Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 01:39:32 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #159164
Fixed. A part of the link didnt get copied into the form.

Edit: It hurts to see "cs_retarded" between "Fallingwater" and Xj2's "de_spirits" It's a democratic map vault, sure :D
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 01:34:24 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #159162
Terrain could be better. Waterfall is too simple. Some walls dont receive light as they should.
Things like that. Minor stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 01:16:12 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #159159
Well, that's it. I dont think I'll be working on this map anymore, even if it has some minor bugs. I hope people enjoy it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 20:04:54 UTC
in Abandoning a map, have you done it? Post #159139
It happens from time to time, but you shouldnt delete the rmf/vmf file. You never know when part of the map will be useful for another one. For example, my map "dm_ancitizen_two" was originally part of a singleplayer story I quit.
"FloatingLine" was built over my unfinished entry for the glass compo, etc.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 02:56:16 UTC
in Gamers suicide, JT says 'get a life& Post #159018
Atrocius is the right word, even though it might not look right. Atrocity is the noun, which does look right.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-21 14:32:21 UTC
in A site organized "twhl modding team"?? Post #158937
*Another thing about my mod is that text and voices are 100% in Spanish. I don't know if I will ever have the energy to translate it... :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-21 01:26:02 UTC
in A site organized "twhl modding team"?? Post #158852
The mod was called "Kasperg Evolution"

The story was something like: Kasperg Industries, in their multiple research facilities all over the World, discovered the source for eternal energy. However, the company is put to the test when a rival corporation learns of the discovery and surprise-attacks most of the labs. After the death of the best agents, Kasperg Industries decides to call Timothy Bwierk (it should be pronounced like the sound that a wild boar usually makes when it's angry) , a former member of Kasperg Industries now in retirement. Bwierk must visit the deserts of Egypt, a base in Antartida and eventually come face to face with the most evil corporation ever. But... which one of those two is actually more evil...?

If I wasnt studying architecture, I would gladly finish it or at least make it available for download. The way things are, I can't work on a single project for too long.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-21 00:34:41 UTC
in A site organized "twhl modding team"?? Post #158845
I remind you, this mod died almost 3 years ago.

Images 1
Images 2
Images 3
Images 4
Images 5
Images 6
Images 7
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 23:55:24 UTC
in A site organized "twhl modding team"?? Post #158843
I am taking a series of screenshots so you can see it. I'll post the links here since it's mod-related stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 23:00:53 UTC
in Reducing Portal flow compile time Post #158835
World brushes create portals. Func_detail brushes dont. If a wall is not blocking visibility or the void, it should most probably be a func_detail.
Use the game console and type mat_leafvis 1 to see what portals are made.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 20:41:43 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #158825
It was specified that the skybox rule was there to keep people from making an indoor only map. There's no point in making a transport nexus if you dont care for what's one meter outside your building...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 20:39:27 UTC
in A site organized "twhl modding team"?? Post #158824
As some of you know, I WAS working in a singleplayer mod. I had 25 maps done before an important part was lost. I never had the energy to continue the mod, specially knowing that the results wouldnt be worth the effort. At least for now, I prefer to stick to unrelated maps. I just can't keep interest in the same theme for too long. But if I do come up with something, I might make a series of singleplayer maps.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 14:57:35 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #158777
Great floorplans and working method. Using a grid is also a good idea, I like it.
From a first glance, all the spaces seem to flow very well, and you can see the map has a unique identity. Neat.
By the way, do you only work with floorplans or do you use cross-sections as well? My teachers told me I made good floorplans but I needed to work more with the vertical component :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 14:32:49 UTC
in Turning a HL1 map into Source Post #158773
Are you going to retexture the whole map? If so, it might be better to make a list of the original textures and using the Replace tool to change them all to a similar or equivalent Source texture (that way you wont end up having missing textures from the old wad file)
Origin brush still works so there shouldnt be any problems with that. Water is no longer an entity, so you will have to convert those brushes. You should also specify a new name for the sky, as having one from HL will result in unwanted effects.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 13:25:32 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158763
It's a little offtopic here, but I wont bother posting this in the photoshop thread.
I just made this in Corel Xara. It represents the condition of the human being. There are so many of us, and yet we sometimes feel alone, alienated.
If I was one of those "painters", this thing would be worth millions. Bleh.
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 12:46:54 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158756
Well, yeah. But there are thousands of paintings that would be considered crap if I was the author, but if they were made by a famous dude, people would say it's art. I usually consider "great art" the things that took hard work and sacrifice to make. Like the paintings in the Sistine Chapel and things like that.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 10:25:09 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158744
I know what you mean, its happened to me before. But only the part of:
somebody else is most admired even if his/her drawings are horrible
. But it doesnt make me jelous. On the contrary, I find it funny. If their drawings were actually so much better than mine then I would be jelous... But none of them make maps like me, so we're even.

If things like THIS are considered art, Urbanebula's picture is also art, and many times superior.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 11:58:44 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158607
I think that it is impossible to defy logic. 4 + 4 = 8 no matter how hard you try to change that.

We can travel to the future, but not to the past. There is no possible energy source capable of changing every atom of the universe to a previous condition of our choice. Because if you travelled back in time, the whole universe would have to change. Not just Earth and its places.
If we accept the fact that: matter is transformed (not created or destroyed), then we know that matter does not exist in multiple dimensions. It just changes in one.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 01:44:40 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #158570
Allright. The leaves look good. So do the skybox trees. Militia even has its own stream of flowing water. Just the kind of thing I would need for my map. How did they do it? Is it legal to use official cstrike content for custom maps or is there a new policy on that?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 01:42:21 UTC
in Outside lighting?? Post #158569
They dont light up, as far as I know. Some of them specify in their name that they are on. The model usually has a different texture than its "turned off" counterpart.
I'm also having trouble with that, since some of the props that light up dont do so with enough brightness.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-18 21:22:04 UTC
in Outside lighting?? Post #158553
Change the brightness of the light. What could be easier?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-18 21:20:41 UTC
in how to make a map have low grav? Post #158552
Embedding console commands:

I dont know what you mean by getting a map to look dark... A map is dark by default unless you add lights...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-18 20:37:54 UTC
in mixed face contents Post #158550
use the replace tool to change all water textures to a normal one, and then proceed to retexture the water brushes (with the "apply texture to brush" tool) That way there wont be any mistakes.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-18 13:23:44 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #158455
Why not. I am now using custom textures for paintings and stuff. I'm also in the process of adding a comment system (you can enable it as an option) so people know what exactly is each room.
I have to make the waterfall scroll textures, as well as some more furniture in the servant's quarters. And that's about it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-18 00:42:54 UTC
in Fears Post #158383
Besides the fear of death (no more mapping? aarghh!!), I fear guilt and remorse. I'd hate to do something wrong to someone and having to live with that my whole life. Or not being able to do enough to save someone if needed.
I also fear:
-Plane crashes, car accidents and kitchen-gas explosions.
-losing my hard drive contents. It's happened before. Lots of maps lost. Not pretty.
-Unexpected compiling erros when a map is almost done. Same thing with possible corruption of CAD files.
In other words, I'm afraid of losing my hard work.
-Being buried alive.

But the only thing to fear is fear itself...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-17 15:00:18 UTC
in Compile log freeze and LONG compile. Post #158289
Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (218412 bytes)
One of your textures is too big. The HL engine should not use high-res textures (640x480, 800x800 and the likes)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Messed up brushes.
Error: Exceeded MAX_PATCHES
Too many surfaces for RAD to light. Try using higher texture scale values to reduce faces.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-16 18:33:20 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #158190
I dont exactly know what you are referring to, but It must a non-wanted effect indeed :D
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-15 10:35:58 UTC
in new Source SDK ownage Post #158008
Hammer4 has shown reflections (or an indication of reflection) since the first day it came out. I remember well because my first source attempt was a stone room with a water brush, and it had a bumpmapped textured with a reflection of a sunset sky or something like that.
By the way, are all the Hammer issues fixed? I'm still working with the beta but I want to continue my other map (which has NPCs)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 21:53:14 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #157981
The layout is finally complete, and the only thing left to do is some more furniture and adjustments in the lightmap scales.

As you can see in the part with the stream, this screenshot was taken with a VIS-less compile. Still, the framerate in that exact spot is 19-20 fps, which is nice If you think that players dont need to see the whole map from that angle.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 20:13:27 UTC
in 16 hour compile time? Post #157969
Texture them with a higher scale. Wpolys are not a measurement of brushes. A wpoly is 32x32 texels. If you change the scale of a texture from 1.00 to 2.00, the number of texels is 4 times less.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 19:43:57 UTC
in 16 hour compile time? Post #157967
You dont use hint brushes for detailed rooms, you use them to decide what can be seen and what cant be seen from a certain leaf in the map. Once you are in that leaf, the engine renders everything in it and the ones right next to it.
Imagine we have 3 rooms. From room1 you can see room2, and you dont see room3 (but the engine does)
A hint brush would make the engine see only room2 from room1, and room3 only visible from room2.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 19:12:04 UTC
in 16 hour compile time? Post #157961
Just one question. How many times have you compiled this map before?
The screenshot is small, but enough to see that the map belongs to the type of maps you should not do with the HL engine.
One big open space, multiple brushes.
This map would need hint brushes, or at least move the top sky brush until it touches the tallest building...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 18:45:33 UTC
in 16 hour compile time? Post #157952
The prefabs are probably creating nasty portal leafs, and VIS might be getting stuck. You should stop the compile. HL maps dont take that long unless there's a problem. Post some images of the layout or the complicated parts of the map so we can help you further.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 18:32:52 UTC
in No CS textures? Post #157949
He means including them in the list of WADs used by Hammer, not including them in the bsp.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 10:30:05 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #157897
I guess so... but the map is not finished, right? I also have some displacement surfaces to fix. That's one of the problems of performance. DSurfaces with less triangles can often look wrong if you are not careful.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 10:00:57 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #157891
Thanks ryo!

Yesterday I had to fight a "Cluster saw into cluster" error and I still havent solved it fully. Now I'm getting only two lines with that sentence in the compile log, which is better than the 10 lines I had at one point. Turning things into func_detail seems to solve the problem.
Today I saw the screenshot of the upcoming CS_militia, and I think those trees would look great in my map!
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-13 22:58:40 UTC
in Hammer 3D window problem Post #157846
Thankyou, problem solved.
But now I have to get rid of a "WARNING: Cluster portals saw into cluster" error...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-13 22:17:17 UTC
in Hammer 3D window problem Post #157835
I dont know if I have clicked or pressed a special shortcut key, but my 3d view in Hammer shows every object (brushes, props) with a red bounding box. I have closed Hammer but it showed up when I loaded the map again. Any ideas?

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-13 20:32:33 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #157818
Thats a good background story, hehe. I dont know if would have to make a low polygon version, or maybe reduce the surrounding areas.
There are also some parts of the house which are not very easy to navigate (narrow halls, steep stairs) so I dont know how it could turn out with hostages etc.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-13 18:35:04 UTC
in How long will HL1 last? Post #157782
CS 1.6 is a free internet download. Since CS:source only offers better graphics with the same gameplay style, I'm not surprised many people won't invest their money in the game.
CS 1.6 also happens to run fine in a much wider range of computers. Some people might own CS:source but dont have the hardware needed for a good fps rate. Other people might still play CS 1.6 because their friends dont have the Source version... As you see, there are many reasons to this.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-13 16:41:45 UTC
in How long will HL1 last? Post #157765
HL1 engine is considerably simpler than the HL2 engine. People will mod and map for this because it is simpler, less time consuming
Specially HL1's methods of terrain creation... and let's not forget the amazing portal leafs that HL1 creates in the VIS process. Now that's simpler!
I'm joking. Everything you could do with HL1, you can do in Source, with better compile times (func_detail anyone?) easy control of lightmap resolution (in the faces you specify) and other features. HL2 might look more time consuming, but try to do a City 17 map in HL1. Now THAT would be time consuming :D
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-13 15:46:32 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #157747
The current min FPS rate of the map is 20 fps from the corners of the map, looking at the whole thing. It improved when I deleted the provisional skybox, but it might drop a bit after the Guest Wing and real skybox are finished.
All of what I'm saying is with a P-IV 2 Ghz, 512 DDRAM, Geforce4 Ti 4200 (128 MB), so I expect it will run very decently in most computers :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-13 10:44:25 UTC
in How long will HL1 last? Post #157714
And maybe 7 years from now, people will still be mapping for Source (if it is upgraded once in a while, of course)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-12 22:59:58 UTC
in Reflective/Shiny textures? Post #157653
There are certain textures with reflective properties, and you must use them with an env_cubemap entity in order to get the real reflection (instead of textures reflecting only the sky)
Type buildcubemaps in the console in order to generate the reflections while in game.
As for which textures are shiny, I dont know if there's a way of telling beforehand. Most of the combine textures of HL2 are shiny, for example.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-12 22:36:24 UTC
in What am I working on? Post #157650
If you are still deciding what engine to make this in, remember that you can turn brushes into func_details with Source, saving a huge amount of compile time (think about all the VIS portal leafs that are created with strange-shaped brushes!!)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-12 15:07:31 UTC
in Professional architect mappers Post #157613
Teaser screenshots that show my efforts are directed to both the outside and inside of the house. Estimated time to map completion is unknown. If people ask me to do so, I might make a CS:source hostage rescue version of the map, and maybe a snowy winter version :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-12 13:19:31 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #157602
An airport, a bus station, a train station...
From wikipedia
A transportation hub is where traffic is exchanged across several modes of transport.
Although you could have used only one mode of transport.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-12 01:29:43 UTC
in anime Post #157564
How much hentai is there in Wolf's Rain? or Saint Seiya or Captain Tsubasa?
Of couse, after meeting that hentai obsessed kid you talk about, no wonder you think that way!
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-12 01:21:02 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #157563
I think the competition rules were a bit misinterpreted. There are infinite maps that would respect the rules and still be easier to make and less time-consuming than the HL2DM map from base (I know what I'm talking about hehe).
I might actually make a combine transport hub this summer! :cyclops:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-11 20:25:57 UTC
in What am I working on? Post #157542
Right now I am pondering which engine to go with. Im much more familiar and skilled with HL1
Everything you can do with HL1 (except using WAD files) you can do with Source. But you can't do with HL1 several things you can in Source.