Journal #8922

Posted 6 years ago2018-03-15 17:54:32 UTC
I had been considering the acquisition of new computer equipment.

But there's one thing I had completely forgotten: Windows 7 will refuse to run on Skylake processors or newer. Seeing as I'll be forced to go to Windows 10 (or, okay, Linux) and I can only find negative opinions online, I figured I'd ask those who have more experience with it: Is it still an awful mess of half-assed design? Has it seen any improvement?

Stojke is not welcome to post here. Everybody else, your experiences or comments are welcome.


Commented 6 years ago2018-03-15 19:34:21 UTC Comment #63007
It will run, it might fuss about it, but I'm sure there are workarounds.

I was one of those "Never switching to W10" advocates, until I got myself a new machine. At first I considered Linux, but I was quite dependent on Windows (Photoshop etc...). Also been on W10 at work for a while so that pushed me to it.

Things I like:
  • Not needing to install any drivers is an absolute godsend, well done M$ on that part.
Things I dislike:
  • Some functions have been moved from the Control Panel to "Settings", the menu itself is poorly done. Not everything can be done with using the Settings menu and vice versa, but you don't have to use it often.
  • The start menu, its been improved since the first versions of W10 and its gotten better and will probably be just fine for new users. However if you still prefer the W7 start menu ClassicShell works just fine :)
  • Some bloatware is preinstalled such as mini games and some useless apps, removable through the Settings menu, not the Control Panel.
  • Potential privacy concerns, but if you're on the internet you gave that up years ago. There are apps that can help with this if you feel the need.
Aero is gone and windows are square again similar to W8.1.

Updates used to be annoying, but since the introduction of active hours they don't bother me anymore. However SAVE YOUR WORK if you don't turn your pc off at night.

Iv'e grown to like it myself, even if at first it was stupid and annoying and on some degree it might still be, but you get used to it. And the fact that it still is constantly updated with new features is cool.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-15 22:06:47 UTC Comment #63001
Windows 10 is fine. I don't love it but I don't see anything particularly wrong with it. I disabled everything about Cortana as soon as I could. I disabled all location snooping settings, I deleted all the tiles off my start menu so it's closer to Win7.

The settings menu is absolutely terrible, but you can find most things using windows search.

On that same note, you can also disable windows search from searching the web.

I also second the caution to SAVE YOUR WORK!! The update function is stupid. But it is what it is.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-15 23:01:20 UTC Comment #63000
I literally have zero problems with Windows 10. It lets me map, browse the web and play videogames.

I rarely do anything else, so I can't say what issues you might encounter doing more than that. Honestly, the backlash baffles me...
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 02:17:03 UTC Comment #63010
I keep seeing people complaining that every other forced update is a systemwide update that will reset everything as if it were a fresh install and they have to set everything up again.

I also keep reading about people receiving updates so half-assedly written and pushed that they get stuck in infinite reboot loops or where drivers are wrong or poorly compiled and systems become unusable.

That sort of shit plus the snooping-even-if-you-disable-it plus the really broken interface really turn me off.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 05:32:35 UTC Comment #63005
I use it at work. Be sure to use a tool for stopping some telemetry data if you're worried about your privacy and be prepared for unforeseen forced updates.
Otherwise, it's a rock solid OS.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 07:30:36 UTC Comment #63014

A fellow privacy specialist (well another user from another forum I'm active on who's very... PROTECTIVE [I guess?] ) suggested I use this and this is probably one of the best applications to help disable a lot of Microsoft's garbage and irritating settings on Win 10
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 07:37:26 UTC Comment #63008
I keep seeing people complaining that every other forced update is a systemwide update that will reset everything as if it were a fresh install and they have to set everything up again.
I don't know where you heard that, there used to be updates that reset some privacy settings, not sure if those are still around.

Iv'e come to understand that forced updates are a necessary evil, you can turn them off pretty easily if you wish though.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 08:06:25 UTC Comment #63002
I've never had any issues with Windows 10. Some comments:
  • Delay updates for 30 days (the maximum). This will reduce restarts and you will avoid any bad updates which were rolled back.
  • Feature updates (which are like service packs) are released twice a year and will take longer to install than most updates. You can delay them for up to a year. They seem to reset some settings, but it takes 5 minutes to change them back when you notice them. Most (if not all) settings are retained.
  • Use Spybot Anti-Beacon if you're concerned with the statistics they're collecting. This will block the telemetry that both Windows 7 and 10 send.
  • If you want an extra layer of protection use a software firewall (I use ESET) to block network requests from telemetry applications.
  • The settings stuff isn't great, but the old control panel still exists and everything is still there. Some of the new stuff (UWP, tablet mode) can only be configured through the new settings app, but you get used to it.
  • The start menu is fine, once I got accustomed to pinning apps onto the statt menu I very much like how it works now.
  • The interface isn't broken anymore. I've never had a problem after the anniversary update came out.
  • The old vs. new style is still there, but honestly you won't notice it. The only "new" style apps I ever use are settings and calculator. Everything else is the same as always.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 20:25:15 UTC Comment #63013
I think the issue is, and I will generalize this to the entire internet, that people either simply enjoy being part of a large group or they'll blindly respond to fear mongering.

People will parrot negative experiences (and cherry pick them at that) to make a situation seem worse than it is. Even though a lot of times these incidents are isolated to faulty hardware, user error, or sometimes things just happen for no good reason.
These people may have had a bad experience with the 'thing' they're trying to bring the reputation of down, or they just don't want to feel left out of the big thing that everybody's talking about. Either way it's meaningless effort to gain social status in a conversation that will be forgotten sooner or later.

The other side I mentioned is that people might simply be ignorant of the 'thing' in question and read something that makes no sense to them but is so scary/wrong that they can't help but parrot it elsewhere to 'warn' others about the bad thing. I'm sure it would take very little effort to completely make something up, and people would still spread it as if it were true and they had personally experienced it.

I don't know what the 'big thing' on facebook is nowadays but when I used it a few years ago, people seemingly were losing their minds over how dangerous toothpaste was because they found a bunch of chemically sounding chemicals in the ingredients (Think dihydrogen monoxide).
They would go as far as to say it is lethal, and that the government/whatever 'thing' they hated was trying to kill us all, kill our babies, our unborn babies. So on.

I really don't see any purpose in believing anything on the internet unless you have a solid understanding of what is being said. Well, I don't believe in believing anything unless you understand it in general but especially on the internet. It's just too easy to make things up and throw in enough jargon that it seems plausible.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 20:34:28 UTC Comment #63011
To tell the truth I'm also turned off by the ugly duality of the tablet-desktop interface.

I also read things like the calculator holding your result hostage until you give it a rating in the app store.

The truth is I'm still turned off computers altogether after reading anything and everything about W10...
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 21:23:51 UTC Comment #63006
im using ubuntu for 2 years now, its a piece of crap, im sure there are betters distros and i miss win that i used for my entire life, for all the apps and games but id never ever use an os with forced updates or some other insane things
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-16 23:07:35 UTC Comment #63003
@Stu: The calculator app asks you to rate it but doesn't hold you hostage. I've seen it once and I clicked cancel and moved on. I don't even have an app store account.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-17 00:57:37 UTC Comment #63012
Apparently some people got it all the time. Good reason for asking. Maybe that was fixed.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-24 21:54:41 UTC Comment #63004
Haven't had a problem.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-28 21:06:35 UTC Comment #63009
Windows 10 here as well, follow Penguinboy's advices and you shouldn't have any problems at all.

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