
monster_urby13 years ago2011-10-05 21:00:01 UTC 19 comments
ell thi i a pain in the are. My cat pilled coke all over my keyboard and no ome of the key have topped orking.

Baically, I'm not going to be around much until unday. Look like I'll have to make the mot of my ii or P3 until then. igh

Oh ell, catch you guy later.

(Bonu point to anyone ho can tell hich column of key aren't orking. :P )
Madcow13 years ago2011-10-04 09:07:28 UTC 5 comments
Finished Mass Effect 2
You guys were right, it was awesome! And they kept the story interesting, which is more than you can say about most sequels. Looking forward to ME3.

Just as when I played ME1 I found the game quite boring the first hour, but once you got in to it it was great. I think I ended up spending 26 hours playing ME2 in total, which is 7 more hours than the first game.

I liked how my decitions from ME1 actually had an impact in ME2, even though it didn't matter as much as I wanted it to, but I hear that the choices you make in ME1 (and ME2) will have an even bigger impact in ME3.

I think it's a shame that they removed the inventory system, and that they removed the infinite ammo feature. I often ran out of ammo, and as far as I know you couldn't buy ammo between the missions so sometimes I had to let my teammates do all the work. Luckily the AI was better and more controllable than it was in ME1.

Also I've been playing the BF3 Beta. It's fucking awesome, but quite buggy so far. Love the intensive firefights, they really feel vivid. I really enjoy the new suppressing feature. When you're getting shot at, you feel the danger even though you are behind cover. Feels like I'm playing Company of Heroes from a first person perspective. I'll probably end up wasting even more time on this than I did on Battlefield 2.
satchmo13 years ago2011-10-03 12:40:34 UTC 7 comments
Publishing on Kindle has never been easier.

In less than 30 minutes, I published the handbook I wrote for kids with ADHD last night.
Strider13 years ago2011-10-03 03:51:06 UTC 8 comments
Arrested Development is coming back for a 10 episode mini-season leading up to the movie.
User posted image
Futurama and AD returning from the dead? Is it too late for Firefly?
Penguinboy13 years ago2011-10-02 19:37:01 UTC 6 comments
Last night, I got off my computer at a reasonable time (11PM) for work tomorrow. I go to set my alarm, and it's an hour behind!

"What's wrong with this thing?", I thought to myself. I must have knocked the time set button or something last time I hit snooze on it for the tenth time in a row.

I thought little of it, and grabbed my phone to confirm the time - it was indeed 11PM. Stupid alarm must be playing up.

So I woke up this morning at 6:45, half an hour before I needed to leave. I flicked on the news while I was eating breakfast - the news says that it's 5:45AM. That's an HOUR AND A HALF before I need to leave! I check my phone and it is still an hour late. I check my trusty analogue wall clock and it is showing 5:45!

At this point I was really confused. Do I need to go to work yet, or not? I messed with the date settings on the phone, turning off automatic time setting. The time went back exactly one hour.

Suddenly, a little light bulb switched on in my head. Daylight savings time switched over yesterday morning, and, of course, being in Queensland, Australia, I don't need to worry about all of that crap.

BUT, it turns out that somehow, BOTH my phone and computer had their time zones set to Sydney and had automatically switched to daylight savings time yesterday.

And this is why I hate daylight savings time.

Moral: Don't trust devices that know about time zones!

Also, daylight savings time sucks!
Striker13 years ago2011-09-28 11:10:32 UTC 10 comments
This is quite funny:
User posted image
Tetsu013 years ago2011-09-26 18:14:56 UTC 19 comments
23rd year on this earth is today.
Lots of birthdays around this time.
I said there were going to be pictures but i haven't uploaded any yet.
Party was chill. nothing crazy. so there's normal pictures. But there WAS a cake fight. It was great fun.

Got a few CD's (Blink-182, RHCP, STP) and a Petco Giftcard. Got some shrimp and a plant for my fish tank at work.

I joined this site when i was 16. Wow I've been around for a while....
satchmo13 years ago2011-09-26 03:01:41 UTC 6 comments
I am happy with my triathlon run today. I ran a 8:15 mile split.

It was our third year doing the triathlon together--Kenny, Brad, and I. We are all full-time pediatricians at South Bay, but each of us train in our specific event on a regular basis.

The hills did not faze me today. In fact, I took advantage of the hills (both uphill and downhill) to pass many other runners.

What made it more interesting was that a film crew was shooting "Batman Rises" on the actual running course (the film set was in the middle of the road), and we all ran past it while they were shooting. Fake snow was drifting down from above. It was simply surreal.
goldsrcforever13 years ago2011-09-25 20:02:21 UTC 5 comments
Flashmob canceled due to unforseen consequnces.
Skals13 years ago2011-09-23 19:20:07 UTC 7 comments
I was at the Euro-gamer expo today, I got to play Skyrim, Mw3, Battlefield 3, Star wars old republic, Final Fantasy XIII-2, CS:GO, Rage, Ninja Gaiden 3 and Mass effect 3.

It was great fun, got a lot of free stuff too.
(Incoming game-play spoilers on those games, no story spoilers though.)

I think the best game there was Skyrim, Trust me when I say it lives up to expectation. Mw3 was surprisingly fun to play with my friend, CS:GO was like CSS basically but with new stuff, I played it on PS3 for a short time so I can't say much about it, same formula really.

One game I was surprised with was Rage, it was actually really cool. Ninja Gaiden was hard as always. FF XIII-2 was basically like a 2x better FF XIII, everything about it was just better, no slow cinematic waiting as paradigms switch "yay!".

Battle field 3 was meh, Star wars old republic I played for like 20 mins in a big PvP match, we didn't get to choose our classes though so I didn't enjoy it that much, well that and the fact that my team got raped. Who knew I should have went with the Jedai nerds not the Sith ppl D: . Mass Effect 3 looked exactly the same as Mass Effect 2. The level I played looked really repetitive which disappointed me, combat was exactly the same as Mass effect 2.

What else can I say? Well, MW3 has dogs strapped with suicide bombs that explode when the dogs die. Yeah...
Habboi13 years ago2011-09-23 12:11:42 UTC 3 comments
Edit: Absolutely enjoyed it. Here's my experiences.

Going to Eurogamer Expo in London tomorrow and I just found out my friend bought us early tickets so we'll get to play all the good games before it gets busy. Can't wait :D

Also gonna check out the indie games, developer sessions and visit the career advisers.

Anyone else going? :D
Notewell13 years ago2011-09-21 20:24:01 UTC 8 comments
Alright, so I need a new graphics card. It has to have the following minimum:
Goes up to 1920x1080, gets good performance in modern games at half that (the only other 16:9 resolution available in both games and my monitor)
*DirectX 9 compatible
*Pixel Shader 2.0b
*512MB card
*PCI Express 2.0 support
Now here comes the bad part: I have a maximum budget of $140, including added tax. And paying the full $140 would leave me broke. I also can't buy online.
Any suggestions? And has ATI gotten their stuff together with OpenGL so I could run Hammer 3.5 with one of their cards?
DiscoStu13 years ago2011-09-20 19:15:19 UTC 10 comments
Today I opened my eyes and wondered how long it would be before I had to get up. I took my cellphone, looked at the time - 16:38. Yep, I missed class.
Madcow13 years ago2011-09-20 16:00:41 UTC 20 comments
Last week I was complaining about how I couldn't get Mass Effect to work but eventually I did, however I still suffered from some major problems such as not being able to load my saves (which was quite a pain)

Today I beat the game, and I have to say that this was probably the best game I've played in a long time. It was awesome. The story was incredibly imaginative and the gameplay was very entertaining.
This is probably the first game that truely had me care about the characters. They were very memorable.

I'm buying Mass Effect 2 next week, and I'm guessing that will keep me entertained until they release Battlefield 3.
Mariowned13 years ago2011-09-20 04:26:11 UTC 7 comments
Just released a map I started around 5 years ago. It's called surf_city2 and it's nothing like any surf map you've seen before. Check out the short movie I made of it whether you love them or absolutely hate them because I am hoping people who can't stand the shitty surf maps out there find something they like with this one. Also, check out the map if you actually like surfing. Enjoy: