal-related note, I think I'll deticate the upcoming weekend working on Colony 42 and writing.
Strider15 years ago2009-03-05 12:39:17 UTC 18 comments
Went to see Watchmen tonight. It's an interesting experience, but an absolute clusterfuck of a film. Zach Snyder really is a one-trick pony - every movie he's directed so far is basically nothing more than a combination of "on-and-off" slow motion and buckets of gore. The complex back story the comic provides just isn't enough to disguise it.

Ant lied to me, he said there's a blue penis shown on screen... there's four. D:
monster_urby15 years ago2009-03-04 05:57:05 UTC 15 comments
I really want to work on Complex Opinions so that I have media to revive the MODDB Page with. It was the one project I've worked on alone that I was genuinly happy with. Some areas need reworking and tweaking but I just can't cope with altering graphics settings each time I switch between Hammer and Half-Life.

Such a pain in the ass.
monster_urby15 years ago2009-03-03 15:19:48 UTC 9 comments
What is with the sudden overabundance of horror mods these days?

It seems for every decent Source/GoldSrc mod that is currently in development there are 3 or 4 more horror mods with development teams who believe that to induce fear you need darkness. These so called ‘teams’ are usually made up of a single kid producing content, sometimes even less than that (hurray for stealing other peoples work!)

Here are the basic essentials to producing a horror mod these days:
  • 1 Blocky map with no lights 100 zombies and 1 or 2 corpses.
  • 1 custom zombie model / skin.
  • A few custom zombie sounds.
  • 1 crappy ass title (Fear: Source / Dark Black / Zombie Manor)
Compile and release and a throng of equally talentless teens will no doubt praise it as the work of a god, inspiring them to release mods of their own.

What a load of bollocks.
monster_urby15 years ago2009-03-02 17:10:43 UTC 12 comments
How hard is it for people to say "Thank You" these days?

I put in 10 hours work yesterday. I was running the department while my manager was away. Therefore I had to work 10 hours from 9am to 7pm with 1 hours break for lunch. From 9am to 4pm I had to cover the office doing several managerial jobs. From 4pm on a Sunday I have to put out advertising and do legal price checks for Monday morning's trade. If it's not done, the company is then displaying false advertising, which by-the-by is considered illegal by trading standards.

I usually work 12pm to 9pm on a Sunday which essentially gives me from 4pm to 9pm to do advertising. So last night I was 2 hours short not to mention suffering from a major stress induced migraine. I was sick when I got home. My shift for today was supposed to be 7am to 3pm, however with 2 hours lost last night and the doors opening to customers at 8am I was an hour short to get everything done. So I started an hour early, wandered in through the doors and then I get a load of other work dumped on me. I worked my ass off from 6am to 12:30 without a break. I had 30mins and was told I could leave at 1pm for not taking my lunch hour.

Finally 1pm rolls around and I leave passing the Store manager on my way out. He turns to me and says:

"What time are you in tomorrow mate?"
"I'm not" says I
"Oh God." He calls back "Pain in the ass."
srry15 years ago2009-03-02 04:40:01 UTC 6 comments
I wonder what would happen to the mod community if everyone maintained this attitude? More Neil Manke's maybe...

Of course, it's not a fair comparison given his situation, just a thought

Also, anybody else notice there's like five or six people who constantly post journals? Maybe it's just me. Scary.
Notewell15 years ago2009-03-01 20:48:23 UTC 12 comments
It is a dark day, TWHL... My Goldeneye 007 cartrige for N64 is getting into worse and worse condition. I was playing caverns, and while I was running up through the huge spiral room, the entire map started shaking, and the music went all weird. Then the game froze. This is as bad as the Knife-stab-sound-twitch-guard-glitch... My days of playing goldeneye are numbered...
satchmo15 years ago2009-03-01 10:52:31 UTC 12 comments
I will be leaving for Taiwan tomorrow.

It's my birth place, and it's probably the birth place of the computer you're using now, if you build your own computers.

ASUS, G-Skills, Gigabytes . . . all of those well known and well respected companies for any computer hardware enthusiast are based in Taiwan. Some of my compatriots were responsible for putting your computer together.
satchmo15 years ago2009-02-28 18:00:10 UTC 5 comments
Falling asleep while eating.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-02-26 14:56:43 UTC 26 comments
This has turned into a Fun Journal. Enjoy!

As a serious Journal note:

Recently I thought of a simple and possibly fun experimental mini-mini mod idea. Believe it or not, HL can have up to 16 levelchanges in a single map. I've seen no more than 4 in HL and most mods are rather linear in path. What if a gridular setup was done? Like a 4x4 (16 total maps) layout of a part of a world. The paths would be many and exploration and discovery would be greatly promoted as the player would have to decide where to go and look around. Also, randomized events could vary the gameplay in a variety of ways on each map, making things renew as you go. The player would have to perform tasks and solve puzzles to unlock new areas of the 'world'.

A simple idea is to make something like the Xen world with teleportals that take you to the next square over based on which one you go in.

A more elaborate idea is a really hardcore 'escape from Black Mesa' where the player has to figure something out on their own.

Now, back to you regularly scheduled crap:

Random Paragraph Generator is fun... turns out some awesomeness with some tweaking. Enjoy!

The vagina creams Captain Terror. Captain Terror damages the era. The certificate drags the suffering dawn. The vagina frightens the blame. The numb policeman opens Captain Terror under the propaganda. An evolutionary screw sustains Captain Terror. Captain Terror overwhelms the vagina after the pretend anguish. Beneath the folding leadership runs the bizarre spectacular. Captain Terror sandwiches the current confidence. Captain Terror staggers over the vagina. The vagina smiles! The idiot sugars Captain Terror beside the husband. A bacterium rails. The shoe ministers to Captain Terror across a switch wealth. The knife truncates the vagina. When will the cuckoo stop? The computer separates the party professor against our apparatus. The vagina harms Captain Terror over its ancient wizard. Should the chancellor overlap beside Captain Terror?

Ant's cock consumes the boiled missile inside the defeated. The interior clears Ant's cock over an atheist. Will Ant's cock conform around a wish? A naughty photo recovers next to the acceptable contributor. Penguinboy launches the historic constituent. Penguinboy persists past the recognizable sentient. Ant's cock spins into the lunchtime. The scholar bobs outside Ant's cock. The widespread connector scores on top of every crisp. Penguinboy boils above Ant's cock. Penguinboy rests outside each country tongue. Penguinboy bypasses the obsolete pencil across the causal piano. The concert steams? Penguinboy rates the approving warm on top of this fellow. Penguinboy entertains a pressure inside the punishing reactor. Should Penguinboy celebrate Ant's cock? A customary tunnel dominates Penguinboy. A dialect encodes the profound algebra.

Your newsletter racks the maker. The must individual secures Habboi outside the laser. The sperm cashes the instinct. The sperm fools an analogue reminder. Habboi punches the sperm over another nicest force. Habboi credits the sperm. An arm rules against the sperm. A toast swears on top of a maze! The sperm prosecutes. Habboi recalls the lesser body. Habboi expects the keeper with the invisible dummy. Why can't Habboi caution over the paper meal? How does the crunched diameter push this ram? A developing socket moans on top of the atmosphere. Across the sperm stretches the landlord. Over the sperm cheats Habboi!

TheGrimReafer dines throughout the intimate risk. When can the sad timer fudge its elephant? An erection loses below TheGrimReafer. A hot corridor mends TheGrimReafer. The edge wonder volunteers inside the north. Opposite a pedantry waits the guest whole. A stupid console reserves TheGrimReafer past the dish. An erection exceeds the kindly back. Past the disturbed timer cries the pro pupil. How can its corresponding piano cause TheGrimReafer? TheGrimReafer ascends inside an erection. Why does TheGrimReafer misplace the tactless apathy? A timetable oppresses TheGrimReafer. Why can't a festival mutter within TheGrimReafer? An erection teaches an irrelevant chapel under the muddle. Does any lunch trip around TheGrimReafer? Her island twists below the convincing average. Can TheGrimReafer skip throughout the technology? Does the worldwide fairy withdraw against an erection? Will an erection mount TheGrimReafer?
satchmo15 years ago2009-02-26 13:51:58 UTC 19 comments
You are evaluating a 15-year-old girl who complains of malaise, fatigue, and occasional abdominal discomfort. You diagnosed hypothyroidism due to chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto thyroiditis) 6 years ago. She has normal serum immunoglobulin A concentrations. A tissue transglutaminase antibody study was negative 1 month before this visit, and free thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) values were normal at that time. She has normal menses. She reports that she has been eating poorly and has lost 5 lb since you saw her at the beginning of the summer, but she obviously has had a good summer and has a tan.
Of the following, the MOST important laboratory studies to obtain at this time are

complete blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate

duodenal biopsy for cryptic celiac disease

measurement of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

measurement of free thyroxine and TSH

mononucleosis spot test and liver function study
Penguinboy15 years ago2009-02-26 03:12:19 UTC 19 comments
My big project is still coming together (albeit slowly). I've done a ton of work over the holidays (start uni again on Monday) - about 20,000 lines of code. I deleted half of it the other day, though, because most of it ended up being written 3 times before I was happy with it >_>

I've decided that I will announce the project when either:
1) I get to 30,000 lines of code
2) I finish 11 parts of the program that I've chosen out.

Once one of these things happen, I'll start making the website (hopefully Ant will be doing the design), and announce it once the site is ready.

For reference, the program currently has 21,000 lines of code, and of the 11 parts, they have the following completion percentages:
30 / 70 / 50 / 10 / and 0 for the other 6. Which is about 15% total, but it should increase pretty fast. For example, that 15% was almost entirely done in about 2 weeks.

I realise that this is pretty boring information, but there's a little bit of insider info on what I'm doing.

As always, people who already know about the project, and haven't seen any updates for a while, you might want to catch me on IRC and I'll show you some new stuff.

Now excuse me while I go achievement whoring. BONK!
Skals15 years ago2009-02-25 12:42:55 UTC 12 comments
um i just noticed this strange number as i checked my profile today:
" Joined: 2nd May 2007 (666 days ago) "

:o today is my twhl devil day
saw183315 years ago2009-02-24 20:09:10 UTC 16 comments
As promised, even though it's been a damn week and a half almost; the pictures of the new radio in my car. Probably still getting a new bracket yet.

User posted image
User posted image
darkphoenix_6815 years ago2009-02-23 10:04:30 UTC 3 comments
I've finished Canyon: Redux! (Less than a month! That's gotta be some kinda record for me!)

We'll spend a week or two play-testing it to make sure I've caught all the glitches, and then I'll put it online...