Forum posts

Posted 10 years ago2013-11-15 11:39:55 UTC
in Ideas on how to increase Amazon sales? Post #316780
Hello guys!

For a college project I must sell an item on Amazon over one month and generate the maximum profit possible. Does anyone have any innovative ideas on how I can market my product and spread the word?

The product I am selling (which is already fixed, i.e. I can't change this) is a beer pong kit. I am aiming to sell to other college age students. I have a listing on Amazon but I'm struggling to think of any non-spammy ways to advertise the product.
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-15 10:43:56 UTC
in Don't have Left 4 Dead yet? Post #262733
I enjoyed the demo but got bored of playing No Mercy over and over. The versus mode does add a whole lot of gameplay though. Still haven't tired of playing Blood Harvest and No Mercy because no two games ever turn out the same. Definitely worth the full price I paid, even more if the upcoming DLC is decent.
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-30 12:15:40 UTC
in Website Creation Question Post #251991
And it's really not a good idea to leave your computer on 24/7. Fist it will slow down, spend a lot of time on your electric bill and then it will die.
Really have to disagree here. Running Apache as a low-load server is just about the least heat-producing activity you can carry out on a computer. Doing resource-intensive activities such as playing games even for a short time will cause far more harm to your computer.

No expensive additional cooling required.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-27 16:40:10 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246725
Thanks guys, Tosse has actually inspired me to look into it. It's funny that there's such a contrast between you guys and my real-life friends. They all think it's too late for me to start. Maybe they're all assholes. :P

I'ma look around and see if there's anything cheap for me to start on. I want to see if the guitar is actually my thing, first. I might just suck full-stop.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-26 15:25:24 UTC
in TWHL3: The Buglist Post #246659

I think it's to do with Seventh's bio but whatever it is it's making the table overlap. Quite an ugly problem :P

EDIT: Perhaps when all the big bugs have been squashed you could compress/optimize the control panel icons on the front page? They're all ~40kb each somewhat unnecessarily, especially considering TWHL's lack of bandwidth.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-26 15:14:52 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #246657
This is a bit of an off-topic question but I will go ahead and ask. Aimed at those of you who play the guitar, do you think it is realistically too late for me to start learning? and can I teach myself?

Just to give you some background I'm 17 and I have absolutely no proper musical experience. I played the piano for a couple of months when I was 10, that's about it :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-23 06:32:40 UTC
in TWHL3: The Buglist Post #246246
  • When you search for members their bios do not display and neither do their avatars (possibly intentional?).
intentional for avatars. bio's will show eventually.
  • The only page that tells me I am logged in as fourthgen is the front page. It's not a bug per se but it would be nice to have some sort of universal confirmation across all pages that I am still logged in as me.
looking into it.-pb

I have to admit, on the whole TWHL3 is a lot more polished than I was expecting. I just have to wait until the server isn't being rammed up the backside by TWHL'ers to check how much slower it is.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-10 18:46:42 UTC
in Help! Microsoft has handicapped me! Post #243138
I'm with Sari here. If you don't have the curiosity and intelligence to get Windows running smoothly then you don't have enough of either to be playing around with Linux yet.

Linux is the perfect operating system as long as you're willing to give up a week of your free time to learn the ins and outs of the operating system and distro specific features. It's like a glorified version of the music player foobar2000 if you've ever used it. Highly customisable but out of the box it can be somewhat daunting and unattractive.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-01 17:45:43 UTC
in All I got for Christmas was... Post #242252
An iPod touch and a remote controlled helicopter. Huzzah!
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-29 03:12:08 UTC
in #twhl Loves You All Post #235230
Luke you faggot, next time you're on a computer come on IRC or else.
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-25 16:43:34 UTC
in #twhl Loves You All Post #235017
Next step is for Dorian to get some vagina. ;)
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-25 14:49:53 UTC
in #twhl Loves You All Post #234999

The TWHL IRC channel is slowly dying, there are a few committed active regulars but this number is slowly decreasing. For this reason I find it important to remind you all that the IRC channel exists and for the love of all things (Gold)Source, visit as frequently as you can! Even if you want to idle and maybe say a word or two every now and then.

If you're new to TWHL or IRC in general, check out the IRC section under "Community". New members are more than welcome in the channel and I'm sure you'll find plenty of people ready to help you with anything mapping/modelling related.
[19:42:05] <Sasha> Religious debates without alcohol = fail.
To be honest, most of the conversation in the channel has nothing to do with mapping which is the primary reason I hang around there. Passionate debates, fanboyish slagging-off of technology companies and general bitching/whining are all present as the minimum. If you need any more reason to drop by, all of the TWHL3 development team talk on IRC quite frequently. You can give them direct suggestions or whine at them for being lazy bastards, I'm sure they will appreciate both.

One more reason to hop on, if you're using Opera or any other browser that incorporates an IRC client, all you need to do is click on the link below!

Posted 16 years ago2007-09-12 14:30:53 UTC
in Leave britney alone! Post #233959
That guy needs to go easy on the eyebrow plucking.
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-04 16:21:12 UTC
in Post Your Desk Post #233480
The cable that runs out of my window is my ethernet cable.

Also, my room is the basement.

Can't be bothered to label everything, used my phone as the camera and it's not exactly amazing quality.
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-04 15:49:22 UTC
in Post Your Desk Post #233477
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-01 04:07:31 UTC
in Pimp My Shoes Post #230943
You must have triangular feet.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-31 18:32:44 UTC
in Pimp My Shoes Post #230909
MiN3R, ever considered that your feet just smell like shit?

Well Caboose, do you skate? I just assumed you didn't :P
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-31 17:59:34 UTC
in Pimp My Shoes Post #230902
Caboose doesn't skate, so he fails.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-31 17:57:43 UTC
in Pimp My Shoes Post #230900
Even though I love my Converse shoes, I can't help but think why the hell they're such a massive trend. It's the biggest example of form over function. Converse's are the most uncomfortable shoes known to man, you cannot design a worse shoe for your feet.

On top of that they're hard as hell to get off quickly.

My Vans slip-ons are awesomeness wrapped in a shoe and do everything the Converse can't.

Now someone tell me why I have a shoe obsession today.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-31 15:05:26 UTC
in Pimp My Shoes Post #230878
User posted image

That's right, pimp your damn cool shoes.

Vans :heart:
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-29 11:13:08 UTC
in Who would win in a fight? Post #230629
Gameboy colour for the cool retroness and it has pokemon!

Stop breaking rules you idiots :P

IRC Vs. Forums
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-28 09:24:40 UTC
in Visit my city ! Post #230490
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-18 14:02:17 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #229472
I've got 1.5GB, nothing really amazing tbh.

My computer would suck a lot less if I didn't have an Athlon XP 2600+ :(

OH-SHIT! I nearly got through a post without flaming Dave! Maybe I should call him a retard for the sake of it?
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 13:46:29 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #229342
When you think about it, XP is a lot more flexible than OS X. It may only be because of its wide use and popularity which has led to people hacking it around and customising it, but that's still a big one-up on any Apple OS.

User posted image

Subtle proof that Ant lies about the memory usage! ;D

I need to get a new monitor. A new everything really. Wouldn't mind an Apple laptop either :/
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 11:23:43 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #229313
Being musically retarded, I find it quite interesting seeing what kinds of equipment you people invest in.

Used to have a keyboard when I tried to learn the piano. Didn't work out well :P
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 11:18:59 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #229311
/me swoops down to claim credit for introducing ZL to Aquadock.

Prepare to be stunned.

User posted image

:D I'm rather proud of my desktop at the mo'.

As for Aquadock, it's brilliant if you're willing to spend the time finding the sexy icons and configuring it to your needs. Doesn't work too well with fullscreen apps at times, apparently.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-14 18:02:21 UTC
in A Proposition Post #228928
People complain about threads being hijacked, but if it's just one stupid person posting something memetic or a lame joke in the middle of a developed thread then it's very easy to ignore.

If other people join in then there's obviously an audience for that kind of thing, moreso than the original topic. Threads sort themselves out.

Also, I've recently come to the conclusion TWHL is not falling apart. There's been an increasing trend to moan about how down-hill everything has gone. Maybe people should dedicate their energy to being a part of the community.

Sorry for the mini-rant. It's therapeutic.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-12 13:45:05 UTC
in Weird Pitch Issue in Windows Post #228696
Sounds like a stupid thing, but make sure you have the right speaker configurations too.

At our school you have to change it from 2 speakers to headphones because we don't have speakers. If you don't change the config. you get pretty muche exactly the same problem.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-11 17:27:47 UTC
in Tattoo help Post #228495
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-11 17:20:29 UTC
in You Laugh, You Lose Post #228494
This thread has yet to fully please me.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-11 15:18:03 UTC
in You Laugh, You Lose Post #228464
I lost to the lego :D
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-19 15:37:46 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225690
i hav red 1st 2 liens n thred titl!!!! i wil maek asumpshun on dis n tri 2 b smrt-as!!!!!
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-17 05:36:03 UTC
in Your Maps on the Internets Post #225474
User posted image

When searching Google for my maps, a couple of interesting results come up.

But seriously, 'grats satch. I haven't played your map but considering people from all over the world have decided it's review-worthy, it can't be half bad :D
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-14 12:07:31 UTC
in Paradoxes Post #225223
He meant;

0x1 = 0
0x2 = 0

0x1 = 0x2

(0/0) x1 = (0/0) x2 (Divide by zero to get rid of them.)

1 = 2

Which is positive proof that dividing by 0 is impossible and nonsensical!

Funny how the math and paradox thread are slowly but surely converging... :lol:
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-12 17:16:30 UTC
in Safari Post #225018
'cause we're geeks and he may have a different opinion on the browser? It's better to get to know something personally and make up your mind than to dismiss something just because of what some internet guy said.

How would you like it if I proclaimed that The Hinter is a cock and everyone on the chubes automatically assumed you were a large phallic poking device?

It may sound counter-intuitive, but I think it's stupid for anyone to blindly take my word for it when they can try it out themselves without any adverse effect.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-12 17:02:40 UTC
in Safari Post #225015
Hey satch, what's the harm in downloading and trying it? It's not going to compromise anything else.

My FF is at ~136MB, which is slightly worrying, but it has been open for a couple of days.

As for Safari, I don't think anyone can say it has any nice features. The only thing people may like it for is the Apple-ish UI, which is person choice. There aren't extensions, there aren't lots of built-in features. Safari as a browser is the bare minimum.

Shoot me for saying this, but I think if a non-tech-savvy person asked me for a general browser to browse with, I'd recommend IE7. Why complicate things with FF or Safari when IE7 is up to the job now? Only people who use computers frequently need worry about memory usage and extensions.

In my eye's opinion, only Firefox and Opera render things right. Maybe I'm just used to it, but all other browsers look funny.

My $0.02.
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-11 17:06:40 UTC
in London 2012 Redesign Compo. Post #224955
Every thread turns into homo pr0n at some point.

My eyes are bleeding, severely after seeing ZL's. This means win :D
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-10 13:12:50 UTC
in London 2012 Redesign Compo. Post #224847
Yeah, London Underground isn't something we want to associate our Olympics with :P
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-09 04:32:31 UTC
in London 2012 Redesign Compo. Post #224799
Very contemporary.
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-07 13:10:13 UTC
in London 2012 Redesign Compo. Post #224675
That was the old logo, you numpty. :P
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-05 11:07:18 UTC
in London 2012 Redesign Compo. Post #224493
Dude, we've already won it. This was the re-launch of the brand. The old logo looked tonnes better. I'm gonna come up with my own logo tonight, just so y'all don't think I'm lazy.
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-04 16:57:16 UTC
in London 2012 Redesign Compo. Post #224409
User posted image
If you hadn't already heard, that utter piece of shit is the "official brand" for the London 2012 Olympics, which I frankly believe is appalling.

My opinions aside, I believe as a creative community we can do much better.

Let's prove it. Come up with your own version of the logo! It can be anything. Must involve "London" and "2012" as a requirement, I'd say. Hopefully, you won't ALL think this is a totally lame idea.
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-04 12:00:35 UTC
in made me lol Post #224380
I'd hit that.
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-03 15:41:35 UTC
in TWHL3 Post #224306
Instead of *s we should use GIANT breasts to censor our swearing. If we compromise on wordy obscenities we have to give with imagery. But seriously, as long as it's off by default then who the heck cares? It won't effect you and can only do good for people who want to use it.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-27 12:14:43 UTC
in hey guess what Post #223605
The saddest thing is that he didn't even copypasta it properly. :lol:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-27 12:12:12 UTC
in Starcraft 2 FINALLY Post #223604
Not all of us have penises Ant!!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 14:00:30 UTC
in Heya everyone! Post #223445
I think a small amount of hostility is still appropriate. It obviously has to be proportionate, but if we go around being nice to everyone new they'll never learn. I certainly remember some arses from here and other online venues who I have grown to be "friends" with. :lol:

It's all about drawing the line and what people see as acceptable. It only takes one action to set off a chain reaction like this thread.