Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 08:05:05 UTC
in Geordie Windaz Post #14586
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 07:04:16 UTC
in Level chnages really P*****G me off!! Post #14569
The landmark MUST be in the same place in both maps. Once you've placed it in one, copy the map and rename the new one to the one you're transitioning to, then edit the changelevel, delete any stuff you won't see in the new map, add new stuff.....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 07:00:25 UTC
in any1 know what i should make? Post #14563
That's not true, jobabob. I've felt this before, although I rarely feel it nowadays. Just play a few games, get some inspiration, get inspiration off other people (Without stealing ideas), and then bring bits of it together. It probably won't all come in one map though.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 16:34:50 UTC
in Why not? Post #14484
You have to email it to me before the 9th Feb.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 16:01:25 UTC
in Change the irc server! Post #14475
No, don't. And it's #valveerc, not #verc.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 15:06:59 UTC
in Change the irc server! Post #14461
No, don't. Leave it as yourself, Andy and atom. It's much safer that way.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 17:40:35 UTC
in Military parade Post #14386
Ah, I get it, seventh! Thanks.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 16:30:55 UTC
in Military parade Post #14380
It'll look odd. Maybe the rows WILL work though. I was just asking if they might get in the way. The formation is:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 15:18:38 UTC
in Military parade Post #14367
It just won't be the same without 3 ranks.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 15:18:21 UTC
in Military parade Post #14366
But the whole point is that there are three a major at the front and a captain behind him.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 15:04:47 UTC
in Assasins running around... Post #14361
They need nodes, because if there aren't any, they'll just stand there and shoot.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 13:25:37 UTC
in Military parade Post #14354
No, I know a script will work, but will the people performing the scripts in front get in the way of the people behind?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 09:47:52 UTC
in Military parade Post #14310
I'm making an opfor map pack, and it starts off with a big parade (With Blackadder Goes Forth music!). However, I was just wondering, how would I get three rows of fgrunts/recruits/blackops etc. to walk forward at the same time? I was thinking of scripted sequences, but wouldn't the front row get in the way? Would the front row march forward, then the second row, then the third? I want them all to leave at the same time and stop at the same time. Also, there will be a person in front of each section, so they might get in the way as well...

BTW, does anyone know if the recruits and drill instructors have the same skeletons? I want to give the drill instructor a saluting animation. And does gman have the same skeleton? That would be even more convenient...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 15:59:34 UTC
in COMPETITION!!!!!!!!!! Post #14218
Lol. Nice. I look forward to seeing all these entries.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-27 16:08:38 UTC
in Change the irc server! Post #14099
No he won't. When I !identify, he only returns to my channel.

Um, that's what Skeeve said. Call Marvin from any channel and he will return to yours
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-27 15:30:51 UTC
in Food Post #14095
mmmmmmmmmmmm.......sushi.......indian food........chinese food.......moroccan food..........other foreign food......anything not english....
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-27 15:13:39 UTC
in Why not? Post #14094
You can't make any of the existing brushes entities, but of course you can retexture them. You'd be almost guaranteed to lose if you stuck with those awful colours.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-27 13:30:53 UTC
in Why not? Post #14088
No. And anyway, I have a compo for you now :D
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-27 13:28:13 UTC
in Change the irc server! Post #14087
Ministeve: Only the channel OWNER (Skeeve) can bring Marvin back. Other admins (Andy and atom) can't.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 18:28:49 UTC
in Food Post #14030
So a thingy shaped turnip then?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 18:12:09 UTC
in COMPETITION!!!!!!!!!! Post #14028, competitions page. You have two weeks. Email maps to me or upload 'em to the vault.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 17:40:32 UTC
in like TS2? Post #14021
Wrong monkey, zombieloffe.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 16:08:27 UTC
in Change the irc server! Post #13989
I like the VERCers. Bagpuss doesn't like me all that much sometimes, but I don't hate him or anything, and I have no real problem with him. Basically, I get on with them fine.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 18:47:43 UTC
in My first public map, Mkay Post #13886
Hay. I hav amayzing punkchewayshun and spelling}
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 18:25:30 UTC
in Anonymous problem Post #13884
Also, at one point I couldn't be bothered to login: I was at school.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 18:23:47 UTC
in Split the completed maps vault. Post #13883
No: Split it into: HL MP, SP, CS.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 19:15:47 UTC
in HL2: Source Boycott Post #13690
TRAITOR! HE STOLE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heh, just joking.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 19:14:16 UTC
in like TS2? Post #13689
Siberia was brilliant. How about you make: Siberia (difficult, but good), Chicago (nice 'n' easy to map), NeoTokyo (very hard to map, but it has brilliant design), Atomsmasher (Possibly my least favourite level because it's so hard, but it was a good one), and possibly Robot Factory (You might need spirit for those cameras on rails).
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 17:39:10 UTC
in Map Helpers Post #13676
Aw, thanks. But what the hell did I do?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 16:25:06 UTC
in Masked texture problem Post #13649
I created it with paint and pasted it into wally. WTF is everything else?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 15:46:18 UTC
in Masked texture problem Post #13635
I created a masked texture (One of those blue background ones) called {Barbedwirecoil, but the blue shows up in game, even though it's rendermode solid fx amount 255. Can anyone help?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 12:26:55 UTC
in mario mod Post #13620
No what? Saying no offence doesn't mean I won't be offended. I DO have friends, I just don't play games with them very often. Now sod off before I kill you.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 11:32:18 UTC
in Weird HUD sprite problem Post #13614
Well, reinstalling worked, and I WAS using when I had the problem. I also once had the problem with (The one I bought).
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 07:42:14 UTC
in damn barney message Post #13560
Um, try UseSentence and choose something from sentences.txt like
!BA_IDLE1 (Don't use this, it was an example). You must have the ! though. If you want custom TEXT to appear, it's see player unconditional, target the game_text.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 07:32:13 UTC
in Weird HUD sprite problem Post #13549
For some reason, whenever I get electrocuted, a 0 appears instead of a lightning bolt. Whenever I drown, I'm freezing to death. Whenever I'm in a radioactive area, I'm being electrocuted. Burns seem to appear correctly though. Can anyone shed any light on this? I once fixed it, can't remember how though. I don't want to reinstall hl AGAIN...hmm....maybe that'll work..... :(
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 07:26:42 UTC
in What are clip brushes? Post #13546
Won't stop monsters either. For that, you need a func_monsterclip with a texture other than clip/origin/translucent. Let's say aaatrigger, that's what I use. Also, to clip a monster, you must tick their monsterclip flag. And with ZHLT, the edge of a sky brush acts as a clip brush automatically, so you wouldn't need 'em for skies.

If you have large sky areas and the player isn't likely to fall through them, you can speed up your compile by using the -noclip command. Clipped skies were introduced around ZHLT 200.(ed:Andy)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 07:23:01 UTC
in Things not to say... Post #13543
"Gleeba Treeba Fleeba Kleeba" (Person then knocks you out for not speaking in a proper language)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 07:20:54 UTC
in Death Post #13542
Get shot in the leg, have your balls removed, have them roasted and be forced to eat them, then get shot in the head and die. :badass:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 07:19:30 UTC
in Halflife Ending? Post #13541
He kills Nihilanth, and gets teleported to Nepal, where he decides to live as a goat.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 15:08:08 UTC
in Old twhl! Post #12977
Seb! No wait, that's me.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 13:31:17 UTC
in Osprey in Opposing Force Post #12958
Yes. 4 grunts at least. And for opfor you should use a blackops osprey with male blackops. The normal osprey drops evil grunts I ASSUME, but I could be wrong...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 13:29:36 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #12957
But the osprey in opfor didn't move. The cliffs moved. If it moved, the grunts would be flickering.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 17:09:52 UTC
in hey? Post #12868
Hey! It didn't work. How do I do this stupid php anyway?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 17:09:18 UTC
in hey? Post #12867
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 17:05:47 UTC
in Monsters in deathmatch maps Post #12866
They don't work :D
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 17:03:32 UTC
Not one d/load, 'cos sometimes mine play up :x
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 13:32:36 UTC
ONE: Only one rating per person per map.
TWO: Kaptain_Krunch should be banned from rating :badass:
THREE: Some people complain about people rating their map one. If the map is bad, that's fine.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 09:51:46 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #12781
This is Vassy but I can't be bothered to log in. It seems to be well known already on VERC, but I'll still put up a tutorial if I can find out anything else.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 18:05:45 UTC
in More simple dripping water Post #12693
Hmmm....not bad. But env_blood and multi_managers aren't difficult. Or you could just use an env_beam with the drip sprite...hmm..