Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-01-23 15:54:16 UTC
in Fear 2 Demo is out Post #261897
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-22 01:38:54 UTC
in Diablo II Post #261826
Tried it once with some friends.
I hated it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-17 16:29:13 UTC
in Speed Test Post #261678
Here's mine.
User posted image

Unnecessarily slow.
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-16 15:56:23 UTC
in Nostalgia Post #261604
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 20:19:02 UTC
in Windows 7 Beta Post #261486
Windows 8, starring Sylvester Stallone.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 00:51:43 UTC
in Top Maps Cleanup Post #261451
just quickly add something that after 90 days from the last login date and you have no maps in the vault what so ever, it removes the account. all you really need to do is run this once to clean things up.

that'll remove all of those FreeViagra spam accounts
Or if the user has no posts. Spam accounts don't seem to post at all, here.
Never mind.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 00:29:17 UTC
in Desktop of January Post #261450
Linux updates in "real time" by calling information on demand instead of caching, like Windows, which requires things like system restarts. In some ways, its less prone to crashes and such because of this. m0p could probably explain it better than me, though.
It also doesn't have as many security issues, but that's just because so few people use it.
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 15:26:35 UTC
in Top Maps Cleanup Post #261401
I'm only judging from the screenshot, so I could be totally wrong, but this one looks questionable:
Edit: Looks like you've played it, Daub. You would know whether it goes in the list or not.

That one stays. Two reviews, even a overly generous rating from me :lol: Thanks - Daub
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-09 15:24:07 UTC
in strange sv_airaccelerate problem Post #261319
You can always surf, but there's a certain array of angles that it works with.
Air acceleration can makes it easier to stay on slanted edges for surfing too, but it doesn't change the "terminal angle" at which you can't surf anymore.
For some reason 70 degrees pops in my head, but I couldn't find a precise angle by a quick google. You might have to experiment.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-09 15:04:23 UTC
in New Year Resolutions Post #261318
As long as you're not drinking with your asshole.
Har har.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-08 23:14:37 UTC
in strange sv_airaccelerate problem Post #261303
Higher airaccelerate values only change how quickly you can change direction in mid air. It only affects your speed if its a negative value.
This is why most surf or climb map server have high air acceleration.
Edit: I didn't read your second post.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-08 17:56:30 UTC
in how to create a custom map .txt file Post #261294
You'll also want to make a .res file for other players who might download your map through a server so that they download the map description.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-01 04:03:37 UTC
in New Year Hour Post #260911
Happy new year and what not.
Seriously, what's the point of celebrating a new year, anyway? What's there to celebrate?
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-31 16:15:44 UTC
in New Year Hour Post #260872
Mine's at midnight.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-25 03:23:39 UTC
in Ram in CSS Post #260578
Minerva had one, I believe.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-24 21:28:16 UTC
in Omg! Sven Co-op 4.0B + They Hunger Co-op Post #260570
First impressions as far as weapons go: Nice looking weapons, but some could look a lot better, and I'm happy with the 4 new guns. Animations are really twitchy though. The gun sounds are abysmal, though. Definitely going to jump on replacing those.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-24 21:21:57 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260569
A revolution would happen many, many years after an established corrupt government. A lot could happen to arm the citizens with the help of outside sources in that time.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-24 21:18:49 UTC
in Omg! Sven Co-op 4.0B + They Hunger Co-op Post #260566
Just downloaded it before checking up here.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-24 03:08:21 UTC
in Smart Asians Post #260518
Sounds great. See if you can get him to start next Tuesday.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-22 23:13:24 UTC
in Smart Asians Post #260450
as well as a whole heap of 'state cultures', as opposed to the broader 'country cultures' that everyone knows of.
This is worth noting, for those who don't know it. It's very, very true. Most states have their own cultures, and they are really more different than you might think., especially when it comes to the northern vs southern states(which are really the northeast and southeast).

No comment on the grade changes; I haven't seen anything like changing F to E. Though I know that North Carolina is on a 7-point grade scale for as long as I can remember, and when I lived in California through middle school, they were on a 10-point scale.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-20 20:05:51 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260369
User posted image
Anyway, I don't see who's blaming tools here. This is a battle of morals.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-20 18:49:14 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260360
If he's willing to break into my house and take my stuff, then he obviously cares more about my stuff than his well-being, so why shouldn't I?
Also, a shot to the foot won't kill. Period. Even with a high calibur, there aren't enough large arteries/veins that run through the foot to cause any mortal damage.
I'm all about circumstantial morals, but there's never any practical reason to break into someone's house and steal. There's always a better alternative if you are that desperate. They deserve it for being so stupid.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-20 18:19:11 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260358
If the guy who broke into your house was armed, you could easily plea self defense.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-20 17:24:22 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260352
Say someone breaks into your house and you get your gun. All he would have to do is to run away. It's not like you can shoot him. Your gun wouldn't help at all.
The quickest way to find out if someone has a gun is to threaten them. And more than likely, if someone breaks into your house, they will have some kind of weapon. The only exception is if you can catch the my him off guard, EG: behind them.
Also, I don't know where you get off saying "it's not like you can shoot him". You would have to be an idiot not to shoot him, and let him get away.
Again, it's just stupid to think that the criminal has no weapon. If they pull a gun, not have but pull a gun, on you, you can kill them under self defense. Alternatively, if they are only armed with a knife, or the unlikely event of being unarmed, you can, and probably should, shoot them in one foot so you can safely reach a phone. Criminals aren't protected by that sort of thing-- you would not be charged with assault in this case.
Potatis, you need to stop thinking in this little bubble. Almost everyone and their dog owns a gun in America, and 99% of the population thinks nothing of it. Its part of the culture.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-20 17:07:04 UTC
in Post your Ringtones Post #260349
Speaking of MGS, the MGS alert sound makes a great text message notifier.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-20 00:45:26 UTC
in Post your Ringtones Post #260323
Mine's the NEDM song. I don't know what the song name is.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-19 06:36:18 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260264
"Locks were made to keep honest people out" :)
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-19 03:17:44 UTC
in You have to be crazy to put this on..... Post #260255
I saw this, and had a good laugh.
I hope you guys aren't taking this seriously. It's just a marketing thing.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-17 00:52:56 UTC
in Freaky? Post #260123
Most parents aren't to fluent in this area.
God I hope not anymore. Our own generation is coming up to "parenthood age" in a few years.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-17 00:08:07 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260119
Yeah, the article is bullshit. But hey, the story's still worth noting.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 23:07:37 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260117
Why does everyone either think Halo is the best game ever or absolute shit? It's a mediocre game.
Halo has the worst fanboys, and people's hate for the fanboys tranfers over to the game. There's an association between "halo" and "screeching fucktard".
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 21:05:56 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260105
People just seem to be so damned spoilt, sensitive or stuck-up at this age that they do all kinds of crazy shit.
Angst is a funny thing.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 20:04:11 UTC
in Kid kills parents over Halo 3 Post #260094
So if you thought school shootings were bad, I think this will do you one better:
Mark Petric testified that his son came up behind him as he sat on the couch and said, "Would you guys close your eyes? I have a surprise for you."
How sick is that?
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 18:15:25 UTC
in MOD Poll... Post #260085
Honestly, if you have 3 different possible stories that are that different, you should probaly do some more planning to see how far each would go before asking us which one we would like to see.

These look like three spur-of-the-moment plots.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 18:12:24 UTC
in Christmas Present Post #260081
So could I. Too bad us lithuanians use glass marbles and pieces of plastic as currency.
You're still running with this?

Anyway, it'd be great if everyone chipped in a few hundred bucks so I could get a nice sand grinder.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-16 01:24:21 UTC
in New name Post #260033
Moon pies turn my mouth into sand. I need a gallon of water just to down a single pie.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-14 22:10:47 UTC
in Desktops of Decembre Post #259983
User posted image
Bored change
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-14 04:18:25 UTC
in New name Post #259936
Probably should have posted this in your journal, but wutev D:
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-13 00:43:49 UTC
in Long time, no see Post #259864
Look at Luke and Goat's profile and see that Luke has been around for ~300 more days.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 19:20:15 UTC
in Long time, no see Post #259836
Helping himself to some punch. You should join him.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 19:18:29 UTC
in Christmas, Ho Ho Ho Post #259835
Nobody can truly prove the existence of anything outside of assuring their own self that they exist.
If you think that it's possible to prove that God doesn't exist, but impossible to prove that I exist, then you don't deserve to have your question answered because you clearly don't understand what you are asking.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 19:02:05 UTC
in Christmas, Ho Ho Ho Post #259833
Proove me god doesn't exist. Show me how the matter was created before the big bang.
I don't want this thread to be full of flame spame
...makes this such a joke. We've been down this road so many times before, and nobody ever has a good answer, because the damn question can't be asnwered. And you know this.
But if you are seriously expecting some real answers, all you're going to get is sensless skepticism and scientific theories.

Prove to me that I'm not God. Prove to me that you even exist.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 18:36:14 UTC
in Long time, no see Post #259829
Welcome back, and help yourself to some punch.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 18:33:07 UTC
in Christmas, Ho Ho Ho Post #259828
Do I believe in Christmas? Well Christmas is a celebration of the birth of jesus of Nazareth, who would be hailed as the son of God. I don't doubt for a second that Jesus was a real person, its been recorded in a lot more than the Christian Bible that there was a real Jesus, but not that he was the son of God. I believe that some assassins ("3 kings", though they were never numbered, and only recognized as 3 because of the number of gifts) were ordered to find and kill Jesus when he was born, and refused to when they got there. I don't believe they were visited by angels on their way.
I believe it as a historical event, not in the religious context.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-12 14:47:08 UTC
in Google Chrome Post #259810
FF fanboy, go sit in your corner.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-10 18:18:22 UTC
in Interesting Facts Post #259747
Happy to say you're wrong.
Happy to say rooster's can't lay eggs.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-10 17:58:54 UTC
in New Terminator Salvation movie trailer! Post #259741
Um, you did watch the trailer, right?
I did.
Then I was all like "God, not another Terminator movie".
Sorry, man, just not my cup of tea.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-10 17:57:04 UTC
in Interesting Facts Post #259740
Do you know that Galaxy Andromeda is heading towards our galaxy at the speed of aprox 400,000 km/h?(or second I don't remember,correct me if I'm wrong and you know about this:D).
In a couple of million years the 2 galaxies will collide, resulting into one or 2 black holes. Our faith(destiny or whatever, shitty english) ?
2 possibilities : 1. We are sucked in one of the black holes. Bye-bye earth.
2. The Solar System is catapulted out of the galaxy. We may survive or even get attracted by another galaxy !
That's absolutely preposterous. Rooster's can't lay eggs.

The supercomputer in 2012 is misleading. They said it will be more capable than the human brain, but really, it will just have more processing power. Computers can never be as capable as the brain because the brain doesn't operate under binary logic-- while the computer has to take into account every possibility, the brain can just ignore what isn't relevant. Better for math, worse for creative thinking.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-10 17:36:41 UTC
in New Terminator Salvation movie trailer! Post #259737
Journals are for personal crap. Its a general discussion forum, we should be discussing general things.

On topic: God, not another Terminator movie.
Posted 15 years ago2008-12-09 20:49:40 UTC
in Smart Asians Post #259688
The Japanese school year is year-long, with 3 semesters and a radically different break schedule from the US. They also get a month off for summer, which is in the middle of the school year.