Haha, i laughed out loud hehe.
Daubstar: Maybe i didnt explain the story that mutch, because i didnt want spoilers but ok here they are:
You have been captured by a group of russians who think your a spy. They knock you out and the next thing you know is your on a ship on your way to russia, tied up in a chair guarded. Fortunately, oh wait, zombies arent fortunate, well anyway: A mad scientist on the ship was experimenting on human mutation, and he infected some of his subjects with a desease thats said to give you super human strenght. unluckely the test subject's escaped and infectev the whole ship. the guards that guarded you runned away for a moment to check out something, while you escape.
It would be cool if i'd know how to make a movie like that. but i can't.
Blitz: well i could make that kind of a movie, and u start at the chair where u untied urself. But i need tuts on making scripts that serious.
P.S. I'll add the chair room and more stuff when i wake up tomorow