Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 03:14:58 UTC
in transparent textures Post #29634
Just mind it next time, kurki. We all have to learn things... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 03:13:47 UTC
in Refill bags Post #29631
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 14:05:15 UTC
in un-wavy beams Post #29518
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 12:12:49 UTC
in transparent textures Post #29493
Nope. It's black for me too. If it's black for multiple users, YOU have to scale the brightness of the screenshot up... :)

I'm not gonna mess up with my brightness settings for one little screenshot...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 12:10:28 UTC
in Texture Seams Post #29492
Making textures seamless doesn't go with just blending, or rotating, or whatever. Some will do but for the better textures you waste the whole texture. Use a program that has a tiling option (Wally), look at the seams, use offset on it and tweak those seams in other programs. It depends on the texture how you would fix those seams. Copy'n'pasting bricks if it's a brick texture can help, going over it with a smudge tool, repainting little parts, it's all up to you. After a while, you'll get some experience with it.

After all, I found texturing to be much more dependant on experience and tryal'n'error than mapping. It's no exact rules that make a texture look good. It's having a feeling for it I guess...
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 09:55:50 UTC
in Need some idea's here! Post #29475
I suggest you:

1. Read some books.
2. Watch some movies.
3. Take a stroll outside in the city.
4. Don't force yourself to think up an idea.

I often find inspiration coming when I least suspect it. For example, during my exam Dutch I got some nice idea's. Or while watching a movie I though up on a nice setting for a map. Often, combining these idea's greatly helps making a map unique.

Store up on idea's, make sketches so you don't loose these idea's. At this moment, I have several scenario's to try out. Too bad I can only handle one or two at a time... :|
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 09:47:51 UTC
in How do you... Post #29473
Search trough the .pak file, the sprites folder. Put your custom sprites in the sprites folder (in your mod folder of course).

You can create your own sprites with for example SpriteWizard, downloadable on the VERC:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 06:37:46 UTC
in How to make a tank i drive? Post #29446
Maybe because you oriented the tank wrong, so it turns untill it face the direction you face, yet you think another side is the front?

Experiment some with it, you'll find out... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 17:08:30 UTC
in func_train+trigger_changetarget?? Post #29351
There are some articles on this on the VERC. Search for elevator. Nah, I just found the one you need:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 17:04:22 UTC
in OK, this is an embarasing question... Post #29350
I always used a master that was set to off by an env_global, and use that master for all locked doors in my level. Nice to see 'locked' as a name also works. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 14:04:50 UTC
in Wad Files Post #29322
Texture sizes are recommended to be powers of 2. Length/width ratios can be 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, and so on, although too high ratio's can give problems with some video cards.

As for distributing the .wad file with your level, you can put the line '-wadinclude wadname' into the csg compile line.

For example, to wadinclude esmajor.wad into your map (only the used textures from that wad are put into your .bsp), modify the line:
'$path$file -wadinclude esmajor.wad'
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 10:53:38 UTC
in Wad Files Post #29283
In Wally the last color is automatically made blue when you name your texture starting with that {.

It's not the color blue that makes those parts transparant. It's the index of the color. Usually, when I create a texture I paint those parts red or purple. Only in Wally I repaint it with the last color of the palette. Why not first make it blue? Well, that can be very confusing... was this part the right blue (last color) or another blue? Get it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 10:48:38 UTC
in I cant believe it! Post #29282
It's all in the Hammer help-files, Creating Solids...

Toddler, do some more investigation. Even I found out how to create brushes, without any form of help from the internet. Just the helpfiles of WorldCraft at that time. You can find these basics out yourself, there's a ton of newbies tutorials at several sites.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 08:40:56 UTC
in Wad Files Post #29269
HL textures use 256 colors, e.g. 8-bits. The last color is the 256th color, number 255 since the first color is number 0.

When you paste your bitmap into a wad file using Wally, it's automatically changed to 8-bits. Wally will ask you to give it a name, and when you start the name with the '{' sign, the last color of the palette will automatically be made blue and reserved for transparant parts. If you have blue parts in your bitmap, it doesn't make them transparant since that blue is not the last color. You'll have to apply the transparancy color to those parts in Wally.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 08:36:56 UTC
in Entitys Post #29268
Select the brush (entity) then change the entitie name. It's a scroll-down list so you can choose what other entitie you want it to be.

This can sometimes lead to 'unused keys' but as far as I know this doesn't lead to any compile or game errors. If you want to be totally sure, move it to World first and then again to Entity.

To add other brushes to an existing entity, select the entity and the brushes to add and move them to Entity, you will be asked if you want to add the selected brushes to the entity. Just say Yes.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 08:30:56 UTC
in Custom hostages Post #29267
Modeling skills? Yes, it's a different skill from mapping. I suggest trying out Milkshape 3D, found here:

It's a 30 days trial, after the trial time the save option gets blocked. Costs only 25 dollar so it's affordable, I've bought it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 08:28:15 UTC
in Black & White Post #29266
To change the HUD color, you'll have to code it. It's easy to change the colors, it a bit more work to make that triggerable though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 18:00:08 UTC
in Vault Post #29180
5 entries only!?!

What the...

and I thought I couldn't finish it because of my exams...

I am stunned... I had suspected more opposition (entries)...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 16:13:57 UTC
in how? Post #29161
When I was 15, I first played the game. That was about 2.5, 3 years ago. After a while I discovered the WorldCraft editor and since I've always been interested in game-design, especially 3D-design, I started and since that time I never stopped designing levels.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 12:45:39 UTC
in teleporting monsters Post #29151
Scripted_sequence again. A monster with a name can be teleported at any time when a scripted_sequence that is triggered, only specify the name of that monster in the scripted_sequence and have it's movement set to 'Instantaneous'. Just experiment some with it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 02:11:38 UTC
in Milkshape 3d. a terrain generater? Post #29110
@ Rileymo: While you're waiting in a cue you can do some mapping... At least that's what I often do while waiting for a download... :)

@ Griffin: It's right, Half-Life isn't really tweaked for this sorts of terrain... too bad... :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 16:15:17 UTC
in Map ratings Post #29078
Probably not, no.

Just sick behaviour, just sick...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 15:24:03 UTC
in grrrrr, msn messenger Post #29076
Yes, search around in the options a bit...

Tools -> Options... -> General

Tick the 'Automatically run Messenger when I log on to Windows' flag.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 14:13:21 UTC
in Map ratings Post #29069
I'd give it a high rating too when it's getting implemented. :)

See, it's just a sick thing to do so. When you dislike me or my maps, just say it. Don't do something like this. I have little respect for people doing such things.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 13:54:00 UTC
in Map ratings Post #29066
I just found out someone rated my map 'Detention' over a hundred times with 1 star.

First, it had been rated 8 times, 5 stars and downloaded 146 times.
Now, its rated 114 times, 1 star and downloaded... 147 times.

I'd vote for a rating system that allows only logged in users to vote, ONE rating per person. Doing silly things like this is just annoying.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 13:41:54 UTC
in making CS models Post #29063
It's perfectly possible to replace a player or hostage model from CS with your model. However, you'll have to give it the same animations. I'd advise to use the skeleton of a CS player model and attach your vertexes to that skeleton. The mesh can be changed without having to reanimate the model, but once the skeleton is changed, all animations have to be made again. And believe me, that's not what you want to do...

Just place your model, once it's ready for use, in the models folder and give it the same name as the model you want to replace. You may want to backup that original model, bytheway... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 12:25:45 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #29055
Just place an armoury_entity were you want the weapon to be, and select the type of weapon and the amount of weapons. That's all.

As for pistols, I don't know how to place these. It might well be that that requires coding.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 11:25:24 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #29052
Guns on the ground? In CS or HL?

HL: weapon_... entities do the job.

CS: armoury_entity does the job here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 10:57:58 UTC
in Another question ( a real one) Post #29047
One info_player_start should work. AJ1288, have you tried creating a new map from scratch and insert the info_player_start yourself?

Otherwise, it might be handy to upload the .rmf or .map file into the Problem maps section so we can take a look at it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 10:12:16 UTC
in several buttons for one door. Post #29042
Or did you use a more complex technique? I've taken a look at that .rmf of yours and it's well, quite more complex than necessary. So I'd like to know how you solved it now... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 10:07:02 UTC
in several buttons for one door. Post #29041
Then how did you finally do it? By letting all the buttons target a multisource and have that multisource target the door?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 01:32:24 UTC
in teleporting monsters Post #29002
That's just the intention of the mapper. Whether to create a singleplayer map or a coop map. There can be found lots of reasons to create either a single- or coopmap. None is 'better', they're just different and can be made better or worse by the mapper.

SC fgd can be used for HL but since the game dlls don't recognize the new entities it won't work. Remember, it's all about the game dlls. Fgd is just a reference to that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 00:51:12 UTC
in teleporting monsters Post #28999
Or, you could just put some monsters in a box somewhere far away from the level, and have them teleport in using a trigger_sequence, with the option Move to Position set to 'Instantaneous'. In that way you can give your monsters names, set their more advanced options like what gun a grunt uses. In my opinion more handy for tweaking the specifics of a monster. In the fact of a massive alien onslaught, a monstermaker will do a better job... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 17:55:28 UTC
in Camera Help! Post #28973
Both the camera as the camera target can follow path_corners. That is, when you use a func_train as the camera target.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 13:35:56 UTC
in the weirdiest error i've ever seen! Post #28917
Nope. You'd better create several brushes and shape them accordingly.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 11:11:46 UTC
in Laggy map Post #28893
Learn to fix leaks yourself, and even better, learn to avoid them. That's the way you get experience, just doing it... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 11:10:17 UTC
in Door trouble, sorta.. Post #28891
Align the sides of the piramid normal to the axis?

Yes, the axis rotation system in HL is very simple. There seems no way around this. Unless you use models and trigger their animations but then again, it's a bit hard to do the clipping for that too...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 06:55:30 UTC
in Ideals of Design Post #28870
Like the Cabal process article, wich I found very interesting and helpfull:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 05:13:09 UTC
in Camera Help! Post #28860
Since it's so extensively used it could better be coded in my opinion. IF you have a coder of course... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 03:45:10 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #28859
The skybox-method means one puts a large box around his level covered with the sky-texture. You'll see sky, that's not the problem. And you made it exactly fitting you say, that's not the problem too. What happens, is that a lot of space is between the outside of your map and the skybox. Space where the player never comes, what the player never sees, but what is being compiled since it's not in contact with the void. Wich results in unnecessary extra VIS and RAD work. Why compile it when it's never seen or noticed?

I've uploaded a little .rmf to show the good and the bad way to do it:

Compile it and see that in the area where the player starts, that the outside of the room the player is in is also compiled. Look at the second room (noclip to it) and you'll see the outside of that doesn't exist in-game. Now, modify the map so the box exactly fits the room. Then take a look from the outside and you'll see the outside of that room is still being compiled. That is because any face that touches a skybrush is being compiled, resulting in unnecessary work for RAD.

You must admit the second method is easiest and works best.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 01:56:14 UTC
in Ideals of Design Post #28841
Just while I was browsing trough the VERC articles pages I found this particularly interesting article:

It may well mean the difference between a boring, silly level and a vivid, active environment.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 01:33:10 UTC
in Func_vehicle Post #28838
But you might experiment with them, it may be a nice touch for a fun map if used within it's limitations...

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 01:32:23 UTC
in Func_vehicle Post #28837
It's highly disliked as far as I know. It works pretty bad as a vehicle and isn't very often seen in a popular map. Clipping and such are quite laggy so far I've seen, vehicles driving trough each other, half trough the terrain...

So, to say that it was a very good addition to the gameplay, no. Works far too buggy to be of real interest for serious maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 01:28:50 UTC
in compo question help quick!!! Post #28836
Scientist ride an elevator? Sure, just place the scientist on the elevator floor, he will move along on the elevator just fine.

Unless he gets stuck between the elevator and something else off course... So, I don't know what you're doing but that may be a point to remind.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 01:26:01 UTC
in Milkshape 3d. a terrain generater? Post #28835
Nope. Since Milkshape works way different than Hammer, you shouldn't load map files made in Milkshape. Hammer works with brushes, Milkshape works with faces. I'll go do some testing on this but I think it's a bad idea to exchange the two.

There are some terrain generators that create terrain suited for Hammer. Use these instead. Nem's terrain generator:

As Griffin says, be very cautious with open terrain as it easily leads to high poly counts and a very slow VIS process. Movement on such terrain is also a bit strange sometimes as the player seems to get obstructed by the small edges between triangles sometimes. Personally, I create terrain like this manually in Hammer. More work but IMO a better overview of what's happening.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 17:37:07 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28819
They're actually going pretty good. 4 done, 3 to go. And I'm at 90 % of my compo entry so there's even a change of getting in... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 14:53:24 UTC
in what?! never?! Post #28793
I do THINK Half-Life 2 will be better. But, as I stated, we'll see before we can truly say so.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 11:02:39 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28756
Just a week untill I'm done with my exams... so stay tuned! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 13:52:41 UTC
in Vault Post #28645
Yes, the timing for this compo was, well, very bad...

Still, I hope to get it finished before the deadline... there's actually a change of entering the compo AND getting my diploma... :)