Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 15:37:41 UTC
in Changing to a new map Post #160103
I'm not going to test it then... I hate being in the void... gives me the shivers. :nervous:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 15:35:59 UTC
in env_rain and water splashes in game Post #160101
Or use a randomaizer to activate them, it will be random then. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 12:52:41 UTC
in Changing to a new map Post #160088
I don't think the trigger_changelevel works in DM. And if it will it will be really buggy, think moving players from one map to an other so they'll still be in the same distence from the info_landmark they were in the last level. If it does work then the levels will have to be the same or many will be stusk in the void. :(

Conclusion: Bad idea, maybe possible with coding, but why to code this? It's not such a great idea, you can have more admins so there will be atlist one all the time. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 10:04:57 UTC
in Guess the line! Post #160085
Ooo... that one I knew. :o Saw that movie once with another kid.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 07:52:14 UTC
in Hello everyone! Post #160068
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-27 18:50:49 UTC
in Compiling and still compiling Post #159952
Compiling shouldn't take days or even hours. My compo entery took 4 hours to compile because of that area where you climb the cliff, it had thousand of leaf saw into portal, you can see it when you try to climb it, I only managed three times. If you map correctly and evoid over detailed and complicated areas like the one I mentioned then it should take a maximum of 1-5 hours.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-27 18:29:53 UTC
in env_rain and water splashes in game Post #159947
Maybe they just added many splash sprites and triggered them randomly just to make it look like the rain splashes.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-27 18:25:26 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #159945
I gess everybody know my opinion on whats best. Paper and pencil of course. With a bit experience you can do everything done in the computer, only better.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-27 17:47:37 UTC
in Compiling and still compiling Post #159936
My prossesor is 6-7 years old and the compiling work just fine, maybe as good as on any other computer. Just remember you are compiling for a 6 years old game.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-27 15:26:47 UTC
in How can I represent MAGIC FX Post #159916
If you intend to make a whole mod for Hl1 then use coding. With coding you can use a special v_model(the hands you see on your screen) for a wand, when attacking something it turns them into a random monster.

If this is only one map and not a mod then you can only fake it and make it happen only in paticular places and it will need lots of entity work.

Place over the monster a func_rot_button(it can be non solid thats why you should use it) textured with the null texture/{blue texture.(If you use the {blue texture then use the solid render mode and set the render amount to 255, the null texture is better in this case). The button doesn't have to rotate at all(I think you can do it by setting the speed to 0) and don't give it any sound. All sounds will be added later with ambient generics.
Make that button target a multimanager. This multimanger will trigger a trigger_relay that will trigger a multisource(that will disable the rotating button, you don't wont any body spoiling the seaquence, make sure the multisource starts on by activating it with a trigger_auto with the trigger state set to on) and make the multimanager trigger a randomaizer too. Make it target the env_beam, set the life to 1 and don't tick the toggle flag. That beam hits one of many buttons with the very low health(I think 1 but set the env_beam's damage to '10000/0.1' so it'll surely activate the button, and make it reset only after 2 seconds soo the beam wont hit him again in this round) that will trigger a multimanger, with the multi threaded flag ticked.(each button will activate a diffrent multimanger that will change to a diffrent monster, more random and intresting ;) ) That multimanger will trigger a few effects like sounds sprites that will apear during the spell casting or maybe an env_fade with the fade from flag ticked. This multimanager will also trigger will also trigger a trigger_relay that will kill the original monster(use the killtarget value for this) and trigger(target value) a monstermaker. This monstermaker will create a monster(since each multimanager will target a monstermaker, choose a diffrent monster from the other monster makers or the radom seaquance will be totaly useless)
with the same name of the original monster.(childern name value) Make the multimanager that you used to activate that trigger_relay that activates the monstermaker, activate the first trigger_relay only with a longer delay then the other values.(the one activated by the multimanager that is activated by the rotating button, the trigger_relay that deactivates the multisource) This way you unlock the rotating button and the seaquance can start all over again, and again and again.

If you use Spirit of Hl1(a Hl1 mod with many cool options) then you can make the rotating button, the monstermaker and all the effects move with(spirit's move with option)the monster so no matter where it is you can turn it into a diffrent one. :cool: Thus making coding almost OBSELET. :nuke:

I advice you to use spirit, this will be a really cool effect, and becaue it's random it's also dangerous, you may turn a grunt into a grag! :nuts: I'm mad about this effect!!!


Ooo... long post, my longest... I hope you'll understand something...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 20:06:27 UTC
in Confused Post #159747
You have a leak. A leak is an opening to the void, and those weird stutter is the leak. Thats why your map probebly has poor framerate and is fullbright. Close that leak. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 16:07:58 UTC
in Next compo? When? Post #159717
Great, I'm glad you're back. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 14:08:24 UTC
in rotating rotating? Post #159699
You just want something to rotate around something else? Sorry hardly understood you... again. :tired:

create your first func_rotating, tie it to an entity, with an origin of course, and set all the flags and attributes that you want. Now make a second origin and make sure it's axis is over the other origin's origin. Tie it with the other xen platform. The origin is the place the entity rotates around and it doesn't have to actually touch the entity. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 10:29:06 UTC
in if you out of idears what should you do? Post #159647
Well when I was out of ideas for Hlsp I started mapping for Hl1dm. :) No need to think on the plot, just a cool layout and theme.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 10:19:24 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #159645
When making an elevator with I always had a problem that the doors start to move after/before the whole elevator started to. In one of my late maps, I created an elevator with windos, and doors with windows. I added a little delay(well not so little, 3 seconds and afterward raized to 8) and what a wonder, NO PROBLEMS with the doors and window, all of them had the same timing too.(mostly with out a delay I need to change the doors' delay) Conclusion: When making elevators with doors, add a delay of atlist 2 seconds, after the doors close, before the whole elevator starts moving. In that time you can use an env_shake and an ambient_generic to make it less boring.


Got another tip! When you get bored of building one place move to another. When you'll finish with the other place it'll be easier for you to finish the first.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-25 18:05:06 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #159553
I don't mean to offend any of the mappers who made the following maps, I just played in them in muzzle's server till my connection timed out.

Tip 1:
User posted image

The staircase's railing isn't well aglained. It's just rotated regular rail texture.
There are special textures that fit stair's railing.
User posted image

This is one of those textures. Unfortanatly to make it fit you must make the railing from many parts, as seen in the screeni. The texture on these brushes is 1.00x1.00 so the size of that brush(lower bar on the screen) is the size you should use is the size of your steps is 16 units highX32 units wide. First make your brush and use the texture application to aglain the texture to the middle. (using the justify texture to center or fit and the shift option) If the texture is heading the wrong direction use the aglain to face option in the texture aplication, or add a '-' before the number in the scaling x/y value. After aglaining to all the sides of the brush turn on the texture lock and copy the brush over and over till you created the whole railing.

Tip 2:
User posted image

You see that the fence hides a part of the beams, to slove this, tie the fence and the beam, to entity each one alone.

Tip 3:
User posted image

This one isn't really a problem but I want to post a little nice trick.

1)Create a brush textured with the null texture or {blue texture. Texture one of the sides with the net texture.
User posted image

2)Copy the brush like in the screeni below. Don't do anything(changing the tool, moving around in the 3d view..ect), If you did do anything then move the second brush a bit in a 2D view and drop it in the same place it was. In the tool menu->flip objects flip the object horzantaly or vertecly(it dependes on the window you moved it in) so the net texture will face the other brush.
User posted image

3) Tie each part seperatly to an entity.

User posted image

Tip 4:
User posted image

User posted image

Those little holes you can't pass through below the destroyed wall, and the windows you wont even get to them create usless clip nodes. To remove those clip nodes just place a clip brush over them.(bullets, missles and grenades pass through clip brushes) You can also place over detailed cliffs clip brushes. This way you can avoid the max clip nodes error like unbreakable's casa del administrator entery, he created really detailed cliffs, so highly detailed he had to turn half of them into func_illuosnaries to remove some clip nodes. If you'll place clip brushs the walls will still be solid and you'll remove most clipnodes.

Tip 5:
User posted image

Monsters can only climb steps that their hight is two times smaller then their leangth, Like in the screeni. The maximume step size is 16 units high. The regular step size(also the one used in Hl1) is 16x32.

I'll post an example map with most of these tips and a flip sign in it. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-25 15:55:37 UTC
in Holidays are over. Post #159531
Holidays... Oh dear, they ended at list three weeks ago... now starts the tests season, 1-3 tests a week. :aghast:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-25 12:46:56 UTC
in .Sit archives Post #159491
Thanks Zombieloffe. :D


Oh wait it redirects me to stuff it! Oh well... I'll see if there is a trail.

Edit #2:

Stuffit expander is free though! :biggrin: Thanks ZL.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-25 09:34:12 UTC
in .Sit archives Post #159469
I was searching for an old game for ages, now I found it only it's in a .sit file. It's weird that I didn't find it before for it's in a very known abandonware site, the underdogs.

I found an extractor, called 'stuffit' but it costs money.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-25 08:25:18 UTC
in .Sit archives Post #159465
How do I open these archives? Please don't just link me to google for I already searched there, thats how I found it's an archive. :P

Thanks in advance.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-25 07:18:54 UTC
in Seeya Around! Post #159458
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-25 07:09:25 UTC
in Tool Problems: Selecter/Pointer Post #159456
Happens to me sometimes too. Just reatart hammer. Hammer 3.5 has many bugs(or maybe it's my system) it sometimes ignores the grid, it sometime wont switch to the creating tool, sometimes changes the model's textures with textures you used in a map(known bug). I laways restart hammer and those problems are fixed. But overall it's better then 3.4.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 14:45:37 UTC
in New map: De_Nexus (based off SC) Post #159370
7 minutes isn't a long time for compiling. :P It's quite short, 4 hours is quite long.

I always wanted to see the inside of a Nydus canal. :o Does it just teleport you or does it do something like what alex11b did in his xen compo entery?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 11:03:26 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #159342
Oooo... that only makes it cooler. I could have sworn I saw a Hl2 map with that kind of sky, well it looked quite like it. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 10:56:27 UTC
in Hammer Entity tool doesn't work Post #159340
After choosing the kind of entity you want to place, press on a block in the camera view and it will be created, or click on one of the 2D views to create a green small block(only seen in 2D view). Move the block around in all the 2D views to the place you want it to be in, after placing it press enter to create the entity where the green block is. :) If you want to know it properties choose the select tool are choose the newly created entity, press alt+enter and the entity properties window will popup.

If you don't have any entities in your list then in the tool menu->option->game configurations include a fgd file.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 09:15:00 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #159329
Who? Just intrested, might bring up someone moral or reduce it...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 09:12:37 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #159328
This is all for HLDM.
By HLDM do you mean HL2DM for it looks like it for source... and the sky is Hl2's. :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 18:09:51 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #159269
I gess that halo light is a costum texture. Maybe it's a part of the floor or a thin wall wall above the floor with a costum fade texture.

Does these little circles around the obelisk scroll? It will look nicer if they do.

Exelent artitecture and nice lighting. The top view drawing reminds me the chaos engine.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 18:02:29 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #159267
Can't, my brothers don't let me shut down Emule! :(
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 18:00:57 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #159266
I say etend the deadline, if not just keep the current page, it also says "or no enteries submitted", which is quite true, not enough were submitted. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 10:05:05 UTC
in To Mod or not to Mod...? Post #159196
Don't be so sure!
My computer can hardly run GTA3 and since I got this new screen I can't play Hl1 in OpenGL. :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 20:20:44 UTC
in Abandoning a map, have you done it? Post #159146
Yeah but then you'll never finish anything. :( The problem is now it might turn out to be crappy if you and bored, although my map looks quite nice now, after I got bored of it and I got many other ideas in my head. And I still keep thinking of ideas for it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 20:13:20 UTC
in Abandoning a map, have you done it? Post #159142
Happend to me all the time. Till lately that I finish them by force, it's not that affective for then I finish them at a very slow rate.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 20:11:52 UTC
in Compiling and still compiling Post #159141
Well you probebly changed something before testing it. The coplaner face isn't a vis/rad error it's a csg error so it has no connection to running vis/rad or not running it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 15:48:34 UTC
in Gamers suicide, JT says 'get a life& Post #159110
Thats old...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 15:37:54 UTC
in New map: De_Nexus (based off SC) Post #159107
Ya I remember jazhel's map, it was cool although I thought it's boring for I didn't know about DM back then. :P
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 13:58:11 UTC
in Urb tries source Post #159093
Oh now I see the water, I thought you ment that pit... but there is a low level of water on the floor. Where's the leaking pipe/ceilling?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 13:46:41 UTC
in Urb tries source Post #159089
Displacements in such a small indoor room, why is that needed? I believe it just needs better artitecture and layout. Maybe water, pipes, wires...ect
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 13:43:17 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #159088
Ok I modeled enough, back to mapping. And I fainally have ideas how all the rooms in the map will look like... exept one.

Wow, now I know whats so annoying about bone making... aglaining it all to the mech, everything else about it is easy and not time consuming, well there isn't much to do after the bones- making skins, Ik thingies and including rengade verticals.


I take that back... skining is annoying too.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 13:34:58 UTC
in Gamers suicide, JT says 'get a life& Post #159087
What a dick. The one that sucided probebly sucided from another reason, not because of pc games. If he did then he must have had enough burden on himself already from his life that he would end it anyway. Most people sucide because they can't handle life, not because of games, and thats a fact.
Games may even help some for they are a break from tentions and stuff.

Besides these few subjects don't reflect the whole gamers community. I'm a good proof for that, I learnd English from computer games, and I'm very good in it, for my class at list.(don't mind the few spelling errors I sometimes make)
These few gamers were probebly insane already.

As for sims it's bad from other reasons(damn what can be intresting about ordering somebody to clean the dishes and go to work?)... but his reason is just dumb.

I just noticed that the title of this thread says: gamers sucides, but only one did. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 09:56:25 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #159063
Just climb over it? :P
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-21 13:54:35 UTC
in Fears Post #158927
I love spiders, they are so cool and cute.Now where is this picsh...

Nope no spider picsh only a scoripion, my mother is afraid of them, but I think they are awsome. :heart:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-21 13:50:10 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #158926
lol I'm almost finished but recently I'm tired of mapping. :


I'll just model for some time...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-21 09:01:42 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_sustenance (WIP) Post #158872
Nice work, doodle.

BTW: You didn't have to post the second apolegy post about the links, there is an edit button next to your name, if your post is the last in the thread.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 18:39:42 UTC
in Now Playing Post #158806
Fury Of The Furies- The lagon theme

Followed by the annoying voices in my head... :nervous:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 18:19:14 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #158803
If there is only one then whats the point? Extend the time.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 18:17:19 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158801
I know but that was a few years ago, daubster. I'm more stable now, unfortanatly not perfectly.

And daubster you saw my drawing along time ago I get better all the time. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 10:54:20 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158747
Yeah, I'm not jelous of a good drawer, and once I was jelous of someone who gets attention cause of his ugly drawing and he doesn't even try to be good. Now I'm almost not jelous of those idiots, sometime laugh at them.

Well I can draw something... maybe comics and maybe something more artistic.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 09:38:17 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158739
Didn't scan my works... all on paper.

Sorry, the reason I do it is because in school I never get to be the 1st while somebody else is most admired even if his/her drawings are horrible. :roll: Sorry, I've grown to be jeolus, can hardly help it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 07:02:12 UTC
in Most Ridiculous Way To Die In HL & HL2 Post #158726
I remember that place,satchmo, it heppend to me too.