
Alabastor_Twob12 years ago2011-12-18 16:50:29 UTC 5 comments
I finished my finals on Thursday, and slept a lot since then. When it became time to rejoin the internet community at large I got a system notification saying that I have a HD failure imminent and to back everything up. I'd been getting disk errors recently, but I had hoped I could at least last until Christmas when I'd actually have another HD to back things up onto.
At least my computer is still under warranty.
At least, I think it is.
goldsrcforever12 years ago2011-12-17 23:06:49 UTC 13 comments
I suck
Archie12 years ago2011-12-16 18:48:21 UTC 8 comments
Looking for some constructive feedback on my showreel.
This was rather hastily put together for a specific job application and as such I didn't have time to get copyright clearance to include a lot of the commercial programs I've shot which is annoying.

Still, let me know what you think.
38_9812 years ago2011-12-16 18:35:04 UTC 5 comments
I recently came upon this video whilst stumbling through the darkest recesses of Youtube. One of those times in which you hop from a video on say, dogs, to a video of something really disturbing.

In this case, a "prank" in which a number of students at a pep rally in Rosement highschool are blindfolded and given a kiss from a special someone. Guess who that someone is? Their parents. And these aren't pecks on the cheeks either, go watch the video to see what I mean.

All I can say is: Congratulations, parents! You have successfully traumatised your kids. gg.
goldsrcforever12 years ago2011-12-15 01:21:13 UTC 5 comments
Heres a really cool video about some of the differences between unpatched WON HL1 and Patched WON HL1:

Edit: This video was not made by me. I just found it.
goldsrcforever12 years ago2011-12-14 21:17:52 UTC 25 comments
F**k finals.
satchmo12 years ago2011-12-12 06:22:17 UTC 10 comments
Scott spent more than three hours this afternoon learning Source mapping.

He already knew the basics, but I taught him creating prop_static, creating water (with proper cubemaps), placing NPC (with info_nodes), creating displacement surfaces, and application of overlays.
Instant Mix12 years ago2011-12-08 22:03:56 UTC 21 comments
Katrina? Naw , we in Scotland like to name our hurricanes somewhat differently..

.. hurricane bawbag.
satchmo12 years ago2011-12-08 05:48:54 UTC 7 comments
The plush headcrab that my wife made for me many years ago has become Scott's best friend.

Unfortunately, when we were mapping together this evening, the headcrab I placed in the map that I was trying to modify the AI to be friendly did not work. It promptly started attacking me when the map spawned.

I had no choice but to grab the nearest crowbar and whacked it in self-defense.

He was so disturbed by the death of the headcrab, which he considered a friend.

He has such a good heart.
38_9812 years ago2011-12-07 01:08:27 UTC 1 comment
Whelp, after a week and some 20-30 attempts (I lost count after 16) I finally brought down Smough and Ornstein on Dark Souls.

Today, I am complete.
satchmo12 years ago2011-12-05 22:00:50 UTC 11 comments
Happy holiday, TWHL.

P.S. I just migrated to the Vertex 3 SSD, and I installed the Source SDK for my son. I think he is finally old enough for HL2 mapping.
monster_urby12 years ago2011-12-05 01:00:05 UTC 41 comments
I don't know if you guys have seen this yet.

This kind of shit truly makes my blood boil.
Archie12 years ago2011-12-04 15:38:49 UTC 11 comments
Political minds of TWHL, I implore you to watch and like this video! Upcoming class elections in my college will be based entirely on number of "likes" on our various party political broadcasts.

Don't do it for me, do it for the future of the nation.

Unrelated, I had a fun text conversation this morning. I'm in blue.
User posted image
Instant Mix12 years ago2011-12-04 15:31:33 UTC 7 comments
I fucking hate Windows.

A few days ago XP started to cock up , I wasn't able to change any settings due to the control panel giving me rundll errors. Because my computer is an HP Media Centre , it has a seperate partition which has a factory copy of Windows installed and all the drivers , so all I needed to do was pop in a disc which would copy all the factory files onto my hard drive.
After the ridiculously long 5 hour recovery , The computer failed to even boot up. Bastard.
I have a copy of Windows 7 lying around which I was thinking of upgrading to soon , so now was the perfect oppurtunity. Choosing the "non destructive" installation because I've been formatted before and it's been FUCKING ANNOYING.
So , I turn on the newly installed computer , everything seems fin - WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL MY PROGRAMS?

Windows decided that the program files folder was of no significance and deleted the whole thing. There goes Steam , Photoshop , reason , All my maps , my custom textures...

38_9812 years ago2011-12-04 15:21:15 UTC 4 comments
So, I finally got round to watching the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead, episode 7.

I think I'm pretty much not going to watch the show anymore. Way too boring, way to predictable. Carl should've blown Shane's Brains out the moment he handed him the gun, and Rick... Blargh. Season 1 had its fault, but it was still enjoyable. Season 2 is a trainwreck by comparison. I've come to hate a fair number of the characters, and the way they gutted their personalities and derailed they're growth in service of some stereotypical bullshit is annoying as hell.

The only good part was the ending, which was a nice little twist. Otherwise, it thoroughly stank.