Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-05 09:25:48 UTC
in Source Frustration Post #150515
I'd add a prefix to the textures like I do i Wally.
I'd use a program that would do the coding for me, the way Wally does. Making a normal texture (no bumpmapping, shaders or anything) is incredibly much more tedious today. We need an official editor. We need a -textureinclude command for the compilers. etc
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-05 08:47:47 UTC
in Source Frustration Post #150510
But the easy to use Wally solved that problem. I want an official texture editor. Textures are images, I dont know why I have to use notepad to make them. : I think there's a vtf editor out there, but nowhere near the simplicity of Wally.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 21:44:19 UTC
in High-Definition Content Post #150478
1)Find the file "pak1.pak" in your Blue-Shift CD.
2)Run Wally and open the file.
3)Extract models into the respective models folders (something like steamapps/half-life/valve/models/ ) Remember to create the subfolders that are present in the pak file.

I dont know if there's a faster way, but I did this once and it worked. Good luck!
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 21:07:56 UTC
in Dream Post #150473
It might sound silly, but one of my dreams would be having a real-life map compiler. In other words, I'd like to have the ability to walk around my maps (maybe making paintball tournaments with friends etc) or just chilling out in a Bryce-rendered beach with a glorious sunset. I dont if you've ever seen a rendered image and said: "wow, I wish I was there right now"
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 18:23:44 UTC
in Game music Post #150453
The SS 2 demo had some great music. The game was nothing to write home about though... I kind of wish they made other games with that engine.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 15:32:31 UTC
in Latest Steam Update Buggy Post #150417
The editor was fixed, this error seems unrelated to the updates. Is it a mod you are making or something?
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 14:03:57 UTC
in Game music Post #150402
your fighting a hard boss and some heavy cool rock music puts you in the mood
Painkiller has music changes of that type.

The interesting thing about game music is how differently it is used. Final Fantasy games have music all the time, and Tomb Raider and Half-life use it only in crucial moments. They somehow get it right either way.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 13:35:41 UTC
in Game music Post #150387
I'd like to know how important you think music is in a game. Half-life games dont have a lot of music moments, but the ones they have are usually good.
Other games like F.E.A.R. need ambient music all the time...
My favourite game soundtracks are probably Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and the first Tomb Raider game.
The Final Fantasy games for example, would be crap without their soundtracks...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 11:27:27 UTC
in Quake 4? Post #150377
It still amazes me how a design team is capable of making highly detailed maps and then hide them in the dark. Unreal II > Quake4 (at least the things I saw in the demo)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 08:59:02 UTC
in Quake 4? Post #150364
Yeah, but sometimes it looks like they even used the same models and textures for cables and pipes. That's a bit lazy. I dont know all the games that ID Software and Raven Software have made, but it would be interesting to see if they can do something different than their Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein franchises.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-03 20:15:30 UTC
in Making opposing force map? Post #150319
Make a game configuration that uses the opposing force FGD file, it's as simple as that. You'll have access to the op4 entities. You can also select the opposing force WAD file in the texture options.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-03 15:49:55 UTC
in Quake 4? Post #150295
I found the singleplayer demo to be a cross between Doom3 and Unreal II. Not really original to be honest.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-02 21:38:05 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #150239
you blended 2 screenshots of the new Metal Gear for PS3... ?
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-02 20:39:40 UTC
in Latest Steam Update Buggy Post #150232
Using the beta is not an option for me right now since it had its share of bugs. There's always the option of making world geometry in Hammer 3.5 an importing it to Source SDK when everything is fixed.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-02 19:55:24 UTC
in Latest Steam Update Buggy Post #150219
Automatic updates are nice, but I would prefer to have the option of updating at some other time. Now I cant work on my Source map for no reason at all, since it worked fine yesterday.
vALVE's policy concerning Internet is also a serious error. They dont know that people in some parts of the world dont have internet access everywhere 24 hours a day. I understand I need to be connected to update Steam, but it's pretty stupid to request an internet connection for map-making or playing singleplayer.
I hate paying for something I cant use at times when I should logically be able to.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-02 13:46:04 UTC
in Are Warez Right? Post #150184
Therefore they never lost my business in the first place so noone is out of pocket.
I sometimes think that way. Most of the time, the alternative of getting a pirate version of a game IS NOT buying an original copy. The alternative is just not buying it at all. But chances are people like the game and spend some money in its sequel/s

Speaking for myself, I spend lots of time downloading legal game demos. Most of the games are not worth buying the full version. For example, I just played the Quake4 demo, and I'm glad I didnt risk buying the game.
The people who are really doing something ilegal are the ones that crack games and distribute ISO files.

Average users download them because its easy, and its free: Imagine someone in the street is giving out free water bottles. Ignoring that and spending your money in a shop buying the same water bottle would not be logical.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-01 20:02:06 UTC
in import video files? Post #150102
As a matter of fact, here's the article
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-30 20:51:42 UTC
in Hammer problem: NPCs Post #149990
Well not really. The only programs they taught us at uni were PhotoShop AutoCAD (besides the usual Office software). This year some teachers asked us to make some renders which could not be done in AutoCAD and told us to use 3dsMAX. But before trying to learn how to use it, I found that everything he was asking for could be done in Bryce with very little effort.
People in my uni work with AutoCAD, Photoshop and 3dMAX while I only use Hammer, Bryce and CorelXara.
The logical explanation is that I've been using these last three (in some cases demos) programs for about 5 years and I find it easier and faster. In schoolwork, every good thing you can do in half the normal time becomes twice as good :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-30 20:19:04 UTC
in Hammer problem: NPCs Post #149983
Which is also an advantage I have in the architecture world. Most of my classmates (and teachers too) use AutoCAD and in some cases 3ds Max. I find Hammer to be much faster to build things, with the added bonus that you can actually walk around your creation in real time. It's priceless.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-30 18:08:48 UTC
in Null texture insanity! Post #149964
Null textures are good for unseen faces in func_walls for example. But sometimes it's not worth the effort.
About deathmatch rendering everything, Elon: Why would the game engine draw geometry differently because of one game parameter? Even though the gl_wireframe doesnt work in multiplayer, you can still see the r_speeds are the same. If multiplayer rendered everything at once I would map differently :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-30 12:44:35 UTC
in Null texture insanity! Post #149895
I only use null textures in faces unseen by the player. Since there arent that many in my maps, I rarely use them. As 7th said, some faces are automatically discarded unless you are building the map inside a big skybox. Which noone should.
In source mapping, I use the Nodraw texture much more often. Since I make buildings and 3D skyboxes in source, the amount of unseen faces in brushes not touching the void is much higher.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-29 22:10:44 UTC
in Various Mapping Post #149830
JKII/JKA uses a better engine--Quake III?.
I always thought it wasnt a very good engine to be honest. Not because of Quake3, but because of the horrible loading times and framerate in "Jedi Outcast" or "Medal of Honor:AA". Of course I'm comparing it with the Unreal Engine of that time or the Serious Engine.

What program do you use to map for Jedi Academy? Qradiant or something like that?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-29 21:54:02 UTC
in I defeated the leak! Post #149823
Or use a higher grid size when building the main world geometry.
I actually spent half my mapping life not using the grid. If you check out my oldest maps (voyagerv2, mr_ev2, liceo, kaspergmap, Hoth etc) none of the walls are 128 units high, and most of the scaling is wrong. I had a fair share of leaks in the past. It is said that in order to learn how to get up, one must trip and fall. Same thing applies to mapping.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-29 18:47:09 UTC
in Are Warez Right? Post #149786
The problem goes in circles: software/music is more or less expensive, so piracy and p2p are born. Companies start to lose money, so they have to raise the prices even more. Which means more people will be likely to search for a copy.
Companies have also forgot about their target audience. Even though there are a lot of grown up gamers, some people still cant afford to pay those prices, and their parents are not willing to buy them since they are no longer little kids. A difficult age indeed.
And there's the big question. If it's so easy to copy a CD, how can they have those prices? We would have to analyze real numbers. Like for example How many legal copies of HL2 have been sold and how much money that means. Compare it with how much they spent making the game, etc.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-28 22:51:01 UTC
in life? Post #149691
Thanks BL!

Strangely, I am the same person in real life and my dreams. If there's something I cant do in real life, I usually cant do it in a dream. You could say that my personality is more than hard-wired, which can be good or bad. The thing is I've never had any superpowers in a dream. :(
Speaking of life and death, I know many people who are more distressed with the concept of eternity. Imagining that there is no time limit to your existence, no horizon at which to aim...

This is a little off-topic, but I also like to think about what a "Mapping Paradise" should have:
-A constant 120 fps, no matter how much things you put into the map.
-An instant compiler, meaning that hitting the "Run" button will run the map, automatically... (Ok, I'd tolerate 1 second for bsp, vis and rad, just to eliminate that "Damn it, a LEAK!"-feeling you get with fast compiles)
-A legion of texture-making elves with the ability to read my mind. Any of those elves working at less than 2048x2048 pixels would be executed.
-A legion of model-making elves.
-A constant LAN party with people eaguer to play my newborn maps...

Hell yes, but why can't the elves be "hot women" instead? :P - Ant
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-28 18:22:04 UTC
in All I want for Christmas Post #149650
I dont know what I'll get for Christmas, but I seriously need a plotter for university work.
I might be able to get a few manga comics if my parents buy them in Belgium.

An extra 512 of RAM would be nice too. Now that I think of it, my PC will be 4 years old in June. That means summer will be upgrade time!
I dont if i'll get a new motherboard and CPU or buy the best available parts for the one I have... i
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-28 16:42:43 UTC
in Is TWHL full of nerds? (I doubt it!) Post #149627
but I'm too lazy to learn how to install the scanner
Hey, it cant be that hard.

1)Connect the scanner to an electric source.
2)Connect the scanner to either a USB port or a printer port.
3)Install the CD that came with the scanner. :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-28 11:51:56 UTC
in life? Post #149598
I want to become a mapping god! As a matter of fact, the source map I'm working on is by far my most beautiful creation yet. :o
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-28 10:24:38 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #149591
isn?t it better to make something real good but a little late rather than make something half good on time?
Half-life2 vs. Enter The Matrix :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-28 05:13:33 UTC
in New map Im working on Post #149544
Speaking of stairways. I guess those steps are 16 units tall, which is the max height the player can walk on top of.
While doing some research, I've found out that the common rule in real life is that stairsteps have a max height of about 20 cm. In HL units, that would be 8. Meaning that all our 16 unit steps would actually be about 40 cm tall in real life :confused:
If we are mapping ancient temples and stuff it works ok, but it looks wrong when mapping other buildings.
(Also, the width of the step must be more than its height. Unless this is some kind of accesory staircase)
The other screenshots look more or less correct, but it needs more detail.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-27 14:55:19 UTC
in Hammer problem: NPCs Post #149438
The steps I did were:

1) Close Steam
2)Remove the "-beta sdk" parameter from the shortcut
3)Open Steam
4)Launch Source SDK. A progress bar should appear.
5)Once its done, select "Refresh SDK content" from the SDK menu.
6)Launch Hammer, and problems should be gone.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-27 12:59:37 UTC
in Hammer problem: NPCs Post #149422
Yes, try it. It worked for me.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-27 09:37:41 UTC
in Hammer problem: NPCs Post #149401
I'll give it a try, thanks.
This Hammer beta version does more bad than good... :

Edit: Great! Problem solved :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-27 08:46:28 UTC
in Hammer problem: NPCs Post #149397
I ran the SDK with the " -beta sdk " parameter to see the new features. The only thing I like about it is the model browser.
But everything else is messed up...
If I try to insert an NPC in my map, Hammer automatically crashes when I press "Enter" to create the entity.
This has happened with ncp_breen, ncp_antlionguard and others. Npc_pigeon for example worked fine.
I think it has something to do with this update because it shows models in all 4 Hammer views. While browsing through the model viewer, some models (like Alyx, Breen etc) seem to be corrupted.
Has anyone had a similar problem? I cant revert back to the previous version of the editor, which is a shame.
Any suggestions?

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 19:00:22 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149340
What I meant about "not possible in HL1" is similar to something like:
"That car can't reach certain speed". Of course, you can argue that the car can be tweaked to infinity and maybe it works, but I meant HL1, not a tweaked engine.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 16:56:51 UTC
in life? Post #149317
I know that! (where have I said they are genuine? :|)
Check the "Well just look at that" thread. It's one of those threads where we discussed the issue.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 16:41:04 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149309
From the same map. This has something of Roman architecture about it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 16:25:18 UTC
in life? Post #149305
True, but all of those problems are not related to the purpose of those religions.
Back in the dawn of Christianity, there wasnt anything such as catholicism and protestantism.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 16:01:11 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149302
As far as I know, HL1 doesnt support shaders :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 15:37:42 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149299
Yes, I have played that demo. But that's not the HL1 engine as we know it.
The engine itself (spirit or no spirit) has problems with high polycounts, no matter how good the PC might be.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 15:00:23 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149293
that can be done in HL1
Reflective water? .... nope
Control of shadow resolution? .... nope
Viewable distance of 5000? ..... nope
Bumpmapped stone textures? ..... nope
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 14:37:29 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149285
Oh, its not a ramp. It's a long staircase. I dont want to copy the drawings. But they are a good inspiration source.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 14:17:54 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149279
First try at making a Piranesi-style area. An interesting fact is that it would be impossible to do this with the HL1 engine.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 11:15:15 UTC
in life? Post #149247
@38_98: It's very obvious that terrorist attacks are of POLITICAL nature, not religious. Their goal is political, and so is their message. I havent heard of any Al Qaeda videos in where they speak of "our God is better and we will bomb you Christians!!!" Actually they talk more about the presence of the U.S in their land or how the U.S helps Israel in their fight with Palestinians.

Of couse, if someone in the media is anti-religious, they will obviously try to put the emphasis on that aspect.
Instead of accepting the blame historians and journalist put on religion, think about your personal experience regarding religious people. Some of you have said that they are nice people, etc.
If you guys are so interested in proof and all that, you should start basing your opinions in your everyday personal experience, not on what others say or write.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 23:02:39 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #149179
Besides the library and the base map for the Half-life1 competition, I am planning two maps. One for HL and the other for source.
The half-life map will be a sequel to tp_sacrifice.
The source map will be based on some drawings made by Giovanni Battista Piranesi in the 18th century. As you can see, there's a lot you can do with pictures like that one.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 21:35:19 UTC
in No Shadows? Post #149174
Correct. The command was something like r_shadows 1
The shadows were not dynamic so they were very pointless.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 20:36:38 UTC
in The Al Jazeera Memo Leak Post #149153
survival of the fittest would easily weed out internet geeks and especially mappers
Now THAT felt like a bucket of cold water, seriously... :cry:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 19:08:48 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #149105
@Habboi: Dont worry, it's just a hint. I'm sure that anything you come up with can be of use, since the theme is actually very open.
@Elon: no problem.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 18:09:48 UTC
in life? Post #149079
I for one dont know if there's anything after life, but I do know that none of you know either :)
Unless there are some twhl zombies online. Doubt it...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 18:04:57 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #149077
Oh wait, its the Source compo, well, if you ask me, it should be 'Compo 1' because its for source, not hl1
It would be the second Source competition.
I wouldnt see the purpose of making another page for the Source competitions. It seems logical that they be inserted into the same list. After all, it's all about Hammer, brushes and entities.

EDIT: About the competition name, I was inspired by an intergallactic tunnel in "Star Trek VOYAGER" that was named Transwarp Hub. Borg ships used it to connect with places around the galaxy at trans-warp speed. (yes, that's more than lightspeed, hyperspace travel, warpdrive etc)