
Tetsu013 years ago2010-10-04 14:24:23 UTC 11 comments
DNF release - 2/1/2011
Tetsu013 years ago2010-09-26 13:12:47 UTC 18 comments
I'm 22 today!
And my very first presie: Home Brewery kit! wohoo!

mojo dinosaur
Tetsu013 years ago2010-09-16 23:51:23 UTC 5 comments
14 Months in the making, and Castle disposed is finally finished and released!
I'm so happy to release this as my first mod, and I'm also very happy that it didn't take FOREVER.

For all those who submitted maps, I send out a heartfelt thank you, because the mod plays for a good 45 minutes exploring it for the first time.

Hopefully, if everyone wishes, we can do another compilation like this sometime in the future!

What are you all waiting for? Check it out!
Tetsu013 years ago2010-09-09 09:04:19 UTC 17 comments
Hello all!
First off i would like to thank every one of you who wished me good luck! The surgery went VERY well and i was off the table and in the recovery room quicker than the predicted minimum operating time. (4-6 hours) I had ZERO incisions made (unless you consider an IV an incision, which you shouldnt) But they took 2 IV's and went in thru my groin, and fixed everything from there.
The IV's are located right about where the middle of your thighs meet the pelvic area.
So i came out of heart surgery with 2 pieces of gauze taped to me :)

Here's all the details if you would like;

Woke up at 5:00 to leave my house at 5:30. Picked up my dad at his place around 5:45, and got to the hospital around 6:20. We checked in and i was immediatley instructed to put on that silly gown thingy and these REALLY uncomfortable socks with rubber sticky pads on the bottom (and top, for those who can't wear socks properly?) Anyway, they take my vitals, put me on an EKG, take blood pressure, the whole 9 yards, and then they prepared my gurney (rolling hospital bed) for the journey down to the O.R.
So i get into the O.R. and what i see was fascinating.
User posted image
That was not the lab, but that picture is almost exactly what i saw in the lab. A table with multiple monitors on it, and some other equipment floating around in the lab.
They put these special stickypads on me as to make a 3-d picture of my heart (i think) and of course, the automatic blood pressure thingy, and all the other stickys for the EKG and stuff.
While they were preparing me they asked me what type of music i liked; i responded with classic rock, and within 30 seconds, they had "The Dark Side of The Moon" playing throughout the SURROUND SOUND SPEAKER SYSTEM.
So i'm getting nice and comfy on the bed, checking out my 3-d heart beat (it was really freaking cool) when the anesthesiologist team came in and started to prepare me for going under.

this was BY FAR the worse part (and the part i remember most) -

It was a team of 2, a younger looking guy (presumabley straight out of med school) and an older, more experienced / less nervous looking fellow. So first they prepare the inside of my elbow for IV insertion. (This IV is for the fluids, and so called 'happy juice') the older doc told the younger one not to do it there, because then my arm can't bend. So they un-did the tournaquette, and flipped my arm over and proceded to find a vein on my forearm about 2 inches above thumb-side of my wrist. So they re-apply the tournaquette lower on my arm and start slapping my arm to find a vein.
Mr. New guy is prodding me with an Iv for about a minute trying to find that damn vein. Well he cant find it, so they move on to my hand.
He trys again on my hand, slapping away - at this point i'm not looking because i'm REALLY anxious and IV's just freak me the hell out.. Anyway, i feel the pinch, and a certain degree of relieif comes over me until he hits some type of nerve and a very sharp pain shoots up my arm, into my neck and down my right side all at once....

To which i responded..

"Ohhhhhhh... what was that..."

Mr new guy said, "oh i'm sorry that was my fault", withdrew the IV, and handed the reins over to mr. experience.

Who got the iv in first shot, btw.

So i'm almost twitching out of my skin at this point, just Irked by what just happened.. and then mr.experience screws a little syrange into my IV line and says.. "Ok now just relax while we give you some "happy juice""
So about 5 seconds after that... i didnt give a shit about anything really.
my hand and arm still felt odd and incomfortable, and i felt the burn of the 3 IV holes.. but still.. didnt care..

I sat like that for about a minute before i got tired, and decided to fall asleep.

I awake from my dream in a haze, very tired, and wanting to go back to sleep. I see a doctor above me, talking, but i have no idea what he's saying. I'm wheeled back to the waiting room, transferred to my bed, and in walks my family: Mom, Dad, G/F, and Aunt. Along with a few nurses.

I felt like i was out for 20 minutes... turns out it was almost 3.5 hours, and the surgery just went extrememly well. From what was told to me, i had a pretty basic case of SVT, and when they were in my heart, the abnormal heartbeat was easy to cause.
They cauterized the area with the extra circuit, and couldnt cause the abnormal heartbeat to happen again.

Long story short they made me chill at the hospital for another 2 hours.. i just watched discovery channel, and had some lunch (some sort of meat with mashed potatoes and green beans - which was surprisingly good, and definitly satisfying seeing as how i didnt eat since the night before)

So all in all i can't lift anything over 10lbs for 3 days, really can't shower until tomorrow[friday] (ugh fucking gross), and then i can't jog or bike or do anything too strenuous for another 2-3 weeks after that.

I'm essentially back to normal! yay

As for recovery, Yesterday my GF and i did of my bedroom.
We took the nightstand next to my bed and put it at the foot of my bed. I stole my mom's wireless mouse, (traded with my G9 - which she loves and i'm afraid im not gonna get it back) and i moved my computer into the middle of my room. I put my 23" widescreen on the nightstand and with my new copy of netflix i can stream any movie i'd ever want straight to my CPU monitor.
Plus with windows 7 magnifier and on screen keyboard all i had to do was navigate with the mouse and have almost full control of my computer.
Yesterday my girl and i watched the first 7 episodes of SG:SG1 before passing out at like 10:30 lol.
I'm typing this from my mom's laptop in the kitchen right now.

I can walk and stuff, but the IV locations are pretty tender. Kinda wierd to sit and stand from sitting, however.
Tetsu013 years ago2010-09-07 16:52:05 UTC 23 comments
Hello TWHL
Tomorrow AM I go in for heart surgery.
It's nothing major, but i figure you all should know.
By "nothing major" i mean that the operation is not 'open heart' and there will be no incisions made to my skin.

If you remember some time ago i informed you all of a... condition i have called SVT. Well I could do one of 2 things to combat this;
1) i can take beta blockers to lower my heart rate for the rest of my life and hope that's enough to get me by.
2) i can have a surgical procedure done, and it all goes away.

Naturally i chose the surgery because who wants to be on meds for the rest of their life? Not me.

About the surgery:
The procedure i'm having done is called an ablation.
And if you click that link you'll note the quote:"removal of material from the surface of an object".
And if you read up on SVT you'll know that i have an extra electrical pathway running down my heart.

So if you put one and one together, i get one less electrical pathway in my heart.

They're going in I.V. (intravenous, or into-vein for all you NOT sitting on a cushion), and they will be entering the inside of my heart.
Once inside the doctors will try to trigger the SVT (REALLY fast abnormal heartbeat) using whatever means necessary (usually adrenaline). After they have caused the abnormal heartbeat to occur, the doctors will take their laser, or high-frequency burner, and proceed to ablate, or shave off, or burn, or destroy, that extraneous pathway in my heart.
Once they think they have gotten rid of it, they will shoot me up with some more adrenaline and if my heartbeat slows to normal after it all wears off, the surgery will be a success, and i will be back to normal!

Things to note:
1) The doctor who is performing my procedure has been doing this since 1988 (the year i was born) and has done literally 1000's of procedures.
2) nobody has ever died from this procedure under this man's watch
3) with 2 being said, the worst case scenario is that they can't pinpoint the cause of the irregular heartbeat, and a) they have to do it again some other time, or b) they get it, but i have more than 1 extra path, and they didn't get that one.

So, now that you have the facts, any questions?
Tetsu013 years ago2010-09-01 23:14:39 UTC 8 comments
SDK Proof Of Concept!

Got 2 of em:

1) steam engine sorta thingy... but not really..

2) R-type inspired airplane shooter

Using all the triggers and stuff in ep2 for the compo got my idea gears churning. Expect a bunch of random 30sec and under clips from me in the near future :-P
Tetsu013 years ago2010-08-23 23:43:51 UTC 11 comments
I actually worked on my compo entry almost every single say since the start of the compo and i STILL don't have enough time.

A deadline is a deadline, so i guess i'm gonna have to cut back on the extra goodies, and just get everything working properly.

4 maps with multiple level changes and loads of global variables.

Why do i always take on ENORMOUSLY ambitious projects for competitions? - I never finish them to the quality i feel is needed.

There's still 6 days and 21 hours left.
But the most time consuming parts are left. :( boo.

Good news is, is that 2 of the maps are 100% done, the other one is right around 70% and the last map is 0% but it's all done out on paper, and the entity work should be quite simple - so long as the VDC wiki doesn't let me down lol.
Tetsu013 years ago2010-07-28 22:14:58 UTC 6 comments
Just picked up Starcraft II.
My life is over.
My compo entry is as good as doomed.

I'm installing right now. It's been nice knowing you guys.
Remember me with that.
Tetsu013 years ago2010-07-17 14:29:56 UTC 2 comments
Just started that P90X workout routine.
I have never worked out harder in my life.
I intend on following this all the way thru.
omg tho. its hard as hell.
had a hospital visit thanks to that program. more details later when I'm not ony iPhone
Tetsu013 years ago2010-05-31 01:01:28 UTC 8 comments
I know soup miner just posted a journal about why people post when they're drunk, but i have to throw this out there:

My girl and i were spending the night drinking, and were getting tired of playing the card game: war, so tonight i decided to invent my own game for 2 players.
It's almost like a DnD + war mash-up
I call it: "Castles"

Each number card holds its value. All face cards are 10 (jack thru king)
Aces are 11

Player 1 shuffles the deck and deals 2 cards to player 2. Player 2 takes the average of those 2 cards [rounding up to nearest integer] and that number becomes attack strength. This gets written down on a score sheet.

Player 1 re-shuffles, and deals 2 more cards to player 2. Those are averaged and the number becomes defense.

Player 2 does the same to player 1, and after the attack and defense attributes are set per person, the 8 cards are re-inserted into the deck, and each person is dealt 26 cards, war style.

So each person has a castle with 100hp and player 1 and 2 alternate attacking and defending. [we did a coin-flip but who gives a shit who goes first, really] You play war style - meaning each person flips a card at the same time, but the attackers ATT and the defenders DEF are added to the card they flip.

If the attacker outweighs the defense, the difference of the 2 are subtracted from the total HP of the defender. If the defender outweighs, HALF the difference(rounded DOWN) is subtracted from the Attackers HP. if it's a tie, it goes to the defense, and nothing happens.

Anyway. The game is played until one person has 0 HP

[ if you're drinking, every time you lose HP, you drink! :) ]

if you run out of cards, the Attack and defense attributes need to be re calculated as in the beginning, but your castle health points stay the same!

We played 3 rounds, and after altering the original rules to the ones i just typed, it's a pretty fun game. After you're drinking you need a calculator to do simple maths, but at least it's not at monotonous as regular war..

What do you guys think about the rules and the game?
Tetsu013 years ago2010-05-28 13:27:17 UTC 5 comments
So as of 8:00 PM EST Last night (Thursday, May 27)
I have my associates degree in Electronic Engineering!
I have another Summer internship with the State power Company, and then I'm going onto University of New Haven to further my education, and strive towards a Bachelors.

Then [hopefully] I'll be working full time with the power company who has a 100% paid for masters degree program ON SITE!

These were most of the kids i was in the scholarship program with. I'm second from the left.
User posted image
The two rightmost kids were offered full time positions before they even graduated.
Tetsu013 years ago2010-05-17 21:24:51 UTC 14 comments
Went paintballing yesterday for the first time in about 3 years. My Gun hasn't been used since then.
I have a Tippmann 98 Custom (like most people) But i bought it off a friend of mine way back and it had a few modifications.

Response trigger (Excess gas pushes a piston forward which resets the trigger - essentially allows for full auto)
Expansion Chamber - Allows the Liquid CO2 to expand into a gas before entering the gas chamber. Allows for tighter ball grouping.
Bolt cover - so leaves and grime dont clog up the inner workings.

Anyway since i havent used it in a WHILE, i completely forgot that there was a huge problem with the firing system - until i got there and chrono'd in and my gun went spastic and chopped about 8 balls in 1 second.. needless to say i couldnt use my gun... well i found out why:

The rear bolt and sear (thing that catches the rear bolt and holds it in position until you pull the trigger) were chipped and rounded off. the combination of both those being so crappy made it almost impossible for the gun to function reliably.

Long story short, i put some detail pictures up and i spent about $42 in replacement parts - a whole new back end bolt-system.

Hopefully this is the only thing wrong and i can finally have a working gun again!
Tetsu013 years ago2010-05-06 23:28:51 UTC 4 comments
Thanks Valve. For screwing everything up.
Recently, valve updated a bunch of crap.
Firstly, i hate the new steam layout. Why can't i access the tools or games straight from the icon? i have to go digging for another 4-5 clicks before i can access what i want. [although I do admit, it LOOKS nice]
Secondly, whatever update valve did f'd my shiz up hardcore. The orange box Hammer doesnt run properly at all - all i get is white models and blank 2-D views [video card drivers have nothing to do with it, i'm up to date] I tried the 'load old binaries' trick don punch suggested - no dice. It worked all nicey nice but it doesnt compile, and it proceeds to lock up the computer. The regular HL2 editor works fine, compiles fine, but the FGD is screwed up somehow and it doesnt have any of the "weapon_blah" / "ammo_blah" / "item_blah" entities.... i can create them by making an empty entity and typing the name, but that's a major pain in the ass since i dont know all the entities by name, nor can i modify any other properties or flags that i need to.

In addition to that, nothing - i repeat: nothing in my life over the past few weeks has been going right at all. At all. Turns out im failing one of my classes that i need to graduate. I've gotten nothing lower than a C on any of the assignments, tests, or lab reports... but somehow i'm failing. So i set up an inquiry about this with my academic adviser and nothing is being done about it. I'm set to graduate may 27th, and it's coming down to the wire. Every one of the computers at school is a piece of shit HP that bluescreens at the sight of anything close to being useful towards my education. They have a deep freeze program on them that erases anything you do to it after it reboots. That's all well and good, but when you need to install software updates for programs the IT department deems not worthy, you lose everything and nothing functions.... These are brand new (2009) computers running windows xp SP 3 and they have INTERNET EXPLORER SIX!!! 6
fucking IE6
nothing even supports that anymore.

[sorry im ranting but im furious at the world right now]

ok so my band is playing a free show tomorrow, may 7th. Its a free show because its the relay for life - a cancer support party many colleges partake in to raise funds and awareness in the fight against cancer. Anyway, my band has the 6:00 - 7:00 slot and we're playing the show.
Good news - yes, but heres the fucked part.
My singer lives in florida. I live in connecticut. The show is in connecticut. Florida is 1200 miles away from connecticut. My singer is driving. He left this morning, the show's tomorrow night. I have a car, my bassist has a car, the drummer has a car, and the singer has a car. None of us have or can procure trucks to transport stuff to the show. We have: 6 piece drum set + cymbals, 2 halfstacks / heads, and one large other amp - 2 guitars, a bass, and 4 people to get to the show.
Did i mention we only have 2 vehicles available to us.. and one of is my cavalier that has a donut on it because i just got a flat tire 4 hours ago coming home from a shitty school that wont allow me to graduate...

Oh right and as a guitarist, i rely deeply on my left hand to be of any use on stage, well i sprained my left ring finger doing a favor for my brother - whom i dislike, but love because he's family. So it's swollen to about 60% normal size, i can't bend it all the way and any pressure creates this very acute stabbing pain throughout my whole hand that's only bearable because im convinced it'll go away soon... it's been 5 days and it still hurts like the day it happened...

Yeah did i mention that The regions power company paid for 2 years of my school? Well they cut my job thanks to our nations terrible economy - now i have 2 schools sending me mega spam "come here! come here!" emails that im really not even wanting to reply to because im sick and tired of school i really am. i wanna be done and sit on my ass at a desk from 9-5 and get paid lots of money so i can go home, bitch about work, pay my bills, drink beer and relax. - rinse and repeat.


Pretty much i hate my life right now - the world is against me [it seems] and im just sick of all the bullshit i have to put up with day after day.
It's relentless and i can't catch a break.
Tetsu014 years ago2010-04-14 23:09:17 UTC 4 comments
Taking a long break from mapping.
HL2 RPG is on hold until i can get either A) A coder, or B) really find time to study up and learn how to code - Either way, the project must start again from scratch because i botched the source code and i forgot what i did so i cant fix it anyway.

Castle Disposed is all well and good, i just need to remember to map for it. This is my final semester at school so i'm really focusing on my schoolwork in the times im not playing AOE: II or BFBC2

Speaking of which, Bad company 2 is FANTASTIC! My player name is "Tetsuo Sho" if anyone wants to add me. My father bought me a new 3.2ghz processor and the game so we both can play online. And his friend has a Ventrillo server he bought so we're always a squad of 4, or 2 squads of 3 (5 others play as well)

AOE:II (Age of empires) Has been taking up most of my game development time as i'm making a 5-person RPG for it. Each person starts as a villager and has a choice to be either Cavalry, Footsoldier, or an Archer. Based on how many kills you get you upgrade classes (5 in total) and if you defeat certain objectives you get gold so you can buy further upgrades (attack bonuses, HP boosts, armor etc etc.. It takes a FUCKTON of time to code, each unit needs to be done one at a time, and there's 75 possible units for 5 players, and THEN i need to do unit respawns if you die.. so it's a huge pain in the ass and the editor is REALLY buggy - anyway

Havent been doing any Hl related projects at all. I blame School, battlefield, and my friends at school who think i'm a god at coding AOE [Even tho using the map editor triggers is NOTHING like code]

Oh and Trance Techno gives me crazy inspiration while mapping / doing anything. <3
Tetsu014 years ago2010-02-18 19:40:44 UTC 11 comments
A friend of mine in school are going to make a REALLY SHITTY half life 1 mod.
It's based off a Black Mesa scientist who is doing genetic mutations on creatures and humans in his lab. He really wants to enslave his creations to take over the world. You're in on his plan until you figure out what's really happening.
The enslaved creatures are really the regular half life creatures. I plan on re-skinning some of them to look like screwed up animals and such.

The garg, i'm keeping the same - why not.

Some gameplay aspects: Black mesa-esque lab, city streets - suburban layouts, - some woods maps.

We're shooting for about 5-8 maps. Just a fun project to do in school.

I uploaded the cracked HL WON and hammer and all the tools to the schools network drive. :) stays put and anyone has access.!