Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 21:33:51 UTC
in elevator trigger Post #1440
Use the "Fire on Pass" propertyof the path_corner to target a Multimanager. Set the Multimanager to trigger the entities.
Have a read of SlayerA's Multimanager tutorial.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 21:31:14 UTC
in Custom textures Post #1439
When I burn CD's I normally put them in the fire.... :)
Oh.... was that a little humour happnin there?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 21:29:29 UTC
in Problem with leaves? Post #1438
First stop call for all errors is Tommy14's Error table. The one you are looking for to explain this is Leaf saw.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 21:22:49 UTC
in Odd Problem Post #1437
Yeah... I have been here before. You are on the right track and you almost have it right.
Make your cylinder out of an arch, or just a cylinder brush. Do some serious VM to make sure all the face brushes are clicked to the grid. The problem your having is because you have carved the window across two or more sections of the cylinder.
Try selecting one piece of the cylinder wall and carving into that, or better still, copy it and raise the section from the floor and put your hole in and use the copied bit to replace the bottom part? does that make sense :
Anyway, the main thing is that you should only work on one face of the cylinder or arch, and make sure if you carve, that you are not carving across any other faces.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 21:07:40 UTC
in Internal Server Error? (+ Suggestions) Post #1436
And having just posted that, I clicked on the return to forum and got the Internal server error?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 21:06:21 UTC
in Internal Server Error? (+ Suggestions) Post #1435
Arhhh yes the admin bit's... I was wondering when I would be able to correct my lousy spelling.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 08:36:16 UTC
in game_team_master for CS Post #1401
No idea, just thought I was being helpful pointing you towards actual entity information.. :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 08:32:11 UTC
in Custom textures Post #1400
Wally need's Bitmap images that can be divided by 16: such as 16x16 up to 256 x 256 and of course other sizes like 48x80... as long as you can get 16 into the X and Y values it works. Another less know fact is that you should make sure the .bmp as a 24 bit image, it will transfer across easier even though when it is saved as a wad file it is in 8 bit.... The name of your new texture must be less than 15 characters long and can't have any spaces. A great little program for resizing textures is IrfanView . I normally start by copying a bitmap into MSPaint and do the cropping. Then transfer it to IrfanView and adjust the size so that it fit's the 16 rule. Then just drag it into an open Wally file where I can do more work on it using the range of pallettes in the list and save it into the wad.

This is all covered in the tutorial by atom on Custom Textures.....Or you could get Black cat to download a copy of PSP ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 08:06:41 UTC
in help plz! Post #1399
Great.... Check out peppers CS Mapping tutorials, they should help.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 21:36:50 UTC
in help plz! Post #1381
Mmm More info needed to sort this problem?
Have you checked your setup? If not, get on over to the CS Setup guide.
I assume there is an error somewhere, does it say anything before shutting down?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 21:29:52 UTC
in game_team_master for CS Post #1379
game_team_master acts as a trigger relay: for more information check out :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 18:09:42 UTC
in The FAQ - Your help required. Post #1374
I am finally writing a tutorial based on Frequently asked questions....
I want those of you who have forgotten more than you have learnt ;) to give me topic titles.

Here is what I have so far:

Map Change Failed: Map not found on server.
My map is really bright, why don't my light's work?
What is this LEAK thing?
Hammer won't compile anything?
All my scientists have turned into Zulu's :) (Ok, so that isn't a topic, but it did happen)

So let me know what things drove you mad when you started mapping, and I will include them in a single, easy to source tutorial. I might even add a Hint's and Tips section, but I think that is covered in the community pretty well.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 17:52:27 UTC
in sounds Post #1373
Spect3r is right, the format is: unsigned, 8bit, mono, one start cue, 11025Hz PCM.
Have you looked at where you have saved your custom sound? Is it in the right folder, and is the path correct?
Also check out:
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 17:31:42 UTC
in Several questions Post #1371
A warning about prefabs...
Most of the Prefabs that are not included in Hammer are OLD. By that I mean they were made ages ago and can cause errors with the new compiling tools. Check the date the Prefab was published, and once you include it in your map, check for problems. Mapping has come a long way and new ways of doing things have been introduced. Just be careful when using someone elses Prefabs.
A google search for Prefabs will lead you too numerous sites, but I have found it easier to make the item and save it to my Prefab factory for future use, at least I know it works...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 17:24:25 UTC
in they're here! Post #1370
I can actually see what I am doing !!!
I can see where questions need to be answered !!
I don't have to go and boil the kettle while waiting for the page to load ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 17:20:48 UTC
in New forums Post #1369
:) Mmm, Brilliant, simply Brilliant. Last night Ministeve and I were looking at vertical orange and white stripes, this morning I am looking at a new forum system that actually works..... :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-13 09:35:40 UTC
in Tutorial rating Post #1055
Seventh-Monkey said:
I like the rating idea, actually :)
Andy, how did you do that quote?
Urmm, like that.
When you click reply, have a look in the top of the box..
Post,Reset Form,Quote.
I only spotted it the other day.. atom really should let us non observant people know about these wonderful and functional editions. :-)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-12 08:34:36 UTC
in grunt Post #91
Sorry, don't know of an easy way to do this.
What about a trigger_hurt? or an invisible lazer set to fire once...
Not very good suggestions are they.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-11 05:53:16 UTC
in -wadinclude Post #142
Atoms Custom Textures tutorial covers this problem.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-11 05:41:16 UTC
in Warning: Unable to open sound/C for tran Post #122
Sorry it took so long, but I had never seen this error before and was hoping someone else would answer.
The answer is:
Once again Tommy14 provides the answer. I recommend that all members check out Slackillers site, and the links to Tommy14's pages and bookmark them. It is the best error refrerence available for HL and Mod mapping.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-11 05:31:39 UTC
in Minimicus Post #1066
Ummm what do you mean you can't spend half a month mapping every month?

Seriously, It is an on going thing, I found a disk the other day that had a map I started in '99. When I ran it, I realised why I never finished it :-( SlayerA on the other hand started Minimicus in 2000 and stuck with it. Well done, but he is right when he say's that half the fun of mapping is actually getting something to work. Just think back to your first room with pipes, did you run around madly banging on them because they gave off a metalic sound? I know I did :-)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-10 04:06:12 UTC
in -wadinclude Post #141
Actually that has left me a little confused, as I thought
-nowadtextures added all the .wad files (all textures) that you have in the Texture tab of Hammer. But I am not so sure now... It might just add the textures used in the map you are building, but doesn't give you the path flexibility of -wadinclude. Might do some more reading on the subject unless anyone knows for sure?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-10 04:02:46 UTC
in multiple Q's Post #119
Actually Wally isn't that difficult to get a hang of. I left it alone for ages because I thought it was too complicated, but was forced to use it for a map.
I found that making a new wad was best, but it's up to you.
Open the existing .wad file and then open a new HalfLife .wad3 file and drag and copy textures across, when your finished just save the new .wad file. That way your original .wad files don't get disrupted/corrupted. Oh, Yeah.. Don't forget to credit the texture authors in your readme when you release the map.. It's the right thing to do.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-10 03:56:07 UTC
in T3h Popularity!! Post #1087
I will always be here for HL1. I have a crappy home machine that wont handle HL2 and I think I am getting too old to learn new tricks (woof).
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-09 22:09:55 UTC
in multiple Q's Post #117
Check out the tutorial on Dark Night Skies, that should help.
In CS you can start with a pistol and knife only, by forgetting to add the info_buyzone or func_buyzone. I am sure there are other ways, like weapon stripping.
For textures, first... where is your custom texture? Have you made it yet. If so, and you have added it to the texture settings in Hammer. All you need to do when you compile is add the line -nowadtextures to the csg compile line in expert.
This is probably a tutorial in itself, and -wadinclude is more functional.. Mmm sorry, that was meant be the uncomplicated way to do it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-08 00:58:49 UTC
in Tutorial Post #153
Yeah, a really basic one would be Ok... The thing I have found is that most people have their own way of doing things once they figure out the basics, so If you want to write one from the Beginning, go for it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-06 20:01:20 UTC
in New mod. Needs opfor weapons! Post #185
Copying the models into the directory and rewriting the .fgd might work, but I doubt it. The weapons are coded into the original OpFor dll and are probably not included in the HL dll. Spirits entities are coded into the Spirit dll, modifying the spirit .fgd probably won't work with HL (although I haven't tried it?).
For more informnation on stuff like this, check Collective and some of the Development sites.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-06 19:48:56 UTC
in creating a .fgd Post #181
Editing an .fgd is pretty easy with Notepad as Kol said... but beware, not following the format will cause parsing problems. Most Mods are based on the Original HL .fgd and this has been modified several times. Removing entity information is Ok, as it narrows down the amout of options you have (Take CS-expert for example, they removed func_push and gravity because they couldn't work out where you would ever use it) But adding entity specific stuff means that the dll must have been modified. You can't just add an entity to the .fgd for it to work.
Not sure where you would get specific information about this but try ModBD or Rust or a site that deals with Coding. And ofcourse there is always Collective.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-04 22:52:36 UTC
in compile wtf Post #231
So what files do you have once the compile is finished?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-03 02:13:48 UTC
in Mini Mesa Post #219
Ummm, I think he is.
Vassy I also think that maybe he has spent a little too much time infront of his monitor :-)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 20:35:26 UTC
in Spirit of HL Post #324
Spirit isn't a Mod.... but then again it is... Confused, so was I until I gave it a try.
I too, am surprised that more people don't use it when they build levels, the tools are great, difficult but great. If you have ever mapped for TFC then it isn't quite as difficult as that.
This is probably incorrect but hey? Spirit is a tool that unleashes the abilities of the engine to give you more control over entities. Problem is that to distribute your brilliant map, others have to have spitit to run it. So yeah, it's a Mod, but it isn't. It is just a way of doing things better. That's why I am surprised more people didn't make it the basis of their Mod's.
I am pretty sure that Spirit was used in DoD... and I think NS uses it, but don't Quote me... I have been known to be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the base idea for some of the stuff in HL2. Either way, you as a user/player of Mods made with Spirit don't really see anything different, unless it's really cool fog or rain, but behind the scenes heaps of stuff is going on. You can make entities move with other entities. A func_train can carry and have a useable func_tank... Guess what, you now have a moving tank that fires, and the turret rotates.
A Mod made with Spirit, does not require the user to have Spirit as it's all in the DLL, but if you are distributing standalone maps.. Then to view them properly, you need spirit.

Does that help?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 20:12:03 UTC
in Level transitions. Post #1124
There is a really basic Level transition in the Security Keys tutorial..
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-22 18:27:17 UTC
in Barneys and tanks Post #344
Barney isn't that bright... he doesn't know how to use things, so you have to create the effect.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-20 08:36:42 UTC
in Sitting barney Post #364
There is also one at Spawn Tank...
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-19 06:20:28 UTC
in cant ungroup.. Post #374
Carving with a func_entity like a func_breakable or clipping will cause some of the adjacent brushes to group to the original. The only way to ungroup them is to turn the entity back into a world brush and then ungroup them...
But this might not be your problem..
Yep, I am rambling again, sorry
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-19 06:18:29 UTC
in SCRIPT Tutorial Post #365
I need ideas Guy's and Girls...
Pepper has sent in a tutorial on scripted sequences, but I am faced with a bit of a problem. I have searched the web and most sites do something with scripted sequences, and show you a few tricks but really leave the rest to your imagination.
Most of the forum questions here at TWHL are asking for specific types of scripting, like retinal scanners, door opening and that kind of thing...
What do you want? Problem is, to cover all possibilities is beyond the scope of any tutorial that can be written (or so I believe) So what I need is ideas.
I would like to use peppers work as the base for a tutorial, but do you think it would work as a tutorial that covered different scenarios?? Adding bits as people asked for them. Or do you just want the basics?

Up to you.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-19 06:00:11 UTC
in texture compile problem Post #1258
Pepper, I will have a look at it.. I might be able to find the problem.
However, I am meant to be doing the Scripted tutorial aren't I..:-)

Oh well, send it anyway.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-16 19:51:39 UTC
in Turrets which hurt grunts Post #401
Problem with turrets is that they were never meant to take out friendlies.
Have you thought of targeting a little func_train and having that cover an area where the humans are going to be?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-16 19:46:25 UTC
in cs buyzone and spawns? Post #392
Just incase the Shoutbox rolls past Seventh's answer...
CT Spawn points are defined by info_player_starts.
T Spawn points are defined by info_player_dethmatch.
And Buyzones are func_buyzones and as a brush entity they are as big as you make them. You can have more than one, actually it is a good idea to have one at each Spawn point that covers all the spawn points in that area.
Most people use armoury entities as top up areas, as the buyzone is disabled by it's timer after game start, but that depends on the settings.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-15 23:12:53 UTC
in Enemies and info_nodes Post #410
Monsters that follow path_corners will only do so until interupted, and then they will revert to the models original AI, if you have path_corners and info_nodes, they will follow the PC's until they see you or are interupted and then they will use the info_nodes to track you down.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-15 23:03:39 UTC
in Would it hurt? Post #413
Mmm, I didn't think of that. But yeah, if your VM work is of line, you will get these types of errors.
Remember: If you get an Error... Always check Tommy14 at Slackillers site for the error. They have the largest list of errors on the planet.
Glad you fixed it M, hope to catch you on IRC again.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-15 02:02:58 UTC
in please wait Post #425
A scripted_sequence entity will sometimes run as soon as the map loads and the target monster is near by, but this can also be caused by a naming problem.. Check your entity names. If you can't find the problem, change to aiscripted_sequence and trigger that.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 07:02:26 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #448
Using the Beta of Hammer 3.5 let's you actually see the model your working with.. If the animation paths are set correctly, and it is part of the mod your working on, Placing clip brushes is a breeze... Shame the rest of 3.5 is buggy.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 20:42:11 UTC
in scripted_sequence Post #461
Try using an aiscripted_sequence, and entering the same animations in both boxes...Action and Idle
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 20:41:05 UTC
in .pts pointfile Post #465
LEAK detection is a major problem. The leak line you get when using Hammer to load the pointfile in the 2D views will not really let you see what is going on (Red lines everywhere) If you are using Hammer 3.5 , then you might have a chance by following the line until it goes red, but it is not an exact science, and doesn't always point the LEAK out.
If you manage to get a .bsp then try typing 'pointfile' at the command line. You should get a single dotted line, follow that, and it might pass through the place where the LEAK is and then again, if the leak is big, it will probably run out before it get's there.
Compile often is the motto here... and as atom says, go back to what you just did and start there.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 20:35:59 UTC
in A bunch of random questions Post #475
Copying the .wad files into the relevant folders will work, but it is a pain because people who run your map will have to do the same. Try getting familiar with Wally and making up a .wad file that has all your textures in it. That way you can just use the one .wad file. To distribute the new textures, you can use the -wadinclude command in you CSG compile. I prefer using the -nowadtextures command, but hey, I am backward at the best of times. With -nowadtextures, you don't have to distribute the .wad file seperatly as it is now part of the .bsp (that is why there is a poster in the Rain tutorial, that isn't in the .rmf.) PS: don't forget to thank the texture authors in your readme file...

Fuzzy cameras... No idea.

Yeah, atom is right.. you will have to trigger the sound externally, so that it says Access Denied and nothing else.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 00:18:55 UTC
in VIS Blocking Post #521
Any entity will not block VIS as you found out. You need to use a solid brush to block VIS and it must touch the floor, ceiling and walls also.
If you think the engine can see over, around or underneath your wall, then it probably can. Sky textures play havoc with potentially visible brushes. And a solid brush will not always block the engine's idea of what can and can't be seen.
You need to do some experimenting with this. Hint Brushes are a mystery at the best of times, but worth playing with. It all depends what you want to achieve.
Don't worry too much about the epoly reading, the engine just knows there is a model there and is redering it, wether you can see it or not. It is the wpoly count you should be concerned with.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 00:02:27 UTC
in error Post #489
Normally caused by a cylinder or brush with more than 28 sides, although having said that, you say you copied parts into the map from outside? You want to check that during the transfer, you haven't misaligned any of the brushes. By that I mean , have a look at all the non standard brushes, anything that isn't square, and check that they all mate up with the 1 unit grid. Brushes that have been clipped or vertex manipulated do not copy across really well and can cause this error. Transforming clipped or Vertex Manipulated brushes can cause the same thing.
Check the face points of each brush and make sure they are aligned on the 1 unit grid. Also check any cylinders or brushes that have more than 28 faces (Oh and spiral's as well, or anything made with the arch tool)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-08 23:45:16 UTC
in Rain tutorial Post #1166
I must be a bit slow today... I don't get it :-)

Actually, I think it was the extreme temps I was working in and the fact that I forgot to back stuff up, I am sure that it knew I had heaps of work that wasn't backed up... It's out to get me, I know.. It said something the other night, I wasn't paying attention... I am sure it was alive?
