Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-23 07:36:20 UTC
in Modeling question Post #251779
If you select the individual faces that you want to have textures instead of the entire object, you can assign different textures to different surfaces of the same model.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 22:53:09 UTC
in I WAS ALMOST DONE!! Compile log error Post #251770
Yeah, what he said.

If you're getting 14-hour-long compile times, there's an issue with the map, not the compile tools.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 20:38:59 UTC
in I WAS ALMOST DONE!! Compile log error Post #251761
Are Zoner's HL Tools supposed to be used in Source? I thought they were for GoldSource use only.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 02:18:00 UTC
in Mirrors? Post #251730
There's a trick you can use where you make a water texture with no animation and put it underneath a transparent texture:

Clever stuff :crowbar:
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 10:42:01 UTC
in (Speculate) Whats aboard the Borealis? Post #251629
It's going to be so great to play through Episode 3 when it's released and then read through threads like these. :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 13:18:42 UTC
in Post Your Skins/Models! Post #250749
Oh goodie!

Here's my first weapon model, a Colt 1911:
User posted image
User posted image
Here's an M16A4 inspired by Insurgency:
User posted image
User posted image
Here's a Glock 17 just cos I felt like making one:
User posted image
User posted image
And here's a Desert Eagle I'm in the process of modeling:
User posted image
None are skinned, and a few are UV mapped. If anyone wants to take a wing at skinning them, let me know because I'm sure it could be a lot better than anything I could put out. :plastered:
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-18 14:02:09 UTC
in Xsi animation help Post #250129
The null I was talking about is the bit that the bone itself rotates around (while the effector is what is causing the bone to rotate). If you just click once with the bone tool, all you'll make is a null; no bone, and no effector. You can rig the model to that null and use it to animate things if you don't need complex bone chains to do whatever animation you're making.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-11 14:04:47 UTC
in Xsi animation help Post #249848
Just to avoid any future confusion, for animations to work in Source, the meshes must be enveloped to bones. You can't key the meshes themselves and have the animations come out properly in-game. To do the same thing with a bone, just create a single root null with no effectors and envelope the entire mesh to it. Then all you need to do is move the null around as you would the mesh and key it at the right points and you'll have an animation that will function correctly in Source.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-08 15:14:55 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248584
Have you tried checking the "Efficient" box in the flags' properties? It'll ignore the player with that on.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-03 15:44:22 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248415
That's... pretty much what he said. :cyclops:
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-31 22:08:13 UTC
in Model poly on TF2 Post #248307
Yeah... you've got nothing to worry about right now. There's no concrete 'limit' of polygons you can use; that sort of thing needs to be play-tested on a bunch of systems to see what the engine can handle. Focus on making it look good first, then cut it back to a reasonable performance level. I don't think you'll reach the 'bad' performance level any time soon, in any case.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-30 15:18:26 UTC
in Earth Hour 2008 Post #248225
Still, it can be worth the effort. I had a friend say hybrid cars were stupid because they still consumed gas, which is like saying brushing your teeth is bad because they always get dirty again. At the very least, they buy us time.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-24 16:10:03 UTC
in Desktops of late March Post #247960
Pfft, there's nothing wrong with WMP. I rarely listen to music anyway. :plastered:
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-24 11:11:27 UTC
in Map maybe too big? Post #247946
And while you're at it,
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 5550 and 5552:
(-520.715 -509.179 257.000)
(-520.658 -509.497 241.041)
(-520.658 -509.501 241.000)
(-519.226 -517.501 241.000)
(-519.302 -517.076 257.000)
fix that too.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-23 14:38:39 UTC
in Desktops of late March Post #247919
User posted image
I can't wait for this game to come out. My friends and I hold LAN parties every once in a while, and Starcraft is a major part of them. :^_^:

Also, I cleaned my desktop off by selecting everything, creating that folder called 'Crap,' and moving everything to it.

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-17 15:37:19 UTC
in Texturing help Post #247754
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-16 21:20:43 UTC
in Texturing help Post #247737
Well, Doom's texures were designed with a certain resolution in mind (probably something very low by today's standards). The same is true of Source (most of the earlier Source games use 512x512 pixel textures). Seeing a ported Doom texture next to a default Source texture would look rather bizarre; You'd want to work with the texture in Photoshop to get it up to the quality of other Source textures, but if you're going to spend the effort doing that, you may as well create your textures from scratch and use the Doom ones as a style reference.

All Source texture dimensions need to be multiples of 2, like 256, 512, 1024, or even 2 if that's all you need. The texture, however, doesn't need to be square. For instance, you can make a texture's dimensions 1024x2 and you'd be okay. Any values other than multiples of 2 or that are larger than 4096 won't work and you'll get an error when you try to compile it with VTex.

I don't think modeling is particularly difficult, but then again I find mapping properly extremely difficult :crowbar: . If you have a solid understanding of how they work in the game and know the workings of the modeling program you use, it can be really easy to get some nice results. Modeling one of those skills where spending huge amounts of time doing it is the only way to get better at it. If you want to get into it, Google is your friend; I learned everything I know from browsing the net and asking people questions. If you'd like some help, drop me a PM some time. :)

No problem for the help. I've never actually completed and 'full' map before, so I feel your pain. Let me know how everything works out.

EDIT: Poo poo on you PB, you beat me to the post. :heartbreak:
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-11 21:02:42 UTC
in Texturing help Post #247568
A) Remember how you wrote
"$basetexture" "yourfoldername/yourtexname"
In the .VMT? Well that's where you need to put the two files in your games' directories. That is, if "yourfoldername" was called "MyTextures" and the mod you were creating the textures for was Half-Life 2, the .VMT and .VTF would need to be placed in
"SteamApps/YourSteamName/Half-Life 2/hl2/materials/MyTextures/
AND in
"YourSteamName," of course, refers to whatever your Steam account is called. Remember that if the .VTF isn't in there with the .VMT, then that little file path you wrote in the .VMT won't actually be pointing to the .VTF texture file.

B) Download this neat little program if you want to include custom content with maps.

C) What do you mean?
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-07 23:20:24 UTC
in Water problems, it sucks Post #247381
It also has env_cubemap and water_lod_control on the surface.
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 17:55:12 UTC
in Waves on HL2? Post #244977
Waves like the water going up and down? Source 'waves' are part of the animation of the water texture, so you'd need to code the water physically bobbing up and down in order to achieve that effect. The func_water_analog uses a special water texture (I think 'movingplane' is somewhere in the texture name). All other water textures won't render properly when tied to entities like that.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-27 14:21:12 UTC
in omfg dam level transitions Post #244426
I've also heard that trying to work level transitions when running the game through Hammer can cause problems. Have you tried loading the map by manually starting the game instead of letting Hammer launch it after it's compiled?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-21 11:41:25 UTC
in BSPViewer making me sick Post #243969
I was messing with the FOV command in Episode Two yesterday. The default value is 75. Changing it to 80 zoomed out, and made the world 'warp' around the center. A value of 60 zoomed in, and 'flattened' the world across the screen. I found it was easier on my eyes when I switched it to 70 instead of 75. An other neat thing I noticed is lowering the FOV value makes the whole world look bigger :crowbar:
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-18 22:40:35 UTC
in HL2 SP prison mod by dew Post #243793
Just a personal opinion, but the ceiling lights in the 2nd screenshot look really low. It wouldn't be a problem if the second story wasn't there, but it feels to me like they're getting in the way of the player's view and are a little distracting.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-10 17:26:18 UTC
in No Model Compiling Makes Me a Dull Boy Post #243130
So no one has any idea how to fix this problem? :heartbreak:
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-09 20:48:24 UTC
in Something freaky Post #243072
As stated before, sudden, indistinguishable but definitely noticable things flitting from place can put the player on-edge. He expects he'll have to fight it if he keeps seeing little bits of it from time to time. There were some parts of Doom 3 that did this and scared my shitless, like when an Imp would jump onto a glass window I was looking through or crawling on the ceiling and dropping down in front of me. :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-07 21:51:29 UTC
in Demo Fraps = 30 sec Post #242907
Source has an internal recorder that's a kuhjillion times better than FRAPS. Google "Source Recorder Tutorial" or something and you'll figure it out.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-03 00:52:51 UTC
in hl2 for hl1 models? Post #242374
I believe a Truck of Fail is in order?

EDIT: Here we go!
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-02 23:35:30 UTC
in Lights and lighting Post #242359
Are you sure you actually have light entites in your map? If there aren't any light entities or light-emitting textures in the map, RAD won't calculate any lighting, so the map will default to being fullbright (if you enter mat_fullbright 0 in the console, you'll get a pitch-black map). The skybox texture doesn't emit light by default because it's a special texture whose lighting can be manually changed with the light_environment entity, so keep that in mind.

I see RAD ran in the compile log but I don't remember if the compile simply skips it if there aren't any light entities in the map or if it just runs through the process and doesn't actually calculate anything. I may be wrong.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-02 23:12:30 UTC
in No Model Compiling Makes Me a Dull Boy Post #242358
So... the Orange Box keeps breaking one thing right after an other.

I'm trying to compile a model for Episode Two, but I get a big fat error every time I run StudioMDL. If I run the Orange Box version of the compiler (by that, I mean the executable found in sourcesdk/bin/orangebox/bin/), this is the error I get:
User posted image
There are two of them, the second poping up after I close the first one. Then StudioMDL quits and I have no model.

If I run the Episode One variant of the compiler (sourcesdk/bin/ep1/bin/), this is the error I get:
User posted image
The compiler quickly displays that and immediately quits (It was hard to get the screenshot), and I still don't have my model :heartbreak: .

The same exact errors are returned with models that previously compiled properly and now no longer work, so I know it can't be some syntax error I may have made. I've also tried cycling through starting the SDK in both the Orange Box and Episode One modes. No go.

Please help meh. :nya:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-30 00:00:51 UTC
in noob here Post #242109
When you've got the prop_physics or prop_static in the map, right-click on it in one of the 2D views and choose "Properties." Then look for the property option called "World Model." You can pick through the list for the model you'd like. Just double-click it, hit "Apply," and you're good to go.

Just a note for the scaling thing: It's good to have an info_player_start and/or a few props in the map to compare your map's geometry to from time to time.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-28 16:44:20 UTC
in Vrad errors Post #242049
Have you tried compiling through Hammer instead of through a batch compiler?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 20:31:48 UTC
in HL2: Overwatch (WIP) Post #241974
I'd be willing to make some props/weapon models for the mod if you'd like me to :crowbar: . I'm a crappy texture artist, though, so you'd need/want someone else to skin them for you.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-18 01:34:37 UTC
in orange box error Post #241416
He means the "Source SDK" though Steam, not the shortcut.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-17 23:45:12 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241408
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-17 20:30:11 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241388
I do hope Valve mix it up a little more if they decide to do another engine. Compilling is annoying, BSP is annoying and yeah...
Also agreed, but I must say that they did a fantastic job upgrading the Source Engine with the Orange Box. I never thought it could look as good and perform as well as Episode Two does.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-15 00:50:52 UTC
in Games for Christmas Post #240990
Crysis is a good game, but it's short; I was able to beat it in only a day or two. Although each level is relatively non-linear and there's tons of crap to explore, it doesn't have much re-play value. I would wait for the price to drop for now.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-09 15:38:14 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #240400
Assuming we have the physical space for it, a Model and Texture Vault!
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-08 17:17:57 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #240264
Do both! :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-05 22:03:58 UTC
in Uragan Lex projects! Post #239999
Awesome, thanks
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-04 20:26:51 UTC
in Uragan Lex projects! Post #239900
Wow, that looks amazing. Is that in the OrangeBox version of the Source Engine?

And how did you get the real-time reflections on this floor surface? It looks awesome.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-03 19:33:41 UTC
in Christmas avatars Post #239813
Engineer + Santa hat + 5 minutes = my avatar. :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-22 22:49:04 UTC
in very long compile times? Post #239027
Adding 10 minutes to a compile is nothing. You'll know you have a problem when the compile takes 5+ hours. The best thing to do is func_detail every bit you can so that VIS has as little to think about as possible. Additionally, jacking up the lightmap scale on surfaces that will never be partially lit will boost RAD speeds a fair bit. Just make sure the mapping isn't sloppy or inefficient and the compiler will do its thing.

As for the messed up texture: Is it a custom texture, or a texture already included with the game? If its a custom texture, make sure the files appear in both the SDK directories AND the game directories. If it's included with the game, check to see that it works properly in some of Valve's maps.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-22 21:26:19 UTC
in TF2 Props Post #239024
Have you tried decompiling the map and looking at the areas of interest?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-15 20:48:41 UTC
in Orange Box Mapping has arrived Post #238577
It's neat, though, the way the begining vista in Episode Two was choreograhped, where you see the destroyed Citadel and immediately see the bridge collapse as you turn around. :heart:

Awesomeness >>> Rationality
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-11 23:29:10 UTC
in Orange Box Mapping has arrived Post #238180
From Wikipedia:

[quote]The system appears to add the following features to Source's physics simulator:
  • Deforming objects ? before, physics models could not be modified except through animation
  • Dynamic crumbling of brush geometry ? before, lines of separation had to be specified by the mapper
Cinematic Physics supports a keyframe system, [7] but its exact nature is currently unclear. It could be that an animator creates a largely complete but low-detail sequence which then sees details added by the physics system, or it could be that an animator creates a handful of single-frame states which are then used as motion targets for the ensuing simulation (in a manner not dissimilar to the Endorphin NaturalMotion technology).[/quote]

Every time I've seen a cinematic physics effect in Episode Two, it's been the same (as far as I can tell, at least) and the player can't collide with any of the pieces resulting from the effect, so I doubt that there's any real-time calculations being used in them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-11 01:57:20 UTC
in Orange Box Mapping has arrived Post #238116
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-10 23:43:39 UTC
in Orange Box Mapping has arrived Post #238103
Can anyone tell me where I can find those little glowing bars in Portal that lead from buttons and doors and tell when you've triggered something? I can't find any sort of texture or model for them anywhere.
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-30 23:14:25 UTC
in specular maps Post #237388
.. Did you build your cubemaps? :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-28 20:20:50 UTC
in specular maps Post #237193
@Ant: You use "env_cubemap" at the end of the "$envmap" command, so that's not the problem :) .

Make sure that the map you're testing the model in has a cubemap somewhere. Also make sure that if you're using the normalmapmask command (which you are), the normal map's alpha layer is NOT completely black. Black = no reflection, white = 100% reflection. And I'm not certain about this, but if there isn't an alpha layer in the normal map, get rid of the normalmapmask entirely (because alpha layers default to black when you create them in Photoshop (It's just a guess :) )).

To rule all those possibilities out, you may just want to comment out all of those lines except for "baseTexture," "envmap," and "bumpmap."
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-27 12:34:41 UTC
in Model Compiling Post #237105
Can you post the contents of the .VMT for your texture here so we can take a look?