
Ghost129er5 years ago2019-07-27 08:07:02 UTC 6 comments
Okay, it was a tradition to graffiti the crap out of an aircraft if they landed on the wrong carrier, as so:
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Welp, here's your chance to do it to this:
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Just scribble some graffiti on a paper, preferably with a thick pen/marker, take a photo and upload it to a hosting site and paste the link here, and I'll convert/attach it to the skin where you specify.

Here's an example, using my Note 4's Notes app to draw the text:
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Specify where you want it on the aircraft... (If you want it anywhere specific)

That way it'll be easier to get into photoshop... And result in...
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Looking forward to some stuff 8)

PS - Feel free to PM your submission if you'd like to stay anon or something.
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Plenty of space for words/writing if you choose that over drawings/doodles!
Ghost129er7 years ago2018-01-02 22:15:03 UTC 14 comments

Too tired to come up with something.
Ghost129er7 years ago2017-09-24 08:20:01 UTC 8 comments
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

It was just a normal competitive game of CS:GO Dust 2 when suddenly... This guy went from Nova to Global Elite in one timeout. They mostly accused me of hacking, walling, what not because I got wallbangs and a few extremely lucky kills. They threatened to VAC me or get me VAC banned and trust me, they are not the first, nor are they the last to do so. It's a shame that no one has a sense of skill, luck and if you die immediately or are bad, the others are always hackers. I cry hacker too, but I know when someone is fucking hacking or when I'm bad, you can tell. One of my friends left UAE and went to UK and his rank shot up. Not because he improved - he was good, but the amount of hackers he came across in other countries (UK) had drastically fallen when compared to this area.
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I don't even feel like buying skins for this game anymore. It's such a shame because it was (and still is on clean games) so much fun and a great thing. I don't feel like investing into it anymore - not even time..
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-PS this is my past inventory; all sold up elsewhere and used to buy myself many things IRL (Mech. Keyboard, PC upgrades, etc)

tl;dr - a shame CS:GO is now what it is - full of hackers (mostly in M.E. and India regions). I don't feel like it's worth playing it anymore.
Ghost129er7 years ago2017-07-22 16:24:08 UTC 7 comments
So I accidentally converted my basic disk to a Dynamic disk on Windows.


I know, stupid mistake, but has anyone had experience with this where I don't need any shady wares? I've checked some apps, but they're mostly P2W (in a way) and was just wondering if anyone has any past experience with stupid mistakes like this and could perhaps suggest a good program/demo which will actually help.

Ghost129er7 years ago2017-03-15 20:16:12 UTC 3 comments
So, uh, made a temporary TWHL Discord channel which I will remove once PB or some Admin has made the official discord channel.

Hope y'all can use it for VoIP in the DM server and stuff like that, though we already have VoIP in game, it's still cool if others want to chat and would rather not spam the Shoutbox me thinks.

Mainly did this because I couldn't find Archie's TeamSpeak channel IP that we used on the CS:GO comp and was like, welp, I'ma just do this.

Admins, if you want me to delete the channel, say so, will do it instantly. I will be manually filtering members, so keep that in mind. This is mostly for the frequently TWHL active members.

Gl, hf peeps.
Ghost129er8 years ago2017-01-03 04:44:31 UTC 15 comments
Artist: Paul Hardcastle
Released: 17 February 1985
Type: Single
Ghost129er8 years ago2016-08-30 11:08:12 UTC 1 comment
Most of you should know my craze/obsession with my R/C hobby. A recent WIP (just shell/body work)
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Full album:

Pokes Tetsu0
Ghost129er11 years ago2013-02-22 12:51:35 UTC 8 comments
During WW2, when project Aphrodite was in full swing.

(Aphrodite was an American "Mistel Project" But using old B-17s flown via radio control after the crew bailed out upon take off.)

One B-17 packed with explosives broke contact from it's handler aircraft. after numerous attempts to reestablish radio control failed, the handler aircraft turned home.

Allowing the explosive laden B-17 to fly until it exhuasted it's fuel and made a wheels up landing into a field in Germany.

Local Wermacht troops witnessed the landing and quickly surrounded the aircraft. They ordered the crew to evacuate the aircraft with thier hands up and surrender.
When they recived no reply, they opened fire......

The crater was 150' wide and 30' deep.

True story.