Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 04:27:39 UTC
in Beam Entries in Example Vault Post #33225
Nah... The more the merrier...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 04:19:12 UTC
in Batch compiler Post #33223
Batch compiling is just that....
Writing a simple batch file in Notepad and run it.

Create a new folder in your C drive.
Name whatever you like, place your .map file and qcompile tools in it.

qcsg.exe C:"where you .map file is"
qbsp2.exe C:"where you .map file is"
vis.exe C:"where you .map file is"
qrad.exe C:"where you .map file is"

copy C:"where you .map file is" C:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemaps"yourmap".pts
copy C:"where you .map file is"yourmap.bsp C:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemaps"yourmap"

If you copy that into notepad and save it as compile.bat (NOT compile.bat.txt), in yourmap folder then when you double click on it or run it from the Run command, it will compile your map.
Open HL and run yourmap from the console...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 04:01:50 UTC
in Func_conveyor Post #33222
The texture will automatically scroll in a set direction.
Click the brush and bring up the texture tool, have a look at the way the texture direction indicators are facing. Yellow, blue and red arms.

You need to adjust the rotation of the texture to match the way you want it to go.
In the case of a waterfall, make sure the Yellow arm of the indicator on the texture is pointing down.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:21:18 UTC
in How did you find TWHL? Post #33132
This forum is fine...
I was sent a link by mattyb,
the rest is history
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:17:32 UTC
in User names Post #33130
I think my mother gave me my name...

Although my nick is BinGo'nFishin...
And I am the leader of the Bin Clan who include CS online greats such as:

We have been around for ages, and I think Osama stole the Bin idea from us.

Bin in arabic means "son of" so obviously the paragraph above is a feeble attempt at humour.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:06:41 UTC
in Forum Pics Post #33125
You have to link to an external site...

ie: [img]http://www.vox'samazingsite/LAWrt50[1].jpg[/img]

No external site... No image.
Some free webhosting sites do not allow linking, I think Freewebs is one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 18:52:26 UTC
in Greatest Site! EVER! Post #33117
I did like putting my phone in a modem cradle and manually dialling the number...
Only to discover that the line wasn't good enough.... to tramsmit or recieve.

Back on Topic,
We continually get links and praise from "Ledgends" in the HL mapping community.
We wouldn't get them, if you guy's weren't here...
Thanks for being members.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 18:45:22 UTC
in Compo entries in profile. Post #33116
Good forum to let you know what is going on...

Winner chooses next topic will be monitored by me.

As for active mappers? good point, it would be interesting....

I only have limited Admin rights.
I don't have access to most of the site, and changes like this must be done by Atom.
This includes posting the compo winners, links, trophies and maps.
It also includes the actual compo page.
Not sure that I would want access either :-) too much work.

As for what has happened to the results for the last one? or the post for the next one....
Ask Atom.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 18:30:00 UTC
in Ghosts Of Half-Life Post #33115
Someone sent me a map recently that had some invisible grunts in it...But they were only totally invisible in Software mode.
VERY frustrating.
So much so that it detracted from what was a good map.
Be careful with things like this and test across all platforms.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 03:43:36 UTC
in How to designate a buyzone? Post #32912
If it is your map, why not run it in Hammer?

If it isn't your map then you might consider not posting on these forums.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 03:36:21 UTC
in too many direct light styles Post #32910
Things to consider.

The Button will emit light if it is a light emitting button.
If the button is a switcable button ie: +0buttonlight, then it will emit light. And that light is DYNAMIC.
So you actually have 4 DYNAMIC lights in the same area.... and that NORMALLY, but not always, gives us this problem.

Also... Something I didn't mention before was that adding -coring to your Rad compile can cause this error. If you don't know what I am talking about, then you can forget that bit

So, the fix.
Remove the name of one of the lights.... compile.
Does it work?
If not remove the name of another light....

Trial and error.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 19:55:50 UTC
in nummarkfaces == MAX_LEAF_FACES Post #32835
ZL's advice is right.
Check my comments at the Vault....
This map really needs some work to get it to run.
You should try to center your map in the grid and not let it get within 128-256 units of the edge.
Get rid of the Skybox and build in sections....
This should solve most of the problems.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 19:30:53 UTC
in Entities attributes problems Post #32834
The lightflag stuff is at the bottom
The Lightflags are explained in more detail over at the SnarkPit.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 08:33:22 UTC
in Indicidual texture help Post #32285
Show info is the most useful little tool in the bunch...
Also the most forgotten
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-10 22:26:34 UTC
in OOOOoolllllldddddd........ Post #32172
I don't get it.
If they log on, dump a few maps and never come back, then what is gained by deleting them?
What is it that seems to be annoying you?
The maps they have dumped that no one looks at anyway or the fact that they are listed as members, but do not contribute to the community?

We have members who log on everyday, but have never posted a map or a comment..
We also have members that have 4 or 5 accounts...

Can you explain what you mean by:
THey are crowding everything!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-10 22:16:07 UTC
in Keeping u_plants still Post #32169
Make it from a brush.
As far as I know the plant is always going to move because that's the way it was modeled.
I don't think it has a still animation.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-10 04:51:24 UTC
in What is this weird yellow stuff? Post #31961
Be careful of just accepting this error.
When the compile centers the models, it might just stick it in wall while your not looking. The model centers during compile can change, even if you haven't moved the monster.
Always best to find the offending monster and move it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-10 04:48:42 UTC
in Wierd error Post #31960
Something that Tommy doesn't mention is that if you make a map, copy it and paste it into the same map and don't remove all the original entities... then you will get this error.
This happens when you are doing Pre Disaster / Post Disaster in the same map and teleporting the player to the new area.

Copying parts of maps to save time works... just be careful not to duplicate existing entities.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-10 04:45:12 UTC
in monster_furniture has unused keyvalues Post #31958
Cool tutorial.
I would have linked it on the front page when it was posted, but didn't know you were a TWHL member.
Always good to see our guy's scoring exposure on Collective,
Keep up the good work.

To all other members....
Bookmark this tutorial... It is a worthwhile addition to your reference library.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-08 23:35:38 UTC
in monster_furniture has unused keyvalues Post #31663
When checking the map for problems this error will come up occasionally.
More often than not it is caused by setting something up in 3.5 and switching back to 3.4.

Make sure that the entity it is refering to is Ok, and everything works in the final map...
Pressing fix will normally reset the angles, more often than not.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 04:35:28 UTC
in I need the the bomb decals Post #30987
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-05 08:48:52 UTC
in Mod: Good mappers needed desperately! Post #30513
All the best Vassy.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 07:27:20 UTC
in way too many! Post #30234
Love a good double post when I see one ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 17:13:02 UTC
in Where's the Friggin' Admin? Post #30101
Top right for me...
Maybe your sitting backwards in your chair?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 17:01:24 UTC
in need new compiling Post #30099
Most of the tutorials assume you have read the files that come with the tools ;)
If you don't have ZHLTReference.htm you can get a copy HERE
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 16:50:21 UTC
in Bird's Eye View my map Post #30098
when you get killed in Counter-Strike
I think he does want an overview, as that is the first thing you see when killed in CS.
So follow ZombieLoffe's advice and read the tutorial.

Scrolling your different views?
Do you mean following the other players?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 22:40:17 UTC
in Mods Post #29781
It might be difficult to cheat,
As far as I know there is only one other member who knows what the next compo will be.

It won't be exciting,
It won't involve tricky entity setups,
It won't have vehicles in it.

Now that I have told you what it wont be.... maybe you can figure out what it will be?
you can't just have people to send in there mods, with alot of maps and such
What a brilliant idea.... I think we can... actually we have already done just that with Minimicus and Timefall.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 22:34:10 UTC
in co-op question Post #29779
Have a look at the Google Results

info_player_coop is just that, a spawn point for cooperative player spawns.
There is a lot more to producing a cooperative map than just sticking one of these suckers in, and as BL say's, it does require coding.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 22:27:20 UTC
in how do I import a model? Post #29778
Guessing this is for CS?
Not sure about Steam, but this generally works...

Locate your cstrike folder.
In that will be a models folder.
Place your models in there.

To put them in your map use a cycler, monster_generic, monster_furniture or any other entity that uses the model option.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 22:22:58 UTC
in can't find compile setup Post #29777
Run your mouse over all the tool bar icons to find out what they are.
The one you are looking for looks like 3 small grey circles.
Click that and the Compile Options will appear.

Alternately, hit F9
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 08:06:55 UTC
in compo, im restless for a compo Post #29655
Armidillo didn't enter the last Compo...
And by the look of what everyone wants, No one will enter the next one either. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 07:59:54 UTC
in Competition Suggestion Post #29649
He has.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 07:49:58 UTC
in un-wavy beams Post #29645
Doesn't anyone use Cathode Ray Oscilisopes anymore?
Noise is the effect of input variation in relation to beam width.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 07:44:43 UTC
in Mods Post #29641
It might be a good idea to study some of Stenin's tutorials on Making a mod, you never know when the information can be helpful... like in the next compo maybe ;)
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 18:37:11 UTC
in Competitions Post #29366
Ok OK.....
The next compo.
Here is what has to happen first.
I have to judge the entries. (Tonight)
I send the results to Atom with the next Compo Outline.
If I get the results to him tonight, then there is a good chance that he will have something up in a couple of weeks.

I don't have access to the Compo page.

While we are on the subject:
Did I make it perfectly clear that the upload must work... Or was I imagining that???
I understand that this server has a few problems with uploads, So I can accept a corrupt zip...
But what I can't accept is someone not taking the time to test their entry and make sure it works...
Not going to waste time anymore chasing an author who couldn't be bothered to test their own map.

If you are uploading a mini mod, do not include the config.cfg, voiceban_dt or Save file.
SlayerA told me this ages ago, and it was good advice.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 18:18:39 UTC
in I cant believe it! Post #29365
This member posts in another thread that he has problems with F9...
I think if you are trying to compile, you might have actually created a brush?

If you can't understand the tutorials or the Hammer help file, then there is no point in continuing.
I have checked around the community, and you seem to be a topic of discussion in your own right.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 17:58:18 UTC
in Vault Post #29179
maybe there should be a compo to decide on this...
What.. decide on the Topic? ;)
Or how it got off topic?

Anyway, there were only 5 entries for the Talking Sci compo, so it might well be the last.
Unless we have build a box compo?
They still won't enter.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 21:33:01 UTC
in automatic doors? Post #28707
To open the doors at the bottom when it stops, target them with the last path_corner.
On the way up, target them with the top path corner.

Another way to do this is use a trigger in the elevator, but that involves a bit of trickery getting it right.

Walk into elevator, into trigger brush... doors close.
Press the button, Elevator goes down, another trigger brush is at the bottom of the shaft, when the player goes through the trigger, the doos open.
Player walks out.
Trigger_multiple is good for this with a reset of 10sec.

Or you could go all out and use globals and multisoruces?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 20:16:21 UTC
in Example Vault Post #28702
Great idea,
I don't like it because I really haven't got the time to look at examples.

So far, most people have shown restraint and only uploaded stuff that is useful,
Ok... there are some really strange things in there, but Hey there are some useful ones as well.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 20:12:51 UTC
in Vault Post #28701
Getting your Diploma is more important than the compo's.
Trust me on that one...
there will be more compo's...
but you might not get another chance at a Diploma.

There are two entries now, so Vassy is coming second. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 20:00:23 UTC
in Can somebody plzplzplz!!!!!!help me! Post #28699
Oh, and e-mailing me everyday won't help.
I have no intention of making a map for you.

There is a really basic map included in the tutorial In The Beginning.
Why don't you use that?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 19:53:00 UTC
in coplanar textures ? Post #28697
I will revise it and post it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 19:49:52 UTC
in path_corner... Post #28696
I don't know why I bother writing tutorials sometimes...
No one reads them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 22:18:34 UTC
in Video tutorials Post #28570
With WinAce.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 22:11:17 UTC
in Vault Post #28568
I really like the Review Idea.

But I don't want to contemplate the amount of utter rubbish that I will have to sift through to find the Gem....

Leave me out of this one.
It is a huge amount of work I cannot commit to.

I also like the 1 a day...or 1 a week rule.

Seventh, the little green CS thing is on most of the CS maps, but I have a habit of uploading a screenie and forgetting that the edit defaults to HL, and CS must be selected on an edit change, so there might be a few out there that are labled incorrectly..

Hey, wasn't someone reviewing Mod's, HL personalities at the begining of the year??
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 21:57:20 UTC
in Cs saying that my sprite doesnt exist? Post #28566
You might want to google search for StarGate and HL...
I read something recently that it has already been done.
If you find out how they made it, it might save you some time
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 21:50:10 UTC
in coplanar textures ? Post #28563
We did discuss a Newb FAQ board...
I discussed it with 5 other HL site managers and we all came to the same conclusion...
They don't work, because people don't read Readme's.

If you type coplanar into the search function and choose forums you get 19 responses, that answer similar questions, that have been found in the entire forum database since last year.
Coplanar Search
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 04:50:23 UTC
in Sky change Post #28455
I think there was a custom sky tutorial on 69th?
Might pay to google
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 04:47:53 UTC
in bad surface extents 4240/0 Post #28454
You have solved your own problem.

Any chance you could have a word to 100 or so other members and let them know where to find all there is to know about errors?