Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 17:12:14 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #185159
1) in game would be best, 2nd would be in the mod folder. I don't think many people would print it.

2) play someplace else. (that means loop it up with skill)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 16:55:20 UTC
in hollowing brushes? Post #185155
really? if hammer bogs down that bad I wonder how your going to compile.

even better then hollowing and carving is making the size box you want then making brushes around it to get the room, then deleting the original box
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 16:51:47 UTC
in Little bits of yourself... Post #185154
I hate you...

ZOMG Terroists go crasy! ->
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 16:38:31 UTC
in Steam Friends list, Post your name: Post #185152
madcow, yours can't be found when I put it in, Red's and Rednik's too
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 15:21:25 UTC
in Computer freezes during compiling!!! Post #185140
are you running BSP twice?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 15:20:18 UTC
in hollowing brushes? Post #185139
16 is the standard size for everything.

make sure your brush is big enough to have 12 unit thick walls too. you can't hollow a 24x24x24 brush with something like that.

and does it disappear in the 3d view port or the 2d ones, or both?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 15:17:35 UTC
in big map problems Post #185138
are you in software mode? and are you running vis?

and the sky may be turning black becasue its outside the view distance, is the map really really big? big as in long view distances. if so go to the map properties and put a higher number in for map max view distance
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 15:13:23 UTC
in hollowing brushes? Post #185135
what do you put for the number?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 11:03:10 UTC
in WTF compiling Post #185102
don't remove Halflife.wad. CS still needs it becasue cstrike.wad has very little in it to work with.

do however remove the second ZHLT.wad.

and don't wadinclude anything
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 10:59:44 UTC
in Computer freezes during compiling!!! Post #185101
can't you just use the super computers to compile your map with VIS?

which BTW, is probably the cause of your problem. things tend to disappear when VIS hasn't run. and when your running in software mode. look at the video modes configuration and turn on Direct3d if you don't have it or openGL already selected

oh, and don't accually try to compile your map on your companies computers, it might get you fired and crash the machines.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 10:53:13 UTC
in Steam Friends list, Post your name: Post #185100

^im not sure why I got that, really, but now everythings registered to it so I can't get a new one
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 10:46:09 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #185098
rimrook, hints are the key.

have the weapon in a room out of site. the door leading to the room is high up on a wall, it looks just like a recess. players might just pass it off as one, except for the fact that there is a few obvious rock protrustions. maybe the player notices that the first of these protrusions are right about the hight that the gravity boots can get you too, and that there are pools of water all around him, the kind that will likely catch you if you fall. what then?

thats just an example though.

1) no, unless I really needed something, even then, i'd only backtrack a bit, unless however the mod led me back to those places.
2) see above
3) i'd get bored after a point, see my paragraph about hints for how to avoid this.
4) if the mod led me to those places, If I remember correctly your aiming for alot of hub/loopback parts in turnstyle, so it shouldn't be much of a problem
5) every? if I can find them without more then about 5 minutes of searching everywhere around me then I wouldn't cheat. If I missed a weapon on my first play though I'll just impulse 101 next time
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-13 13:57:58 UTC
in Motherboard Help Post #184990
DDR2 has been around for years now
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-13 00:14:01 UTC
in Motherboard Help Post #184888
AM2 supposedly is pretty bad, look up some reviews of the proformance of AM2 socket proc's comparted to the older ones
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 20:17:45 UTC
in De Map Wont run vis ? Post #184628
well, start off by going to the links page and getting ZHLT, they work much much better then the Q tools you are useing, and they are better at revealing errors to you and are better suited to Half-life.

then fix the leak in your map.

And next time, put it in the right forum, this is a HL problem so put it in the HL engine forum
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 19:28:48 UTC
in De Map Wont run vis ? Post #184615
post the log from when you tried to compile, it should be called de_dust_j2k.log in whatever directory your CS maps are placed. don't just give us the map, because the problem is likely something on your end, not your map
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 18:24:27 UTC
in Nvidia, you have gone to far Post #184610
you probably just used bad drivers and bought from the wrong people Job.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 18:10:38 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #184608
[voice=Simpsons Mr. Burns voice] excellent... [/voice]
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 11:45:51 UTC
in HL2: Episode 2 Post #184537
NO, My friend someone knows a guy named spencer who says its going to start in 100 seconds!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 11:31:05 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #184535
can we enter multiple entries?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 11:14:37 UTC
in Relationships between the AI Post #184528
the only way to change the relationships without spirit would be to code it, which is really easy sinse its this little chart for every monster. but then you still would have to provide the Dll's.

so going with spirit would be best
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 11:10:03 UTC
in Nvidia, you have gone to far Post #184527

and if that still doesn't work
and newegg says $600 which is really low seeing as it has 2 GPU's on it
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 10:51:07 UTC
in AMD's Alchemy Processors Post #184522
It's the ram.

and your right Tawnos, for once im a few weeks out of date.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 10:48:23 UTC
in Nvidia, you have gone to far Post #184521
A GeForce 7950 with A GIG of GDDR3 memory?

you have got to be kidding me. not only does it have a gig of memory, it has to 7950's on a single card. downside is that its optimized for Vista.

Your thoughts?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 21:08:19 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #184468
Im thinking of entering a little part that I had made for Hostage Situation, since thats kinda on hiatus for the moment. I figured its just to good of an area not to see the light of day for another halfyear
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 20:41:23 UTC
in Gmod comic, by me. Post #184464
its a PHWcomic spoof
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 12:44:21 UTC
in AMD's Alchemy Processors Post #184427

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 12:43:40 UTC
in HL2: Episode 2 Post #184426
If I remember correctly my info was either taken from something said in lost coast or some news article by gabe about the episodes.

BTW, I asked around, rabid's just on vacation right now, Cman2k convinced him not to leave the BM team
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 10:36:19 UTC
in AMD's Alchemy Processors Post #184404
it is... but how the hell can you have one? I have a 6200 and it can't run HL2 anywhere near maxed out... maybe its my old P4
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 09:47:50 UTC
in HL2: Episode 2 Post #184394
I remember very clearly there will be 6 episodes. some interview somewhere. apperently EP 1-3 will end the current story arc, 4-6 will start a new one.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 09:45:40 UTC
in AMD's Alchemy Processors Post #184393
FX 62's arn't out, and pairing one with anything less then four 6600's would be stupid.

you mean a FX 60 and two 7900's? a X2 with dual 6600 - 7600's? or an FX57 with dual 6800 to 7800's?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 20:36:26 UTC
in HL2: Episode 2 Post #184345
he still is...

I have no clue what that jornel entry is about

I think it just means he's not full time mapping anymore:

ModDB says:
-RabidMonkey - Project Director
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 16:05:14 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #184216
/me puts minigun up on ebay and waits
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 14:02:21 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #184061
I have oblivion, don't play it anymore though, got board after 2 hours of play.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 12:54:42 UTC
in [WIP][HL1] Xen Assault Post #184053
mmm, maybe.

and when I say blue, I mean like ugly pure blue, they don't look like jeans at all, they need to be much paler
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 12:53:14 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #184052
it is my opinion to that HL2 is the best story telling FPS of all time. not just because of what ZL said, but becasue it has so many holes just waiting to be filled in by a community of modders and fan fictions
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 12:34:42 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #184049
I um, proably could finish for him. I just need the time, I have alot on my plate this month
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 12:30:30 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #184046
I really liked the way valve did HL2. Jobabob, im surprised you didn't realise this.

The games story telling is crafted so you get what you need and can keep killing stuff if your a pure action junkie. or you can look around, look at the bulliten boards, read the newspaper clipings, everythings there if you feel you need to have a little more plot to reason out this world.

now onto FF.

FF11 is the nobodies FF because no one really has anything to say about it, it really holds the title of "just the next one in the series, nothing to special"
FF10 was pretty bad in comparison with the others, FF10-X2 was a joke.
FF9 was ok, but square was on the decline in terms of gaming making skill.
FF6 and 7 built on the story concept that square had back when it made secret of mana.
FF 4 and 5 were great games for the time and are still really fun to play.

Final Fantiasies 7 and 8 are where Square peaked in its creative out put. FF7 perfected the whole Mako, Mana, lifestream idea from secret of mana and FF6. Sephiroth was an awesome villin/ally(for that 10 seconds he was in the flash back)

FF8 took all the great game design ideas from FF7 and took a really, truely original story. It had the design that you got to fight with you enemy for a while. it had some really, really kick ass FMV's. It had the best sound track i've ever heard in a FF game.

theres still something that makes FF7 better, but I can't place it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 11:23:11 UTC
in [WIP][HL1] Xen Assault Post #184037
pant's are still blue, and whats up with the first in game screen
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 10:35:59 UTC
in HL2: Episode 2 Post #184030
im really looking forward too seeing the combine army demolish everything. city on fire, some nice forest battles. I just love high tech war in the forests, so much cover. but then you have those fast micro-striders, those would make that interesting very fast
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 10:22:25 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #184028
I have an elevator shaft with some stuff built around it, two rooms, and the ending to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 18:08:41 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #183951
well, i'll test it when the time comes.

now to deal with those penguins
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 14:53:36 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #183931
I can't steel? darn.

the rest of the stuff im fine with
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 12:48:22 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #183916

/me awe is hurting his speech center
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 15:12:59 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #183744
thats not source...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 16:08:41 UTC
in Pitworm Post #183558
trigger_auto targeting it w/ trigger state to on.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 14:00:04 UTC
in New Map: Timbdasis Post #183540
I just had the idea of renaming this timedias, and having the area accually be very small but little time porters everywhere that teleport you to the dias in defferent era's. that sounds fun.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 13:43:35 UTC
in New Map: Timbdasis Post #183533
Id say put a tree canopy on either side of the water in the skybox.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 20:35:03 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation Post #183200
its because your in selection mode.

when you want to VM something, select it with the selection tool or the VM tool, then either stay in VM mode or go into it, then do your editing.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 16:02:11 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #183169
sparce bright lights make everyone happy.

im at brightness 80 and contrast 90. anything much lower and I can't see much of anything. I can see the maps fine though