Oh shit I just noticed what you were all talking about...Hmm...Vertix?
google it and discovered you cud map for hl so i was like happyKill me.
YAY I got custom textures to finally work in HL2 etc:Anyway maybe your windows is set not to convert to vmt etc...Hunter and others had this problem:
I misread the guide at the end where it sayd convert to .vmt so thats why it didn't work :S
I explained this to another guy and I wrote this as to how to do it!
get your .jpg, use irfra to convert it to .tga, make a folder called mytexes in this place
C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppshabboicounte
r-strike sourcecstrikematerialsmytexes
and here as well:
C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppshabboisource
ok now you have the .tga so right click vtex.exe and send it to desktop, now open up the place where the .tga is and drag it onto the desktop as well.
then again drag it onto vtex.exe and a black box should appear, if successful it will say something like:
input, output directory blah blah and then press any key to continue
you should end up with a .vtf in the folder called mytexes and also an empty .txt
open up the .txt and write:
{ "$basetexture" "yourfoldername/yourtexname" }
(exactly as I have written it but in place of folder name put mytexes and your texname put fence1.
ok nearly done, save as and rename it
to fence1.vmt and copy this new .vmt to the two folder called mytexes in the css materials folder and the sdk one as well!
Ok thats basically it so start hammer, go to browser and type the name of the texture and if it comes up then you are successful!
Make a quick map and it should hopefully work!
Thats it and I found it very useful
What MOD is that for?Any...Gmod is best but I used HL2...It's only a box filled with clever entity works like a wand that you can pick up and when you aim at an enemy they either get blown up, set alight, pushed miles away or just kersplode.
2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 etc (power of 2) the best size texture to use (make) is 512x512 I'm pretty sure... Most of the textures for Half-Life 2 is 512x512 and I think it's for the best quality.