@Stu: Yeah, I know
I changed the name to "Modern Renderer" in the code but forgot to rename it in the settings until I was typing that change list, and I was too lazy to do a whole release cycle again just to fix that one tiny thing
steamapps/common/Half-Life 2/bin
folder....It is entirely unambiguous that, without permission:
Any use of the Software in violation of the license limitations set forth below is an unauthorized use of the Software outside of the license granted to you in Section I, and will be regarded as an infringement of the copyrights Riot Games holds in and to the Software and the Game. You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:
B. Copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, derive source code from, or disassemble, in whole or in part, the Software or the Game, or create derivative works based on the Game, except that you are authorized to (i) make one (1) copy of the Software and the Documentation for personal archival purposes only; and (ii) use third party image and video capture software to capture the output of the Software as audio, video and/or still image files solely for personal, not for profit use pursuant to the Terms of Use and any applicable Riot Games policies pertaining to audio or video creation;
C. Modify or cause to be modified any files that are part of the Software in any way not expressly authorized by Riot Games;