Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 18:26:33 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155219
I'd like to see one of my custom maps in the hldm server, the problem is I wouldnt know which one to choose. Any ideas? We could even try some of my teamplay maps (seth, sacrifice, matrix, ritual) and see if they are actually fun for a change...
Suggestions anyone?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-28 11:22:13 UTC
in Who the f**k are you? Post #154979
Full Name : JM Ameyugo
Age: 21
Hometown : Madrid
Born in: San Fernando
Self Classification: npc_mapper

Education: I'm in 3rd year of architecture school.

Favourite Films: too many. For example "First Contact", "The Empire Strikes Back", "Nausic? and the Valley of the Wind" etc.

Favourite Actor: Harrison Ford (as Captain Solo)

Favourite Actress: Many. Rachel Weisz, for example. (oops, I havent dedicated any of my maps to her yet!!!)

Favourite Games to Date: Half-Life 2, Final Fantasy VIII, Sonic & Knuckles etc

Game your looking forward too: Half-life2: Aftermath (I hope it'll be a short wait)

Favourite Bands: No band in particular. My favourite film composers are John Williams, Danny Elfman, Nobuo Uematsu etc.

Hobbies: drawing, mapping, gaming, playing the guitar, table-tennis, roller- hockey etc.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend Yes/No?: No. Too busy for that atm. :(

Past Girlfriends/Boyfriends: 0

Things that make you smile: nice map vault comments, Spain's football/soccer team scoring, a humor show in tv (parodies and imitations)

Things that make you really laugh out loud: Austin Powers and Dr. Evil

Things that annoy you: Lag, rain, the huge distance between my house and university...

Things that well and truely piss you off: people talking louder than they should, people in uni getting better grades than me even if their projects are worse, Spain's government dedicating too much money to the study of regional languages that are useless.

Photo (optional):
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-27 09:27:06 UTC
in Religion Post #154759
-Although it sounds strange, there are religious people who are scientists, doctors, etc. The religion vs. science thing is pointless, because their purpose is not to contradict each other, they speak of different things. The whole Adam and Eve stuff (and most of the old testament for that matter) is made out of metaphores to explain things. A concept similar to fables.
-Like Tosse said, the science we believe now might turn out to be wrong next century, the way Newton's laws were considered wrong by Einstein's relativity theories. In that sense, there some are religious moral teachings from 2000 years ago that are still valid, but scientific things from the Middle Ages (like doctors making people bleed all their blood to cure an illness) were completely wrong and others became obsolete.
-The point is, if you care about religion, concentrate on the part of it that relates to human nature and is common to every other religion. If something's right about it, it probably doesnt belong to only 1 of 7 religions.

btw, has anyone ever heard a priest threatening with eternal fire and damnation? those things usually happen in movies. And religion in movies is portrayed depending on the people in charge. So never base your judgement in that sort of thing... :S
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-27 06:54:15 UTC
in Hammer running error Post #154731
Does anyone know how many people work at vALVE?
If they had me in their team, there would probably be a monthly custom map release, "HL2:Aftermath" would be finished by now and "HL2:Lost Coast" would have been more than 15 minutes long.
My Hammer beta works exactly like it did the other time. Some random models are screwed up, and placing them in the map causes Hammer to crash. If I try to open a map that has one of those models, Hammer also crashes. Luckily, you can actually see which models are corrupted thanks to the new model browser (the only nice thing in the beta)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 21:28:52 UTC
in Religion Post #154685
With all the churches there are throughout everywhere, if the governments of the world diddnt have to pay we could cure world hunger
Some religious orders actually do help the poor. They just dont brag about it the way some media stars and other famous people do.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 21:17:36 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154683
are you talking about CS (1.5-6) maps or HLDM ones ?
I made that map at the time of CS 1.3 or 1.4
I think people downloaded it alot (and sometimes played it) because it has a Star Trek theme. Just the way a de_james_bond map would be downloaded even if it was crap (sames goes for the dozens of "mansion", "assault" and "iceworld" variations).
HLDM maps dont have to be closed quakish arenas, but it is the usual thing to do and its what players usually expect from a map. To be honest, I'm sure that Hammer gives us a huge freedom to set those game mechanics you talk about. There are millions of things you can do, and the Source engine widens the possibilities with its physics and trigger system.
As for total and radical changes in gameplay, I think that some coding is needed. I am a level designer, and I enjoy mapping too much to start a new coding adventure. I am also very comfortable with the interface and a bit lazy to learn a new editor that would probably do the same.
Do you know any game editors that are extremly original? I dont...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 17:27:19 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154641
Ok, I'll be more specific. I've seen my map in more than a dozen server map lists in the internet. It's (or was) hosted in many sites, and I only uploaded it to csbanana (called cscentral back in those days). So I do consider it played. But then again, that is not the usual thing...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 13:58:23 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154614
I once joined a CS server that was running my map cs_1701e, so yes, it is possible.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 07:39:09 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154561
Back to the point. I think the objective of level designers is to create new game arenas that are fun to play. You can either innovate and make an original setting, or map something that has been done before, but improving it. I think this "level editor" allows you to do none of those 2 things, so...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 06:58:58 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154554
@ Elon: Engrish
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-25 19:06:15 UTC
in How thick a wall mut be to shoot through Post #154494
He hasnt specified if he wants the bullets to go through the wall or the exact opposite...
Thickness and the type of weapon are responsible for that. You should place an npc (or CS hostage) at the other side of the wall and try different wall widths to see what happens.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-25 15:53:54 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154475
most Source users not use anything else ...
Personally, I think the time it would take me to learn a new editor would be better invested in working on my current maps.
HL games are usually more popular than other games, so a mapper has more guarantees that the map will be downloaded, commented on and even played. The contrary could also be true. If there are less maps for a certain game, your's would be more known.
Anyway, let's just say that if you learned to write with your right hand (Hammer), for example, it would be more logical to keep practising than trying to learn to write with your left foot (UnrealEd).
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-23 21:46:00 UTC
in Hammer running error Post #154229
For the moment, I'm using the beta sdk. I can't open some older maps because of the corrupt models, but I can still work on another one I started yesterday.
Remember, just add " -beta sdk" in the Steam shortcut properties.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-23 20:15:20 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #154217
An experiment made with hexagonal shapes in the floorplan. It might become a map some day.

Kaufmann house by Frank Lloyd Wright. It's a very famous building also known as "fallingwater"
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-23 10:36:02 UTC
in Hammer running error Post #154092
My hammer crashes. I thought they had solved the error (which they had created)
The lesson: If something works, and a lot of people use it, dont touch it. Upgrades should be an option.
Someone at vALVE needs a beating.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-20 20:08:44 UTC
in poll Post #153601
I have HL2. I haven't really played many single player HL mods, but my favourite would have been "Kasperg Evolution" if I had actually finished it...
The most enjoyable multiplayer mod was DoD 1.3 beta Some of the maps were crap, but it was fun like no other. Then they updated it and added "realism" while aiming weapons. It killed DoD for me.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-20 20:05:57 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #153600
I could sort of say the same thing. I probably wouldnt be in architecture school is it wasnt for mapping.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-20 01:25:49 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_venetia (WIP) Post #153340
It is indeed nice. btw, why did you shoot at the lampost? (those are bullet decals, right) ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 18:40:11 UTC
in Mini Compo: A to B Post #153289
I've never said anything about 20th december. What I said is that my holiday break doesnt start til the 23rd. I have worked on the base map though...
Anyway, the little logo is not really that important, but It's the only reason why I would make a map in which the idea is not mine. I'd rather work on my projects than making something else, but that's just my view of things :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-19 16:45:11 UTC
in Mini Compo: A to B Post #153223
Nice, but I wouldn't participate if there isn't going to be any official award :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 21:56:17 UTC
in Where are all the HL Mappers? Post #152942
Single player mapping usually requires more level detail, ambience and to master a lot of entities, such as scripts and npc actions. It is much more time consuming. And like rowleybob says, it will probably be played once or twice by the same person.
Multiplayer mapping allows you to share your work with other people. Nothing beats the feeling of playing other people in one of your maps. The thrills and chills of HL have to be looked for in new games.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 16:04:03 UTC
in Battlefield 2 Post #152859
Ti 4200 is old, not trash. Huge difference. There's no single game that the card can't run decently, except FEAR and Battlefield 2, it seems. Meaning that the problems are probably in those games. My intel740 was crap, and my geforce2 cant do pixel shading and things like that. But Ti 4200 is 4 years old and capable of most effects. It doesnt take a genious to understand it's a good piece of hardware, specially if we remember it was the least powerful of the gf4 Ti series.
I'll make a thread sometime next year requesting advice on upgrades, although I somehow doubt people's judgement regarding money investment. Something like "Waste 300 ? on a 20% framerate gain on a 60hz screen..." :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 13:30:14 UTC
in Battlefield 2 Post #152826
I might get a new card this summer, although I havent decided which one. I also need a list of what features the new cards have that mine doesnt. Except the already mentioned HDR, modern games allow us to enable ALL of the effects and high settings with Ti 4200. And that's where the problem is:
Should I get a new card just so I can do exactly the same things but maybe with Anti-aliasing and a better framerate (there really isnt much room for improvement)? Or would a new CPU be a better choice?
Another important thing to know is that my screen only supports 1024x768, so higher resolutions are out of the question...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 12:34:01 UTC
in Battlefield 2 Post #152821
Hey, geforce4 ti 4200 is my card and it's not what I would call crap.
It runs HL2, Call of Duty 2, Doom3 and Quake 4 just fine. Ok, I cant use full anti-aliasing and F.E.A.R is sometimes slow, but that's because the game is optimized like crap.
The only thing my card is missing is HDR lighting. But for a 4 year old (I think) video card it already does more than it should. Shaders, bump mapping, etc.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 10:43:30 UTC
in Where are all the HL Mappers? Post #152808
Working on the compo map so far but damn I don't think i'll finish it in time
Submit it unfinished and you might win if not many people participate, it's happened before.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 10:15:26 UTC
in The Trenches : Cavern Post #152799
The last screenshot is nice, and I think It would benefit from having the light_enviroment coming from another angle. To do this, you either have to rotate the whole map or adjust the sky tga files so the sun is in the right place (first option is easier).
A comment on the cave map: slanted roofs are slanted because of rain. It doesnt rain a lot inside a cave, so having that kind of roof there is a bit ridiculous (although nice looking)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 06:48:36 UTC
in Where are all the HL Mappers? Post #152757
It is true that most CS maps will never be looked at. But maybe the people who make them actually play them with bots or something... We just can't decide what other people map...
By the way, you havent submitted any maps in almost a month ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-15 22:23:27 UTC
in Crazy clip brush Post #152530
Do the sloping walls touch the bottom surface? You could try making one part of the walls vertical and the other one with a slope, with just the right measure for the player to use them.
sloped part
............................................   water ?
 |      vertical
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-14 21:18:40 UTC
in Map ideas... Post #152327
Hey guys.

Im a decent mapper
my only problem is, i can never just come up with a good idea for a map
Comparing with filming, let's just say you are a good camera operator but not a great director.
Thank god that's your only problem, because that's the most difficult part in mapping (besides having time, waiting for compiles etc). The first step towards becoming a good mapper is forgetting that you are going to make "a map". This isnt just about brush making. It's about level design. There's a purpose behind it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-12 21:41:03 UTC
in Measurement in Mapping Post #151968
Yep. Since textures are made with power of 2 numbers (32, 64, 128 etc), it's a good idea to make brushes with those sizes to avoid having to retexture things or using the FIT tool.
If you are making a brush with a railing texture, 31 units is not the same as 32
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-12 03:45:48 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_venetia (WIP) Post #151852
Very nice looking map!! Any special ideas regarding the skybox? I remember Venice was surrounded by small islands, and each of them had either a church or a campanile. Judging by the sky texture, it might be too foggy to see far away, but maybe one or two of these islands could show up.
I'm saying this because I recently played through the Venice level of Painkiller, and the whole thing felt isolated from the rest of the world, when this place is actually very busy with ships etc.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 21:34:26 UTC
in Ragdolls don't clip with doors..... Post #151828
It's a func_wall but you can make it appear and disappear by triggering it. When it is visible it is also solid. I've never used them before either, but that's what I know :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 21:33:07 UTC
in Where a noob can go to learn CS mapping Post #151827
If by Worldcraft you mean Hammer, then check out the ones in the left tab, the Reference section.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 21:31:42 UTC
in Ragdolls don't clip with doors..... Post #151824
What about a func_wall_toggle ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 21:25:33 UTC
in Ragdolls don't clip with doors..... Post #151820
Does the player have to walk through the door?
Although I havent worked much with NPCs in either game, I'm sure there must be a way to create a monsterclip brush. Place it where the door is, and it'll probably make the model bounce back. Maybe a func_vphysclip (or whatever the name was) could work too.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 19:38:25 UTC
in Citizens Arrest Post #151803
What do you mean your comp can't handle the graphics? Does it actually prevent you from turning the texture quality to 'high' ?
It doesnt matter if you have horrible framerates. You only need to capture one frame after all.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 17:46:26 UTC
in Citizens Arrest Post #151758
It's not a jpg problem, the textures ingame are set to low quality. That's why it looks bad. Also, the screenshots appear to have been taken on 640x480 ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 16:50:38 UTC
in Citizens Arrest Post #151741
Use better graphic settings for taking screenshots. Even the game runs slow, the comic will look much better.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 13:11:10 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #151687
Since you dont have to worry about framerates doing these comics, I'd say everyone doing hl comics should enable full Anti-aliasing for better looking screenshots. It's just a suggestion.
BTW, does Gman die or is it just a daily beating from the combine?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-08 20:15:06 UTC
in TWHL HL2DM Server - Not a lost cause! Post #151195
And maybe some more maps ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-08 08:35:40 UTC
in contests Post #151050
The competition "Real World Reconstruction" began on October 19th 2004. There were no new competitions (not even HL2) until March 13th 2005. I think people are capable of patience in this site. Specially if there's a reason for it. The HL1 is 'map from base', and that map doesn't come out of thin air ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-07 21:46:48 UTC
in New map Im working on Post #150995
How would model based trees affect r_speeds compared to a simple 4 brush tree?
It depends on how detailed the model is. I had a map (it's not in the vault) that initially had about three nice looking model trees. Epolys were horrible and I decided not to include trees at all.
It's also very important to know how close is the player going to be to the tree. A brush tree with interlaced masked textures is probably a better idea for non-reachable trees, while the model tree would be in the playable area.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-07 16:57:09 UTC
in Funny Avatars. Post #150938
@Muzzleflash: That pic doesnt do her justice. Although I cant say I picked the best one of her in my map Tinnos... :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-07 13:07:30 UTC
in 8x8 = 13x5 Post #150885
To explain it in a simpler way, lets just say that in order to place a triangle after the one that is 5x2 squares, the next triangle would have to keep this proportion (10x4 squares, 20x8 squares etc.) But the red triangle is 8x3 squares. It does not mantain that proportion, so it wouldnt line up with the green one. The drawings are very forced.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-06 12:03:27 UTC
in Game music Post #150643
Painkiller has the far best soundtrack so far! Best game ever too
I'm playing it right now. Soundtrack is not really impressive. I dislike the game's theme (demons and stuff), but I'm playing it for its level design, which is in some places superb. Some locations are really inspiring. (good 3d engine too) But it's just a Serious Sam set in Purgatory instead of Egypt.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-05 17:46:04 UTC
in Source Frustration Post #150559
No idea... But there's no need to decompile anything if you follow some of the suggestions above. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-05 13:50:43 UTC
in 8x8 = 13x5 Post #150534
Actually it's wrong.
The angle of the longer pieces has a tangent of 3/8 (count the squares)
but the tangent of the angle of the other pieces is 2/5.

It means that the angle is 20,55 ? for the longer pieces but the angle for the other ones is 21,80 ?

Meaning that you can't put them together like the picture does. The angle is not the same. The extra space that is left between (if you align them properly) adds up to 1 unit, which is not much but enough to fool you :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-05 10:37:13 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #150523
It might look like the Mezquita of Cordoba but the idea is actually from one of Piranesi's drawings of invented places. Maybe he had the inspiration from there, but his work is usually much more like Roman architecture
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-05 10:01:03 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #150519
The fun part is that there's tons of arches but framerates are excellent. Now THAT cant' be done with the HL1 engine :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-05 09:51:50 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #150517
User posted image
User posted image
That's Source, but I'm already working on the base map for the HL1 compo. "Sacrifice II" might have to wait a bit.