It's just a much newer version, and they re-branded it. Worldcraft has no advantages to it whatsoever. You should see the 'fixed bugs' list for the first Hammer :).
Dude, you seriously don't want to have your servers taking un-relimited upwidth from your home connection; you need some space for requests up an' all. Trust me, I've been doing this quite a while.
That is, of course, unless you're on 512 or higher
Custom menu images differ in construction for Steam. I can't find any tutorials on it at the mo', but there was something on the International Online Soccer forums.
That looks fine to me. Try tapping the commands straight into cmd.exe (NTx [NT, 2000, XP]) or (9x) and see if they work. Spaces in pathnames are bad, though.
If you've sorted out the actual trigger timing, then use a trigger_relay to only set one state instead of toggling. Might not work with doors, you'll have to give it a try.
VTEX is included in the SDK (see the Custom Materials tutorial), GCFScape is here, and if you don't have an image editing program capable of opening Targas, use IrfanView.
The independent judging has been completed, now we're discussing the final positions, as two of our three personal favourites differ from each other's :).
Use trigger_relay's abilities to set a specific state (on/off) instead of just targetting them and toggling. Have a look at el Entity Guide on the left for details.
Dude, it's no longer directed at anyone in particular. I've become more generally political in my life and so reflect it in my av. Plus, at present, I just have the Lib. Dem. bird in me av.