Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2010-02-11 23:26:14 UTC
in HL2 RPG (cont) Post #278852
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-11 19:00:32 UTC
in HL2 RPG (cont) Post #278843
Of course. Being an alternate reality, the Combine could have hired a different architect (picture a new citadel looking like the White House or the Tower of London), or straight out chosen a different city to base their operations - Hong Kong, Baghdad, Moscow, Buenos Aires... but then again, the story doesn't need to be located in the capital. Unless it involves overthrowing the government or something like that, in that case you're stuck having to do the capital at some point (whichever it is).
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-11 15:36:55 UTC
in HL2 RPG (cont) Post #278838
@Jeff: Maybe there could be a different reason for oppresion instead. I liked the alternate universe idea, maybe it could be an alternate universe where something else is making the populace miserable. A rogue sect of Cthulhu followers, a mythical creature rampaging the streets every night, a die-hard Star Trek Potter fan-fiction writer. I've only played HL2 once and I'd already prefer to see something different new - I've already had enough of combine, manhacks, electro-sticky-magneto-amnesiac rolling balls, headcrabs...
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-10 21:05:19 UTC
in Terrible Lighting Problem Post #278829
Hasn't it always been like this? None of my maps have had better lighting than this.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-10 17:42:05 UTC
in Sourcey Rooms Post #278817
That looks good!
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-10 17:40:12 UTC
in HL2 RPG (cont) Post #278816
How about voting for a collective storyline, and forming the main story by combining the best ideas that come up?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-10 14:21:41 UTC
in HL2 RPG (cont) Post #278813
You need a master plan for the main character. It won't be worth playing if you're just thrown at random missions that don't contribute to a defined plan. You may want to overthrow the government, fight off a Spanish invasion (ok, depending on the period) or whatever. If you got no real purpose, there's no motivation to collect random stuff for trading with random peasants.

If I were able to map for Source, I'd totally volunteer for it.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-09 17:01:56 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Mod Team Seeking Pro Level D Post #278802
I have read about this mod before, and it does look very interesting. It would be totally awesome to apply for this position - I love Architecture and especially generally mediaeval architecture (castles, cathedrals, etc.) and as an Architecture student I've noted I observe certain details that many don't. I even have a castle architecture test map of which I've posted screenshots in the WIP thread.

Unfortunately, I don't have any Source games right now, hence I'm unable to do any Source mapping. So unless you'd like just an architecture advisor, you'd better disregard my post and take someone else.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-08 19:48:10 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278786
Omg boobs!
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-06 20:16:28 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278748
Glad you guys are liking it. I'm not too happy with some of the details but that'll likely change later on.

@Rimrook: That looks very interesting. I'm downloading it right now.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-06 01:36:27 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278736
I don't really intend this to be a finished map, it's only an experiment for testing my architectural abilities, and currently I'm only interested in shape, not colour. I believe texturing this would divert my attention too much from the main subject of the experiment. Besides, I don't have any proper textures for this theme.

If it makes you feel happier, if I ever make a map out of this, I absolutely will texture it.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-06 01:00:28 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278734
Tonight, I introduce to you... a finished gatehouse! With what's known as... The Murder Hole.
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This is looking very much like it'll take about a quarter of Hammer's grid, and I'm trying to make a rather small castle. Had I built one with dimensions true to what I first wanted (and true to an actual castle) it would take about 3/4 (or more) of Hammer's grid. And this would be the castle alone, without surrounding forest. I suppose I'll have to stick to the small one... :(
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 23:34:10 UTC
in Problem with computer Post #278721
Aren't there any GNU/open source firewalls?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 20:19:25 UTC
in This might be crazy, but is there a way. Post #278706
Why is it illegal?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 18:03:19 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #278698
Eyes Wide Shut. Intriguing movie, especially the ending. I was expecting something else.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 17:11:06 UTC
in Trying Source.. Post #278693
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 17:03:39 UTC
in Problem with computer Post #278692
What do you use?

@Striker: There are viruses that, as soon as they arrive into your system, they search and destroy any Norton installation you might have. It happened to me a long time ago. I wouldn't doubt they would target others as well.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 17:00:44 UTC
in How can you make certain parts of a text Post #278691
Everything seems alright, it should work. Remember it won't be transparent in Hammer, only in game.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-03 17:49:55 UTC
in Problem with computer Post #278660
Yes, it is.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-01 13:50:15 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278608
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-31 23:43:04 UTC
in Half-life: Guard Duty Post #278584
What's the difference?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-31 15:04:41 UTC
in Half-life: Guard Duty Post #278565
That's mean of you. You know they can't be all smoking hot like we imagine them.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-31 00:18:25 UTC
in Half-life: Guard Duty Post #278558
The only description is long red hair. Does she have Adrien Brody's nose and Steve Buscemi's smile? (sorry :P)
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-30 20:58:14 UTC
in func_door observations Post #278547
Alright, so basically the only way to make a door play a custom sound would involve trigger_multiples like I said.

So the way would be to trigger the door AND the ambient_generic with the trigger_multiple (multimanager I suppose), and have the door trigger the ambient_generic with its own target field so it stops along with the door.

And the same multimanager has to repeat the process after a certain delay so the door closes with the custom sound too.

This is, of course, the setup I had in mind when I first posted. Hence I asked if anyone knew of another way.

Thanks hotdog.

Ideas on the kill question anyone?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-29 00:41:05 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278525
I'm aware of it. Any suggestions? Perhaps func_walling it should do the trick? Maybe I should func_wall the steps too, I made the bottoms slanted so the "ceiling" wouldn't be stepped, and that looks odd as well.

Right now it's not meant to be perfect, I'm just experimenting. If I like it and decide I should make a map off it, I'll work on embellishing it.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 22:15:47 UTC
in Sourcey Rooms Post #278523
@Strider: Looks awesome! I'd just suggest you make the ambience light less yellow, closer to white. Even slightly bluish, seeing the sky.

@Trapt: That looks very good. I first thought that was snow on the windows, then I realised it's just the very dirty broken glass. Maybe you could try making it more transparent? Other than that, it's great! moar screenz plz.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 21:45:03 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278521
I'd love to see that when it's finished.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 20:20:28 UTC
in func_door observations Post #278517
After a little research I found out the following about the func_door's properties:

target triggers its target every time the door stops moving, regardless it's opening or closing. Therefore it is triggered twice in a door's moving cycle, once on open and once on close.

fire on close triggers its target only after the door has finished closing.

Neither property disables the other one, so if both are set, when the door closes both will be triggered.

However, there doesn't appear to be a "fire on open" (the opposite of "fire on close", triggered only when the door opens).

The point of this research is to find out whether I can use these triggers to make a door play a custom sound instead of the default ones. As this research shows, it cannot be done without the aid of trigger_multiples.

Where was I going?


Oh right. Is there an easy way to do that besides this?

Also, is there a way to make a func_door close completely even if a player is blocking its path? Because as far as I know, even if damage is set to 10000, as soon as it kills the player it will return to its previous position.

Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 18:48:53 UTC
in Prefabs not showing up. Post #278515
Good! Happy mapping then!
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 18:45:23 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278460
It makes nice Moroccan ceiling designs :P

And thanks Huntey.


Here I introduce the Inner Portcullis, and corbels and crenellations on the tower.

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I'm starting to like it, but everything still looks too small. The walls are still not thick enough, and the radius of the tower is also too small for my likes. I'm afraid that at this rate, the complete castle will be too large for Goldsrc and would only be suitable for Source...
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 18:20:19 UTC
in Prefabs not showing up. Post #278513
Let us know how it goes.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 17:52:30 UTC
in Prefabs not showing up. Post #278511
Hammer 3.5 is only the .exe. You need Hammer 3.4 and use the 3.5 exe with that installation.

At least that's the "official" version of it, assuming that's what you got.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-28 15:39:34 UTC
in Prefabs not showing up. Post #278507
Have you tried reinstalling?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-27 19:26:38 UTC
in Audio problem with video file Post #278486
The CCCP was uninstalled in 1991.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-27 15:56:44 UTC
in Audio problem with video file Post #278456
Are you sure it isn't corrupted?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-27 15:34:12 UTC
in Audio problem with video file Post #278453
WMV is evil. I have come across several codec problems in the past. Have you tried or ? Those might help...
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-27 14:56:13 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278450
I needed a break from my rooms entry, so I picked up an architectural test project I had a few months ago. I hereby present you, the WIPPEST WIP!

As an aspiring architect, I always wanted to make a castle. It's probably one of the first things I tried to map when I started. Hence it was complete shit. 99% invalid solid structure errors, horribly plain and desperatingly disproportioned architecture, improper use of decals (say, to put a painting on a wall, I placed it as a decal instead of texturing a brush). With a lot of textures from de_cbble (I mapped for CS in the beginning). And the hugest skybox you've ever seen - my reasoning was, it appears to be far away, so I probably have to actually place it far away. Just try to imagine. I'm sure I still have that rmf somewhere, maybe I'll upload it to the Vault for amusement.

Anyway, some time ago I decided to experiment with castles again. This time having an idea of what a castle actually looks like, I made a round tower with more sides (the early one was octagonal... brbrbrbr). And a (half) gatehouse with a portcullis. It's intended to have a moat and drawbridge someday. Anyway, screenies!

Notice it's all untextured. Just testing shapes atm.

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Sorry for the wall of text. I just love it when things have a background story and I like to share those when I have them.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-27 14:35:59 UTC
in Windows 3.1 lives Post #278449
How about orange? I had a friend with one of those monitors. It was supercool because it was a colour different than green!
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-25 19:29:43 UTC
in Custom soundscapes in source Post #278405
Yes, see how you missed the last one.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-25 19:29:02 UTC
in Spawning monsters Post #278404
You have to add the teleport effect separately. Place it where you want it to be and give it the same name as the monstermaker. That way, you'll be calling both entities at the same time.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-25 16:55:38 UTC
in Windows 3.1 lives Post #278394
Back then, it didn't even run on Windows. Windows was a DOS app.

Oh the memories!
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-24 19:35:54 UTC
in [UTILITY] Compilator 3 Public Beta Post #278374
I never understood why there is an "Export to MAP" option when you can select the MAP format in the Save dialog!
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-24 17:11:29 UTC
in [UTILITY] Compilator 3 Public Beta Post #278366
Does that mean to compile a hundred different maps, or just a hundred compiles of whatever?
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-24 16:11:23 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #278363
@Capt: I think so. It's the little hallway between the small storage room with a catwalk and switchable lights, and the large blue room with the fountains.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-24 03:01:23 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #278154
Of course it is. No posts in 3 days doesn't mean it's long forgotten. It's not like nobody posted here in two years.

In Jeff's first room, the toilet and sink emit light. Is this an error or just Jeff's idea?

Also, in the hallway between rooms #7 and #8, there is a continuity error: When you come from room #7, there are light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, and after the transition they disappear.
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-24 02:39:30 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278346
Except mirrors, it seems...
Posted 15 years ago2010-01-24 01:06:34 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278343
Nice. But hey!
Note:This entity will not show a player their own reflection, however it will render other players.
That's not cool.

Also, I think I prefer the traditional approach of duplicating the room under the floor and making the floor semitransparent. It's backwards compatible with everything :P
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