Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 12:47:07 UTC
in Your first map noob mistakes. Post #161607
meh, my first maps had loads of leaks be cause I thought that the black shit outside would turn in to a sky after compile (...what's a skybox?)
and then I got pissed and threw the map away.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 17:00:13 UTC
in Dynamic Skies Post #161470
Impressive! :o

Post example, please! :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 12:42:47 UTC
in Mohammed caricature boycott Post #161304
They are all over reacting.
Those who get pissed by a thing like that still lives in the stone-age.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 09:59:07 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161274
Those who gets "jollies" out of destroying stuff for others seems kinda sick...?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 09:15:18 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160689
Worldcraft dude is right.
And I won't comment it because I've myself ignored those who needed help etc. :(
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 17:18:27 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160568
XIX = 19, right? :S
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 14:18:11 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160531
kick that chineese bastard in the nuts once for me, Macow.
Well, I believe in you because I know that you're in this karate thing yourself. :)
Wikipedia is wierd.
Thats why I put this in my post too.
Sorry, saco, didn't see that.
I apologize.
@J.C.: This is an intreresting subject for some, but maybe not for you.
Accept that.
If a thread should remain is for a moderator to decide, not you.
You don't know that there is no real answere for this.
If you're not interested, leave this thread, you will only make the forum slower by posting dumb comments about my questions. :quizzical:
Next time you want to complain about my threads, PM me. :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 14:09:43 UTC
in A glimpse of their lives... Post #160529
War is hell man...
Poor old man, he just did what he had to do.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 04:54:07 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160458
@ZL: Where did you find that information? (Thanks, btw)

and for Saco and J.C, Maybe I am intrested?
Sefish bastards.

"just because I don't care, this thread is pointless"?
Odd way to think.

Now when ZL has posted this text, 7th can close this thread, right?
So it won't get in to your way again...
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 17:13:17 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160370
@ZL: ... It's comon that some people looks for the truth, it lies in the human nature. :P
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 17:07:17 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160363
That's about what I said, though I said it in swedish.

Well, he said he read it some where, but, nah..
Need more opinions though
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 16:47:23 UTC
in Karate = Heavy Kung fu rumor Post #160351
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine told me that karate is just a rip of Heavy kung fu!
He talked about some guy from China (or maybe it was Okinawa in Japan), who travelled to the place where kung fu was invented.
Some guy teached him Heavy Kung fu, and then he returned to his home-country, he teached all in his village heavy kung fu, but he didn't call it "Heavy kung fu", he called it Karate.
he also said that he made it up.

I tried to find some info about this but I found nothing, therefore, I don't believe in this.
But do you know for sure that this is true or false?
What do you think?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 14:02:34 UTC
in Friendly Music Debate Post #160313
Yay symphonic rock..
Pinik floyd and Moody blues.
They don't sound alike, but it's the same kind of music! :o
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-28 18:43:32 UTC
in Antlions Burrow Problem Post #160137

Well,, try decompiling a map from "sandstaps" in HL2 and see how Valve made it? :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-28 18:27:01 UTC
in Antlions Burrow Problem Post #160129
Never created burrowed antlions but, try to use trigger_once.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-28 17:52:30 UTC
in Tinnos:Source Post #160120
Awsome work.
In fact it gave me a lot of insperation.
You did steal my whater-sphere idea though. :P
Nice textures, btw.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-28 17:49:29 UTC
in To Kill a Tentacle Post #160119
killtarget, trigger hurt.
Both of them should work.
You can't kill it with any weapons, as you know.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-28 09:08:05 UTC
in Hello everyone! Post #160079
He's the creator of [i][b]CHICKENMIX[/i][/b]! XD
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-28 08:56:48 UTC
in Hello everyone! Post #160077
Hey Jeff. I'm the one and only TWHL madcow ;)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 18:39:01 UTC
in Guess the line! Post #159949
The exorcist?

Never seen it though. :P
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-26 12:46:09 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #159669
Awsome! :o
You pwn rimrook, best map I've ever seen you make, I love the darkness and the perfect lights.
And the cool signs.

This map is unique for sure.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 16:38:19 UTC
in Daft proverbs Post #159533
lol, nice one daub
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 10:55:47 UTC
in Lamp models Post #159482
That's just an exapmle-map right?
Well, I know how to make a hanging light, but, I still need the models that is useable.
And the others too.
I find the model browser very messy.

Thanks anyways Habboi. :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 10:53:58 UTC
in Mean moderators on fourms Post #159481
Booh for HIT.
Still, nice models (The Gman model looks like shit)

Yay TWHL moderation! ( You're enjoying this aren't you 7th! ;) )
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-23 13:42:04 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #159229
You're right! :o
I shall prove my right to speech by posting this usless reply in The Hunters thread!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-23 13:34:11 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #159225
Make a page where all the comic pages are listed! >_<

It would be a lot easier if you haven't read the comics for a while and then you need to click these arrows all the way back!
Much easier if you had a list.
Of course there should be arrows too!
@ Madcow : Shut up.
Ok. :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-23 04:41:10 UTC
in Lamp models Post #159172
The lamp models in Source is all a mess!
I tried to make a map for the "foggy light tutorial" but I didn't find any model that worked ( I was looking for a model that I could hang in a rope)
So I thought that we could make a list together, where we can type lamp models and wich entity they require.
Some needs to be static, some dynamic, and some physic.
I think this would be helpful for many mappers unless you omega source mappers got any hint so you choose the right entity for the right model?

If there isn't any logic system, please help me build this list.

I'll start with what I've found so far:



If you know more lamp models, copy the list above and type them in like I did.Also, the lamp models might be hard to find so don't just type the name, type the whole "address".

Thanks for reading!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-22 11:31:14 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #159077
@Hunter: I told you what to fix on MSN.
Make a poll about it or something, see if it's a good idea.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 19:33:59 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #158969
Site is weird fix list with all pages!
The new episode was funny, ^^
Make more, fix site!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 12:49:57 UTC
in Fears Post #158915
What do you mean?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 12:38:05 UTC
in Fears Post #158909
Yeeees, but he can see, right? :P

To see nothing < To just not see colors
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 12:32:41 UTC
in Colour Mod and Slomo Post #158907
Tell me cuz I also wonder!
And I'm no good at figguring out entity setups by just seing the entities so how did they set it up?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 12:26:40 UTC
in Fears Post #158905
To be blind or unable to hear would be horreble.
You can't see colors, or you can't listen to music. :(
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-20 08:42:45 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158735
Easy on elon, everyone has an opinion of their own.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-19 14:00:54 UTC
in Huntey tries art ^_^ Post #158633
If music is art, then photoshop-images are art!

Music these days is edited by computers using mouse + hand + program. :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-19 12:38:53 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158619
Zomg I wrote a big reply and it all dissapared so I'll make a shorter one..
I think that it is impossible to defy logic. 4 + 4 = 8 no matter how hard you try to change that.
False, you can pwn maths in this universe.
For example, I'll use the speed of light again.
300 000 is the speed of light,
and maths says that 300 000 / 2 = 150 000.
Of course it is, but not always.
If you travel away from a star in half of the speed of light facing away from the star in vacuum, the light from the start will still pass you with the old speed, 300 000 km/h, and not just 150 000 km/h.
Therefor, in this case 300 000 / 2 = 300 000. :o

Nothing is impossible, we just don't know how to do it.


If you believe strongly enough that you can fly and do jump out of the window, you'll fly, your mind'll make it so. But then again, your mind makes the window, the ground below and the landscape around you aswell.
lol, welcome to the matrix
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-19 11:27:04 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158604
timetravel is impossible
Einstein proved it posseble.
But I bet no human will ever be able to build one. :P
i'd like to think it was a giant sphere wrapping around a central point.
So,, what's behind the sphere? ;)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-18 13:26:11 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158457
Did you ever see an ant build a radio?
If so, believe in alien rods. :P
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-18 13:08:37 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158448
size matters not...
That's where you're wrong.
A small thing like that couldn't have a big brain.
A brain in needed to build things, and sinse we are very smart creatures, and we got a brain as mig as a, uh, very small television?... well, anyways, not even we can build a rocket and visit our closest star.
I believe that it is imposselbe to travel to other stars be cause the closest one is 4 lightyears away, and nothing can travel in the speed of light, exept light itself.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-18 12:59:10 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158445
What is "The Bloody mary game"?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-18 12:48:36 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158441
Scientists don't know, but, come on, alien rods? :P
If aliens was that small, they wouldn't be smart enough to come to earth.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-18 12:44:57 UTC
in Captain Capitalism Post #158439
Nr.2 wasn't so funny. :
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-18 12:36:22 UTC
in Paranormality :O Post #158437


I don't beleive in any of the things on that site, really.
Accept what they call "Alien Rods".
my brother told me about it after he had science class, and they do exist.
No one knows what it is but, I'm sure it got nothing to do with aliens.

Though, this whole paranormal thing really makes you think sometimes. :o
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 17:24:34 UTC
in Fears Post #158322
ive been able to fully manitpulate my dreams since age 8. I love my dreams because of it.
I love when I get the abillety to control my self in a dream, but it rarly happens. :(
I wish you could choose before you fell asleep. :P
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 12:50:21 UTC
in Fears Post #158267
Why? It's a gift! :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 12:47:26 UTC
in Captain Capitalism Post #158265
Yay capitalism
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 12:09:43 UTC
in Fears Post #158262
Fear = respect
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 10:59:35 UTC
in Fears Post #158255
Sharp objects and spiders!
Still, I can kill a spider so I get rid of it, but i can't let it just sit there, or touch me.
Sharp object should be obvious.
Like knifes or swords.
If, in a hand of somebody I don't know, or don't trust, or can't handle the object.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-15 18:04:46 UTC
in Daft proverbs Post #158062
He just said so? :S
Dio non paga il sabato = God doesn't pay on Saturday?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-15 12:45:52 UTC
in Most Ridiculous Way To Die In HL & HL2 Post #158024
Screw you guys, XP :lol:
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder