Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-08-10 16:28:10 UTC
in Where can I find? Post #253566
I'm looking for something that will moniter
1. CPU usage
2. PC Temperature

Now, before you guys start going hardcore on posting links, theres one more thing... It must be external.

So far I can only find things that will monitor the temperature.. But I need something that can be connected to the usb.. I can't find it, and I'm starting to think it doesn't exist, I really need one. Please help.

So you guys understand, I want something like this:

but instead of being a psp, I need a usb
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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-23 10:17:07 UTC
in super discovery Post #252891
wow.. very old news.. I had it when I had A Acer 32inch tv, and a pc with windows Vista.. hooked up a mic under the tv.. worked good, but annoyed me at times. I thought we where a computer literate society. :P
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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 10:31:49 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #252850
well, lately I have been trying some diferent render settings in 3Ds Max, I just got Vray, so Im having alot of fun with that.. anyways, here they are: And another thing, does the glass in the forth picture look too thick? A friend commented that it did, and I tried to explain that its a close up shot.. but then again, perhaps it is too think.

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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-17 17:08:09 UTC
in Episode 3 Concept Art Post #252589
haha, I know eh.. I come from a very religious type background, so the only time I could play was when my dad wanted to play, I was young, must have been 8 or 9
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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-17 15:42:47 UTC
in Episode 3 Concept Art Post #252586
I can honestly say I never cheated.. I played with my dad though, kinda a father, son, bonding thing, I controlled the aiming, and he did the movement.. but ya, at the end the final boss took us forever, had no idea what to do, we finally finished it though.. I never found it was too much..
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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-14 15:21:30 UTC
in Episode 3 Concept Art Post #252510
I still got to play episodes 1 and 2... Going to wait 322u2ntil I get this though.. but yea.
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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-07 09:56:50 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252180
I don't find wally attractive...
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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-03 15:54:04 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252086
my god, its as though I did all of these already..
(me goes on a photo hunt)


Here it is guys..
Still uploaded.. woot, its my entry.

AH dammit, I did give him permission, so he does have it, it must be in his archive.
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Posted 15 years ago2008-07-02 09:50:14 UTC
in V-Ray Post #252059
umm, so bad news.. it was a no go. Rimrook, do you have VRay?
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-30 12:59:22 UTC
in V-Ray Post #251992
yep V-Ray 1.5 SP1... not sure if its the final... I assume it is.

Should have known it would have been you reply to this.. lol, should have just pm'd you.. :P
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-30 10:24:36 UTC
in V-Ray Post #251985
Just wondering, I got a version of V-ray here for 3DS Max 9, but only own 3DS Max 8. Just wondering if it would be compatible.. Don't want to go home and find out it does'nt work.. So is there anyone on this site that knows?
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-27 15:49:26 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #251885
ya, I flaunt my certificate
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-21 13:52:52 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251697
No, because theres no meaning behind it. Your town wasn't attacked by terrorists? Look at it this way:

If a group of terrorists blew up your town, killed members of your family, or just friends, would you think it would be fun as hell to make a mod that resembles the same incidents that happened? I don't know, you guys are to young to understand. Your probably still sucking on your mommas titties for all I know.. :P
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-21 12:23:45 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251691
Ya Trapt, don't but in if you don't know what your talking about man.. theres been more that one. ;)

Its just that, its not funny shit, its serious stuff. So I'm sorry if I'm not with you guys on making a school shootout mod. I'm actually really against it. Why would you want to make a mod like this, you'll be frowned upon...
:( Anyways, your call Alex, but don't expect to make to many friends.
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-20 15:45:41 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251642
right, so that makes it ok to make a school that you run around in gunning down people...? Well, ok, sure.. sorry... lost my temper.

Whos up for making a mod about two planes hitting two tall towers..? Or perhaps the pentagon! ...Yes pepper, that idea would be plausable, mainly for the reason that you would be stopping the terrorist from bombing the hell out of the place... But its totally different then putting a bunch of characters in a school and gunning them down.. correct?
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-20 12:59:37 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251633
Change the name of this thread will ya you fucking twat. Where'd you come up with this idea?

Is our community all for this!?

Its like me making a mod about two towers getting hit by planes!

Fuck kid, Get the fuck out of our forum.
Insensitivity is not looked upon as cool.
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Posted 15 years ago2008-06-16 14:49:37 UTC
in The Free Texture Thread! Post #251339
Best resource for materials for modelling, you probably know about this sight, if not, well, here it is:
Don't abuse it though guys.

Mainly you Spike. Don't take textures as your own, I know you edited your first one, but resizing the others don't count.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 14:53:10 UTC
in Over 512 entitys Post #251214
yea, I was going to try to make a tiny coloured sprite for ever pixel in a photo, then have it fly around, never did it though.. it would get incredible boring! I'll try it with a small thumbnail sized pic eventually. if I can ever get half-life up and going on my pc.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 14:47:37 UTC
in Modeling Post #251213
yea, which reminds moi, the class was learning how to texture things today.. boring, while they where learning, I was doing.. and finished with this, not the greatest, but good for the amount of time I spent on it:
It was fun messing around with it.
Rendering a vid of it now.. I'll post once finished.
Vids there to download..
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-12 14:16:48 UTC
in Standard Size. Post #251189
ok, I'll make 5 renders.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-12 09:24:27 UTC
in Standard Size. Post #251175
...I would, if I had photoshop at home... I spose I could just copy it to disc and resize it at school.. meh, whatever works.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-12 08:08:05 UTC
in Standard Size. Post #251168
ok guys, thatnks for the help, I'll jot those down.. and start to render..
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 09:31:36 UTC
in Standard Size. Post #251129
ok, any others?
so far
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 07:54:42 UTC
in Standard Size. Post #251125
Just looking for all the standard sizes for wallpapers..
I made another render yesturday, and want to put it on my website for download..

I know 800x600, 1024x768, but are unsure of the others.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-06 13:56:41 UTC
in Search is pissing me off! Post #250984
yep, I got it.. thanks though
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-06 13:55:49 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #250983
Download link? NOPE.. remember, I lost everything... EVERYTHING! Everytime I think about it, I get pissed off. its 1 damn cd! Fuck why can't I find it! :P Anyways..
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-05 09:10:10 UTC
in Post Your Skins/Models! Post #250930
Heres an old model of mine, remember, don't ask for it.. I lost everything.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-05 09:09:04 UTC
in Search is pissing me off! Post #250929
You searched in Forum Index.. I'll have to remember that for the next time.. thanks for finding it for me..
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-04 11:59:05 UTC
in Search is pissing me off! Post #250898
I no longer can stand the search forums feild! IT FUCKIN' SUCKS!

I tried to search up screenshots of an old truck model I made. (The Black Mesa One)

So I tried these keywords:
Truck model Unbreakable

And got 110 results!

I then tried to narrow the search down because I beleive the thread was called 'my truck model'

so I tried these keywords
My Truck Model Unbreakable

It then gave me over 350 results! WTF!

And why did you guys take out the names of whomever posted the thread.. Now its just the name of the thread, and where its located, which makes it even harder to find...

Was this layout discussed with the members of twhl, because if so, then we're all fuckin' stupid...
How do you expect us to find shit now!?

Sorry Im cranky, its just that its the second time trying to find old work and cant.. Not to mention that I had a backup cd of all my greatest work, which was lost, and probably never to be found. FUCK! ..Sorry.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-29 13:34:03 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #250672
I can't see that happenning TetsuO.. I just can't... :0 Max viewable distance cranked wont even justify that!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 08:12:17 UTC
in Voldemord Post #250298
yea, it does, although I'm gilty to purchasing the HarryPotter game for the PS3... but NOT FOR ME! My girlfriend loves harry potter... BROWNIE POINTS!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-16 16:42:24 UTC
in Website W.I.P. Post #250044
so, building a new website that will be flash, are at least Im thinking about it... check it out, tell me what you think:

And yes, I realize the Home button doesn't light up green when clicked...
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-15 18:18:40 UTC
in Old Notebook HDD replacement Post #250002
oooh, I wouldn't do that.. If its an old laptop, chances are your not going to have enough ram to back up 350Gigs
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-15 11:12:13 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #249997
I'm done, just got to dig it up... haha lol


Ok first of all, who's idea was it to take out who posted the topic when you do a topic search! It made it alot more difficult to find this old post, usually I would have scrolled down the page looking for post by me, since I know I posted it.. argh... Penguin, you guys should rethink that... :)

Anyways, here it is guys... Its old, but I'm entering it in... ok..

Combine Helicopter:
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-14 14:51:34 UTC
in Blue Smarties are BACK! Post #249958
I don't get it? When did they remove the blue smartie? ...whats the diff?
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-13 10:54:17 UTC
in Chinese earthquake Post #249925
wow 7.9.. Fuck, and I thought 5.2 was bad!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 12:32:28 UTC
in Bioshock Movie Post #249888
soo... whats your thoughts on the new Resident evil movie?
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 11:18:14 UTC
in Bioshock Movie Post #249886
The new cgi animated resident evil movie looks kick ass, and it will kick ass!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-08 12:45:50 UTC
in Desktops of April & May Post #249732
same here, but thats why you use the 'auto-hide' feature. :P
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-08 11:47:06 UTC
in Desktops of April & May Post #249728
for any windows XP users.. Make a single folder on your desktop, place shortcuts in the folder, now click and drag the folder to the edge of your screen, this will make a new menu in which you can make it hide... anyways, mess around with it.. Its really handy.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-08 11:43:09 UTC
in Missing Enities Post #249727
...tsk tsk tsk
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-08 08:20:58 UTC
in Burma Post #249717
is this where the virus is? HOLY FUCK MAN! If so just last week it announced 400 was dead... now it has reached 100,000! FUCK, Where all dead men!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-08 08:18:17 UTC
in Terminal Map Pack :: HL1 Post #249715
Fix the opacity on the broken window in the second screenshot to 50 or 40.. other than that, Looks SuperB!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-07 13:57:34 UTC
in Guess a dialog! Post #249669
man Habboi! I so would have had that! My brother was just plaing that game last week! OK, FRO NOW ON, KNOW GIVE UPS UNTIL ITS AN ABSOLUTE MUST!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-06 10:48:37 UTC
in Concept Art Post #249622
So I did another arm for the 4-legged boss..
User posted image
btw.. I just realized a big type... '1 Spike, 1 Effection.. wtf lol' I meant infection'
User posted image
Tell me what you think.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-05 14:56:30 UTC
in Guess a dialog! Post #249586
argh.. I know this one.. fuck, cant think of it though.. :(
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-01 12:37:56 UTC
in Who is Gman ? Post #249470

only makes sense..
Thats where he originated from!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-01 12:32:27 UTC
in YEA YEA! Post #249469
My Island made it to the front page of news! !!
I got a question guys.. I want to make a webpage in flash that you can select a "Fullscreen" just like this one here:
Press F11 to exit it.. Ho do I go abouts doing so?
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Posted 16 years ago2008-05-01 09:00:41 UTC
in My dog's 9 puppies! Pictures & Video Post #249464
Kraken, are you ok man? Like, man, this is on a serious note.. WTF dude! If your thinking, 'Ha, I fooled them so baaad hahaha ha' than you seriously need help. I bet thats not even you in the avatar. Man, what is the online world coming too!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-04-29 08:53:30 UTC
in My dog's 9 puppies! Pictures & Video Post #249378
thats pretty kickass Tito. I must try this 3D chat world sometime
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