Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2006-02-06 15:36:20 UTC
in Questions involving prop lighting,decals Post #161731
I must admit I am ignorant to the subject of overlays. What are they? Are they textures? If so what key would filter them out?
I do mean those turbines. How do I get the way a turbine should look in a dark area? Also, what do u mean by "bake in"?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-06 15:32:25 UTC
in Cool competition idea, High fps! Post #161729
Tycell, I am actually 18, and yes kind of immature on the internet. I dont want this to be a competition it was just a funny thing to post. I dont care that this wont go in competition. I dont want it to. I dont mean to act like an ass to you, but you did start this "argument" so I had to respond accordingly. Also, age has nothing to do with immaturity. People 21 years old that are immature are normal. Maturity is a restult of living life and experiencing hardships. Is it my fault I havnt hade many hardships, therefore my maturity level is low? lol, forget that idea :) I believe you are ignorant of your own immaturity. Now, you are a good mapper and you gave me alot of helpful hints on my currently in production dam map, and I am grateful. Just please stop acting like a fool. I dont want this thread to persist so I ask one of the moderators to lock this thread please. It was not meant to be serious. A good reason is because awards go to good mappers, not bad ones. Making a map bad is easy, and you shouldnt recieve an award. It is just a funny idea. Stop taking it seriously Tycell. People need to learn that sometimes people tell the truth, and to accept others opinions, and weigh it against theirs, and without bias choose whos is better. LOL and OMG and smileys are just for fun, so stop complaining about that too. Just try to see how others interpret you..............
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 21:04:56 UTC
in Questions involving prop lighting,decals Post #161650
Is there a way to get proper lighting on props then simply compiling and looking? My props always get screwed up and look weird in wrong lighting. Any way to check this, or set the light to an attribute that looks good on props?

Second question: Ive seen roads with sidewalks on them curving around. Is this done with a seperate brush, or face splitting? I mean a brush with 2 textures on it, but the texture curves around it.

3rd question: Can you reshape decals to be bigger/smaller? I stretch it, but then it snaps ack to original form. Thanks :
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 20:54:57 UTC
in (BF2) Patching problems. Post #161649
Is the HD almost full? BF2 as with all other high performance games require a certain amount of space on the HD to use as a SWAP file for game performance. Is your HD almost full? If not, it could be in need of defragmenting. THat would probably work after defrag....maybe. Let it run all night, then BAM you wake up to the sounds of "ENEMY APC" and "HOSTILES ON THE GROUND!"
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 12:33:42 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161606
Yes, I can see what you mean about the yellow lighting. I think Ill change it up a bit to look more like the screen given by Rabid Monkey. I was planning on adding more to the 3d skybox, but models are too big, and would look out of proportion. I know how to resize models, but dont feel like it now. Its not worth rescaling if its barely visible...or is it? I could be wrong. Anyway thanx for the honesty, now I must keep mapping this map. I really want to actaully finish a good map, but I got a loong ways to go :) Maybe when I get off for spring break I can finish it, maybe.......
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 23:40:21 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161523
Dont mean to double post, but I want to draw attention to this post so I can get some feedback on the Beta Dam outside map i posted in unfinished stuff in the map vault. GIVE ME FEED BACK PLZ :) :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 22:10:00 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161517
Ok, the BSP version is in uncomplete maps as Dam outside BETA. It is in very very early development so just try to see what it will be. Some of the walls are just there to seal the level, and will be removed later. Textures are not all right, since its very early in development. Tell me what ya think of it so far. (The inside isnt here, i split it into 2 for now)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 20:50:59 UTC
in Cool competition idea, High fps! Post #161503
Wow Tycell your kind of a moron. Im 18, experienced with mapping, and talking about Source! Are you stupid? Did you ignore the part where I said its just an idea, and not serious???? No, you didnt because you just wanted to be an ass and say some stupid comment. The whole theme of this thread is not serious but just an idea! OMG ROFL LOL you are, whoo boy....................
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 19:54:07 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161491
OK, im ar a crossroad in my map. I see the whole thing in my mind, and see some errors I made. The tunnel I showed earlier really does not match to the level. It has a cool door opening 3 ways with a awsome sound, which then triggers 5 lights to turn on in 1 second intervals. Looks and sounds cool when you open the door, but it doesnt fit to the theme of the map. Should I remove it? I dont want to waste it though, but I really want to make a good map. I hate crap maps thrown together. There are screens of it earlier. Should I remove it?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 12:30:20 UTC
in Cool competition idea, High fps! Post #161443
Geez Trapt your a cold mean person arnt you? ITs just a forum. People are entitled to mistakes in typing, geez. Dont need to freak about small things, geez, sigh, and hm, ah yes, lol!
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 01:34:47 UTC
in Cool competition idea, High fps! Post #161391
Lol wouldnt it be funny to have a map competition where the goal was to get the chuggiest highest fps ever using the fewest items? LOL probably not a good idea, but it is fun to think about :) Like 10 brushes on diagnoal angles intersecting each other, selecting all of it and carving/hollowing all of it into another bigger version of itself. Stuff like that! LOL, what would you do???
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 12:30:32 UTC
in Your first map noob mistakes. Post #161300
My first map that I actually wanted to be a map (not test maps I did to get into Hammer) was de_household. It was nice looking, but filled with mistakes up the ass! For some reason I carved and hollowed every brush! I carved everything!!! I skyboxed, I used prefabs from the internet, omg it is a disaster! Its sad because it looks great, but can never run. I will probably remake it in source, but way later...................... I cant believe the mistakes!!! How about you?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 12:25:24 UTC
in New map: De_Nexus (based off SC) Post #161299
Tetsu0, isnt the main character from Akira?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 12:22:22 UTC
in Recreating HL1 maps Post #161296
Looks pretty Boss! Remember that Source can do bigger, and better looking maps depending on how you optimize, Create all brushed with NODRAW texture, dont intersect brushes, (IF you do, vertex manip so it wont go in) Set waterlog controls to transition water to cheap, cubemaps, build cubemaps, and use HDR! 3d skybox everything that you cant wonder into. Even rooms! ITs quite simple and is very good for r-speeds. YOu prob know all this, but I felt like writing it :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 12:12:59 UTC
in Xbox 360 Titles Post #161295
Dead or Alive 4 looks awsome! Geometry wars is supposed to be excellent, and Call of Duty 2. (Though thats on PC)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 19:40:24 UTC
in Game project... Post #161215
WHat I meant about education was if you want to succeed in life, then you need education. Really is no argument to that is there?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 19:37:28 UTC
in Right or Wrong choise? Post #161214
What do u mean it wont start? Wont compile, or wont load when compiled?
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 00:53:30 UTC
in counter-strike mapping question Post #161032
Just wadinclude with the CSG in advanced. Make sure its spelled and written verbatum! If done correct, you will see the include of the wad names at the beginning of the compile log. THis is for ZHLT which u should use. Its as simple as that. Go try again doing everything careful and exact. Ive come to learn most problems occur from ignoring some small detail.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 00:50:16 UTC
in Virus's effect on my processor/quest Post #161031
Geez ur kind of being an ass. I only had time to open my case just recently. I assumed it was the processor, so I called in my spare time inbetween classes at my school. Dont read too much into things, you claud!
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 21:47:38 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161014
Ive added much since my last post to the interior and outside. (Mainly the interior) What Ive done here is add details on the Dam, and mountains. The mountains are not done, just there for an idea of the shape. The dam, mountains, and water are all 3d skybox, so performance is great! Its still very far from being done, but its getting there......... Tell me what ya think I can add on the outside.........
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 21:22:20 UTC
in Game project... Post #161011
If you have no experience becides modding and plan to release this as retail, you will fail. To get your product manufactured, to make a good game, and to know about marketing it you need education. I myself am a major in game design in college. Im a freshman, and all my computer professors tell me that the industry is looking for educated people. Like EVERYTHING in life education is key. Modding does not cut it no matter how many games you have "modded". Sorry to be blunt, but it is the truth. Look for any job, or product subscribing, it all asks for education.................
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 16:22:14 UTC
in Virus's effect on my processor/quest Post #160963
I fixed the problem! It was a loose fan that was mounted on the side of the case inside. It just needed to be pushed in, and it snapped right in place. Now it runs fine. :) Im so happy. I cant believe I even thought of reformatting my HD!!
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 00:45:50 UTC
in Virus's effect on my processor/quest Post #160856
Im thinking about trying other virus scans (the demo scans) see if they find anything. What else can I do to find a virus?
(BTW its not running in the background, ive checked, at least the programs it lists its not there............)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 00:17:22 UTC
in Virus's effect on my processor/quest Post #160853
My computer is only 3 months old. Its an alienware, 2.93 ghz, 1gig memory, G-force 6800 GT 256mb. It has been performing fine until the past 3 weeks. I scanned my PC for spyware and Mcaffe Virus scan all updated. Found NOTHING. What the problem is the processor fan is spinning very very fast. Its VERY VERY loud and just sounds wrong. I thought it was a faulty fan, but I called Alienware support and they said its probably a virus, and want me to reformat my Harddrive! (I will lose all my files! EVERYTHING) If that wont work, then they will replace the CPU/fan. maybe......MY initial question is: Can a virus cause this behavior? Whats happening is the processor is using more resources then it should be. Say CS:S uses 40% of cpu usage. Now it uses 88%. If someone can answer this, can they also recommend a solution for me? I know quite a bit about computers, but this is beyond me. Ive tried everything..........
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 19:42:36 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #160599
Yes, I see what you mean about those func_rotatings. Ill lower the lighting, and try a lightspot, see what looks good. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 19:03:44 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #160590
Ok, Ive been busy the past couple days with school, but I managed to add some things to the map. This post is mainly to see the opinion of the lighting Ive chosen for this generator room. It will remain yellow, since that is what it looks like in a room such as that, but I added some red lights by power turbines. Is this a good idea? Does it look good, or no? BTW, much more cover, and detail will be added to this hall.

Also, If I had about 10 func_rotating entities by eachother about 100 units away from eachother, would I see performance problems?

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 16:26:13 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #160561
The good thing about prefab computers is the warranty. Yes you can get a warranty on single parts, but if something goes wrong, its more of a hassle to find the problem, then actually get another one.
BTW, Alienware does not suck. All stupid rumors that go around by dumbasses who dont like Alienware for some reason.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 15:47:56 UTC
in High School Drop-outs Post #160551
Maybe basic math would be good for mapping, but thats it. Like to reconize concave and convex shapes for vertex manip. THats it. Maybe 8th grade math MAYBE! You should realize that most stories in the news are over personified to seem more intresting and dramatic.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 09:08:19 UTC
in High School Drop-outs Post #160470
Ya, you work for Valve......psh ya right.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 23:28:39 UTC
in High School Drop-outs Post #160439
Woot! I graduated class of 2005! WOOT! Well, I think it's people growing up on a social system that is very giving when you are a child. Once you move out of your parents house and get a job, you realize you were a fool not to do good in school. People are ignorant of how school is essential. They get caught up in whats cool, clothing, fads, etc that they forget school and grades. They are in a sense mindless drones following the flow. All these kind of people in my school were low lives, stupid, and pregnant. Fools. Some people cant help what happens to them. Here in America alot of people are very very stupid and ignorant. Most people here cant even speak english properly. There are, however an equal amount of smart people too. The system evens out. Now, back to my dam level. (cough, check maps/mods cough! :) )
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 21:06:46 UTC
in High School Drop-outs Post #160426
MANY many many many success stories of famous people state that they grew up in a poor family. They wanted no more of that life, and knew school was the answer out, hence the motivation. Pretty good motivation if you ask me....
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 21:03:57 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #160425
Ya, when I began mapping, I developed a new way to look at games. I see what htey did to a map, and say: Thats cool, or that looks really good. The good mappers on this site deserve some sort of recognition for their great work, becides support from this site.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 20:40:19 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #160418
I recently played a map in CS:S called assault old. It was in source, but the most sorry excuse for a map ever concieved! It had so many noob problems. Cars going into the ground, stretched textures, things WAAAAAY out of proportion, etc. Please, People on this site who are good at mapping (maybe me.... :) ) lol, Get your maps online so people can see them!!! These crappy maps cannot be allowed to exist, when the mapvault here has so much better ones!! Im sorry, but the map had 18 people in it playing, and it was just so bad!
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 20:36:02 UTC
in High School Drop-outs Post #160417
The rich do not have better genes due to wealth. That makes no sense. Anyone with good genes could occupy any social class, so that proposal is flawed. Focusing on occupation and sick people is not natural selection. Natural selection was a survival tool in the times of no civilization. Now that there is civilization, This so called "exquisite" system has no use. Old sick people have no effect on evolution dead or alive, so they are irrelavent. That theroy is completly false. (no offense) :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 19:53:03 UTC
in High School Drop-outs Post #160413
Parental influence is haulted at a certain age where the mind is able to comprehend conciquences of the actions the person makes. Students are told everywhere to stay in school, and urge them to succeed in their studies for their future. Not doing so is pure stupidity. These people know of their future and still persist. They are fools not able to see the future. It makes no difference. It is a form of natural secection between individuals and mental capability. Those who excell in thought will progress in live advancing civilization, where the others who do not become the workforce of jobs that are low and sleezy. It's like feudalism, but the people forge their own class in live, not chosen by a king. Peasants, lords, vassals kings. Those who accept mediocrity become the peasants.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 18:37:30 UTC
in High School Drop-outs Post #160391
Where did you get those stats? That is untrue! You must not live in the USA, so don't say untruthful things. I do, and only about 1/15th of my graduating class dropped out. NOT EVEN THAT MUCH. Since these people have no education, they cannot effect social development and lawful justice. All advanced things in the world come from the intelligent, not people who dropped out of High school. Pity them thats all. They do the shit jobs people dont want to to. That is their purpose and meaning. They might be happy, but at a lower mental level then people who go on to college. College advances the mind and thought process. Ignorance is bliss, but also is dangerous at the same time.
Sorry to rant, I just had an argument with my math professor on this same topic :)
EDIT: BTW, I laugh everytime I see someone who dropped out that I knew. Mainly because they contribute nothing to the advancement of civilization..............
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 18:28:08 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_venetia (WIP) Post #160386
Damn dawg...Thats pro all the way, Uber Pwn3d!
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 18:21:53 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #160385
The doorway was my error. I forgot to build cubemaps for mat_hdr_enabled 0. LDR version. Both compiled the door looks fine. My next screens will be awhile. I want to add alot of detail so the change seems more noticable than the other screens. I also want to screw around with HDR lighting, cuz its causing some minor glitches with my 3d skybox. Ive also been optimizing for performance so it takes a little longer to work that out. So far on normal vis it goes through in less then a second. Only rad takes long since HDR is on. (Does normal lighting, then HDR.)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 22:50:11 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #160175
HDR is dynamic, so its hard to show in a still picture. Its not messed up, its just hard to see it work in a still picture thats not in-game. Trust me, it looks amazing, and in the final version it will be incredible.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 22:35:16 UTC
in Making a Source tutorial, Questions,how? Post #160173
I noticed that TWHL has very little source tutorials. I want to help. Ive been reading and practicing source mapping all over, and I want to make a tutorial. How should it be in? HTML? do I just submit the text,and example map in a ZIP to the admin? I suppose it goes through a screening process, but Im confident in my source skills. It would be a general introduction, transitioning to intermediate, then advanced. It would be directed towards mainly HL1 mappers transitioning to Source. So, can anyone answer my question? :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 22:26:02 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #160172
Ive added HDR to my map. Now, the map has many many many details to be added, props, brushes, decals, etc, but HDR is in and here is what it looks like around the point of the iris focusing....

EDIT: HDR fades off into less brightness after iris adjustment, so the map only looks that bright for a second or two. (for those of you who dont know how HDR works)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 21:07:52 UTC
in direct3d, openGL, software.. wtf Post #160165
I dont know how you guys get decent performance with a 1.8ghz processor..... 512 RAM is fine, unless you want good performance with HDR maps....... Get a better procesor 2.97ghz maybe? only 150 sumthin....

Just cuz i feel like it, here's my spec's :)
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 processor 2.97 ghz
Mem: DDR2 SDRAM 3200 1gig, (2x512)
3Dcard: G-force 6800 GT 256 mb DDR
monitor: 19" CRT
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 21:02:57 UTC
in HELP! Post #160163
Yahoo antispy internet explorer plug-in is exceptional. Its free, so dl that, and dere ya go.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 21:00:00 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #160161
Hey I have an Alienware! It's perfect in every way, and highly upgradable. Dont badmouth Alienware. (Also their customer support is superb) DELL is the one thats no good.............
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 20:57:26 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #160160
What I plan to do to this map will be pretty cool :) Keep in mind that the screens are just the body of the map. Details, lights, props, and materials will be added to it. It has a while to go. right now I got to break from map forging for a little to study.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 20:05:45 UTC
in My 3D skybox lighting is messed up Post #160153
When I fire my gun in my map (de_dam check it in maps/mods forum :) ) My 3D skybox reacts like it was right near it, and the flash by the gunshot lights up my whole skybox. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 19:56:48 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #160148
Ive added some more to the interior pump area. Wall support architexture, lights, and color to emulate inside a dam. Its still FAAAAAAAAAAAR from completion, but I hope your getting a small idea of what it will finally come out to look like...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 00:17:13 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #159982
Wow, this map is Pro. Looks like a map that would be in Unreal or Halo. Truely an excellent map. :) :) :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 00:10:55 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #159979
Ive added some outside elements to the Dam, and added a large generator room inside. Everything is FAR from finished, and some of the textures are there for the fact of clarity between brushs and brush detail.