Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-24 11:16:57 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #98831
I've had discussions with lots of Americans, and some didnt even know what the Constitution was, they hadn't heard of the Patriot Act or John Aschroft, some knew about the Constitution but said that it 'should be burned and buried' because it's 'against God'. (The Constitution is supposed to be considered a gift from God.) Some people even went as far to say that freedom was evil and that Bush was doing a good job. Some folks told me that I must be an enemy combatant because I love freedom, so yes, the sad fact is most Americans are kept in the dark by mainstream jmedia, the entertainment industry, the religious industry, and Rush Limbaugh!

I mean, what is wrong with freedom? Some people would rather be kept in FEMA camps it seems.

Well, I guess anything that involves the deliberate attempt to misinform the public about historical/present day events can be considered an act of 'conspiring'. Mainstream media is told what to say to us, that's a well known fact. You watch the news today and see for yourself how badly they are throwing this al Qaeda stuff out of proportion. Soviet officials recently stated that the whole thing was a myth! I personally believe that the Pakistani ISI (who were formed by the CIA) are responsible for the group known as 'al Qaeda'. It is a well known fact that Osama Bin Laden worked for the CIA and was for a while a 'hero' in America for helping the war effort. Most of these 'enemy combatants' were trained in US Airforce Bases. The extremest group owes it's existence to the Pakistani ISI which also owes it's existence to the CIA. Propaganda would be inevitably used to recruit it's members of extremest views. These are essentially brainwashed people who actually believe that their little group is going to save them.

Anyway, that's enough for now because my tea's going cold ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 10:09:30 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #98691
Yeah, 'a patriot'. man doesnt even know that his Constitutional rights are being ripped apart :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 10:06:57 UTC
in Why Half-Life??? Post #98690
Or maybe they just went on some forums as n00bs asking folks for a name for their new game
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 10:04:47 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #98689
I'm not an anarchist, I'm pretty much a law abiding citizen, I just hate to see a corrupt establishment taking advantage of us and using us like slaves. THATS anarchy. So far everything the American Government has done to the American people and the entire country has been unconstitutional, unAmerican, and ethically wrong. I hope to one day see a public court hearing (the only way we can actually get these guys arrested for being criminals) of the Bush administration for their attrocities committed on September the 11th aswell as the shear amount of war crime that seems to be like water off a duck's back for mainstream media. America needs to defend it's constitution if it wants to stay America. Global Governance is beginning, and the question is; are you prepared?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 09:55:49 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98684
they took aim at a lousy bunch of Neo-Cons. One of the Neo-Cons, none other than
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-22 08:18:50 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98550
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 20:01:17 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98503
And soon C-Span highlighted the news story, 'Buffalo Meat in Crisis'. The president was questioned in a March press conference about his possible prior-knowledge of the Buffalo Meat seizure, however he declined to comment.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 19:02:24 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98483
decades before the Bill of Rights came into existence. Buffalo Meat proved to be a success in
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 16:58:23 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98442
for no apparent reason. And then, a nearby herd of bison
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 16:22:22 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98436
second lampost thus creating a 'dominoe' effect
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 14:05:51 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98387
a lampost
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 13:50:23 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98384
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:49:28 UTC
in Compo 13 - [closed] Post #98367
Yay! Another compo I will blatantly never get round to entering! w00t!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:47:26 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #98366
...and I cant even map or play HL? so I guess that screws it :
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:44:56 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #98365
Exactly. Hurrah for idealistic impractical communism, the complete and utter front for fascism! w00teh!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:43:20 UTC
Dayum, buy me one of those would you es? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze? :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:41:27 UTC
in Three Wishes! Post #98363
You know that Wishmaster film, why is it that it's so obvious how to get rid of the evil dude, just by saying "I wish that you existed" - cuts the middleman!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:38:32 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98362
also causing cancer of the buttocks
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:36:57 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #98361
Nah sorry, just not as clever as alien_beacon ZL....
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 09:35:48 UTC
in Steam or no? Post #98360
Unfortuantely, there is no choice. That is how fascist VALVe have become, "Get Steam or else buddy :x "

...Or it could be the evil Vivendi
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 18:10:10 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #98251
alien_beacon lyrics:

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 18:07:49 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98250
Which unfortuantely failed to succeed due to chow's blatant inability to perform tasks that require some degree of common sense...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 17:42:15 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #98242
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 16:27:33 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98225
the carcass of Alex Jones
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 16:26:58 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #98224
Pardon me for saying, but who give's a sh*t?! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 16:24:08 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98222
realised that bombing the shit out of another country was a horrendous prospect and that living a non-violent life was far more superior
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 16:23:03 UTC
in Three Wishes! Post #98221
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 16:11:36 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98213
were planted only to give rise to an enormous cannabis plant
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 13:15:28 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98168
the practice of barbarianism
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 12:33:16 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98158
Thus a new industrial revolution was born. No longer were the primitive TWHL types throwing spears into people's eyes, instead, silly string
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 12:29:37 UTC
"Sir, yes Sir."
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 16:01:10 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #97970
was at that time the Prime Minister. Then ZombieLoffe spat blood all over
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 14:02:20 UTC
in Story numba three Post #97939
And then this thread blew up the end.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 14:00:37 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #97938
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 13:35:03 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #97925
And then all of a sudden, ZombieLoffe caught Seventh-Monkey red-faced wearing his secret StarTrek outfit...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 11:27:47 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #97875
habboi, so as to shut huim up
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 11:27:15 UTC
in Your Nasty Mapping Habits... Post #97874
...I always spend ages on something I map only to just save it and forget about it...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 11:20:46 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #97869
And then, taking with him a pair of Barney's nickers, WorldCraft Dude
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 14:52:21 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #97723
that had been 'confescated' by the depatment of Homeland Security...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 13:50:24 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97711
Yes, it is true, the two candidates are infact cousins. They both went to the same secret society too. This by the way (incase you didnt know) means that the election was a complete fraud.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 11:58:36 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #97685
the cementary to fetch a pale of Scotch Whiskey
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 09:29:30 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97672
Listen, no offence, but you lot sound like a reasonable bunch of people kept in the dark by Neo-Conservatism. You seem totally unaware of the fact that:

A. Bush is a member of Skull & Bones; this has been documented and in fact when Bush was questioned about his involvement with the elite Yale society, he replied, "'s so secret I can't tell you." That interview is on video. (The Skull & Bones of course owes it's existence to Nazi Germany and is in fact the emblem of the Nazi Stormtroopers? outfit. Many officials have also attended the exclusive club, including Bush's cousin John Kerry.) Bush also attends Bohemian Grove, a secluded redwood forest encampment where elite members entertain themselves with a mock human sacrifice known as the ?Cremation of Care? ceremony which takes place in front of a large stone owl which symbolises the ancient Babylonian deity ?Moloch?. In the ancient times children, animals and other sacrifices were ritualistically burned in front of ?Moloch?.

B. The Bush Administration helped engineer the events of 9/11. More and more attempts to deny this of course are failing due to the shear amount of documented evidence, almost on a forensic scale, emerging.
Recently, Popular Mechanics magazine tried to dispute these claims with an article entitled: 9/11: Debunking The Myths which was apparently investigating ?16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists?. The 16 claims were obviously directed at some of the more outlandish theories surrounding the incident, and perhaps the ones that could easily be ?debunked? such as ?UFO?s did it? or ?Drones?. Anyway, American Free Press managed to find out that PM's senior researcher, 25-year-old Benjamin Chertoff is none other than a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Alex Jones actually managed to talk to Benjamin Chertoff who immediately denied being related to Michael Chertoff however when his mother in Pelham, New York, was asked if the two were related she replied "Yes, of course, he is a cousin." So here we have a propaganda piece reminiscent of the old wartime propaganda. Hitler burned the Reichstag; Bush ordered the detonation of the two towers. Homeland Security Officers are now being used as a present day Gestapo armed with the Patriot Act I & II.

So, all-in-all, even if I do spend too much time on the net, at least it?s for a good reason.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 12:39:15 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97510
Well I guess it's hard for some people to realise the implications of such a thought, that the most carefully crafted agenda for one world government is being formulated unseen all around us. Afterall, it's the last thing they would want to allow for news broadcasts throughout the entire world...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 09:56:48 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97493
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 08:30:21 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97476
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 08:21:43 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97474
No, I am not 'anti-American', what I am 'anti' is the loss of freeedom, the loss of the American's constitutional rights and civil liberties and the implementation of martial law. And by the way, martial law stands for everything Americ is supposed to be against. Dont they teach you at school about the Amendments and the Constitution? It wouldnt surprise me if they didnt. I mean why else would most of the teenage population in America and in Britain know more about the entertainment industry than whose who in the political spectrum, and what's in store for them in the coming future. I must make about 1% of people who actually care about the fact that we are being lied to by our very own Government and that our very owb Government is capable of committing mass murder and almost getting away with it, you know, that just bothers me somehow.

Yes, politics is mostly lies, but there is a reason for this. In the public eye there is a constant puppet show of votes and different oppositions. Of course the truth is, there are no oppositions, the opposing sides are fabricated, two sides of the same coin, designed to make the mass public firmly believe that they have the power to vote for their control. If only the Americans did what the Ukarainians did when they realised that the whole voting system is rigged. What a conveniant introduction of electronic voting, just as the election in America was approaching and Bush was in danger of losing public appeal. (Ofcourse it doesnt matter who wins, because we the people lose) Democracy is a BIG illusion, and once you realise the scale of this illusion (or should I say, dellusion), it becomes apparent what the globalist elite's motive is in doing so.

You talk about how this may be anti-american propaganda, which is almost as ridiculous as the pro-war pro-bush neo-con propaganda the American people are constantly being subjected to day after day through the mainstream media etc.

Many people firmly believe that 'just because the government said it' it's got to be true. I think for most people in America, if Bush told them to jump out of a window they would. You haver to get out of this dellusion of democracy, it's one big lie designed to keep the sheep in the herd. When there are no sheep in the herd, the elite have no chance of controlling the herd because there is no herd.

It's not a question of 'I dont believe' it's a quaetion of 'open your eyes' my friend, and wake up to what's really happening in this world today. I'm sure Dan Rather's got pretty sick of being told what to say everyday on the news and told what not to say, and the more you continue to believe the crap in mainstream media, the easier it i for a global nazi germany to be constructed unseen all around.

I'm sorry about my ranting on and on, it's just I get so sick and tired of hearing the same bullshit. It seems nobody cares about their future or the future of others anymore. Everybody is so god damn oblivious to the fact that a Nazi-like regime is being put in place. I wonder how many teenagers in this country actually know what an ID card is? I wonder whether they know about the Total Information Awareness Office, or DARPA.... :
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 17:04:54 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97353
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 13:30:39 UTC
in Game Maker Post #97314
...Yeah, It's only just for stupidity this game. I'm trying to work out how to damage enemies with a simple punch attack, maybe even a combo. I could have a gun-toting Alex Jones I suppose (since he is always ranting and raving about the 4th amendment being destroyed.)

The police man with shield moves around randomly occasionally lashing out with the baton. The trouble is, I havent worked out the damage system yet. I think I could do with a bit a' help with this :
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 11:33:01 UTC
in Game Maker Post #97297
No, Alex Jones: Infowarrior :
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.