News posts

Penguinboy16 years ago2008-03-19 00:35:12 UTC 15 comments
News comments!
MOTM comments!
Search results pages!
That's all the new stuff you'll see today. Yay!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-03-13 04:05:41 UTC 0 comments
If you get a page with an error on it (most probably "call to undefined function" errors), shout or post it in the bug thread.

You shouldn't get any, as I've looked in the code pretty thoroughly. But just in case, k?

Don't forget to vote for MOTM and enter the compo!
Penguinboy16 years ago2008-03-05 23:25:03 UTC 1 comment
Now that most bugs have been given the boot, I've started adding real functionality to the site! First up, I have added the User Journal lists - where you and others can view old journals of everyone!

To access them simply click the link at the top right, or the bottom of the 'Journals' tab in the user's Profile.

I have added comments to journals! No more admins editing your journal to reply to its content, no more users creating an entire journal just to reply to what you have to say! Simply click the [x comments] link next to the journal from either the latest journals on the front page, the journals page, or a user's profile. Yay!

Watch this space - I will be adding more exciting new things for you guys (and a ton of stuff for the admins!)
AJ16 years ago2008-03-02 08:43:42 UTC 0 comments
We've just hit March, so voting has opened for February's Map of the Month! Jump into the Map Vault, find the map you want to vote for and, well, vote for it!

We also have a new Source tutorial: Combine Dropship by ZeG.

Well, we said it was coming after TWHL3 and here it is: Competition 25 - Remake a Game. We're allowing a grace period of a couple of days for you guys to comment on the compo, so if you have any beef about it, make yourself heard. Keep an eye on the official thread for updates.
AJ16 years ago2008-02-25 03:34:07 UTC 0 comments
Hello everyone and welcome to your new TWHL! After well over a year of development, it's finally here for you to enjoy!

All details about the redesign can be found here.


Edit: There's a brand new Source tutorial up for you to check out: New Glass and Basic Logic_Compares and Game_UIs by TheGrimReafer. We've got a whooping set of 14 more Source tutorials coming from Grim, so stay tuned! Off the mark as well is The Hunter with an essential read: How to Propose a Mod, and following him is doodle with NPC Scripting Basics. A Brief Introduction to the Source SDK has also been released, by me.

Penguinboy has released a new tutorial, How to Write a Tutorial, which will help everyone learn to use the new system, so you can add your own tutorial to this list!

Tutorial proposals are now back online, so now's the time to get proposin' if you've got them. Remember, the proposal form is not a place for you to just paste your tutorial in!
AJ16 years ago2008-02-19 00:36:00 UTC 0 comments
It's coming.

Join the Official Party Channel for updates!
AJ17 years ago2008-01-16 09:58:00 UTC 0 comments
Things have been a little slow on the tutorial front lately. Well, for a while now actually. Chalk that up to our laziness, but we do plan to rectify it.

First up, we'd like to tell you to stop, for the time being, proposing tutorials to us. We will not be answering any proposal from now until TWHL3 is released.

Secondly, to anyone that has ever submitted a proposal in the past and not received a response: we apologise for the lack of contact.

However, all is not lost. When TWHL3 is released, we invite everyone who did not receive a response to resubmit their tutorial using our new tutorial system. We guarentee your request will get an answer. We also plan to expand upon the amount of tutorials we have on the site as well, so if you've ever wanted to write a tutorial on Half-Life or Source mapping, now's the time to get things together so you can be ready for TWHL3!
Strider17 years ago2008-01-06 23:57:00 UTC 0 comments
Ok, so there may not be any 'official' TWHL competitions until TWHL3 comes around, but for those of you who don't like waiting, ChickenFist might just have the thing for you!

If you've been living in a cave and are unaware of his amazing little mod, Flat-Life, then check it out. Now. Then check this out!

Time to get those creative juices flowing people.
AJ17 years ago2007-12-21 11:12:00 UTC 0 comments
Christmas! Again! And TWHL marches on!

Well, it's been a while since the last post, so I thought I'd keep y'all updated on what's going down on TWHL lately!

On the competition front, the results for "Map from Layout" were released a while ago: congratulations to DocRock, Trapt and doodle! Your prizes will be heading out as soon as we get your addresses.

As for the next competition: we're thinking of holding it over until TWHL3 gets here. Probably looking at a Map from Base thing this time, but nothing's set in stone. Prizes are also a possibility again, but again, that'll be confirmed later.

Now, onto more exciting matters: TWHL3. Now, I know we've teased you all about for goodness knows how long, but, believe it or not, we're actually progressing very VERY nicely on it. And guess what: it'll be here before March next year, guarenteed! If it isn't, well, you can beat us with big sticks or something. TWHL3 is brand-spankin' new code, coded from the ground up by the talented Penguinboy. It's looking pretty good at the moment folks, so hopefully there isn't long to go (we'll beat Duke Nukem Forever to the end, don't worry).

What else...I guess this is where we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all that malarky! See you all in the New Year!
Strider17 years ago2007-10-10 06:01:00 UTC 2 comments
So it's finally arriving, and what better way to celebrate than by NOT SPOILING IT. Some of us want to (or have to) get it retail, which isn't for over another week. Spoil it and we might just have to bring out the gimp... have fun!

Oh, and I hope among all those portals you won't lose track of what's really important - the new compo!
AJ17 years ago2007-10-02 00:06:00 UTC 0 comments
Oh, it's back alright.


EDIT: the compo rules have changed. re-read the rules. there is also a new post explaining changes to the layout in the forum thread. READ IT.
AJ17 years ago2007-09-27 22:09:00 UTC 0 comments
Whimperings, rumour, innuendo...a desire for a heralded return of something glorious, something delightfully fun. It has laid dormant for a little while now, but it will soon return, along with a couple of surprises.

Stay tuned, TWHL.
Penguinboy17 years ago2007-09-07 07:48:00 UTC 1 comment
After a lot of messing about, I finally added the Map of the Month page. See the sidebar. Get voting for August's MotM!
Also there is a temporary replacement for news.php which mysteriously went missing a while ago...
AJ17 years ago2007-08-02 06:13:00 UTC 1 comment
In case you haven't already noticed, we have some new moderators on the TWHL bandwagon! Penguinboy joined the ranks a little while ago so he could gain access to Atom's rather archaic code (sorry buddy!). As such, progress on TWHL3 has steamrolled ahead very nicely.

The second appointment to the ranks of TWHL mod is Strider, one of the designers working on TWHL3 with me. Congratulations to both members!
Penguinboy17 years ago2007-07-21 08:25:00 UTC 0 comments
The following bugs have been fixed, after suffering from them for ages:

1. The removal of an ">" character being displayed after URLs of certain length. This was caused by invalid HTML being produced by the forum line splitter.
2. The removal of the copious amounts of slashes being placed before quotes in bio's. You'll have to go into your bio and remove the slashes manually, but they'll be gone for good now, so feel free to use as many quotes as you like.

I also enlarged the size of the input box for the bios, it was tiny.

Enjoy the bugfixes! - Penguinboy

UPDATE: If you logout and look at the signup page, you'll see the shiny new captcha code! Hopefully that'll stop those darn spambots...